Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 13

by Samantha Britt

  The witch watched them with a tilted head. “So,” she smirked and crossed her arms, “will you help me?”

  He mimicked her movement and pressed his large biceps against his chest, widening his stance.

  Bella placed a hand on his back, causing an involuntary shiver to race down his spine. “What does she want you to do?”

  “Invade Darcie’s mind to help her get something she wants.”

  A pause. Then, Bella asked, “Will it hurt her?”

  “No.” But Thane did not know what the witch and her rebellious clan had planned after they got their hands on The Veritas. He voiced the question.

  The witch’s smirk remained. “We will destroy The Council.”

  The admission shocked him. He’d expected her to lie, or at least try to weave a half-truth. “You understand how that does not motivate me to help you. Seeing as I am a part of The Council, as is my family.”

  The witch was unbothered. “As one of the leaders of my clan, I have the authority to make you a deal.”

  Thane blinked, shocked to hear the young woman in front of him was a leader of her clan. Only the most powerful members of the Nightsbane clan could claim that honor. The information made him observe her in a more suspicious light.

  The witch continued. “You and your brothers will be stripped of your Original Immortal abilities, but you will live. We will not kill you, rather we will ensure none of you will ever be able to rise up and dominate the world again.” Thane didn’t need to ask how she expected to be able to take away their immortal powers. No doubt, the answer lied within The Veritas.

  “Who will rule in our stead? You?”

  “The Alliance is already established. We will take over as the organization’s overseers, but all communities will be able to rule their people as they see fit.”

  Thane wasn’t sure if the witch was delusional or if she truly believed such a utopian society could be established. Even if she believed in a peaceful transition of power, there was no chance others would not try to take advantage of the void of command. Half-breed and lesser immortals possessed significant power when joined together. Eventually, some group would want to rise up and seek more authority over the magical and supernatural beings in the world. And without the thwarting presence of the Originals, who would stop them?

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Thane turned and eyed Bella. Her expression filled with hope. “What do you think?” she asked him.

  He didn’t know what to say. If what the witch said was true and her clan would really allow him and his family to live in peace, the offer was tempting. After all, he was tired of acting as the leader of The Council. The Alliance of immortals and half-breeds was established. Would it be so bad for them oversee the ruling of the world for a change?

  Image of a peaceful life with Bella played in his mind, tempting him like he’d never been tempted before.

  He knew what he needed to do.

  “Alright. I’ll do it.”

  Bella’s jaw dropped. “Really?” Her disbelief made her youthful face look adorable.

  Thane reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yes.” He stared into his wife’s eyes, allowing himself to get lost in their comforting and loving depths.

  “Wonderful.” The witch clapped her hands eagerly, interrupting their intimate moment. “Shall we, then?”

  Thane nodded but did not turn away from his wife. He drank her in, reveling in her beauty and recommitting each feature to memory. He’d missed looking at her. A picture simply did not do her justice.

  “Thane?” She smiled. “What is it?”

  He had to clear his throat. “I love you… so much, Bella.”

  She lifted a hand and placed it over his heart. “I love you too, Thane. I’m happy we have a second chance to be together.”

  His entire body trembled. He leaned forward and pressed a lingering kiss on her brow. Then, he stepped back and faced the witch. He wouldn’t be able to do anything if he didn’t put some distance between himself and his heart’s desire.

  The witch gestured towards Darcie. “When you are ready.”

  Thane dipped his chin and moved to stand in front of Darcie. Her body and expression may have been frozen in place, but it was easy to see the disbelief and fury shooting out of her eyes. She couldn’t believe he’d agreed to help the rebel witch and her dangerous clan.

  Needing a respite from her disconcerting glare, Thane turned and examined the circle of warlocks and witches lining the edge of the room. He saw several eager and victorious expressions and a few unsure ones. Those were the faces of the potential future rulers of The Alliance.

