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The Delaneys At Home

Page 3

by Anne Brooke

  "Ah, hello, Melissa. Sorry I'm late. I was... I was ..." The picture of what I actually had been doing, which had made me late in the first place, flashed up in my head and I found myself giving the boss a rather goofy smile.

  She groaned and waved her hand. "For God's sake, whatever you do, please don't finish the sentence. I'm not sure my blood pressure could take it."

  "There's nothing wrong with your blood pressure, is there?"

  "Not yet, but by the look on your face it's only a matter of time. I gather the move to the mansion went well then?"

  I pulled up a chair opposite, leaned back and gave what even I had to admit was a very self-satisfied sigh. "Oh yes. This morning was especially good, though there was a bit of an issue last night about the size of the bed and Johnny's gun, but it was all smoothed over this morning. Which. Was. Perfect. If you know what I mean."

  Melissa rolled her eyes, stood and straightened her hair, while I admired the elegant tailoring of her pale green suit. Nothing off-the-peg there, I was sure of it.

  "I'm hoping the gun isn't a euphemism," she said.

  I shook my head. "Oh no, it was real alright. But it was a misunderstanding, that's all. We just need a bigger bed. I don't suppose manufacturers normally think of any more than two people sharing, do they?"

  My boss laughed. "No, I don't suppose they do. But, between you and the Delaneys, I'm sure you'll set the world of bed-making to rights."

  I certainly hoped so because tonight I wasn't planning any more pistol action if I could possibly help it.

  For the rest of the day, Melissa and I dealt with clients, sorted out two new exhibitions for the summer and tried to plan our Christmas extravaganza. In all honesty, we'd been planning this for weeks, but it always took a hell of a lot of negotiation, as painters could be a fussy bunch. One day we'd think we were there and the next we'd be back at the start again. It was worth doing, though, as a lot of business and arty networking happened over the holiday season and, as my father kept on telling me, you couldn't put a price on goodwill.

  Today, my will--and indeed everything else about me--was pretty damn good. Maybe it was to do with recent sexual shenanigans, but there was also something about the fact that tonight I would be going home, not to my own company, but to be with the twins. Every time I thought of it, a zing of expectation shot through my gut and a couple of times I caught myself humming. Not the best thing to do in any gallery where concentration and quiet is all, and Melissa soon put a stop to it with a quick harrumph.

  Funny how she and the Delaneys both had the ability to put me back on track without the use of words. I was obviously drawn to similar types, though the main thought occupying my head for most of the rest of the day was how quickly I could make the evening and my first real home-time arrive.

  It arrived even before I anticipated it. At the stroke of four-thirty, the front door opened and Mark sauntered in, with Johnny close behind. They brought with them the freshness of the outside world and a whole lot of attitude. Mark nodded at Melissa, who nodded back, and then he gave me a slow smile, which couldn't help but startle my cock into action.

  Before I could say anything remotely sociable, he stepped right up to me where I hovered by one of the gallery's newer acquisitions, grabbed me by the shirt and plunged his tongue deep into my mouth. I'd opened it to greet the twins in words, but this was as good an alternative as any, so I grabbed Mark back and sucked for all I was worth.

  With Mark more than a little off balance, probably due to my enthusiasm, I shuffled us both along until we reached Johnny, whose arse I grabbed for a quick grope to let him know I was paying close attention to them both.

  We were just getting into the whole scenario when Melissa cleared her throat. She was far too glamorous to cough.

  "Mark, Johnny," she said. "Lovely to see you. I'm assuming you're not here to buy any paintings?"

  Johnny chuckled as he extricated himself from my exploratory hand, and Mark slowly and reluctantly withdrew from my plundered mouth.

  "If we were, you'd be the first one I called," he said. "But I'm here to ask you a question. Liam distracted me."

  As if they were of one mind, the twins and Melissa all looked at me, as if I'd done something terrible in waylaying Mark from his original mission. Whereas, I'd have thought it was very much the other way round. Still, I put on my best cheeky grin, which was, after all, very much how I was feeling.

