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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

Page 15

by Ruby Madden


  At first, it was hard to get into. This was by no means his typical reading fare. But he wanted to understand what it was about stories that Grace liked. What was it about these types of books that captured her attention?

  As he turned the pages, a bit embarrassed and amused, he started to grasp some of the appeal they held for women. The heroine was seeking to experience something about herself she’d never known before, something she yearned for.

  Erotic freedom.

  He read on, feeling foolish but each page he read made him feel closer to Grace. He found the story to be more chivalrous and romantic than he had anticipated. At times, he actually forgot what he was reading and got into the pace of the story. A few hours later, aroused and halfway done with the book, Clay finally nodded off to sleep. In his dreams, he found the elusive Grace.

  { GREG }

  Greg was arched precariously over a pool table, just about to take his shot when he spied Grace coming through the entrance. She was looking around, trying to find a recognizable face amongst the crowded billiards hall.

  “Grace!” He hollered out just a moment after sinking another ball. He had a grin a mile wide for her when she caught his gaze.

  He watched her stride, the curls of her hair bouncing a bit and the way she seemed unsure of herself but also excited to be there.

  It was charming, her personality. For a woman as lovely as her, she barely seemed to know it. Which made all the difference for him.

  She was disarming without trying. It was as if she was innocent to the unspoken ways between men and women or the jealousy between women, when it came to men. As if she’d never been a contender, nor never wanted to be.

  Warm, thoughtful, and sweet – he’d witnessed her win everyone over the other night when he first met her.

  “Do you play pool?” Greg asked once she’d made her way to him.

  “You better hope so, I did agree to meet you here.” She flirted.

  “Good, I just didn’t want to be that guy.” Greg said.

  “That guy?” Grace asked naively, not following.

  “You know, the one who doesn’t take into consideration what his date enjoys or would enjoy.” Greg said.

  “Ah, I see. Is that what this is, a date?” She asked, toying a bit with him.

  Greg looked surprised but then quickly caught on that she was teasing him. He laughed at himself. “Gotcha.”

  “I’ve played some. Not a lot, but I enjoy it.” She said as she took off her coat revealing her curvy frame.

  Greg ran his eyes over her body appraisingly. “Good, because I think I’ll enjoy watching you play.”

  Grace blushed and glanced away nervously. “Oh really?” She taunted.

  “Really.” He said.

  Grace settled into a chair at a nearby table and looked over the menu. “What do you recommend?”

  Greg took advantage of her question to move in closer and peek over her shoulder at the menu. It provided him a shot of her ample cleavage.

  God she smells good… Like apple pie.

  “Do you like beer? Or are you thinking a cocktail or some liquor?” He asked.

  “I like both, but tonight I could use a whiskey.” She said, giggling nervously.

  Greg smiled. She was nervous and wasn’t afraid to show it. It was sweet, he liked it.

  “Okay then, whiskey it is. I think you’ll like this one.” He looked around for a server and once he made eye contact, signaled her over. Greg was well acquainted with the staff. The pool hall was a nice spot that was also low-key. He found it to be a nice medium. Playing games with people revealed a lot. He’d rather get to know someone while playing, with good spirits to imbibe.

  It was the Portland way and Greg loved everything about it.

  “How goes work?” Greg asked, taking a swig from his beer.

  Grace nodded, “Oh the usual. But let’s not talk about work…”


  “How’s school?” Grace asked.

  Greg chuckled, “About the same. The usual.”

  “Made anything sumptuous lately?” She asked.

  “Yes, many sumptuous things have been crafted and baked by yours truly.”

  Grace nodded thoughtfully, “I sure wish I’d met you sooner in your education. I’d gladly have been a willing guinea pig for you.”

  I really like this girl…

  Greg chuckled again. “No worries, you know me now.”

  Their drinks arrived and Greg picked up the shots that he’d ordered for the both of them. “To good times with a lovely lady.” He clinked his glass to Grace’s and they both downed their shots.

