Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 12

by Samantha Britt

  Then, as silent as a leaf blowing through the wind, a silver dagger flew over Thane’s shoulder through the air, embedding itself right in the Elder’s unprotected back.


  “No!” Darcie shouted and rushed forward. Thane reached out and pulled her back before she could pass him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her against him as he called forth a protective barrier around them. It would not be as strong as one Darcie could conjure, but she was too distracted to use her powers at the moment.

  Elder Niro stumbled back before falling to his knees. He wavered there for one moment before finally slumping to the side, meeting the ground. Thane’s throat tightened at the sight. He started to move backward, dragging Darcie with him, then he remembered the shot had come from behind him. He looked over his shoulder and frowned at the wall of rebels blocking his path.

  Darcie struggled against his hold. “No,” she whimpered. “No!”

  “Halt.” A woman stepped over the Elder’s body and into the doorway. She wore the same fighting attire as the rebels in the hallway, and her black hair was twisted into a tight knot at the base of her skull. “Do not move.”

  Thane didn’t listen. He continued to retreat, preparing himself to fight through the rebels behind him. Darcie stopped fighting the moment she saw the woman. Her body grew rigid just before she unleashed a blinding white bolt directly at the female’s head.

  The woman ducked out of the way, and Darcie’s attack struck the wall in the back of the room. Shouts of dismay and anger trailed out of the room, but the woman held up a hand and silenced her concealed companions.

  “I will not tell you again,” she glared menacingly at Thane. “Stop now, or suffer the consequences.”

  Thane resisted the urge to snort. He took another step back, dragging his stiff friend with him.

  With a snarl, the woman uttered three unfamiliar words. The spell collided with him, nearly knocking him over like he’d just been hit by a bowling ball. Both he and Darcie moaned from the impact. Thane wanted to hunch forward to alleviate the pain in his abdomen, but he was unable to do anything more than swallow. All of his limbs were locked into place, still wrapped around Darcie’s waist. He tried to clench his toes and lift his feet, but they were glued to the floor. He was stuck.

  “What have you done?” asked Darcie. Thane felt mild relief knowing they could still speak.

  “An immobilization spell,” the witch said. “Strong enough to keep your kind at bay.” Her disdain was easy to detect.


  The witch scanned Darcie from head to toe, contempt covering her expression. “You didn’t think The Veritas was the only powerful spell book out there, did you?”

  If he could, Thane would have reared back in surprise. He’d never heard his magical allies mention any other spell book. Then again, they’d never told him about The Veritas either. It was not farfetched to believe the magical half-breeds would conceal such a thing from the rest of the world. Everyone had their secrets. It would explain how the Negrisi clan knew such effective spells, as well.

  From within the walls of the room, another woman and a man stepped into view. Their hair was bright red and stood out against their dark clothing.

  “Ana. Muger.” The original witch addressed them. “Bring them inside.”

  The pair moved into action.

  Thane snapped his teeth when the man drew near, but the threat was empty. He could not even bend his neck forward to make contact with his teeth. Rather than using their hands to physically move them inside the room, the man and woman chanted in harmony with their palms facing Thane and Darcie.

  Thane inhaled sharply when he felt himself lift of the floor. He set his jaw firmly as the two half-breeds used their magic to levitate and guide them through the doorway.

  The original witch had stepped back and now stood in front of the podium, gazing longingly at The Veritas covered by thick glass. As Thane stared at the object, he saw the slight shimmer covering the clear surface. The Veritas was still spelled with the Elder’s protection.

  Thane and Darcie were dropped on the other side of the podium, facing the witch. She looked up with hard, dark eyes. “Open it.” She spoke to Darcie.

  Darcie did not hesitate. “No.”

  “Don’t be stupid, girl.” She spat out. “You are captured, and you are contained. We will torture you.”