  "Well," I said. "I never say no to distractions."

  This time, Johnny laughed out loud, and Melissa snorted. "I couldn't possibly comment, but at least when you're not distracted, you're a damn hard worker. I'll say that for you."

  "I'll go further," Mark said, in such a tone that all of us fell silent and turned toward him. "I think when Liam's really concentrating, then he's the most beautiful man on the planet."

  The silence around us continued, but this time it took on a different quality. I stared at Mark, and he gazed at me. I saw him swallow. I didn't know what to say or how to say it, but it didn't matter. My feet began walking, almost of their own accord, and the next second I was face to face with him. Slowly, as if he might be spooked if I made any sudden movement, I lifted my hand and touched his cheek. Then I kissed him, lightly, but it felt like a whole lot more.

  "Thank you," I whispered, and he nodded before hugging me briefly.

  When we broke apart, Johnny was smiling as if something he'd hoped for had been granted, and I swore Melissa was in the process of wiping away a tear. Not that she'd ever admit to such a thing.

  "Anyone for coffee?" she asked instead. "I suspect we might need some."

  Mark shook his head. "Thank you, but, in actual fact, what we want is to invite you to our home for coffee and a conversation."

  This sounded ominous, and I glanced at Johnny, who had shadows in his eyes I didn't know how to interpret. In the meantime, my boss merely smiled and tap-tapped her way to the office in today's choice of bright green high heels.

  "Oh good," she said, "I do love a party. Give me two minutes to brush my hair and shut up shop and I'm all yours."

  She was as good as her word, too, but that was Melissa all over. No sooner said than done, and all four of us were installed in the twins' car in less than a minute and three-quarters. Even Mark looked impressed. With a gesture of courtesy I'd not associated with him before, he waved my boss into the front seat and climbed into the back with Johnny and me.

  As we set off, he laid his hand on my knee.

  "Don't look, Melissa," he said with a faint growl. "Because you're definitely not joining in."

  The next moment, Mark's tongue was back down my throat as it had been in the gallery, and I felt the lighter touch of Johnny's hand at my groin. I had a brief and more than terrifying picture of how my next work review with Melissa might go before abandoning myself to the wicked wiles of the Delaneys. Hell, they always knew exactly how to overpower me, no matter who was watching...or not.

  I opened my legs as an invitation for Johnny and stretched my mouth wide for Mark's tongue. At the same time, my fingers laced through Johnny's as he gripped my cock through my trousers and I slipped my free hand under Mark's shirt and rubbed his nipple. It hardened at once, much like my cock, and he groaned. I could almost feel the reverberation in my own throat.

  All three of us continued to kiss, touch and push against each other as the car rocked gently beneath our bodies. Being crushed like this between Mark and Johnny felt as if it were the place on earth I was most meant to be, and I hoped the journey to the twins' home might take a lifetime. However, as the likelihood of actually being fucked in the car, with Melissa present, was probably very low, then maybe the sooner we arrived, the better.

  Then again, I really should have known better than to make sexual assumptions of any kind about these two men. Because as Mark continued to fill me up with his tongue, and Johnny continued to send my cock into serious overdrive, I felt my belt and zipper being released and my trousers and briefs eased down as
cool fingers explored the bottom of my spine. They were wet, laying a trail of dampness across my skin, and my heart began to pound even more fiercely. Surely they weren't going to... Not here?

  All my doubts were suddenly laid to rest as two of those gentle but curious fingers stroked and stretched my arsehole and slowly buried themselves up to the knuckle inside my body. I gasped and whimpered, squirming a little to try to ease the delicious burn, but Mark held me in place with his grip, as Johnny whispered softly in my ear.

  "It's okay, Liam, it's me. Inside you. I just wanted to explore you, that's all, and I couldn't wait. I love you."

  Unable to form words, all I could do was groan and hope he'd understand I loved him, too. Loved both of them, wanted them beyond reason. Then, without warning, Mark withdrew his tongue from my mouth so I was left empty and gasping for him.

  He chuckled against my throat as he kissed and sucked at my skin there.

