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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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by P. G. Allison

  Chapter Six

  Nov 30, 2019

  The departure from Islamabad and the flight to Ankara had been uneventful. Their aircraft had been pretty full since, in addition to the eight MP security guards who had come over with Candace and Oliver from the States, now Colonel Chory, Major Grimes and all of the Team Twenty-Two guys were on board, with lots of their weapons and equipment. Plus, a few of the folks from the embassy in Pakistan, including Donna Flatley, had been drafted to join them on the tour; these individuals knew the key staff personnel at the other embassies and, having already assisted with the arrangements in Islamabad, their help would greatly expedite things going forward.

  After landing, several from Team Twenty-Two quickly got out and checked in with the local security forces on the ground. They had coordinated things for this tour well ahead of time and the schedule change, with their now arriving a few days earlier than originally planned, was not a problem. Meanwhile, other team members were busy offloading all the gear. The MP’s, now fondly being referred to as “Goldie’s Boys” by everyone on Team Twenty-Two, were lending a hand with that. Naturally, the team had insisted on using Candace’s Goldilocks code name and weren’t instead merely calling them “Candy’s Boys”.

  Candace was very excited and turned to Oliver, saying, “Did you hear that? Donna says we'll be here at least through Monday, since it’s the weekend and we’ll need to stay that long in order to meet with everyone.” Even without the last minute switch, over half the staffers would not be back to their desks until Monday morning.

  Oliver nodded, knowing she had been looking forward to visiting Turkey more than the other countries. Thus, going at a more leisurely pace and spending an extra day or so was all good. He looked at Donna and asked, “You’ll walk us through the offices today, though, right? It’ll be interesting to tour them when no one is working and then come back when everyone has returned.” His ability to sense other supernaturals would allow him to detect residual energy, even when the person wasn’t present.

  “Well, I suppose that can be arranged,” said Donna. “I hadn’t realized you two might want to do that, but … sure! Why not?” She understood there wasn’t really any option for them to do any sight-seeing, due to all the security precautions necessary. And, Candace’s exuberant enthusiasm about someday joining the Foreign Service was contagious; she could see how this lovely young couple was really thrilled to be touring the various embassies. Looking over at the colonel and the major, it was obvious they were both fine with this. She pulled out her cell phone and began scrolling through her contacts.

  Major Grimes heard on his headset from his team that all was clear and they could now leave the aircraft. There were two sedans, similar to those they’d used in Pakistan, parked and waiting for them at the foot of the stairs. A few minutes later, they were all travelling over to the compound which would be home base for their stay in Ankara.

  While Donna made a few calls, Candace and Oliver went up to their suite, where their bags were already waiting for them. Once again, their VIP quarters were luxurious. Oliver walked over to the windows which provided a nice view of the city. Yes, staying here for a few days would be really great.

  Candace wanted to wear something other than the Army fatigues which they’d donned that morning for travelling and she insisted Oliver change as well. Thirty minutes later they went down to have some lunch before going over to the embassy. Oliver sighed to himself as they descended in the elevator. He would have really enjoyed taking more time and putting that nice Jacuzzi tub to some good use. Watching his sexy fiancée strip down to her bra and panties had gotten him very excited. But, duty called and so he’d made some mental notes for later. He definitely had some lascivious plans for all the ways he might ravish her then.


  Arvind Pancholi had arrived in Paris and wasted no time in making a visit to Felipe Benedict who he knew had a suite in the Le Meurice Hotel. Benedict was the new identity which this former Homeland Security official was using. Pancholi had made a point of not only learning where Benedict was staying but also that his former identity had been Philip Arnold. He hadn’t survived as a double agent, working for the CIA for over twenty years, without knowing full well how to thoroughly research anyone he did business with.

  When Pancholi identified himself on the hotel phone, calling from the bar down in the lobby, Benedict was caught off guard and was not happy. “How did you get through on this phone, Arvind? I have left very strict instructions with the staff here … no outside calls …”

  “Ah yes, but Felipe, this is not an outside call. I’m downstairs in the bar at your hotel. Why don’t you come down and join me for a drink? I’m buying, of course. Or, would you rather have me come up? Room five-twenty-seven, right?”

  Benedict was really unhappy now. How the hell had Pancholi found him? “No, no! I’ll come down. Give me ten minutes. I assume this is an urgent matter, correct? I trust you have not revealed my whereabouts to anyone else and … well … this better not be an attempt at blackmailing me.”

  Twenty minutes later, Benedict entered the dimly lit bar and looked around. It was only mid-afternoon so there was not much activity. He spotted Pancholi siting in a booth at the rear and, after further checking to be sure they would be alone, he made his way over and slid into the opposite seat. There were only a half dozen others in the bar and none of them were paying much attention or showed any interest in his arrival.

  Pancholi watched as Benedict sat there without saying anything, obviously waiting for him to provide an explanation. He waved to the bartender, signaling him to come over, saying, “Let’s get your drink ordered. Will you want anything else along with it? They have a limited menu, but of course you must be familiar with that, having been staying here since the beginning of October.”