  Thane’s stomach twisted—not for his sake but for Darcie’s. He saw and recognized the wild and crazed look in the witch’s eyes. She would not hesitate to make good on her promise and cause them pain until she got what she wanted. Several rebels from the hall entered the room. They spread themselves evenly along the walls, watching the situation unfold.

  “It won’t make a difference. I won’t help you.”

  The witch rounded the podium and leaned toward Darcie. Still standing directly behind her, Thane could see the woman’s young, cruel expression with great detail as she said, “I can make you.”

  Alarm coursed through Thane, but Darcie’s reply relieved his anxiety. “No, you can’t.”

  “Are you sure about that?” The woman took a strand of Darcie’s hair and wrapped it around her finger. “After all, you’ve seen evidence of my clan’s power, and I’ve told you about the power within our Negrisi spell book.”

  “Then why are you asking me to retrieve The Veritas?”

  The witch frowned. She dropped her hand and stepped back, turning her attention to Thane. She stepped to his side and leaned in to whisper in his ear, her next sentence threw him off guard. “I know what you desire.”

  Darcie heard the whispered words. “You cannot manipulate our minds,” she told her. “We are immortal. You cannot penetrate our mental shields.”

  The witch didn’t take her eyes off Thane. “My cousin, the warlock in your dungeon, he and I dreamshare.”

  Thane’s forehead creased. He didn’t know what she was talking about.

  She continued. “My cousin told me about your desires... He told me about your wife.”

  Thane’s heart stuttered, but his face contorted with rage. “Do not speak of my wife.”

  She did not heed his warning. “I understand you loved her very much, and I’ve heard that you showed interest in bringing her back.”

  Thane was sure Darcie could feel his beating heart against her back. “What is she talking about, Thane?”

  Both shame and hope swirled within his chest. Thane knew he shouldn’t be entertaining the witch’s words—he understood she was manipulating him—but he could not deny the idea of Bella’s return filled his soul with joy.

  He’d been struggling with the possibility of Bella’s resurrection since the warlock first revealed himself as a necromancer. Against his better judgement, Thane had wanted to pursue the subject with the prisoner after the initial shock wore off, but he’d been deterred by the attacks on his family home and the subsequent issues with Des and Darcie.

  Thane didn’t know if what the warlock said was possible, or if he would even go through with it if it was. But there was no denying the offer was tempting.

  He’d hidden it well, but there were days when the loss of Bella caused such grief, he would want to fold in on himself and join her in the afterlife. Even if such an existence would be filled with nothing but black emptiness, at least he would be with Bella.

  But the notion that he might be reunited with Bella… not in the abyss, but in this life… long-abandoned hope had blossomed in his chest.

  “Thane?” Darcie repeated his name. “What is she talking about?”

  The witch placed a smooth hand on his arm. “We are all necromancers, Lord Thane. I can bring your beloved wife back to life.”

  “Then why haven’t you brought Adir back from the dead? I would think your clan would want to be reunited with your master.”

  Genuine remorse crossed the witch’s eyes. “Immortals are unable to be resurrected, as they are never supposed to die.

  “Once human soulmates,
however,” she explained before he could even ask, “are an entirely different story.”

  Thane didn’t know if he believed her, but he wanted to. The Creator knew he wanted to.

  Darcie gasped. “No. She’s lying. Don’t trust her.”

  Thane cleared his throat. “What must I do?”

  “No, Thane! Do not do th—” Darcie’s protests were cut short when the witch waved a hand and mumbled a silencing spell. Thane couldn’t see Darcie’s face, but he imagined it would be red with outrage.

  The witch returned her attention to Thane. “Original Immortals are known for their gifts to access minds. Is this true?”

  “I can alter memories,” Thane said. He’d never attempted to read someone’s mind. He only used the invasive tactic when absolutely necessary.

  “If you can alter memories, surely you can access them.”

  He blinked. “I suppose.”

  “Good.” She nodded. “As a close descendant of Charmian and Des’ One, Darcie’s mental shields are impenetrable to us. But you…” She trailed off, letting Thane figure out the rest.

