Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 11

by P. G. Allison

  “They’ll continue on, business as usual, working for the embassy and staying with the Foreign Service. But, the general did introduce them to Les and Marsha and explained they needed to stay in touch from now on. Amanda said she wasn’t surprised to learn there was this agency which was aware of werewolves. She and her husband really didn’t know much about other supnats, however. They’d always been pretty focused on packs and keeping their secrets.”

  “Did you and Mike get to meet them?”

  Missy shook her head and said, “No. Since they had no need-to-know about other supnats, we all thought it best if they didn’t learn about me. Candace and Oliver were introduced but that was okay. Nobody mentioned about Oliver being a witch. I stayed away so they wouldn’t scent my being a cat. We kept Mike away for the same reason.”

  Tracy giggled and said, “After all the joking about how you can always scent who has sex with whom, you finally need to deal with others knowing about you?”

  Missy smiled and replied, “That actually happened almost two years ago when I first met Carlos. He scented I was mated to someone right away, even though Mike wasn’t even with me. I’m quite certain Gene and Amanda would have been amazed to meet Mike and then get a whiff from him of my cat scent.”

  “Hmmm … a whiff? You do mean he’d be reeking of your cat scent, right?” Tracy was enjoying having the tables turned, for once, where she was now the one able to poke fun.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dec 5, 2019

  Drew Martinson turned off the DVD player and, looking around at each of the others gathered there, he explained, “We only have these two videos showing the actual bus explosions. The first bus was being filmed by the FBI helo and the second by our “P” Branch helo. However, there wasn’t any helicopter surveillance out at the farm where the third bus disintegrated in a similar fashion. But, as you know, both Homeland Security and the FBI have since examined what’s left at each site and have determined all three buses were blown up in exactly the same manner.”

  The Homeland Security Secretary said, “Yeah, in each case, someone supposedly detonated their own suicide vest. Once that happened, all the other explosives went boom as well. There’s no evidence your witches did this. Nor is there anything which suggests these buses were blown up by any other means. The media has been having a field day, of course, making up all sorts of conspiracy theories. The fact these explosions were practically simultaneous does look suspicious.”

  It had been almost two weeks since their last gathering and this meeting had been called by the Secretary of Defense so Drew could clarify a few things and answer any questions the others might have. The prior session had been about the crisis concerning the pending WIJO attack. Now, of course, it had been a week since that attack had been avoided, thanks to the “P” Branch team. As before, key officials from Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA, both houses of Congress, high ranking cabinet members from the White House and various military representatives were there.

  Congressman Barrows said, “Let’s all be very clear about exactly what did happen out there.” He glanced at several others and then confronted Drew, saying, “Your witchcraft team did this, right? Your hit squad decided to take things into their own hands and …”

  Charles Winword from the CIA interrupted in a loud voice, saying, “Hold on a minute! According to these FBI reports, those terrorists were all wearing their suicide vests. They would never have surrendered. The “P” Branch team had no choice. And, let’s not forget … without Drew’s witches, these guys would never have been located in time. I don’t want to even think about what might have happened had they not been stopped.”

  “Okay, okay,” said Barrows, holding up both hands, palms outward. “If this had been a strike by our police or military, we certainly could justify that. But, this was witchcraft. And, while justified in this instance, I’m only pointing out what we in this room have apparently now sanctioned. The US government is now using secret, supernatural, invisible, hit squads. Everyone okay with that?”

  It took several minutes before everyone managed to settle back down after the many heated discussions which broke out all around the room. Finally, the Defense Secretary called the meeting to order and then said, “We can debate what limits might be needed for using supernaturals but, fortunately, we actually do have them helping us. In the past, we merely had asked “P” Branch to monitor them. This year, however, we are now recognizing they can play a key role in our Nation’s defense. Recent events have proven we need them. WIJO has teams here in the US and is no doubt planning other attacks. We need to do everything possible to protect this country.” Turning to the Homeland Security Secretary, he asked, “What have we learned from the terrorists we now have in custody? Tell us what you and the FBI have found out about them. Are there any other cells? What’s our risk?”

  The Homeland Security Secretary said, “There has not been any official admission from WIJO they had planned any attacks here but, since those attacks were so effectively stopped, that’s not a surprise. They don’t want to acknowledge their failures. And, they can’t put any negative spin on this, accusing the US of false arrests. The terrorists we grabbed in Philly and Chicago were caught with explosives which they shouldn’t have been holding. Most were in this country illegally and we are gathering evidence showing they spent time in WIJO training camps. As for the ones who got blown up? Like I said, WIJO doesn’t admit to failure.”

  The FBI Director added, “There’s no evidence those buses got blown up by anything other than their own passengers, detonating their suicide vests. I really don’t see how Drew’s team managed that. Whatever witchcraft was used, it left no trace.”

  Ted Hanson, Deputy Secretary of State, laughed and said, “His special asset strikes again. His special female asset, a-k-a the angel of death. I’m sure glad …”

  “Ted! We’re trying to understand what our risk is,” said the Defense Secretary. He was clearly annoyed at how the discussion was being sidetracked. Looking at the Homeland Security Secretary once again, he asked, “What do we know?”

