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Triplet Mates for Maia [The Cat Burglars 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Adams

  It had been incredibly intense knowing people were watching the men touch her in the most intimate ways possible, but it wasn’t nearly as fulfilling as having them all in her body at once. Maia knew for a fact that one man would never be able to make her happy. Nothing less than these three men, all of them together, would ever be able to fulfill her.

  But they’d never said they loved her. They’d never mentioned any kind of time limit on this romance. Maybe it was still too soon, but Leah had married her men quite quickly. Not that Maia was looking for a wedding, but if they told her they cared for her, it might help her be less needy all the time.

  Draven wiggled the butt plug in and out of her back door, fucking her ass with it before laying it aside and then pushing his own cock inside her. The plastic plug was interesting, but nothing was a good as a real cock in her ass. It was totally arousing. Actually everything these men did to her increased her desire for them.

  Her naked mound was an example of that. Just the sensations of Chase’s genital curls touching her bare skin had her shivering at the unusually intense touch. Her naked pussy seemed far more exposed to every surrounding experience. Even the draft of air when someone moved made her clit tingle with awareness.

  Draven’s cock was in her ass, and Chase’s shaft was in her cunt. Now for Theron. How would they make it so she could suck his cock? She was pretty good at sucking a cock properly now and hoped she could give him pleasure.

  Theron kneeled on the bed with his knees at her shoulder and leaned over her head so his cock was lined up with her mouth. The three men were pressed against her body, surrounding her with their hard backs and equally hard chests, embracing her entire body with every action they took. Maia was pretty sure it wasn’t nearly as easy for them to fuck her as it was for her to receive their attention. They were the ones who had to plan and choreograph every move so the vital parts matched. Yet they’d achieved it. Theron’s cock was in her mouth now as she licked and sucked his cockhead and ran her tongue along the ridge where the head and the shaft joined. Next, she dipped the tip of her tongue into the slit of his cock and sucked up his flavor.

  She sucked it thoughtfully. Mostly when they’d fucked her, she’d been far too aroused to think, but something inside her knew that each man tasted different. Just as the way they touched her and spoke to her was individual, so the flavor of their seed was as well. Maia determined to memorize each one so she’d recognize it just as she always knew who was touching her. Theron was basically bland in flavor, with just a hint of saltiness and an even slighter touch of earthiness.

  The men began pumping into her slowly and steadily. Maia reveled in the way their cocks alternately filled her to bursting point and then retreated, leaving her longing for their return. One minute she was stretched to the limit of her tissues, as full as a woman ever could be. Then, the next moment, just the heads of their cocks were in her cunt, her ass, her mouth, and she was desperate to be filled again.

  Gradually they pumped into her faster and harder. Maia rubbed her breasts against Chase’s chest, needing the extra stimulation.

  “Kneel up over me, Maia,” ordered Chase.

  Draven held her hips tightly so his cock remained fully in her ass as she kneeled higher up over Chase’s body. Now Chase’s cock pumped straight up into her, penetrating deeper than ever into her pussy.

  Theron kneeled up straighter on the bed, his legs wide apart, his cock at her lips once again. Maia grinned as she tipped her head right back and swallowed him down her throat. This position was much better. Not only was Chase much deeper inside her, but Theron was as well.

  Chase cupped her breasts as he thrust up inside her while Draven continued to hold her hips in a tight grip. Maia’s own hands were stroking Theron’s cock and rolling his balls as he fed his erection down her throat. She gargled around his shaft, watching his face as she shivered with lust.

  Chase pinched her nipples hard, and her own body quivered, releasing more cream over Chase’s cock. The men took that as a sign, jackhammering into her much faster and harder now, with every stroke going as deep as it could penetrate. Maia swallowed Theron all the way down again, trying to pleasure him as much as she could.

  Draven reached around and dug a fingernail into her clit as Chase pinched her nipples again, and Maia exploded, crying out, “Bite me. Bite my nipples,” as she did. Although it was unlikely anyone would understand the words around Theron’s cock. Theron exploded, cum already in her throat as he pulled back into her mouth so she could swallow.