  "Why should my little brother get all the fun?" he said. "He's not the only one who wants to explore, is he?"

  Then, his mouth devoured mine once more, and another set of fingers thrust themselves back and down and found my arsehole. This time, there was no preparation. Mark plunged deep inside me and kept on going. The pain and the pleasure of his wonderful assault alongside his brother's flashed fierce colors behind my squeezed-shut eyes and throughout my entire body, and I couldn't help myself. With a sharp yell, I jerked upwards and my cock exploded so I pumped out shuddering spurts of semen over my fresh cotton briefs, soaking my trousers and surely smearing Johnny's free hand and Mark's designer suit with my cum.

  They held me until my shuddering came to a stop, then withdrew their fingers from my arse. I tried to apologize for my lack of control, but Mark kissed my lips to silence.

  "Shut up," he said roughly, but sounding almost affectionate, too. "I wanted to see if we could break you, and we did."

  I couldn't agree more. If this was what it felt like to be broken, then I swore I'd never waste time trying to gather up the pieces again. I was nothing if not a practical bloke.

  By the time we arrived at the twins' home--mine, too, now--I was dressed and almost ready to stand. But nowhere near ready to meet Melissa's gaze.

  As I stumbled into the fresh air, the large wet patch at my groin already cooling to the point of discomfort, my boss had exited the car and was studiously admiring the scenery.

  "Look ..." I began, but she allowed me to get no farther.

  "No," she said, holding up one beautifully manicured hand. "I really don't want to know. But you might want to give your trousers a wipe."

  "Yes, sorry." I glanced down and covered the offending stains with my not quite steady hand. "I got a little over-enthusiastic in the car. travel very exciting."

  Melissa raised her eyes at that, but I could see the smirk at the edge of her mouth. "So it seems. I'm hoping the promised coffee will be soon, though at this rate, I might need a shot of brandy with it."

  She was right. The Delaneys swept us all into their living room, and I found myself blushing to recall my first encounter with them there and how I'd entertained that client of theirs that night.

  Johnny nudged me as Mark gave the drinks orders to a passing henchman.

  "Don't worry," he said. "We're not playing tonight. There's a serious proposition to consider."

  I'd thought the Delaneys' meeting with their client back then had been pretty serious, all in all, even though the business in hand had been me, but I let it pass. Probably the wisest move.

  "Thank you, sir," I whispered back. "I'd best go and get changed for it then."

  Before Johnny could reply, I turned and made my way to the door, my mind already on overtime thinking about what I should change in to, depending on the sort of evening it might end up being. Mark's sharp command brought me to an instant stop.

  "And where do you think you're going?"

  I swung around, heart beating fast. "To get changed, sir. For our guest. I didn't think you and your brother would want me like this."

  As I spoke, I opened my arms so he could see what I meant, though no doubt he already knew. Johnny started to say something, but Mark silenced him with one of his looks and stalked right up to me so our noses were almost touching. Odd how I'd never thought about noses being sexy before, but in the twins' case, they most definitely were. Heck, I was probably burbling, even in my own head. Still, I couldn't blame myself.

  "Our guest?" Mark queried.

  Behind me, Johnny made a noise that was half growl and half groan. It sounded like he might possibly be on my side here, and this hope gave me the courage I needed.

  I took a small step forward and wrapped my arms around Mark's neck.

  "For as long as you let me stay," I whispered to him, but just loud enough so Johnny--and Melissa, too, if she chose--could hear. "For as long as that, then everything I am is yours, so I'm part of you and Johnny. So, yes, my boss is our guest just because she's yours."

  Then I kissed him. For a moment, his body was rigid against mine, but soon he returned my attentions in full, taking control of my lips and tongue, and everything else alongside. When we finished, he nodded.

  "Accepted," he said. "Go and change, but don't wash. I like you dirty."

  Melissa made a strangled sound and waved one hand toward the drinks cabinet. "Time for my brandy, I think, if one's on offer?"

