The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance

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The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance Page 9

by BWWM Club

  Slowly circling her clit with his tongue, Alex slipped two fingers inside of her, stretching her tight channel to accommodate him.

  “Ah, Alex, yes,” Bianca groaned, thrusting her hips to meet his movements.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him to her and Alex took that to mean she wanted more. He pushed his tongue inside of her, lapping up her arousal as she came undone around his tongue, screaming his name. Alex moved up Bianca’s body until he was fully settled between her thighs, his thick erection pressing at the entrance to her pussy. Before entering her, which was torture, Alex slammed his lips to Bianca’s as she lay regaining her breath from her intense orgasm. He pushed his tongue in between her lips and tangled it with hers at the same moment as he plunged into her. The sensation was intense and they both cried out at the contact. Alex began moving his hips in a steady rhythm, surging in and out of her as she pushed her hips to meet him. It began as a slow love making but soon turned frenzied. Bianca grabbed his ass, pulling him to her and he plunged deeper as she positioned her legs on his shoulders.

  “God, Bianca, you feel so wet,” Alex moaned.

  “Deeper and harder, Alex. I need to feel all of you,” Bianca breathed, arching to meet him again.

  Taking the cue he flips her over. “Bend down,” he growls, pushing her back down towards the bed.


  Alex pushed inside of her again and Bianca cried out once more, the feel of his large dick deep inside of her making her orgasm build again. Bianca pushed back against him with her ass, needing more. Alex wasn’t just fucking her, he was filling the empty space inside of her that the loss of her baby created. She needed Alex right now like she needed oxygen to breathe and he was giving her just what would heal her.

  “Yes, baby, deeper,” she moaned, pushing back against him even more.

  Alex slammed into her and she gasped, the pain of his cock hitting her cervix and then the pleasure of it rubbing her g-spot causing her climax to rise. Three more thrusts and Bianca couldn’t bear it any longer.

  “Come for me, baby,” Alex whispered in her ear.

  That was all Bianca needed to let go. The orgasm hit her with force and she screamed, her muscles clenching and rippling around his thick and lengthening cock.

  “Oh, God, Bianca,” Alex shouted, finding his own release.

  Bianca collapsed on her stomach, Alex still inside of her, panting. She couldn’t move if she wanted to. Alex pulled out of her and she felt his weight lift from the bed. He returned seconds later with a wash cloth and it felt so good when he wiped her clean.

  “Rest now, baby,” Alex said, pulling the blanket over her still naked body.

  Bianca managed a weak nod and closed her eyes, drifting to sleep almost instantly.


  Alex watched Bianca from the doorway for a moment as she drifted off to sleep. Gathering his clothes he slipped from the room, making sure he had his phone with him when he went. He had several important phone calls to make and wanted to make sure he did it before she woke up.

  Dialing the number from memory, Alex waited for the person to answer. “I’ll take the job,” he said without even saying hello.

  “Good,” the man said, “I knew you’d come around.”

  After a few more minutes of small talk and setting up the time for Alex to begin training he hung up. For the first time in three weeks Alex felt like everything was falling into place. Finally.


  Bianca woke up and it was getting dark, which in late October in the Northeast could mean it was five o’clock. She sat up, slightly disoriented from her long nap. Where was Alex? She hopped off of the bed and shivered, the floor was freezing. Remembering that she was naked, Bianca located her sweats and t-shirt and threw them on quickly followed by a fuzzy pair of socks. Finally warm, she went in search of Alex. She thought about their encounter earlier and smiled. Something had shifted inside of her and it left her feeling calm, and at peace. Maybe it was the way they connected again, for the first time since she lost the baby, which made her feel like she wasn’t so lost any longer. Whatever it was that helped Bianca, she knew she felt better. She would never stop grieving the loss of the life that she was never able to hold in her arms or watch grow up, but she suddenly felt like she would be okay.

  As she approached the kitchen, Bianca could hear banging of pots and pans and muted cursing. Stifling a laugh, she walked in. Alex was attempting to cook dinner. There was a pot of boiling water hissing as it splashed scolding water onto the flames, and something on a back burner smoking. Alex was rinsing another smaller pan in the sink; the contents were unidentifiable, and swearing under his breath.

  “What’s for dinner?” Bianca asked holding a hand over her mouth so he wouldn’t see the smile that was spreading there.