  Fangs sliced into her breasts, and Maia came even harder, her body shaking as Draven’s and Chase’s seed filled her ass and her cunt. Theron slid out of her mouth and tilted her face to his, showing her his fangs as he lowered his lips to hers. Maia was entranced as his mouth descended on hers and he bit her lip. The sensation was wildly erotic, and she shivered again in lust, even as her body was still shaking from her orgasm.

  Damn, these men were carnal. Every time they touched her they aroused her to a higher place than the previous time. How would she be happy once they parted from her?

  Chapter Seven

  Draven hated letting go of Maia. He wanted to keep her in his arms forever. Instead, he had to watch her return to her family home. And even worse than that, he knew he wouldn’t see her until Thursday morning. That was thirty-one hours away.

  Once he was sure she was safely inside, he turned to his brothers, crossed his arms, planted his weight evenly on both feet, and said, “I want Maia. We need to mate her. I know the urgency seems to have worn off because the Reed triplets haven’t made a play for her. They must have decided to look at Zoe instead. That’s great. But not having Maia all night long is killing me.”

  “Let’s get in the car. Out of doors is not the place for this conversation,” said Chase.

  Draven sat in the backseat. He didn’t want to be distracted by driving. He wanted to talk about Maia.

  It seemed both his brothers felt the same way, as Theron took the passenger seat and Chase turned so he could face them both.

  “I don’t think the Reeds ever wanted Maia. I think it was always Zoe they preferred. But so far she doesn’t seem to have given them any favors,” said Theron.

  Draven just shrugged. Theron was the thinker. If that was what he’d decided, likely he was correct. But right now the conversation needed to be about Maia. Specifically, about how soon they could mate her and have her move into their apartment.

  “So when are we going to tell Maia about panther matings and ask her to mate us?” asked Draven.

  “Wait a minute, Draven. We haven’t decided that we are going to ask her. Mating is a lifetime commitment. We can’t divorce her if it doesn’t work, the way humans can. Are we certain she’s the one we want?” asked Chase.

  Draven was about to burst out in anger at his brother. Of course she was the one. They’d been dating her exclusively and fucking her intensely. Draven wouldn’t have been doing that if he wasn’t sure she was theirs. A willing woman who wanted to fuck them as a one-off was just for fun but not for the kind of extremely carnal games they’d been playing every time they got their hands on Maia. And she wanted it. She was as hot as hell and showed them over and over again with her body language that she was a one hundred percent willing participant in their activities.

  Then he almost panicked. What if Chase and Theron didn’t want her? They were triplets. It had to be all of them in agreement. Shape-shifter matings weren’t legal unless everyone in the union agreed of their own free will. Fucking hell. Was one of his idiot brothers going to ruin their one chance at a lifetime of happiness?

  Draven stared at Theron. “I definitely want Maia. There’s no debate about that. She’s the perfect woman for the three of us. It’s amazing that we’ve found a woman who’s smart, fun, and more than willing to take three men over and over again. But I don’t think we should rush into the mating. Not because I don’t want to but because her sister just mated a panther. I don’t know how
her family will adjust to the idea of a second daughter mating only a few weeks after the first one.”

  Now Draven had something else to worry about. “Do you think they’ll tell her not to mate us?”

  “I just think it’s all a bit fast. We can continue to see her every few days and take her into the dungeon and fuck her several times a week. There are so many toys she hasn’t experienced yet. But the actual mating needs to wait maybe six months to give her family time to understand that we want her and are serious about her.”

  Six months? Six more months before he could go to sleep every night by her side? Six more months of waiting to touch and hold her all night long? Six months more before he could wake up in the morning and kiss her and fuck her until she screamed aloud in release, in their own bed without worrying about needing to get her home in time?

  “Six months is an eternity to wait.”