  He inhaled through his nostrils then said, “You want me infiltrate Darcie’s mind. You wish to figure out how to access The Veritas.”

  “Yes, and to also understand how she wields such a powerful object.”

  Thane thought the lack of reaction from Darcie was unsettling even though he knew the half-breed’s magic was responsible.

  “How do I know you can do what you say?” he questioned. “How can I trust you after your clan has attacked my home and my family? You have not concealed the fact you consider us your enemies.”

  The witch circled him to stand on his other side. “We only did what was necessary to accomplish our goal. We need The Veritas. Get it for us, and I will bring back your beloved wife.”

  “So you can avenge Adir and kill me and my family?” Thane remembered the threats against Darcie’s life, especially. “Do you take me for a fool?”

  The breath from her next words tickled his ear. “Not at all, Lord Thane.” Then, she snapped her fingers.

  Howling wind and frigid air flew across the room. The light streaming in through the slatted windows disappeared as the day’s sky darkened to an ominous gray. The witch murmured and touched Thane’s shoulder. Instantly, he was able to move. He leaned forward to move past Darcie, but a strong gust forced him stumbling back. His back hit the stone wall and the force pressed against him, holding him there.

  The wind howled, and darkness permeated the room. Thane watched the young, ebony-haired witch as she lifted her palms towards the ceiling while chanting in a language not spoken by man. The whites of her eyes filled her eye sockets, and her hair began to stick out as electricity cracked around her.

  The witch’s redheaded companions stepped closer to the exit. Thane noted their wary expressions as they watched the witch weave the enchantment. The rest of the rebels remained in position against the wall.

  The chanting rose in volume. The wind screeched in Thane’s ears, mixing in with the ominous sound of her voice, threatening to drive him mad. The stone walls began to shake, and the ground trembled from the force of her power.

  Just when Thane thought the tower would crumble on top of them, everything stopped.

  The air settled, and the flashes of electricity ceased. No more power roared or shook the building. The room slowly began to lighten as the clouds dissipated in the sky.

  Then, without warning, the room fell under complete darkness. It only lasted a moment—not long enough to panic—before light returned.

  Thane opened his mouth to ask the witch what she had done when a petite figure in a flowing summer dress caught his attention and stole the breath right out of his lungs.



  “B-bella?” Her name lodged in Thane’s throat. “Is that really you?”

  The beautiful brunette smiled warmly, the thick tresses cascading down to her hips. The corners of her eyes crinkled in their familiar way, warming his cold and lonely soul. “Hello, Thane.”

  Hearing her voice threatened to send his heart beating straight out of his chest. His legs quivered, and he fought to stay upright. He struggled with the sight before him.

  Bella couldn’t be there. He’d felt her die. It had felt like half of him, the part full of life and love, had been cruelly ripped away from him and torn into pieces. Thane had spent nearly a year mourning the loss of his wife. Bella was gone. She wasn’t coming back.

  But Thane could not deny what he was seeing. Standing across the room was the same breathtaking and heart stopping woman he’d lived beside for millennia. From her auburn highlights to the faint scar on her hand from a childhood kitchen accident, she was exactly as Thane remembered. He closed his eyes tight and fought to regain control of his racing heart.

  “This can’t be real.”

  “But it is.” Thane opened his eyes and watched the witch step towards Bella. She positioned herself beside her before turning to look at Thane. “I assumed you would want proof of my abilities before you upheld your end of the bargain.” Her dark eyes leveled him with a chilling look, daring him to back out of searching Darcie’s mind for the key to releasing The Veritas.

  Thane moved his eyes to his wife. Bella stood still, but she looked confused. She glanced down at her hands and held them up. She turned them over and frowned. She met his stare. “Am I d-dead?”

  Her question was a sword to his gut. Bella sounded broken and defeated. Thane could not fathom a more heartbreaking sound.