  It was, as by the time I came back downstairs from changing, Melissa was well into her glass. I poured the coffee, which had miraculously arrived in my absence, and, in only a few moments, all four of us were thoroughly ensconced in the comfy seats. We were sipping at our coffee, itself strong enough to keep the Roman army awake for a month should they have turned up wanting to sample any. I had to admit the sight of us gathered together in this strangely sociable manner was rather surreal, but I imagined I'd have to get used to it. The Delaneys were my live-in Significant Others now or rather I was theirs.

  Mark took a gulp of his drink before setting the cup aside. He glanced at us all and exchanged a brief nod with Johnny before speaking.

  "Melissa, do you ever sell any paintings by Liam's father?" he asked.

  Of all the questions in all the world, to coin a perfectly good phrase, I hadn't had any idea Mark would want to ask this one. Not for the first time, it struck me I didn't have a clue when it came to relationships.

  I thought my boss would laugh--I hoped she would--but she didn't. Which just showed how right I was about me and relationships. Instead, she sat back, still nursing her brandy, and pursed her lips.

  "I used to," she said, with a degree of hesitation I'd not seen in a while. "Liam's father was a strong seller and hugely talented, too, but he's not painted anything recently. Why do you ask?"

  Good question.

  Mark smiled.

  "Johnny's been doing his research," he said, "about Liam."

  "I see." Melissa frowned and glanced at me. "Is that entirely fair?"

  "Yes," I said, on the edge of my chair before I realized it. "Is it? What's going on here? Sirs?"

  I looked at both the twins, trying to work out what on earth they were up to, and whether I could head them off at the pass. After all, there were some things, surely, which should be private. Weren't there? Johnny reddened and looked away, but Mark caught my gaze and held it.

  "Ah, Liam," he said, leaning even closer toward me in a strange mirror gesture of the intimacy we'd so recently shared, although this time it was nothing like that. Nothing at all, as the promise of forgiveness was nowhere to be seen in his face. "Don't you know in the end we find out everything? Because, as I say, Johnny's been doing his research and it's come to my attention you haven't been entirely truthful with us, have you?"

  I swallowed and raised my chin a little as I continued to stare at him. "I didn't think it mattered. And it doesn't, not any more."

  A silence and then Mark sighed. "You disappoint me. I didn't ask whether you thought it mattered. I asked you to confirm if y
ou'd lied to us."

  I opened my mouth to reply, though, as my heart was right then filling it up, I wasn't sure if I actually had any room for words, but Mark silenced me with a gesture.

  "No," he said. "I don't want to hear your excuses. Not now, and certainly not during your punishment, which, I can assure you, will most definitely be taking place soon. For now I want you to stay there and be quiet, while my brother, Melissa and I have a pleasant conversation. Do you think you can do that?"

  I nodded. So I continued to sit as silently as Banquo's ghost, while the twins talked to my boss about what she knew about and what I'd never told them.

  I used to paint.

  There, that was the truth, even though I'd lied about it to the Delaneys once before. I'd admitted it, if only in my own head and nowhere else. I used to paint. Not like my father did and not for long. His pictures were large and sweeping dramas of the outdoors and, no matter how much I'd tried--and believe me I did try--I was nowhere near as good as he was and never would be. Which was why I'd stopped, and I was much happier once I'd made the decision. Much happier.

  God alone knew why the twins had decided to resurrect the whole business, and God alone knew why Melissa was playing along with it. She'd seen my stuff so she knew.

  When I tuned back in to what they were saying, Mark was gazing expectantly at my boss, whose lips were pursed. Never a good sign. Johnny was merely looking thoughtful.

  "Before I answer," Melissa said, presumably replying to a question I hadn't heard, "before I say anything, may I ask one important question?"

  "Go ahead."

  "Thank you. Now, I know I'm not a connoisseur of the scene, but I'm very much one for protecting my staff and I wanted to make sure there's a safe word involved in all this, isn't there? And I don't mean for me because I'm planning on leaving a long time before it gets any meatier and any 'punishment' takes place. But I do want to be certain, for Liam's sake."

  Johnny snorted with laughter, and Mark knit his brows together for a moment.


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