  Benedict did not want anything else but did order a Scotch, not wanting to draw any undue attention. Pancholi didn’t start talking, except for a few more banal remarks, until after the drink had finally been served and they were alone again. Pancholi’s drink sat there, untouched. Benedict took only a small sip of his own drink and then sat back with an expectant countenance, his eyebrows raised. It was not lost on him that Pancholi knew how long he’d been staying at this hotel and had made a point of telling him that.

  Finally, Pancholi said, “That information you provided me, concerning Missy McCrea. I believe that to be incomplete. My client has paid you a great deal of money for these files, based on your assertion that she and this psychic Oliver Bessom were responsible for helping the U.S. government locate and rescue Candace Axtell. You have included a great deal of very interesting information about this girl, but … there’s no direct proof. My client is not convinced.”

  Benedict had known there were a few holes which needed to be filled in, but the circumstantial evidence was so overwhelming, he didn’t think anyone would have difficulty connecting the dots. “Now look, the actions of that task force … task force CAT? And, their findings? It was very clear the Axtell girl was kidnapped by a couple of guys working for Jacques Arbogast. And, Arbogast had those guys killed. They got blown up and those two psychics were right there in the house with them when that happened. All this is in those files. Three of the task force investigators were killed. Oliver Bessom escaped serious injury but the other psychic and that FBI man who brought them down there, they were both in the hospital for days afterward.”

  “So, what did that prove? What did any of that matter, since it all happened in Mexico and the girl ended up somewhere over in the Mid-East with WIJO, right?” Pancholi had read all that in the files, of course, but wanted to push for more.

  “Well, most of those task force findings all came out after Arbogast disappeared. And, that happened the night after those guys of his got blown up. He mysteriously disappeared from his club the same night the McCrea girl was dancing there. She was screaming out the name of one of those kidnappers. You watched all those videos, right? This is the same We
st Point girl who is in all those magazine articles with General Blake, the Axtell girl’s uncle. There can’t be any doubt the general sent her down to Mexico. She was definitely involved in the U.S. government grabbing Arbogast.”

  Pancholi had fully appreciated her involvement but wanted Benedict to talk through everything. He was hoping to learn more than what was in the files. And, Benedict was not at all reluctant to talk, obviously anxious to provide satisfactory answers. “Yes, yes. It’s clear the girl was involved and it’s indeed interesting she served with the Special Forces during that campaign of General Blake’s in Afghanistan. As I said, you included a great deal of interesting information concerning her background. But, even if she helped make Arbogast disappear, so what?”

  Benedict was getting a bit frustrated with having to spell everything out. He said, “So, that’s when Manuel Rodriguez asked me to check her out … right after Arbogast disappeared and before WIJO announced they had the Axtell girl.”

  This was new information and Pancholi immediately said, “There’s no mention of Manuel Rodriguez in the files.”

  “Of course not,” said Benedict. He sat back with a smug expression. “He paid me so the U.S. government wouldn’t be aware of his operation. There were no files on him until Arbogast was grabbed. Arbogast worked for him. Who did you think sold the girl to WIJO? I understand they paid Rodriguez with drugs rather than money. That was through some intermediary, of course. He controlled all the drugs going into the U.S. until he too mysteriously disappeared.”

  Pancholi was very interested in all of this which indeed was new information. He wondered if WIJO was even aware it had been Rodriguez they’d actually paid. Raising his eyebrows he now asked, “He disappeared?” Then, he began to chuckle. “That’s when you decided to disappear, right?”

  “”Exactly! Not all that long after the Axtell girl was rescued, that CAT task force from Mexico went to Bogota, Colombia. Only, they renamed themselves the JAT task force, since they were now the Jacques Arbogast Team. Some government agency called “P” Branch was using information obtained from Arbogast to have them go after Rodriguez. It was when “P” Branch started questioning why so little was known about the Rodriguez organization that I knew I needed to get away. And, when I then learned how Rodriguez had disappeared, I knew I needed to stay away. So, I came here.”

  Pancholi was very excited to learn about the Rodriguez organization and about this “P” Branch agency. He talked to Benedict for a long, long time after that. He knew he was hearing the truth, thanks to his own special gift. And, while it was obvious Benedict had fled and could no longer access whatever the U.S. government might be doing, he did reveal the name of someone who might know even more about when Rodriguez had been grabbed. Benedict had actually dealt mostly through Pablo Estaban, second in command for the Rodriguez organization. And, this Pablo had apparently remained behind and was now assisting whoever had replaced Rodriguez.

  He’d have to change his flight and call his superior at the embassy, asking for a few more days off. A trip to Bogota to see this Pablo Estaban now seemed like a very good idea. If Estaban could confirm his suspicions about the McCrea girl, who he believed had to be a very powerful supernatural working for General Blake and this “P” Branch agency? Then he could go back to Askar-Samar Karimi and demand full payment of the twenty-five million dollars he wanted. He might even ask for a few million more, depending on just how much new information he obtained.