  Slight movement on the ground drew his attention. He observed the Elder, noting the dark crimson stain covering his cloak. One of the billowed sleeves flickered with the twitch of a finger.

  Thane turned away, looking back at Darcie. She looked murderous. And terrified.

  Thane took a deep breath, filling his lungs, preparing himself for what he was about to do.

  In a voice loud enough to be heard by all parties in the room, he said, “Forgive me.”

  Then, he unleashed his power.


  A piercing scream echoed against the stone walls. The witch, who had been watching with a smug expression, bowed over, clutching her chest.

  “Y-you—” She fell to her knees. Her clan members stared in shock. None of them had anticipated Thane would turn on her.

  “Thane?” Bella stared at him with a look of betrayal.

  His chest constricted. “I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t have a choice.” He had only just gotten the words out before his wife’s form started to fade into nothing. Tears pricked his eyes as he saw her reach out a desperate hand, mouthing his name.

  Then, she was gone.

  Behind him, Darcie released a desperate gasp. She stumbled forward, colliding with Thane’s back. The witch’s death had freed her from the spells while also calling Bella back to the afterlife. He tried to suppress the agony ripping through his soul. It was not the time to mourn her loss. He had some rebels to take care of, first.

  Shaking off their surprise over their leader’s demise, the surrounding witches and warlocks began firing off attack spells. Thane’s power shot out to deflect them, but his move was unnecessary. Darcie had already implemented a defensive barrier around them.

  “We have to get out of here!” She shouted above the noise of magic colliding with magic.

  With no warning, the light of the room vanished. It was like a blackhole had appeared and sucked out even the tiniest hint of brightness.

  Thane’s pupils dilated, adjusting to the dark. He saw the Elder shift into a sitting position. He lifted a silent prayer of thanks to The Creator. The blow the male had received should have killed him, but the Elder was proving his race of people were not so easily vanquished. They were lucky the witches and warlocks had underestimated his resilience.

  Having no doubt the Elder was responsible for the sudden darkness, Thane reached back and drew Darcie closer to him. He moved backwards to an empty portion of the wall, clearing the way for whatever plan the Elder was about to unveil.

  The lights returned. A surprised cry passed the red-headed female’s lips. She stared at the back of the room. Thane followed her gaze and smiled widely when he saw what shocked her.

  Gwen, princess of Summer Court, and an unknown blond male stood near the back entrance—the same one Gwen had used the first time she met Thane.

  Thane might be strong, but he knew the addition of the two powerful beings just solidified their win in the day’s battle.

  “Gwenevere,” Elder Niro wheezed from the floor. “Do not hold back.”

  The princess bowed her head. She blinked, and her eyes turned the color of frigid ice—nearly colorless. Her skin adopted a pale color as daggers shot from her palms. Only, they weren’t daggers.

  Thane watched the objects strike their victims right in the chest, bypassing the protective shields the clan
members had enacted.

  The male beside her fired off his own attack. A beam of what looked like pure sunlight coursed through the air, hitting the rebels in the same spot. The sound of sizzling water reached Thane’s ears as the sharp, ice weapons started to melt and boil.

  There was nothing the rebels could do. And based on the look in their fearful eyes, they knew it.

  Gwen stepped forward and an unnatural cold wind blew her black hair around her. She lifted her hands in the air, gathering a collection of frigid blue power above her head. With a powerful shout, she threw out a blanket of snow. Only, when it landed on her targets, the snow turned into a sheet of ice. She’d frozen all of the witches and warlocks in place in one fell swoop. Thane gawked between her and their enemies, his emotions alternating between admiration and fear.

  The blond male placed a calming hand on Gwen’s arm. “That is enough. Release.”

  At first, it didn’t look like the princess would comply. Wind continued to dance around her, and her eyes maintained their eerie color.

  Then, after one purposeful breath, the Fae returned to normal. The ice in her gaze turned back to a warm, blue hue, and blood flooded her cheeks.

  The Elder shifted. Both Gwen and her friend rushed over to help him stand.