  Chase cleared his throat, and Draven remembered he hadn’t said he wanted to mate Maia yet. Draven was a nervous wreck. It’d be really hard, but maybe he could wait six months just as long as Chase agreed to the mating.

  “Since we’re all agreed to the mating, it’s just a matter of requiring Maia to say the words to agree to it,” said Chase.

  Draven felt a huge wave of relief rush over him. He sagged back onto the backseat of the car as the tension rolled off his body.

  “Regarding the time, I agree with Theron that we need to wait. Six months sounds about right to me. That’ll give her parents long enough to adjust to the idea that another one of their daughters is mating triplet panther shape-shifters,” Chase concluded.

  “Six months is too long. I don’t want to wait that long to hold Maia in my arms every day and every night. Besides, the Reed triplets are very persistent. They’re still at the church as much as we are, and they usually arrive earlier than we do as well. I think they must go to the bakery with Zoe. What if they ask to mate Zoe? Will you want to make us wait another six months after that?” complained Draven.

  Draven could picture Maia gradually disappearing out of reach as more and more obstacles got between them and her. He wanted her now, dammit.

  “I don’t think the Reeds will be a problem. It doesn’t appear to me that Zoe has allowed them to get close to her yet,” said Theron.

  “How do you know that? Maybe they’re just better at concealing their lust than we are?” argued Draven.

  Chase snorted. “What about a compromise? We explain to Maia about mating and suggest the six-month timeline. We can listen to her ideas. If she thinks Zoe might jump in ahead of us, we’ll reschedule then.”

  Draven would have to accept that. He could tell his brothers had made up their minds. But the good news was they all wanted Maia. The even better news was they’d agreed to mate her. Draven simply couldn’t imagine that she wouldn’t agree to a mating. She was as hot as hell in bed with them. That had to mean yes, didn’t it?

  * * * *

  Theron had dressed carefully to accompany Mrs. Crawford and Zoe to visit the sponsors. The brothers had decided he was the most appropriate one to go with them, and he took his task seriously. It was very important that rich people understood what a great help the feeding program was and how many of these people were just ordinary everyday people suffering from bad luck. A decent meal, safe accommodation, and the opportunity for a good job were all they needed to get their lives back on track. Meanwhile they relied in the help of the Crawfords.

  Of course, Theron would rather have been spending the day with Maia. But this job was important, and he’d do his best. So no jeans or old boots. He was wearing dress pants, dress shoes, and a button-down shirt.

  He sat in the backseat and let Chase drive. “I’m not cooking or peeling vegetables today. The last thing I need is stains on this shirt,” he told them.

  “I bet you don’t want to get all sweaty sweeping the parking lot either,” teased Draven.

  “Fuck no.”

  “That’s okay. You can sit around and look pretty. We’ll do all the work.” Chase pulled a face at him in the rearview mirror.

  “I thought I’d talk to some of the men and ask if there were items they needed that would help them get their lives back on track. I know John-Paul has a rack of good clothing he lets the men borrow if they have a job interview, but maybe there are other things, simple things, that would help them.”

  “Good idea. That’s smart thinking,” said Draven, twisting around in his seat to smile at him.

  Theron smiled back. He loved his brothers. He didn’t always agree with them, but by and large, he could have been stuck with men he didn’t like nearly as much as the ones he’d gotten. They did understand each other, and mostly they thought alike and agreed on things. Like Maia. It was miraculous that they all wanted her. The next step would be to ensure she was ready to bind herself to them. He just hoped six months would be long enough. He didn’t think he could wait much longer than that to make her his. Theirs. Forever.

  The first thing Theron saw when he walked into the kitchen was Vallen Reed, helping pack up the bread. Some was frozen to use in cooking, and some was served for the day’s meal. It soon became evident that it was being sorted as a batch was about to be made into breadcrumbs since they were having fish for lunch.

  “Do any of you know how to filet fish?” asked Zoe.

  Theron shook his head. As far as he was aware, fish already came filleted in boxes at the grocery store or lying in beds of ice at the deli counter.

