Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 12

by P. G. Allison

  Candace Axtell had gone back home to the US after successfully parading herself through three different embassies with the news coverage escalating so by the time she’d finished in Kabul, she was being portrayed as possibly the greatest nemesis WIJO had ever faced. The failed attack in Islamabad had greatly enhanced that reputation. There were even stories about the MP’s who were constantly surrounding her. For some strange reason, these men were being called “Goldie’s Boys” and the media seemed to be glorifying them as well.

  Word had come down from their leaders. For now … she was to be left alone. There were to be no more “failed attempts” until long after all the interest in stories about her had faded away. WIJO needed to demonstrate something successful which would far outweigh any interest in some college girl who happened to have an Army general for her uncle.

  Had their Thanksgiving Day Parade attacks been successful, there wouldn’t be anyone writing stories about Candace Axtell. Those attacks of course had failed so badly the WIJO leadership was avoiding any possible ties to what had happened, claiming it all to be false propaganda being spread by the media.

  Meanwhile, those same leaders were very anxious to succeed with their plan to have drones release toxins at some big sports event in the US. That was top priority now. And, they were holding him directly responsible for making sure those drones and those toxins were not discovered by the US authorities.

  So, worrying about whether some demon porn star was somehow going to reveal what and where those special shipments were? That was definitely making him unhappy.


  “Hey, Missy, will Mike be coming down this weekend?” asked Sally. They were in a large group of their classmates seated around tables at Cullum Hall; most of them were also KK@KK members, taking the special Farsi and Pashto course. They were celebrating the end of their first week back as well as there being only one more week of classes. Then, there would only be a week of exams before finally being released for Christmas.

  Missy laughed and said, “No, he won’t be coming down here until two weeks from tomorrow when I finally get to sign out to go home. Between my basketball games, my shooting matches, my classes and exams, my mentoring Emily, our extra language course, helping out with Kelsey’s Korner and all the zillions of other fun tasks we have going on here between now and then, there’s just no time. I’m still doing makeup assignments for those two days I missed.”

  Sharon said, “Hey, we’re all busy like that until Christmas.” She, like Missy, was on the West Point women’s basketball team. “About the only time we’ll not be busy doing something else will be a week from tomorrow when we’ll all be watching the Army-Navy game.” They’d all caravan by bus leaving early that morning for Philadelphia. Although they’d spend the night in a hotel and caravan back the following day, there’d be no opportunities for any outsiders; all their activities would be much too structured. “I suppose you’re going to still somehow manage seeing Troy, though, huh?” They all knew how completely gaga Sally was now about her latest boyfriend.

  Sally pouted and replied, “Hey, I’m as busy as everyone else here. But, it just so happens my swim meet schedule works just right with Troy’s schedule and I’ll get to see him on Sunday. He was asking whether Mike would be here then. He’s already talked to John and knows he won’t be coming down.”

  “He wanted to come down,” said Tracy. “But, I promised to give Donald some extra help and this weekend will be the only opportunity.” Donald Quigby was a plebe and she was his team leader just like Missy was team leader for Emily Robinson. He’d been hoping she’d clarify some things about the academy’s Honor Code for him. Now that his lacrosse season had ended, he finally was available when she wasn’t busy with her fencing team or some other conflict.

  Gary said, “Let me guess. You, Missy and the other Quigby girls are setting him up again with Emily Robinson, right? How come Kelly and I never had any help like that from our team leaders last year?”

  Tony started laughing at this and said, “Gary, you and Kelly never needed any team leader help. If anything, your team leaders needed the help. They kept losing track of the two of you but could never prove you were off somewhere together. You always managed coming up with the best excuses!”

  “Now, now, let’s not be jealous about Gary’s creativity!” exclaimed Kelly, quick to defend her guy; they’d been a couple for more than a year. “But, in spite of what a lovely match we girls think Donald and Emily might be, Emily will be busy. She and Missy have a Combat Weapons match tomorrow and a Rifle match on Sunday and I’m sure Emily will be out at the range practicing. Right, Missy?”