  He licked his dry lips, but it was the witch who answered, “Yes. For now.”

  Bella’s teary gaze swung toward the young, cruel woman. “What do you mean?”

  “I have the ability to bring you back permanently,” she told Bella. “But only if Lord Thane agrees to help me.” The witch and Bella looked at Thane.

  He saw the wary hope in Bella’s eyes. “Will you help her?”

  It took every ounce of strength to not immediately agree to the terms. “I don’t trust her.”

  Bella observed the witch. Then, her gaze traveled the room. She noted the spell book on the podium, trailing over the battle-ready enemies standing around the room. Thane saw her expression dim when she saw the Elder’s cloaked body on the ground. A practicing Catholic, she made the sign of the cross before looking away. Then, her brown eyes landed on Darcie’s immovable form.

  “Darcie?” Her voice filled with a mixture of relief and surprise. “Thank The Creator, you are alright!”

  Thane’s unease grew. He wanted to believe the young woman smiling so warmly was really his wife, but the voice in his head reminded him that it could all be a trap. The witch could be toying with him just to get what she wanted. Thane told himself to not fall for the ruse.

  But then Bella recognized Darcie and praised the fact that she was okay…

  Thane knew Bella’s last moments alive had been spent protecting Darcie. She tried to stop Adir from forcing Darcie to become immortal and bond with him. Lucky for The Alliance, Adir had been unable to force the eternal connection which would have given him access to Darcie’s powers and abilities, but not before her change to immortality was complete… and not before Bella lost her life.

  How could the witch know so much and use it in her illusion?

  Thane shook his head. He didn’t know what to believe.

  Bella’s smile fell when Darcie did not reply. She looked at Thane. “What is wrong with her?”

  Again, the witch answered for him. “She is under a spell which renders her silent.”

  Bella gasped and stepped to the side to distance herself. “You are a witch.”

  “Yes, Lady Bella. How else would I bring you back from the dead?”

  Bella’s face blanched. She was at a loss for words. Swallowing thickly, she looked at Thane. “Is it true?”

  He wasn’t sure if she meant if she’d been brought back or that the woman was a witch. Regardless, the answer would be the
same. “Yes.”

  Her hand trembled as she lifted it to her mouth. “Oh, God.”

  Thane longed to close the distance between them. Every muscle fiber urged him to sweep her up and hold her close. He missed the floral scent of her hair and the feel of her slender body resting against him. He never thought he’d get the chance to experience those things ever again.

  So why was he fighting it?

  Throwing away his reservations, Thane took three strides and stopped in front of Bella. He cupped her face with his hands, forcing her anguished eyes to meet his gaze. His heart nearly stopped when he saw familiar flecks of gold hidden in her brown irises.

  “Shh,” he soothed. “It’s alright.”

  She sniffed. “How can you say that? I’m dead. I-I betrayed you.”

  There was nothing that mattered less at that moment.

  Thane leaned forward and let his forehead rest against hers. He breathed in, reveling in her scent. “I forgive you.”

  He meant it.

  Thane had been crushed to learn of his wife’s infidelity all those centuries ago, but he was even more crushed to realize she subjected herself to being Adir’s lackey in order to keep her actions a secret. Bella had been scared, and she didn’t think she could confide in her husband. For that, Thane would forever feel guilt.

  Bella leaned back and stared up at him. “What?”

  “I forgive you,” he repeated. “Can you forgive me? For being so blind and negligent?”

  Her eyes watered. “There is nothing to forgive.”

  Thane smiled the most genuine smile he’d had since Bella’s death. “I’ve missed you.”

  She gave a timid smile of her own. “Me too.”

  The couple continued to stare into each other’s eyes. Thane brushed his thumb against her cheek, marveling at the fact that he was actually touching her flawless skin. She was real. He could feel her. His dream had become reality.

  A throat cleared.

  Dropping his hands, Thane turned and stepped in front of Bella.


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