  The powerful being coughed. “Well done, Your Highness. I wasn’t sure you would get my message.” Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

  “Don’t talk,” Gwen told him, wrapping one of his arms over her shoulder. She looked at her friend. “Eilian, go find a Wise One. Elder Niro needs a healer.”

  The blond male rushed out of the room.

  Darcie stepped out from behind Thane and rushed over to her teacher’s side, taking his other arm and helping to hold him upright.

  “I’m fine,” the Elder spat blood onto the floor. “It’s just a flesh wound.”

  It most certainly was not a flesh wound, but Thane kept his mouth shut. He turned his attention to the circle of frozen enemies, looking for any hint that the princess’ power was losing its hold on them. The room remained silent while they waited for help.

  One minute later, the blond male returned with hunched figures. Without a word, the Wise Ones took Elder Niro from the women’s hands. With a respectful nod to the princess, they left to tend to their patient.

  “Will he be alright?” Darcie asked.

  “If anyone can help him, it is the Wise Ones,” Gwen answered. The reply wasn’t completely reassuring, but it was the best they could hope for. Darcie nodded and stared worriedly at the doorway.

  “What shall we do with the enemies?” The blond male, Eilian, asked. His gaze moved from Gwen to Darcie to Thane. “Will your people want them for questioning?”

  “Yes,” Thane said, “but can we imprison them in Eirie? I believe they will be better secured here.”

  “Of course,” Princess Gwen replied. “That actually works out well. We will have our own questions for these prisoners, seeing as they were able to successfully invade our realm.”

  Thane nodded, still unable to wrap his head around how such powerful half-breeds had existed without The Council’s knowledge. He looked at the frozen enemies around him and hoped one of them would prove forthcoming with information. If there were other members of their clan out in the world, he wanted to know about them.

  “Looks like we will be seeing even more of each other,” the princess continued, sharing a small smile with Darcie. She was trying to alleviate the pain and tension surrounding them.

  Darcie lowered her gaze and tried to return the smile. “Looks like it.” Her worried eyes betrayed her light tone.

  Thane stepped forward and touched her elbow. “Perhaps we should return home?”

  She swallowed and nodded, trying to hold her emotions in check.

  Princess Gwen stepped forward and wrapped Darcie in a hug. “I am glad you are alright.”

  Darcie returned the embrace. “And I’m glad you showed up. Thank you.”

  “Of course.” The princess stepped back. “Go and rest. I’ve gifted you the strength to transport both of you home. We will speak soon.”

  Darcie dipped her chin in appreciation and reached out toward Thane. He lowered his head towards the princess and her friend and thanked them for their help. Then, he grasped onto Darcie’s palm and let her take them home.

  The bright Mediterranean sky contrasted greatly with the heavy emotions sitting on their shoulders. They’d arrived on the mansion’s back terrace. Though they’d returned successfully, Thane did not drop Darcie’s hand. He had a feeling she needed the contact. She needed to be grounded.

  They stood in silence, staring at the immense lawn sprawled out behind the mansion.

  “You didn’t betray me.”

  Thane’s neck rotated so he could meet her eye. “No. I didn’t.”

  Darcie loosened a breath and ran her free hand through her hair. “I thought you were going to,” she admitted.

  He didn’t hold back. “For a moment, so did I.”

  Darcie squeezed his hand and inched closer. She leaned her head on his shoulder. They stared quietly out into the distance, listening to the birds chirping and the insects buzzing. Both of them were trying to expel the anguish from their hearts, but it was not easily done.

  Darcie cleared her throat. Still staring at the scenery, she asked, “Do you think it was really her?”

  Thane’s heart constricted. “I don’t know.” A part of him wanted to say it had all been an illusion—that one of the Negrisi clan’s talents including being master illusionists. But Thane could not deny how real Bella had felt underneath his fingers. Her scent had tickled his memories, forcing him to consider she might have really been resurrected from the dead.