  Greg then cleared the billiards table to set up a fresh game for them to play. He felt Grace watching him.

  “It’s been a while.” Grace said nervously.


  “Playing pool.” She said.

  “Nervous?” Greg asked.

  “A little…”

  “Don’t be. I’ll show you how to play. It’ll start to come back. It’s a lot like riding a bike or getting it on, once you get in the groove, you’re good.”

  He noticed Grace blushing furiously. Again, too cute. She got so flustered.

  Once the table was set up, he took the opening strike and called solids. “Stripes it is for you little lady.”

  Grace hesitantly picked up her cue and made a mangled effort of a play. Greg decided to come to her rescue. “If I may?” He held out a cue that he thought would be better suited for her. Chalking it and then he positioned himself behind her and off to her side a bit.

  “Ok, first you want to get your grip and your stance figured out.”

  Grace’s body had stiffened initially when he positioned himself close to her, but as he showed her, she loosened up.

  “Like this?”

  “Yes, almost.”

  Greg moved in a bit closer to help correct. He then glided her through a few practice shots.

  Grace then took the shot. She sunk a ball and Greg let out a whoop.

  “Nice job!”

  “Thanks…” Grace giggle out.

  “You get to take another shot. Want my help again?”

  Grace nodded.

  Give me some sugar, little honeybee…

  Greg began humming the Tom Petty tune before he realized it.

  “I love Tom Petty.” Grace said.

  This time, it was Greg’s turn to be embarrassed. His arm around her, gripping the cue softly, he allowed himself to ease into her a bit, just enough so that he felt the delicious curve of her ass pushed up against him. Grace peeked up and over her shoulder at him, a wicked grin on her face.

  “Like this?” She asked again, coyly.

  “Yes, perfect.” Greg answered, right into her ear in a near hush. He was tempted to whirl her around right then and there to kiss her. Instead, he opted to tell her as much. “I’m tempted to kiss you right now.”

  “You are?” Grace played along.

  “I am… but that wouldn’t be playing nice. You need to take your turn first. It’s good sportsmanship after-all.” He teased.

  Grace giggled and took the shot. Surprisingly, it was just on the mark with the right amount of firmness. She sunk the ball and another managed to find its way to another pocket.

  “Oh my god, I did it!” She squealed in genuine delight.

  “I had no doubt.” Greg said, reaching for his drink to take a swig. “You seem more than capable with a cue, and I’m sure, other types of wooden sticks.”

  Grace twirled around, a look of embarrassed amusement on her face. “Tell me you did not just say that.”

  “Oh, but I did.” Greg said, stepping back, leaning his lanky frame against the pool table.

  For a moment, there was silence between them as they eyed each other like two cats about to pounce one another, tails flicking.

  “So naughty.” Grace said softly, grinning. He
r eyes sparkling.

  It took Greg’s breath away. Floored him actually.

  Game on…

  Just then, he heard someone call out his and Grace’s name from the other side of the billiards hall. It was Cassie, her boyfriend Andy, and the rest of the gang.

  “Hey, we didn’t know you guys were hanging here?” Cassie asked, winking at Grace.

  “Yup, we’re busted. Guilty as charged.” Greg answered, smiling.

  “Wanna join?” Grace asked, inviting them to play.

  “You sure about that?” Cassie asked.

  “Of course. Please, by all means. Grace and I were just recently debating on whether this is a true date or not. What say ye Grace?”

  Grace shook her head, “We’ve debated a few things tonight, Greg and I.” She reached out and slapped him on the ass.

  Andy let out a low whistle, “Sassy much?!” He teased.

  “She’s also pretty decent at pool. She’ll be a pool-shark in no time with my skillful training.” Greg taunted.

  “Speaking of which, I have a shot to make.” Grace said, then sauntered over to the other side of the pool table to take position.

  “Who wants a round of shots?” Greg asked. Although disappointed that his and Grace’s play-time had been unintentionally interrupted, he knew good things were worth waiting for.