  “Yeah, she will, especially since I can’t shoot on Sunday due to the conflict with my basketball game. Our team is relying on her to take my place.” Thanks to both her own ability plus Missy’s expert help, Emily was now one of the best shooters on their team.

  Sharon said, “Too bad our game is in Newark and we have to board the bus before your Rifle Team finishes their match. Then again, the last time you managed doing both the same day, the stench from you shooting first and not having time to shower before our game? Whew, that was pretty bad.”

  Kelsey giggled and said, “Oh, yes! And we all know how sensitive Missy’s nose is to any lingering scents, right?” She’d been Missy’s roommate, along with Sharon, during first semester the year before. It was no secret to any of the group sitting there how Missy was able to notice scents. While only Tracy and Sally knew Missy was a supernatural, the others had all learned about many of Missy’s special abilities.

  Kelsey then went on to say, “Since Missy brought up helping out at my tutoring sessions, I’m still looking for some more signups … we need lots of tutors now, due to everyone wanting to cram for end of term exams.” Due to the huge successes from all her earlier sessions, there were over two hundred cadets currently signed up for help in various subjects.

  She would get lots of volunteer assistants to tutor these subjects, though. They had all learned how they too benefited greatly, typically scoring really well on their own exams. There was no better way to learn a subject than by teaching that subject to others.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dec 7, 2019

  Pablo Estaban had agreed to this meeting. If the CIA was getting ready to move against Carlos, as Pancholi had hinted on the phone, then it indeed was in his best interest to listen to what his own options might be. The very fact that Pancholi was still in Bogota seemed ominous. And, the man seemed to know a lot about how things had been run, prior to Carlos and Rafe taking over. Again, there had only been hints and nothing which had been discussed so far could be viewed as any disloyalty on his part to Carlos. In fact, he could always claim he was trying to prove his loyalty to Carlos by coming to this secret meeting. Alone.

  He even had been the one to name the restaurant. A private meeting with Arvind Pancholi to discuss matters which might affect the Mancini operation. Sure. What harm could that be? Nobody could claim he was doing anything other than working for Carlos by coming here. Right?

  At first, Pancholi was very gracious. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and a few drinks, all supposedly paid for by the CIA. Pablo was relaxed but remained cautious, not wanting to commit to anything. And Arvind -- they were on a first name basis now -- Arvind was explaining how impressed he was with how well the Rodriguez organization had operated back when Manuel and Pablo were running things.

  They joked about how many folks still referred to Manuel as the Frenchman. Yes, “fear the Frenchman” had been a common remark, frequently mentioned. Of course, the man was gone, so those now saying this openly were feeling free to do so. Arvind said it was assumed Manuel was dead and Carlos was somehow responsible.

  Pablo was quick to say, “No, no! I was there that night when Manuel left and Carlos was not involved. He and Rafe were right there with many witnesses that night. We even have it all on our security video tapes. Manuel walked out and climbed into a car which was there waiti
ng for him. Then, he disappeared. But, he has sent us several signed documents since then. He’s turned over his organization to Carlos. All those documents have been examined by experts and are genuine.”

  Arvind nodded and said, “Perhaps, but surely those signatures could have been forced. Blackmail, maybe. I’m only telling you what I’m hearing.”

  Arvind had learned a great deal from his many sources over the past few days. But, it had been Maria who had helped him the most. She’d explained how those working for the Rodriquez organization for years were all affected, now that it was the Mancini organization. Working girls like herself had really benefited. Not only had those who sold drugs been allowed to make arrangements through other channels, if they wished, but the many girls in the sex trade had also been given their freedom. No one was being forced to sell themselves.

  There had been quite a shakeup and working for Carlos and Rafe was very different. Like most of the drug dealers, many of the girls had eventually ended up remaining part of the Mancini organization, since it was their best option. Especially now, with no more worries about being beaten or worse. There was still a lot of residual hatred towards Pablo, however.

