Broken (Broken #1)

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Broken (Broken #1) Page 10

by A. E. Murphy

  “Problem?” I ask trying not to sound as exasperated as I feel.

  “You shouldn’t be getting in and out of a car that low,” he remarks and already I want to hit him.

  “Well it’s not like I have another option is it?”

  He frowns, “Follow me. We need to talk.”

  “I don’t have anything to say to you.” I try to get back in the car but his hand closes around my arm and effortlessly tugs me away. “What?”

  “Please?” he grits out and I can see just that one little word takes a whole lot of effort for him to say.

  “Fine,” I relent. It’s not like my day can get any worse. “What’s this about?”

  “Follow me and you’ll find out,” he places his hand on my back and the other under my arm to support me as I sit. I’m not sure whether to be irritated that he touched me, or relieved that my arse didn’t hit the car seat as hard as it usually does.

  I wait for him to drive ahead before following directly behind him. He leads me quite a distance, I’m lucky I stopped for petrol.

  We finally pull in to a swanky hotel set on the edge of town. One I’ve never even been inside before. It’s not my thing, I like simple and basic beauty. Not elegance and fine china.

  After parking beside him, he climbs out and this time helps me up and out of my vehicle. I didn’t realise how hard it was until he started assisting me, he’s right, the car is low.

  “Come,” he orders and leads me inside with his hand gripping my arm. When we enter we go straight to the desk, the woman takes a look at me and my stomach before training her eyes on Nathan. There’s no small amount of admiration and lust there that’s for sure. Ewww. “Send up some tea and something to eat that’s safe for pregnant women.” Seriously? I give him a look, he ignores it and propels me towards the elevator.

  It’s awkward, quiet and uncomfortable as we ascend, I find myself wanting to rock on my heels or whistle just to have something to focus on.

  As soon as the doors open he takes my arm again and leads me through the patterned beige hallway. I huff, sick of being led around in silence. Again he ignores me.

  Once inside his fabulous room he takes my coat and hangs it by the door before leading me to a large and expensive looking couch. It’s black, pure black with silver scatter cushions. It looks amazing. “Sit.”

  I guess I’ll sit then.

  He doesn’t, he shrugs off his jacket and hangs it by mine, undoes his buttoned shirt sleeves and rolls them up to his elbows. Is he planning on delivering the baby? This thought almost makes me smile. Not quite but nearly.

  “Okay,” he rubs his hands together, drawing my attention to the black leather gloves that cover them and sits on the coffee table only four feet away from me. He’s wearing gloves again, was he wearing them earlier? I can’t recall. “You have nowhere to live. I have space.”

  “Come again?”

  “I think it’s appropriate that at this point in time you stay with me. I live only a few hours away in a very nice and quiet village only an hour’s drive from London. Just until you get back on your feet. I think you’ll find my home to be of good taste,” he talks weird.

  “W… what?”

  He sighs, “You do speak English correct?”


  “Then listen to what I’m saying.”

  “I am listening, I just don’t get it.”

  He pinches the bridge of his nose, “I’m missing work to be here right now, I don’t appreciate your blatant lack of respect.”

  Scoff. “I don’t know you well enough to respect you and so far you’ve been nothing but rude to me. Not to mention the fact the last time I saw you with Caleb, your fist was connecting with his cheek. Forgive me for not wanting to be all smiles to such an arsehole at such a difficult period of my life.”

  His glare is open and cold, “I understand you’re hormonal but I never want to hear such language. It’s improper for a female to curse.”

  “Fuck you,” I murmur, feeling even more irate.

  “You’re carrying my brother’s child,” his hands fist between his open knees, his cold brown eyes stare into mine. “I’ll not have his child or should be wife wandering aimlessly around town. Whatever transpired between my brother and I isn’t your concern. Siblings fight, we would have made up eventually. As it is I don’t have that chance right now so instead I’m going to assist you and your child until I feel you’re established. Are we agreed?”