  Besides, the night was young.

  { GRACE }

  Grace leaned against her kitchen wall eyeballing the contents inside her fridge. Grace was feeling frisky.

  It had been a few weeks since she’d serendipitously run into Clay at Moonstruck and she was nowhere near done reprimanding herself for not giving him her cell number. She let out a long, tired sigh and grabbed a beer. Another exhausting work week was done and over. All she wanted to do was relax at home.

  And, have some fun. Some carnal fun…

  Just then, she heard her new cell chirp out that she’d received a text. It was Saturday night and most of the gang was getting together. Grace picked up her phone and smiled. The text was from Greg checking to see if she was going to join them tonight. Having spent more time with Cassie and her circle of friends recently, she was grateful for their company. Initially, to get her mind off of Clay. Now that she knew them better, she was enjoying them more and more.

  Grace liked Greg.

  He was no Clay, but he had a relaxed personality and a casual, sexy demeanor that made her feel comfortable around him. She knew he liked her, but he didn’t pine for her attention or ogle her like a lot of guys their age. She liked this about him.

  I should invite Greg over… Just him and I… Maybe I can give this whole casual sex thing a shot? I’m so horny…

  Feeling a bit bold, brave and embarrassed – she replied to his text. ‘How about U & I hang tonight, just the 2 of us?’ Before she could lose her nerve, she hit send.

  Almost instantly, Greg replied. ‘Really?’

  Grace replied just as fast. ‘Yes, really. Silly…’

  ‘What do you have in mind?’

  ‘You up for just hanging at my place?’

  Her phone pinged again. ‘Sure! Should I bring anything?’

  Grace took a deep breath and sent a text she’d never had the courage to do before. ‘Yes, ur sexy body, some good rum & condoms.’

  Grace waited for his response, it felt like a century of time was passing by…

  Her phone chirped out a ping again. ‘That’s the best text I’ve ever gotten. I’m on my way. See U in a half hour or so…’

  She dashed to her bathroom and touched up her hair and makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror as she applied a fresh coat of coral-colored lip gloss, she saw that she not only felt sexy, she looked sexy. Desirable. Completely fuckable.

  Fascinating that these two men, Clay and Greg, had pulled this side of herself out of her…

  She spritzed herself with a soft vanilla scent and then went to her closet to scavenge for something sexy to wear. She pulled down from the top shelf, a chocolate-brown, velvet, designer cloth bag that contained lingerie sets she’d bought but never had the courage to actually wear.

  Until now.

  Opening the designer bag that was closed with a coral-colored drawstring, she carefully pulled out the various matching lingerie sets she’d bought over the years but had never actually worn. They were so beautiful and vibrant in color. Like fabric gems, bejeweled with promises of what would come if she dared adorn herself with them. Each color speaking to a theme.

  Grace pondered the coral lip-gloss she was wearing and how it would match well with the canary-yellow lingerie set. Feminine, sexy and playful. That was the goal of the evening for her.

  After slipping into the delicate bra and barely there panty-thong, she pulled on a comfortable pair of snug jeans that she felt flattered her the best. Looking over her shoulder to admire herself in the mirror, it occurred to her how sexy she felt. That she liked the idea of wearing something so feminine and naughty beneath casual clothing.

  For a man.

  For a man to discover and appreciate.

  Or even if just for a guy, like Greg, on his way to becoming a man, to enjoy.

  It felt good. Really good.

  Grace padded over to her front door and unlocked it. She sat down on her sofa and waited.

  For the first time in ages, she was allowing herself to just focus on what she desired and not worry about what would happen. She was nervous, sure – as anyone would be when they’re contemplating their first intimate encounter with another, but she was also really excited. There was something about Greg that made her feel accepted and relaxed. She sipped at her beer and waited.

  When she heard the gentle knuckle-rap at the door, she called out. “It’s open, come in.”