  Pablo said, “It doesn’t really matter anymore what others believe. Manuel is not coming back and Carlos is now in charge. Nobody wants to challenge him. He may do things very different from Manuel but he’s now the one in power. He knows how to stay in power.”

  “Why didn’t you replace Manuel?” asked Arvind. “You were his number two. I’ve heard many thought you would take over rather than now just be helping Mancini.” He’d heard many had been very worried about that, in fact, and were still concerned. But, he’d also learned Carlos Mancini had proven himself during those years he’d been in Miami. And, the one thing he seemed to have in common with Manuel Rodriguez was that none of his enemies had ever managed to prevail against him. Most were now dead.

  Pablo had of course thought about taking over the organization. But, even if he could somehow manage getting rid of Carlos and Rafe, he was much too fearful about what Missy McCrea might do. Her threat to change him into a frog or some punishment even worse was something he would never forget. No, he’d not tempt fate or, since he was convinced she indeed was a demon, he’d not tempt the devil. The she-devil.

  “No, no. It wasn’t the right time for me to step up.” Pablo wondered whether the CIA was planning to take out Carlos. If so, then he could not be blamed. He studied Arvind closely and asked, “Why is the CIA so interested in how things are being run down here in Colombia?”

  “Ah, well. It’s not that we’re interested so much in Colombia. But, that task force which came here? From Cancun? The US Army was in charge of that. And, that girl Missy McCrea? She was from West Point. Again, the US Army. As I mentioned the other day, we’re merely looking for possible connections. We want to find Philip Arnold. Why was Rodriguez asking Arnold to send him those reports on the girl?”

  On hearing Missy McCrea’s name, Pablo paled noticeably. His reaction was so strong Arvind would have noticed even if he wasn’t gifted with being a water witch. It was almost as though Pablo had actually met the girl and … oh! Wait! Was that possible? That would explain things a great deal.

  Arvind went on to say, “Missy McCrea did visit Mexico and then Arbogast went missing. Did this girl have anything to do with Rodriquez going missing? Or with Arnold’s disappearance? Are there any connections?”

  “I wouldn’t know anything about that,” said Pablo. But, his demeanor was saying just the opposite. As before, he was clearly terrified by merely the mention of Missy McCrea.

  Arvind was impressed. Somehow the girl had managed doing something causing that fear, convincing Rodriguez to sign over his organization to Mancini and convincing Pablo to help with that. Whatever supernatural powers and abilities she was using must be very special. And, yeah … she had to have come down there in person. Then, something Pablo had said registered. Something about having a video tape for the night Manuel disappeared.

  “Tell me about this video which proves Carlos was not involved. I assume there were security tapes that night, correct?” Arvind studied Pablo’s reaction to this question and could see this was true. “Can you make copies of all those tapes for me? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated and would go a long way towards things maybe being easier for the new organization down here. You know … in case Carlos and Rafe disappear. In case, say, you might someday be the one running things.”


  General Blake had remained in Kabul after his niece had safely departed. He had enjoyed seeing her and was very pleased with how well her tour had gone. He was especially pleased with the way Oliver had identified other supernaturals being at the embassies. While the two werewolves Gene and Amanda Tremblay were fortunately not a threat, it was now increasingly clear that the water witch Arvind Pancholi was probably the middle man who had provided critical information to WIJO, sold by the traitor Philip Arnold.

  While Pancholi had only a minor role in the CIA, that job and his position in the embassy had been enough. As a double agent, he’d probably been able to sell many secrets over the years which had no doubt caused some problems for the US.

  Sami Massallah had just finished briefing General Blake and Colonel Chory on just how much information Pancholi might have accessed and how badly this might have hurt, in addition to whatever data he’d obtained from Arnold. They’d also been discussing what the FBI had learned about there being more WIJO terrorist cells in the US, with one in Boston being of particular concern.

