Book Read Free

This Too Shall Pass

Page 9

by Jettie Woodruff

  “Yes, I smashed it with two beer bottles after he told me how easy I was and walked away.”

  “I’m shocked. Like I would have never dreamed Cory could be this guy.”

  “Me either, but it’ll never happen again. I promise you that.”

  “Go piss on the stick.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I’m scared for you.”

  Alexis held air deep in her lungs and peed on the stick. She didn’t have to wait three minutes for the results. Two pink lines instantly formed in the little window. Great.

  Bernie spent the entire day with Alexis, mostly watching her cry. “You’ve got to tell him, Lex.”

  “I don’t want to. I don’t want anything from him anymore. I hate him with everything in me.”

  “No you don’t. You don’t cry over a guy every day for a month when you hate them. Tell him.”

  “I hate him after last night. He can go to hell for all I care.”

  “Tell him, Alexis.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to do, Bernie? Kinley just turned one. It’s hard enough with two kids, I can’t do three.”

  Bernie rubbed her arm, “Tell him.”

  Bernie left around six in the evening to pick Travis up from the truck stop and Alexis worked. She spent three hours in the attic painting every inch of wood white. The transformation was coming right along. Pink carpet would look pretty with all the fresh white. Now to get some air up there. It was like a Sauna up there. Nothing a small window air conditioner wouldn’t fix.

  After the paint was cleaned up, Alexis showered and ate a bowl of cereal for supper. Her stomach still felt off. She groaned, remembering the weeks and weeks she’d spent sick with Kinley. Gah! Why her? Why now? This was the hard part, at night when the house was quiet and the girls were with Cory. Nothing on television kept her attention for longer than five minutes and Paige had already went through the day’s shoots. The house was clean, the dishes were done, and the hamper was empty. Alexis wondered how she did it. How did she keep herself occupied before Cory and the girls? It seemed like such a long time ago, a world away.

  Bernie—Did you tell him?

  Alexis—Not yet.

  Bernie—Do it!

  Alexis held the breath in her lungs and patted Mr. Dog’s ribs. Now or never.

  Alexis—Can we talk?


  Alexis—Can I call you?

  Cory—Nope. What do you want?

  Alexis—Forget it Cory.


  Alexis tossed her phone to the coffee table with a clunk. It was hopeless. She was on her own and she knew it.

  And so the routine continued. Cory avoided Alexis like the plague and Alexis cried herself to sleep. Night after night after night.


  Alexis was almost to the three month mark of her newest pregnancy, and only one other person new about it. Bernie. This one was totally different than when she was carrying Kinley. This one didn’t make her sick near as much, this one seemed to be growing faster¸ and this one sat right on her bladder. Alexis lived in the bathroom, but not from being sick. This one had to be a boy.

  Cory continued his dick-wad personality, not talking to Alexis unless he had to. The girls were the resilient ones. They seemed to adjust to their new lives just fine. Alexis did okay too. Her dad was right. Slowly but surely, it was passing. She was even starting to fall asleep without the tears. As long as she kept her mind on something else she was fine, usually. The thought of having a little boy and Cory not being there weighed heavy on her mind. Thinking about the baby was the nights the tears seemed to come and so she did the only think she knew to do. She didn’t think about the baby. She focused on Riki’s surprise and her upcoming birthday instead.

  The sofa had become a permanent part of her life. She didn’t want to sleep in the same bed she shared with Cory. Sometimes when the sofa hurt her back, she slept in the downstairs bedroom, but mostly stayed on the couch. That night was no different. The girls were both home where they belonged and Alexis was as content as she could be. Mr. Dog laid on the floor beside her and they watched a very suspenseful Life Time movie. The buzzing text message from her phone always made her heart stop. This time was no different, only it wasn’t him. It was hardly ever him.

  Bernie—All set. Paige is working with the new girl tomorrow. Are you meeting me at the studio?

  Alexis—I love this new girl. She’s so good with the kids.