  Greg strided inside and Grace appraised his lean, tone, tall frame. Her eyes had traveled from his shoes, up his legs, to his torso and shoulders to finally meet him at his gaze. The one that always looked like he could eat her up like a chocolate truffle.

  “Hi Grace.”

  “Hi Greg.”

  The sexual tension hung in the air between them. Feeling bolder than she had ever felt before, she patted the spot next to her on the sofa and smiled flirtatiously. “Sit down, open the rum.”

  Somewhere, somehow – along the way in the last few weeks, Grace had come to a conclusion, a decision. Although she had found that Clay stirred her entire being and heart, her attraction to him at white heat, Greg aroused her too. If she could ever find Clay again, somehow – she was certain that the chance for love between them existed.

  In the meantime, she wanted a fuck-buddy.

  A lover.

  Someone to erotically play with. Greg was that person, that man. Since fate and the gods had seemingly ‘punished’ her, she might as well enjoy what had caused the jinx to begin with. Besides, they shared this sweet food appreciation and connection.

  Greg hung his coat up on the coat rack, took off his shoes – leaving them by the door and set that bag down on her coffee table.

  “I brought a bit more than rum.” He reached into the paper bag and brought out a pecan pie. “I made it yesterday.” He then pulled out a half gallon of vanilla bean Hagen Daazs and an ice cream scoop. He smiled brightly at her, “Something for you and that sweet tooth of yours.”

  With that he leaned down and hesitantly kissed her. Grace wasn’t so hesitant. She needed a taste of him. She’d been thinking about it all day. Thankfully his sexy body had been her distraction to get her through the workday.

  She slipped her hands up under his shirt and slid them up and around his torso, pulling him towards her. He was so taught, lean and firm. Just enough skin and muscle on his frame.

  Eager to see his body, she pulled his shirt up and over his head. She gasped when she saw an elegant dragon tattoo that wrapped around his torso over his shoulder and at the crest of his clavicles and upper arms. It was stunning, full of color and executed superbly.
br />   “Greg, that is gorgeous!” She gasped.

  He smiled widely, “You like it I see…”

  She traced her finger along the line of it, shamelessly appreciating that it started just above his groin and moved up towards his abdomen. Greg’s reaction was instantaneous. Her exploratory touch and kiss had him semi-firm already. He wanted to slow this down a bit, enjoy some rum and pecan pie with her. He moved away.

  “I’ll get us some plates, forks and sipping glasses for the rum. I’ll be right back.”

  Grace liked that he took charge of the situation and despite not knowing where stuff was in her kitchen, he returned fairly quickly with everything they needed to enjoy themselves.

  He sat down next to her and readied everything. First he poured them some of the quality sipping rum and handed her a glass.

  “Cheers to an impromptu and what I’m sure, will be a delightful evening.”

  Grace grinned amusedly and chinked her glass to his. She slowly sipped at the rum, enjoying its unique taste as much as the warmth that spread down her throat and into her tummy. She stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt the nice flow that Greg and her were already in. She was somehow holding her own and felt more relaxed around him than she had anticipated.

  She was feeling bold too.

  Greg cut a slice of the succulent looking pie and scooped up a generous amount of vanilla ice cream. Before Grace could reach for her fork, he prepared a bit for her and raised it to her mouth.

  Suspended, they each gazed at the other, waiting.

  Grace slowly opened her mouth, not losing eye contact with Greg as he slipped the bite in and then slowly pulled the fork out. He watched her closely. There was no holding back her reaction. The pecan pie was some of the best she’d ever tasted. What Greg didn’t know, was that one of Grace’s favorite desserts was pecan pie.

  “Oh, my, god…” Her eyes rolled heavenward, her face looked blissful.

  Greg prepared another bite for her and raised it to her lips. But before she could eat it, he slipped a kiss in, tasting her and the sweet after-taste of her first bite. Careful to not let it slip off the fork, he gave her the next bite.


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