  The Homeland Security Secretary was uncomfortable admitting to the treason by one of his own, but there was no avoiding it. “We’ve been able to backtrack and, knowing that traitor Philip Arnold sold WIJO our secrets, we’ve determined how all these individuals managed getting into this country, along with all the explosives and equipment we confiscated. However, no one is willing to talk.”

  The FBI Director said, “Actually, we have gotten something from two of them. That guy we captured from the cell in Philly who was with the New York team? In that blue SUV riding ahead of that first bus? He was very upset when our team stopped his vehicle and arrested him. He tried to say he was innocent but his fingerprints prove he’d spent time out at that farm. So had the guy driving the SUV … turns out he was one of the New York cell’s leaders. Anyway, they both were very unhappy about their buddies all getting blown up in those buses and, initially, they accused us and made some threatening comments. Then, once they realized they were being arrested, they clammed up. Apparently, there’s at least one more cell. Somewhere in Boston. And, it will make us sorry. Whatever they’re planning, it’s going to be even bigger than having a few guys blow themselves up at a parade.”


  After the session with the Secretary of Defense and other officials, Drew returned back to his office. “P” Branch was in a nondescript building conveniently located right in Washington, D.C. and occupied the entire seventh floor. Les and Marsha were already there waiting for him along with Robert Ulrey and Major Schermerhorn.

  The major was General Blake’s stateside Intel officer and “P” Branch liaison; he had helped with finding the terrorists and had been up in the helicopter with Robert, Millie and Troy when their search had proven successful. He then had witnessed firsthand what Missy had done.

  Marsha asked, “How did it go over there? Is everyone satisfied with the way things are settling back down in s
pite of the media circus we’ve been having?”

  “Pretty much,” said Drew. “WIJO has quietly ignored all the accusations, refusing to acknowledge they had any involvement, and the general public isn’t aware there were actual attacks planned at those parades. The arrests of the terrorists in Philly and Chicago have been linked to the New York terrorists but that’s due to the explosives and equipment all being common.”

  Les said, “Yeah, there’ve been some articles in the news about the parades as possible targets but there’ve also been so many articles about other possible targets, it’s all just speculation. Homeland Security and the FBI are getting lots of kudos, regardless.”

  Drew nodded his head and said, “The Defense Secretary is pleased. But, there were some comments about our using secret supernatural hit squads. Not everyone is pleased about that. While they are appreciative about our having thwarted these terrorists and no one is suggesting we return to our “non-interference” policy, several folks are feeling as though some rules are needed. It’s like last summer when we sent Missy back to Afghanistan. Rule number one is making certain nobody ever learns how we’re using supernaturals.”

  Robert said, “Maybe too many folks have now been allowed to learn about them. I’m not worried about the witches who are working in my Psychic Division. But, knowingly or unknowingly, we’ve unleashed Missy and Tracy and … I just don’t think the general public will ever be okay finding out what they can do.”

  Major Schermerhorn laughed and said, “I’m still having a hard time accepting what those girls can do!” He doubted he’d ever forget the way those three buses had exploded, one-two-three. “I’m glad they both are at West Point and seem truly dedicated to serving our country. So far, they’ve managed well enough so all their accomplishments are remaining a secret. I suppose that’s keeping you guys here at “P” Branch rather busy, though, right?”

  “Speaking about keeping busy,” said Drew, pausing to look at each of the others. “The FBI Director mentioned there’s a terrorist cell up in Boston, for sure. Maybe others. And, based on the threats from a couple of the men we’ve captured, they’re planning something pretty big. We’ll be working to track shipments as well as search for more infiltrators, using what we’ve now learned about the cells in Philly, Chicago and New York. And, the CIA will be alerting all their Mid-East operatives. But, for now, we really have no Intel to go on.”

  “Will we keep going, then?” asked Robert. “With our Thanksgiving Day Parade task force?” He was referring to the recent task force which Homeland Security and the FBI had formed when searching for the terrorist cells in Philly, Chicago and New York. Many local law enforcement representatives had been included.

  Drew said, “Basically, yes, only with different leadership. That asshole Jonathan Pritchard won’t be involved.” Pritchard was the Homeland Security official who had prematurely forced the arrests in Philly and Chicago. That had then triggered the evacuation by the New York cell out to their farm in Pennsylvania. Had Troy and Millie not managed finding them in time, the attack on the parade in New York City would not have been prevented.

  “Several key members from that task force are being sent to Boston,” continued Drew, looking at Robert. “I’d like you to join them. Bring as many witches up there as you can. Your team of psychics has earned lots of credibility for having found these terrorist cells. Although few know any actual details, most are aware it was your team which somehow located them.”


  Missy put away her smart phone and turned to Tracy. It had been almost time for lights out when the call had come in. “P” Branch had provided them with special phones, secure with the latest encryption technology. “Marsha says there’s yet another terrorist cell up in Boston. Maybe others. So far, that’s about all they’ve been able to learn from the prisoners. A couple guys boasted about how big the retaliation would be, getting revenge for those buses which got blown up.”