  Bernie—Yeah, next time we’ll just let Paige do the hiring. She’s way better at picking them. Oh, we have to pick the cake up from Katie by ten on Saturday. She’s going away.

  Alexis—We can do that. Sam is keeping them while we go decorate. Just come here in the morning. I have to wait for the air-conditioning guy. You can stay here while I run the girls over to Sam.

  Bernie—What’s wrong with your air?

  Alexis—Nothing, it’s for the attic. I’ll show you tomorrow.

  Bernie—Oh brother…

  Alexis—LOL you’re going to love it.

  Alexis frowned at the new text message. It said Cory, not Bernie. Her heart did that stopping thing and she sat up.

  Cory—What time should I be at the farm?

  Alexis—I’m surprised you’re coming at all. You might have to see me.

  Cory—What time?

  Alexis—The party with her friends is at two and then the family is coming at four. You can wait until four if you want. Up to you.

  Cory—I will be there at four.

  “Whatever,” Alexis said out loud while her phone clunked to the table behind her head. Her thumb twisted the ring on her finger and her eyes went to the diamond. It was stupid to keep wearing it. Her fingers snatched the round band and she made it just past the knuckle, before sliding it back on. GAH! She couldn’t do it. As stupid as it was, she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Bernie showed up right at breakfast. That may have been planned. Kinley reached her little hands up and Bernie took her from her seat.

  “Bernie, I’m trying to get her to eat.”

  “She wanted me.”

  “She wants everyone, doesn’t she, Riki?”

  “It’s my birthday today.” That was her answer. She didn’t care about Kinley. It was her birthday.

  “I know. How old are you again, thirty-five?” Bernie teased.

  “Noooo, just five.”

  Bernie gasped and covered her mouth. “That means you have to go to school soon.”

  “Uh-uh, and I’m going to ride the school bus with Emily.”

  “That’s sounds like fun. Lex, you’re showing.”

  “I am not!”

  “You are. You need to tell him.”

  “Showing what, Lexis?” Nosy Riki questioned.

  “I’m going to show Aunt Bernie your surprise as soon as you eat your breakfast.”

  “Show me too.”

  “Nope, not until tomorrow. Eat up.”

  Riki growled with an excited smile and took a bite of her oatmeal. “I bet it’s a pony.”

  Alexis squatted to the floor, ignoring the question when Kinley slid from Bernie’s lapped and walked on wobbling legs to Alexis. Crawling was a thing of the past. Kinley didn’t care if she walked like a drunk. If she fell, she was right back up and it was bitter sweet. The thought of starting over briefly crossed her mind and she pushed it aside. She was going to be happy this weekend if it was the last thing she did.

  Bernie drove the girls over to Sam’s house right after breakfast. The heating and cooling guy showed up and she volunteered, letting Alexis stay back and explain what she wanted.

  “Is the attic insulated?”

  “It is now. I just had it sprayed about a month ago and my brothers just hung the drywall.” The uniformed bald guy followed her to Kinley’s room and through the door to the attic.

  “Hmm,” he said while scratching his chin and looking around.


  “I hate to cover the window with
an eyesore. This is amazing did you do this?”

  “Yes, it’s a surprise for my, my daughter.” Alexis stumbled. She never had a problem saying that when Cory was still sleeping in her bed. “What do you suggest?”

  “What if we cut a hole on this side? I can put it here and you won’t have to cover up this window. They don’t make them like that anymore.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Sure I can. I can have it cooled down up here within four hours.”

  Alexis stuck out her hand with a smile. “Sounds like a plan. I have to leave, but I should be back by the time you’re done.” Alexis looked down to her ringing phone and rolled her eyes.


  “Where the hell are you?” Bernie questioned.

  “Where do you think I am? The air conditioner guy is here to put air in where?”

  “The attic?”

  “Yes, but stay down there. I want to show you.”

  The bald guy followed her down to get tools and Alexis met Bernie in Kinley’s room with a gigantic smile. She may have been more proud of her attic renovation than the entire house.