  The general asked Sami, “Do any of your CIA sources inside WIJO know what might be planned for this Boston cell?” It had been Sami’s informants who had helped them avoid the Thanksgiving Day Parade bombings.

  Sami said, “No, nothing yet. They’re all hearing plenty about how pissed off the leaders are and how badly they want to retaliate but, so far, no word on just what actions might be planned as revenge.”

  Colonel Chory asked, “What about who was paying for the data Arnold provided? Now that we believe that came through Pancholi by way of that anti-American group in Turkey … have you been able to trace back to Pancholi meeting with anyone?”

  “Actually, I may have some information about that. One of my operatives over in Herat has maybe learned something. She has been sleeping with various low level members within WIJO and one of them, a guy named Kahliq Abdul Tabish, has mentioned how his boss has been meeting someone in Istanbul. Tabish likes to celebrate whenever his boss is out of town and she’s the one he likes to celebrate with. At any rate, this Tabish is an assistant to Askar-Samar Karimi, one of the WIJO leaders who has been rising within their organization for a few years now. And, the dates when Karimi was visiting over in Istanbul are dates when Pancholi was not home.”

  The general asked, “Can you place Pancholi in Istanbul on those dates? And, what do we know about this Karimi?”

  Sami said, “About the dates, no, but we have been interviewing Pancholi’s neighbors, checking through his utility companies, reviewing his phone records, backtracking as much as we can. Nobody knows where he goes and we can never find any record of his traveling under his own name, but we can establish when he’s been out of town. He could easily have met with Karimi on the dates in question.” Looking back and forth at the general and the colonel, he continued. “Karimi is in his early forties but runs a huge saffron business; supposedly his company exports millions of dollars’ worth every year. I think he inherited the company but has greatly expanded operations and more than doubled its profits due to all those exports. And, as I said, he’s becoming one of the top WIJO leaders in Herat.”

  Colonel Chory said, “That info about the dates seems very circumstantial. Does anything else connect this Karimi to the group in Ankara?”

  “Yeah, that’s why my informant thought the Istanbul trips might be important. She was aware we had learned about the bombings from our guy Mamdouh Ozdemir in Ankara. She helped us earlie
r when we wanted to know about WIJO training camps. The New York City team had trained at the camp near Herat and she was one of our sources for learning that.” Sami looked at the two officers and then added, “Mamdouh thinks it was the WIJO organization in Herat which was behind those planned bombings. While that’s because of stuff he’s learned which -- to use your words, colonel -- is all very circumstantial, it does all add up.”

  “That’s interesting,” said the colonel. “That also checks with what our Army Intel sources have come up with. While we haven’t identified any names before now, we are hearing the Herat leaders are most likely behind things.”

  The general said, “Alright, then. Let’s all focus on Herat and try to learn more about what might be planned for this Boston cell.” Looking at Sami, he added, “I’m sure you’ve reported all this back to Charles Winword who will pass it along to the Defense Secretary and Drew Martinson over at “P” Branch. Have your girl stay close to this Tabish so she can learn more about Karimi. We’ll be making him one of our top persons of interest over there at WIJO.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dec 8, 2019

  Tracy was satisfied Donald Quigby now understood all the finer nuances about the academy’s Honor Code and would have no trouble in the future, either with exam questions which might come up or when asked anything by upperclass cadets, looking to catch him off guard so they could give him demerits; testing plebes about academy trivia was one of their favorite pastimes.

  She said, “You’re all set now, Donald. Go … and may the Force be with you!”

  Donald was very grateful. His team leader was an expert on the Honor Code, thanks in part to her father and grandfather, both West Point graduates. His own father was a Sergeant Major, due to retire the end of the year. He had been very prejudicial against women in the Army and especially against them being at West Point. That bias had caused both he and his brother Ronald, now a firstie in his final year, to initially hold very negative views about females at the academy.


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