  Chapter Seven

  Nov 30, 2019

  Mike’s parents had invited a huge crowd over for an impromptu “engagement party” to celebrate Aaron and Michelle’s future wedding at a yet to be announced date. Since Mike would be best man and Missy one of the bridesmaids, the date needed to be when they were available. So it would probably be a June wedding, either the first or second weekend, and various venues were being researched for price and availability.

  Missy’s entire family was there since they wanted to spend as much time with her as possible prior to her returning to the academy the next evening. And, Mark and Alice were there, as they also wanted to see Missy. They had celebrated their first anniversary only the week before. They also wanted to see Tracy, of course; Mark was John’s closest friend and they had now gotten to know her pretty well.

  Missy had awakened that morning and, finding Mike’s big naked body still entwined with hers, she had taken full advantage. She was now in a really great mood, still sated from the wonderful night -- and morning -- of lovemaking with her mate. Her cat was very pleased and she had to keep herself from actually purring. Her eyes, of course, were filled with yellow specks, sparkling away, so those who knew her were well aware of how happy she was.

  Alice recognized the signs and immediately asked her, “Will we be eating any ice cream tonight, Missy? How many scoops will you be having?” This was their little joke, going back to when she’d described having experienced her first orgasm. When Missy had said they needed to celebrate with ice cream, she’d laughingly said she’d need to have three scoops, one for each time Mark had managed making her climax the night before. Ever since then, of course, whenever the subject of having ice cream came up, the number of scoops equated to how many orgasms they’d had.

  Missy giggled and said, “This is definitely a night for celebrating but … umm … I can’t say for sure just how many scoops I’ll need. Quite a few, though … especially if I include this morning in the count.” They both broke out laughing hysterically.

  Tracy came over and said, “Hi Alice! What are you and Missy laughing at?” While not in on this particular joke, she recognized from the way Missy’s eyes were glowing that the girls had to be talking about something naughty.

  Alice smiled demurely, feigning complete innocence, while Missy continued giggling. Alice said, “Oh, you know … just the usual silly stuff. Nothing special. Missy was sharing a few details about how much she’s been enjoying herself these days.”

  “Ha, I’m sure you mean how much she’s been enjoying Mike these days, right?” Tracy chuckled and added, “Of course, time management is one of the skills we’re taught at the academy. I’d guess, based on how her eyes look right now, she’s been managing her time with Mike to reach some new levels.”

  Missy finally managed to stop giggling long enough to speak. “Pul-lease don’t stand there making comments about how I’m spending my time with Mike! Not with my brother’s scent emanating from you the way it does. Wheh! I’m surprised Alice isn’t able to …”

  “Very funny,” interrupted Tracy. “Enough about what only you can smell. Nosy cat.” Looking at Alice, she said, “How are all your Roseanne Fund girls doing?” As Director, Alice had managed to expand operations, reaching out now to a huge number of young girls that otherwise might be victims. They’d needed protection and Alice had been able to provide that, using Sal D’Amato’s organization to provide the muscle when and where needed. “You’ll let me know if you want a fire lit under some guy’s ass, right?”

  Alice laughed, knowing Tracy was a fire witch and more than capable of doing exactly that, should any of her girls have anyone needing to be taught a lesson for bothering her. “Oh, Ben and Sal are handling things like that better than ever … especially since Sandy has now gotten so interested in helping.” Besides protection, the money in the fund was paying for education and career development, plus various social service resources such as psychologists. Whatever assistance might be needed by any of the girls to deal with abuse or potential abuse, Alice and her team were providing it.

  Alice, of course, had survived three years of abuse by her stepfather starting when she had only been thirteen. After Missy had stopped that and arranged for her to see a psychologist, she had managed to gradually heal and deal with all the emotional damage she’d experienced. Her husband Mark, who was her boyfriend at the time, had also really helped with her recovery. Alice was a junior in college now, studying how to help others. Her ability to do exactly that was what had enabled s
o much expansion of the Roseanne Fund operations. Hence, her rise from being on the board to being its Director. Of course, having the mobster Sal D’Amato providing both the funds and the muscle had also helped; this had earned her the reputation as “the crazy mob lady”. And, now that Sal’s daughter Sandy was involved, Sal’s support was even greater than ever. Alessandra D’Amato was not yet sixteen and had almost been raped only the month before while being held by kidnappers. She was now seeing Alice on a regular basis.

  Missy asked, “How is Sandy doing?” Having been the one to rescue Sandy, killing her attacker at the last moment before he could finish his assault, she felt a special connection. Missy had insisted on letting her get with Alice, especially since Sal wouldn’t allow his daughter to talk about what had happened to anyone else, not even her own mother. Sandy, like Sal and his assistant Ben, did know Missy was a witch. How ironic that the witch who had confronted him and forced his release of the girls he had intended on selling as sex slaves – they became the first group of Roseanne Fund girls – had ended up being the witch who had saved his daughter.

  Alice answered, “Really, really well. And, she keeps asking me more and more questions about you. She loves the way her dad and Ben seem to have so much respect for you. She gets why they’ll never acknowledge that, of course. I mean, if any of the other families were to find out? Hell, if any of their own capos were to learn how they believe in witches? No, she knows how bad that would be. So, she’s keeping your secrets, don’t worry.”


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