  “Close your eyes.”

  “Really, Lex? It’s not my birthday.”

  “Just do it.”

  Bernie closed her eyes with a frown. “Okay, open them,” she said while pulling the string to light up the new steps. Bernie gasped when she looked up the stairs. Each step was painted to look like the spine of Riki’s favorite books. The walls were bright white with painted flowers and grass on both sides.

  “You did this?”

  “I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. Come on, wait until you see the rest.”

  “Oh my, God Alexis! This is amazing.” It was amazing. The ceiling had blue and white fluffy clouds, every wall was lined with a white picket fence that her dad cut out. Every last pointed, post was cut by her dad’s hands. Two hundred and twelve all together. One half of the room was covered with fluffy pink carpet, set up like a doll house. A white table and chairs with a pink, rose tea set, a white bookshelf with tiny pink flowers on both sides, and a hammock for reading.

  “I got this idea from watching The Flowers in the Attic on Life Time,” Alexis explained. The Other half of the room was covered in grass, green carpet. Flowers and trees covered the walls, and two swings hung from the peak of the ceiling, one baby, and one made from wood from her dad. The middle was open for lots of running and playing.

  “This is freaking crazy. I want to be Riki!” Bernie exclaimed as she plopped her body into the pink and white hammock, right in front of the window, overlooking the pond.

  “I can’t wait for her to see it, but I need your help.”

  “With what?”

  “I kind of wanted to switch their rooms out, so her room leads right into her enchanted forest, but not until tomorrow morning. She’ll know somethings up if we do it today.”

  “That would be better anyway. Travis will be home. We’ll make him carry the heavy stuff.”

  Alexis had a great day. The first good day she’d had in weeks. She had lunch with her best friends, shopped for hard as hell to find plates with horses on them, and then finished it off with Bernie, Taylor, and her girls. They ate pizza at the park and walked the railroad tracks. The same ones she’d walked with Cory on. The ones he kissed her for the first time on. As much as she tried not to think about that, she did.


  “Come on sleepy-head. Today’s your party,” Alexis excitedly exclaimed, using Kinley to help her wake sleeping Riki. Riki stretched and smiled at Kinley, climbing over top of her.

  “Is it time to go to the farm?”

  “No, remember what’s going on today? You’re going to go to Aunt Sam’s’ while Aunt Bernie and me decorate the barn.”

  “With balloons?”

  “Maybe, come on. Let’s go eat some breakfast.”

  “Is my daddy coming, too?”

  “Yes, but not until after your first party. How lucky are you? You get to have two parties in one day.”

  Riki beamed with happiness and slid off the bed. “And I’m going to get lots of presents.”

  Alexis groaned at that one. She would no doubt get lots of presents. Too many presents. Thank God for the attic. She could put them up there and still have plenty of room for more.

  As soon as breakfast was over Alexis rushed around to get the girls to Sam. She had a busy day and very little time to get it all done. Travis and Bernie met her in the driveway as she placed Kinley in her car seat. Bernie took her right back out.


  “What? She wanted me.”

  “Put her back. I need to go. Hi, Travis,” Alexis said with grin and a hug.

  Travis hugged her back, placing his hand right on stomach. “You’re showing.”

  She flinched from his intimate touch. “I am not. You told him, Bernie!”

  “Of course I did. He’s my soul mate. I tell him everything. He won’t tell anyone.”

  “I can tell, Lex. You need to tell Cory.”

  “Yeah, well he’s not really talking to me. Put her in her seat, Bernie. I’ll be right back,” Alexis said while jumping into the driver’s seat, and waiting for Bernie to re-buckle Kinley.

  Kinley cried when Alexis dropped them off to Sam. She never did that, ever. It broke her heart and she almost took her back with her. Kinley couldn’t talk, she wouldn’t tell Riki, but she would get in the way. Kinley could tear up more than Alexis could clean up.