  “Good,” he clips, not giving me a chance to protest and checks his shiny large watch that probably cost more than my car. Caleb’s car. “Rest here, we’ll leave in the morning. Do you have any perishables in your vehicle?”

  “No,” I respond to his question, the rest of his words still sinking in. “What do you mean leave? I’m not leaving. Everything I own is here.”

  “Which is apparently very little. I’ve spoken to your previous landlord and I’ve settled your debt with them. Your furnishings that are locked away I will have them moved for you when you have yourself situated in a viable accommodation.” he states, glancing at his watch one more time. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “Yes!” I gasp and clamber to my feet after he stands to leave. “I can’t and I won’t leave here.”

  “You’re being difficult.”

  I laugh once, “I don’t know you and your brother hated you. Why should I trust you?”

  He doesn’t even blink at my words but for some reason I know I’ve struck the wrong chord, “You will leave with me tomorrow. There’s no doubt about that.” He rubs his eyes with his gloved fingers. “I have somewhere I need to be, as enjoyable as this has been… good night Guinevere.”

  “It’s Gwen.”

  He rolls his eyes, “I have your car keys and the staff have specific instructions to call me if you try to leave. Good night.”

  “You can’t just force me to stay,” I grab his arm, my eyes blurry from unshed tears. He looks at my fingers tightly gripping his forearm before looking at my face. “Please. I don’t want to leave.”

  “It appears you don’t have any other options,” he states and pulls himself free. “Be ready at seven. We’ll leave then.” The door shuts behind him. I want to kick it.

  Who does he think he is speaking to me like that? He doesn’t know me, he barely even knew his brother.

  But he’s helping you, a niggling voice tells me. Nobody else is.

  And damn it if I don’t need help.

  I’m resigned to my fate right now, he’s right; what other options do I have? He could at least be kind to me and maybe discuss it with me first.

  And I’ll curse all I fucking want.

  Shit, fuck, twat. Arsehole.

  Chapter Seven

  As instructed someone does in fact bring me tea and a healthy looking mixed leaf salad with boiled chicken and a natural yoghurt for desert. I don’t hesitate to wolf it down almost angrily. That’s how hungry I am.

  Next I flick on the television whilst sipping my hot tea. My mind wanders as it usually does. I don’t know what to do, the thought of leaving this town behind, this town where I met Caleb, this town where we made love, where we conceived our child and where he died, it’s all too much to bear.

  I don’t want to leave but something keeps prodding me, telling me to do it. Part of me wonders if it’s him, throwing tomatoes at me until he gets his own way. He used to do that sometimes. Never hard, only enough to irritate me and normally we’d roll around afterwards.

  He said my angry sex was the best sex.

  What’s the deal with Nathan? I never really spoke to Caleb about it much, all I know is that he and Nathan never got on. Nathan stayed behind and Caleb left. Why so much animosity? And if Nathan hated Caleb as much as Caleb hated Nathan, then why is he helping me now?


  It’s possible and it’s Nathan’s explanation but it doesn’t add up right to me.

  While pondering on this I call S
asha and let her know my day of events. She doesn’t like the fact I’m leaving any more than I do but even she agrees I don’t really have any other options. Sigh. I’m too tired to keep tormenting my mind with all of these questions that seem to have no answer. I’m not in a place where I can freely discuss things with Nathan. He seems to hate me so I doubt he’ll want to answer me.

  After a few minutes of exploring the hotel room and finding a glass for some water, I decide to have a bath in their luxurious bath. I even go all out and add bubbles. Maybe too many because when I climb in the only thing visible is the hill that is my stomach poking out of the water and through the foam. I love this, it’s relaxing.

  Caleb would tell me to relax in the bath though sometimes he was too busy to join me. But each time he didn’t, I’d leave the door open and splash a little, pulling his thoughts to the naked female in his tub. He’d give in and five minutes later he’d climb in behind me. Every single time.