  “It’s just as well we do then. Why don’t you boys go home and leave the men to do the work?” said Montague Reed.

  “How amazing that you have fish. How did you get it?” asked Draven.

  Maia smiled at Draven, and Theron wished he’d asked the question.

  “It has to be cooked today. One of the big conference centers in town had a tour group booked in for the next two days, but one of the coaches bringing the people broke down so they’re all delayed twelve hours. The fish won’t last until tomorrow. Since it’s already been paid for, they offered it to us. It’s amazing. There’s enough for everyone to have two pieces each!”

  Maia and Zoe were both excited and bouncing around like kids at a birthday party. Theron’s love for his woman deepened and strengthened. What was truly amazing was that his wonderful woman was so excited about a treat for these people. The fish would be delicious. He was certain about that. But Maia’s happiness was even more delicious. She was so beautiful his heart was pounding with love for her. He was very grateful that, instead of throwing the fish away, the conference center was giving it to them.

  “We have plenty of peas and corn to go with it, and we’ll leave the rice for another day. It lasts forever,” said Zoe.

  “What about some lemons so people can have lemon slices with their fish?” he asked.

  Zoe and Maia exchanged glances. “That would be nice,” said Zoe.

  Mrs. Crawford hurried into the kitchen having overheard the conversation from wherever she was. “We don’t have lemons, but we could make tartar sauce if you people get to work. We have mayonnaise, pickles, onions, and Dijon mustard. Would one of you like to go and buy a bunch of parsley? The sauce won’t be perfect, but it’ll be nicer than nothing.”

  “I’ll go.” Theron jumped to his feet and left.

  Instead of walking two blocks to the tiny strip of stores nearby, he drove to a large mall and entered the grocery store there. He bought two bunches of parsley and thirty lemons. He had no idea how many lemons would be needed, but he thought a slice for each piece of fish might be a start, and the lemons could be cut into six or seven pieces, so thirty should do. I never knew cooking required so much math.

  Finally the lunch was cooked, eaten, and they’d cleaned up after it. By the time they were all in the car ready to go and visit the sponsors, Zoe had exchanged places with Maia, and consequently Draven and Chase had decided to come as well. Draven had raced back to the panther warehouse and collected nicer clothing for Chase and changed i
nto tidy clothes himself. Chase stepped into the bathroom and tidied himself up as soon as Draven arrived back, and then they were on their way.

  Theron wondered why Zoe had sent Maia to visit the sponsors instead of going herself. Did she want to be alone with the Reed brothers? Or was she supporting Maia’s desire to be with them? He wished he knew the answer to that question.

  Not that he could touch Maia in a car with her mother. That would have been insanity. But it would have been good to know if Zoe was rooting for their team.

  Naomi Crawford and her daughters had put a lot of work into researching potential sponsors. Some of the companies had refused to talk to them. Others had said they’d talk to higher management and possibly get back to them later, but there were still a full half-dozen prepared to meet with them this afternoon. The first one was a grocery chain, and Naomi wanted to receive fruit and vegetables that were still good to eat but would otherwise be thrown out.

  Naomi talked to the fresh food manager and the store manager. The fresh food manager was onboard, but the store manager hesitated.

  “Why would you want this food? You’d need to cook and serve it immediately. It’s too much hassle.”

  “It’s no hassle at all. We feed over one hundred people lunch every day except Sunday. We have menus planned in advance, but almost anything you gave us could be added into the menu for that day,” said Naomi.

  “Not long ago we were given a large amount of peas. We assembled a team of volunteers and served fresh peas to our clients for lunch that day and had the rest of the donation blanched and frozen by noon. Now we can use those peas in a meal when we’d otherwise have no green vegetable to offer people,” added Maia.

  “You did all that before noon? It can’t have been very many peas,” the store manager scoffed.

  When Naomi told him how many pounds of peas they’d been given and that they all had to be shelled, he was even more disbelieving.


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