  “That’s not good! I really hate the way this seems to be an endless whack-a-mole thing. Every year it gets worse!”

  Missy nodded and said, “Yeah, I know. And, it’s very frustrating when we don’t even know where to aim our next whack. All we can do is keep training here at the academy and wait.”

  “Well, waiting while we have loved ones in Boston isn’t easy. If anything ever happened to John? I don’t want to think about him being at any risk.” Tracy suddenly choked up and needed to wipe tears from her eyes.

  Missy was moved by how emotional her friend was getting. “Don’t worry and don’t think thoughts like that. You just can’t. We have the best resources in the world working to keep America safe. We even get invited to help sometimes, since our government is okay about witches. I think that’s a lot better than how for so many years, all the witch covens lived in constant fear of being found out and persecuted, like back in the old days. Right?”

  They both turned in and switched off the lights in their room. Neither one was able to fall asleep right away, however. Somehow, they really weren’t feeling all that great about how things were for witches in today’s times.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dec 6, 2019

  Arvind Pancholi wanted to spend a few more days in Bogota so he called his supervisor Len Krohelski back at the embassy in Ankara. It was already Friday and he knew he would not be getting back to work by Monday. He used the special cell phone the CIA had provided him which would not reveal his location. Just in case. Then, after his call, he was very glad he’d taken that precaution.

  After explaining about needing some more time off, which Len agreed to without giving him a hard time, he was almost ready to say goodbye. But Len’s next words caught him completely by surprise.

  Len said, “You missed all the excitement we had back here last Monday. Remember that girl who WIJO was going to behead but who then somehow escaped? Candace Axtell? She was right here. Her uncle General Blake arranged it. She’s touring several embassies since she now wants to join the Foreign Service someday. We gave her the full VIP treatment, of course. I have to admit, she was very impressive. What a beautiful girl and so brave! She’s a bigger celebrity right now than most movie stars.”

  “That’s really interesting. I’m sorry I missed out on seeing her. I haven’t been watching TV or following the news. Did they make a big deal out of her visit?”

  “Oh, yes! She had quite an entourage with her, between the Army brass, the media folks, our embassy escorts … oh, and yeah … and her fiancé, of course. Very exciting.”

  Arvind almost missed it but then he asked, “Her fiancé?”

  “Sure. Oliver somebody … they both are interested in embassy work. We showed them through all our offices and explained what the various assignments here involved.”

  A sudden feeling of dread sent a chill down Arvind’s spine. “Who did you say her fiancé was? What was his full name, Len? Do you have that?”

  There was a pause and then Len answered, “Here it is. Yes. Oliver Bessom. He stayed really close to her the entire time. It was obvious the two of them were very much in love …”

  Arvind didn’t really pay attention to much else his supervisor had to say and soon he managed saying his goodbye. Then, he stared out his hotel room window for several minutes, thinking it all through. Oliver Bessom! The finder witch who had located Candace was now her fiancé. And, he’d been all through the embassy offices right there in Ankara. Impossible! But, clearly, that had happened. And, just as clearly, he realized he would not be going back to Ankara. He knew the US government would be now searching for him. They would know he was a witch and would have questions for him. Questions he had no intention of ever being there to answer.

  He was pleased with himself for having always lived with all his valuables stored safely where only he could get to them. He had established multiple identities and had not left anything behind which anyone could trace. Thanks to the internet, he could access both his funds and his important documents from anywhere in
the world, no problem. A lifetime living as a spy who always was careful was now paying off. Yes, he was well prepared for that day when he’d need to go on the run. And, that day had just arrived. How fortunate he was already far, far away and in a place where nobody would ever think to look for him.

  It was time to pay Maria another visit! While this was somewhat earlier than what he’d planned on, he wanted to celebrate his good fortune.

  He had already arranged for Maria to be exclusively his for however long he was staying in Bogota, paying her three days’ worth ahead of time and promising to keep paying like that indefinitely. He’d learned she was quite familiar with Pablo Estaban and Manuel Rodriguez and how things had been run before Carlos had taken over. That had convinced him it would be worthwhile to make such an arrangement. That, and the way she seemed to really enjoy herself while giving him some of the best sex he’d ever had. She was actually part of the reason he’d wanted to stay some extra days.


  Askar-Samar Karimi was not happy. His emails to Arvind Pancholi had not been answered and his contact in Ankara who usually arranged his meetings with Pancholi was saying the man had not shown up for work at the embassy all week. Supposedly, he had taken some vacation. He had not been at his apartment and the last time anyone had seen him in Ankara was before the meeting when he’d met with Karimi in Istanbul on November 29th.

  Well, he indeed had demanded Pancholi go obtain more proof for him at that meeting. But, he also had said time was of the essence at that same meeting. Realizing he had no way of contacting his spy until the man finally resurfaced again was troubling. Perhaps he needed to find some other sources to prove this demon theory was how the US had managed to have so many successes these past several months. He could not sit around waiting for Pancholi.


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