  “I will play with her, okay, Lexis.” Riki coaxed. That girl was just like Mr. Dog. She sensed sadness a mile away. Alexis thanked her and hugged her tight.

  “I will come and get you in a couple hours so we can get you ready in your pretty birthday dress and I can show you your present.”

  “Is it a pony?”

  “I’m not telling you. I love you birthday, girl. I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

  Travis was dropping the F-bomb left and right when Alexis joined them back at the house. Alexis laughed while she ascended the stairs, listening to the banter between him and Bernie.

  “I’m sorry. It slipped,” Bernie apologized.

  “Give me the pliers. You can’t have tools.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll give you a blowjob later.”

  “You should just do that now.”

  “No she shouldn’t.” Alexis interrupted.

  “Look at my knuckles,” Travis complained while holding up bloody fingers.

  Alexis rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. You pussy.”

  “Out! Both of you just get the hell out of here. I’ll take the bed apart myself.”

  “Come on, Bernie. Let’s switch out their clothes.”

  By noon, Riki’s new room was complete with new curtains, a matching comforter, now pictures of her and Kinley, and a new rug. She knew she spent way too much money on her, but she couldn’t help it. The rug was the cutest think ever. It was a whole town with roads, parks, a zoo, and a school, everything a town would have. The people, cars, busses, and animals were all extra, but again, she couldn’t help it. Riki was going to love it.

  Travis told them to go, agreeing to finish with Kinley’s bed and wait for the air conditioner to be installed. He was going to pick up Taylor and meet them at the farm at six. Taylor wanted no part of the first birthday party with seven, five year old little girls. No way.


  The barn looked like someone puked a roomful of horses. Alexis may have gone a little overboard. Nonetheless, Riki would be happy. She just hoped she wasn’t disappointed about not getting a pony. Maybe next year.

  Bernie helped herself to Alexis shower and her clothes once they were done with the decorating. Alexis even relinquished her shower and used the downstairs one. She was trying to do something with Kinley’s messy room when Bernie came looking for her.

  “I hate you. I just tried those shorts on yesterday. They’re already too tight.”

  “Well, I hate to tell you this, but that shirt makes y
ou look pregnant.”

  Alexis’ eyes dropped to her stomach. “It does?”

  “Yes, come here. I just saw one in your closet with a band around the bottom. I was going to wear it, but it didn’t show enough. Travis is home. I need for him to visualize what’s underneath. It just looks puffy.”

  “Is it really that noticeable?” Alexis asked, not caring about Bernie’s toned body she wanted to show off for her husband. She didn’t care about Bernie getting laid. She wasn’t getting any and that was all that mattered. That and trying to hide this growing football player.

  “You’re getting there. When are you telling your parents?”

  “Not until I have to. How’s this?” Alexis questioned after choosing the shirt Bernie suggested.

  “Much better. Not noticeable at all.”

  “Good, let’s go get Riki and bring her here to see her present.”

  “I’ll take the pictures.”


  Riki could hardly contain herself. Alexis yelled at her twice to get back in her seatbelt.

  “I can’t. I’m too excited. Is it a pony?”

  “No pony, better.”

  “An elephant?”


  Alexis had to hold her back again when the car stopped. Bernie retrieved Kinley from her seat and Alexis blindfolded Riki.

  “I can’t see,” she laughed with her arms outstretched.

  Alexis led her up the stairs and spun her in circles. “Do you know where you are?”

  “In the hall.”

  “Yup, I’m going to open this door and one of your birthday presents are in here.”

  “In my room?”

  Alexis didn’t reply. Not to Riki. “Put Kinley down so you can get a picture of her reaction.”

  Bernie got the camera ready and Alexis untied the bandana from Riki’s eyes while Kinley climbed up her leg. The first expression was priceless. Her eyes frowned and she turned around, back toward her real room.

  “I have Kinley’s room now?”

  “Yup. What do you think?”

  Riki smiled and dropped to the play rug. “I love it. I love this room. Where’s Kinney going to sleep?”


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