  After my bath I pull on my nightgown and climb into the large bed. I have no clean clothes and I’m not putting back on the ones I wore just to sleep in. This’ll have to do.

  Shoving a pillow between my thighs I turn off the lamp above my head and try to sleep. Sleep doesn’t come easy but eventually is does come.


  My arm is being shaken, words are being spoken rather loudly, “Wake up. Guinevere.” Someone clicks in front of my face. “Guinevere.”

  “Five more minutes,” I grumble, my eyes burning. So comfy, need sleep.

  “Guinevere!” This time my name is being shouted, my eyes instantly open. Caleb?

  My heart sinks when I realise it’s, Nathan. Why do they have to look so much alike? “Yeah?”

  “Your alarm has been going off for the past thirty minutes,” he snaps and shoves my phone in my hand. “I could hear it from my room next door.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I sit up, making sure my nightgown is covering my assets. “I sleep heavy. It’s the pregnancy.”

  He only frowns and moves away from the bed to the curtains. With a swift move he tugs one side open before the other. “Get up, we leave in twenty minutes.”

  “Uh-huh,” I say and stretch my arms. Damn, I’m hungry. “Is there anything to eat?”

  “We’ll eat when we get there.”

  I don’t say anything, mostly because I want him gone. He leaves after a minute of making sure I’m awake and returns ten minutes later with a bag from my car.

  “I’ve moved your things into my vehicle.” This is all he says before leaving again.

  I quickly get dressed in a loose fitting T-shirt and jeans that barely fit me anymore. My long black hair is sitting okay considering I slept in it and haven’t brushed it so I leave it how it is. After brushing my teeth I step outside with my things ready to go.

  Nathan doesn’t talk he just leads me out the same way he led me in, a hand on my arm tugging me along. Sigh.

  “What about my car?” I ask, seeing it sitting in the parking lot looking all lonely.

  “I’ll provide you with a car.”

  “But I…”

  “It’s too early to argue, I’m exhausted.”


  “Enough Guinevere!” He snaps and my mouth instantly clamps shut.

  I look out of the window, silent tears falling down my cheeks. “It’s Caleb’s car.”

  I see him wince out of the corner of my eye but he says nothing. We continue driving and more than anything I just want to go home. The problem is, I don’t have a home.

  After twenty minutes my stomach starts growling reminding me how hungry I am. The baby does nothing to help, although I can barely feel him move and I’m not too far along, it’s still uncomfortable trying to bend in any way. I roll my seat back so my stomach isn’t so crushed and pat my bump affectionately.

  We drive past a service stop on the motorway, I almost salivate at the thought of food.

  “So, the plan is,” I’m startled by the sudden sound of his voice. “You’re to stay with me for the foreseeable future. I’ll handle any expenses you may have.”

  “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Yes well…” his voice trails off and his top teeth sink into his lower lip. “I’m rarely home for more than sleep and I can afford it so it’s not the cost that’s the burden.” Just me and the baby then, ouch. “I have plenty of room for you and your child, all I ask is you don’t invade my privacy and you don’t bring narcotics into my house.”

  “Well obviously,” I point at my stomach with a roll of my eyes. “I’ve never done narcotics in my life, I don’t plan to start now.”

  “Good. And lastly, don’t make noise when I am home and stay out of my way.”

  With pleasure. I don’t say this, instead I say this, “I appreciate your help, Nathan.” When I go to place my hand on his to get this thank you across, he pulls away abruptly almost like I’ve burned him before I even have a chance to touch him.

  “And don’t touch my hands. Ever. Is that understood?”

  I blink in astonishment, “Loud and clear.”


  What an arsehole. It’s hard to think he and Caleb were related, they’re both extremely different.

  “Anything else?” I enquire, wanting to know all of the rules now so I don’t get chastised again in the future.

  “No, eat what’s available want when you want, I have a cleaner come in every morning; not including the weekends, so try to be out of your room by eleven. As for luxuries, anything you need just speak to the cleaner or ask me if I’m home. If I’m not available call me.”