  “How did you manage it?” Darcie asked. “If there was even a chance it was Bella… how could you let her go?”

  Thane sighed. “Bella and I spent lifetimes together. We’ve had our love story. Even if that was really her, to continue our story at the expense of everything we held dear—justice and respect for all immortals and their offspring—it would have tainted our legacy. It would have tainted our love story.

  “No,” Thane continued, knowing deep in his soul he’d made the right decision. No matter how much it hurt. “If the real Bella lived again, she would have regretted the circumstances which allowed her to return. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I could not let our love story end that way.”

  Silent tears ran down Darcie’s cheeks. She sniffed. “You are a good man, Thane. The best man.”

  The corner of his lip lifted. “Shouldn’t that title be reserved for Des?”

  She averted her eyes.

  Thane sighed. “Darcie. This is ridiculous. You and Des love each other. Don’t lose what you have. Work it out. Before it is too late.”

  Closing her eyes, Darcie internalized what she heard and the emotion behind the words. When she opened them, she leaned up and kissed Thane lightly on the cheek. “Thank you, Thane. For everything.”

  He smiled and watched as she turned on her heel and entered the mansion. It was time for her and Des to conquer their troubles. They were meant to be together. They needed to have faith in each other and trust that they could handle anything the world threw at them. Together.

  Once Darcie was out of sight, Thane’s smile fell. In its place, a tired frown formed. The Alliance had a new enemy, one who proved to be resourceful and powerful, but Thane believed the worst of their problems were over. He and his brothers, along with their newest Fae allies, would find the remaining rebels. They would neutralize their threat. Whether that meant they would make a treaty or kill the clan members, only time could tell.

  Thane should have felt happy about the prospect of future victory. Or, at least, relieved. But his soul had been wounded. He’d been put through the ringer in Eirie, and he knew it would take some time for him to fully recover and return to normal.

  So, with burning eyes and a broken heart, Thane decided to go spend the rest of h
is day on his and Bella’s favorite balcony. He would reminisce about their time together, smiling at their happy memories and weeping at the loss of their forever.

  But, when the moon descended from the sky to make way for a new day, he would tuck the memories tightly in his heart. He knew, deep in the part of his soul that would always belong to his beloved, Bella would not want him to grieve for her forever. His strong-willed and brave wife would want him to live—to endure her loss with resilience. And, for her, that was what Thane would do.

  Thane would endure his broken heart for the rest of his life while reminding himself he was lucky to have found love in the first place.

  That was how he would end his and Bella’s love story.


  5 months later

  The party was in full swing. The band Eshe hired played a popular melody on the stage in the back, and couples danced along to the up-tempo beat on the dance floor

  Over at the front of the room, Darcie and Des mingled with guests as they walked around the room. Every one of their friends had come out to celebrate the couple’s engagement. Des had proposed to Darcie just that morning, but he hadn’t just been offering marriage.

  After months of heartfelt discussion and working through the problems which kept the couple from moving forward, Des had finally gotten over his nagging self-doubt and believed Darcie when she said she wanted to complete their bond. Their love had never faltered, but now their trust and security were established. Des bought his One a diamond ring and asked Darcie to officially be his for the rest of their lives.

  Thane grinned, watching his brother wrap his hand around Darcie’s waist. She beamed up at him with unbridled joy. He couldn’t be happier for them.

  “Hello, Lord Thane,” Princess Gwenevere glided towards him, drawing his attention. Her arm was wrapped around her husband’s.

  “Princess Gwenevere.” He bowed his neck respectfully. Then, he turned to her husband. “Prince Kalan.”

  Thane had become well acquainted with the prince and princess during the last few months. After the invasion of Eirie, the Fae royals had joined The Alliance to help seek out the Negrisi clan and end their threatening behavior. By helping Darcie develop her mind-reading abilities, their forces were finally able to find the elusive group. Thankfully, most of the clan’s members were not as radical as those Thane had previously encountered.


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