  I nod slowly, “Okay. Thanks.”

  “How long have you got left?”

  “I’m eighteen weeks pregnant,” I rub my belly once more whilst staring at the bump.

  “You look further along than that.”

  “So I’ve been told,” which sucks.

  He keeps his eyes forward but his body seems relaxed, “I’ll book you in with an appropriate doctor when we arrive.”

  Well that’s one thing I can cross off my list of things to worry about.

  “Now please, I’d appreciate quiet,” he says firmly, so I plug my headphones in and listen to music on my phone instead.

  After an hour my stomach churns even more so than before, I’m so hungry I could eat a raw carrot and I hate raw carrot. We pass another service stop but we don’t pull in.

  I’m also desperate for a wee, my bladder is fit to burst.

  I hold it and hold it but now I’m just putting myself at risk of infection. That and I may pee myself.

  Carefully pulling my headphones off I glance at Nathan and contemplate whether or not I should speak. Fuck it. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Hold it.” He orders, not even glancing my way.

  “I’m pregnant, I can’t hold it anymore, I’ve been holding it,” I try to say this calmly, not wanting to piss him off. “Please? I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.”

  He sighs and checks the signs for another service, “There’s another in fifty miles, give or take. We can be there in about forty minutes, how’s that?”

  “Brilliant,” I sigh with relief and sink into my seat. “Can we get food while we’re there?” My stomach agrees loudly.

  “We don’t have time.” His jaw is set and his demeanour says, ‘don’t mess with me.’

  “Please?” I beg. “I’ll grab something to go.”

  “No food in the car.” Yet another ridiculous rule.

  I scowl at him, “I get that we have to be quick but look at it this way. I have low blood pressure, if I don’t eat I’ll faint and that’ll be a long trip to the hospital that you really do not want.”

  “Fine,” he bites out finally seeing reason. “We’ll stop for food.”


  Ah, sweet bladder releasing bliss. That feels good. It also has to be the longest one I’ve ever had in my life.

  After washing my hands I head back out to the food cour
t and look around for my brother in law. I don’t see him immediately, mostly because I don’t think to check the salad bar where nobody usually frequents, my first thought is to check the fast food joints.

  Sigh. Another salad. I need red meat and junk and burgers. This is the only time in my life where I can eat what I want (within reason) and not feel guilty about it.

  “Hey,” I announce my presence and watch him fill two salad tubs. The selection isn’t so bad, they have boiled eggs and slices of nice looking ham and a decent selection of dressings. “So, how long until we arrive?”

  “Just under two hours after we leave here and that’s if the traffic’s good,” he says, being careful to watch what he’s doing.

  “Which one’s mine?”

  He nods at the top one. Brilliant. I add a whole lot of ham to it and three boiled eggs.

  “Eggs aren’t something you’ll be eating in my company, neither are processed meats, this ham has about as much real meat in it as this lettuce does,” why does he have to argue with everything?

  “I want the eggs and I want the ham,” I’m putting my foot down. “It’s my body.”

  “And it’s my brother’s baby…”

  “It’s my baby too,” I hiss, being mindful of the people nearby. “And your brother let me eat whatever and whenever I wanted. If I craved something we didn’t have he’d go out in the middle of the night just to get it for me and he didn’t care if I had fallen asleep by the time he got back. Which happened more often than not.”

  “You’re not having the ham.”

  Should I cry? I feel like I should cry to make him feel bad.

  I don’t, if I start crying again I won’t stop.

  “Fine, but just a bowl full of lettuce isn’t going to fill me up.”

  “It’ll be fine until we get home,” he bites out and slams the lids shut on the salads. “Now, hurry up. I don’t have all day.”

  I shake my head, my stomach disappointed that it’s being treated like a rabbit. Making my way to the newsagents I pick out a couple of magazines, shocked when Nathan doesn’t protest and even buys them for me. I guess he’s not all bad.


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