  Alex turned to her, embarrassment shining in his eyes. “I was trying to make spaghetti and meatballs. My sister assured me that it was a simple dish. Looks like I may have to call her back and tell her what she can do with that simple dish,” He said wiping sweat from his brow.

  A small chuckle escaped Bianca’s lips and she slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “This is funny to you?” Alex asked, feigning anger.

  Bianca nodded, tears escaping her eyes. God, it felt great to laugh again.

  “I’m sorry, babe. Is there anything I can help with?” She finally asked, approaching the stove with bewilderment. Nothing looked salvageable.

  Alex shook his head. “I think it’s a good thing I have the take out menu to a great Italian restaurant,” he said, waving the menu in the air.

  Bianca laughed again. “I think you’re right.”

  Alex placed the order for their food and Bianca began to clean up the kitchen, trying to save her pan that had some sort of black charred substance stuck to the bottom.

  “I’m sorry about your pans,” Alex said as they dug into their spaghetti and meatballs later that evening.

  Bianca waved a hand in the air. “Don’t worry; I was due for a new set anyway.”

  They ate the rest of the meal in comfortable silence. This was the best evening they had together since the miscarriage. Bianca almost cried with relief as they both cuddled under a blanket on the couch later that night, ready to watch a movie. All wasn’t lost and her relationship with Alex wasn’t beyond repair. Sighing, Bianca relaxed against Alex’s chest as the movie began. Finally, she felt at peace.

  Chapter 9

  Several weeks passed and the holiday season was fast approaching. Bianca was busy getting ready for finals and winter vacation from work. It seemed she and Alex were back into a groove and the awkwardness and sadness that was surrounding them in the weeks prior was slowly lifting. Bianca was looking forward to the almost two weeks away from work and school and was hoping that the time spent with Alex would further heal their relationship. Alex was still looking for work and she hoped he would find something soon, although he didn’t seem as melancholy as he was when he returned from Chicago. He wouldn’t talk much about the job search or if he was even still pursuing his own business but Bianca knew he wanted to make sure he was financially sound before they tried again for a baby. They discussed waiting until after the holidays and even talked about Alex moving all the way in to her house at that point; even though he spent ninety percent of his time there anyway.

  Pulling herself from her wayward thoughts, Bianca put the finishing touches on her final paper and shut down the computer. It was close to midnight and Alex was snoring away next to her. He was exhausted lately and Bianca knew he was working very hard to find a job. Bianca stashed her computer away and climbed back into bed. She brushed a soft kiss across Alex’s lips and settled back against her pillow, tucking herself into the crook of his arm and laying against his chest. The sound of his steady heartbeat began to lull her to sleep. Suddenly he stiffened and Bianca startled awake.

  “If you keep rubbing me that close to my crotch I may forget
that you have to get up early and have my way with you, again.” Alex mumbled his voice gravely with sleep.

  Bianca laughed, “I’m sure I would be so upset if you did.”

  Bianca decided to push her luck and Alex made good on his promise. By the time they both went to sleep it was almost two a.m. but Bianca wasn’t complaining at all.


  Alex wondered when he should tell Bianca about his new job. He was almost finished training and knew he should tell her soon. But it never seemed to be the right time. He thought about what she would think when she found out. Would she be angry? Would she think it was stable enough? Truth be told, when she had the miscarriage and their lives were in turmoil Alex decided it was best to keep the new job a secret for awhile, she had enough to think about, but now they were getting back into the swing of things and Bianca seemed happy. At least that’s what he thought. Some nights he would watch her when she thought he was asleep, she still had trouble sleeping, and he could see the far off look in her eyes; that what if expression. He knew the look because he would do it too. There wasn’t anything either of them could do to bring the baby back but they would never fully heal either. Sighing, Alex stepped from the shower, already running several minutes behind schedule for his training. He was due to finish up just before Christmas and he wanted to surprise Bianca with being fully employed as a Christmas gift, one of many. They discussed trying again for a baby after the holidays but Alex could see the hesitation in Bianca’s eyes. Just like him, she was frightened of losing another baby. The doctor told them it was a fluke, an accident of nature, but he knew they would both be scared until they had another healthy baby.

  Toweling himself off, Alex walked into the bedroom. Even though he hadn’t ‘officially’ moved into Bianca’s house, it felt like he lived there. He still had his one bedroom apartment downtown, but with the exception of running there to get clothes, he rarely visited it. Bianca would also clam up at the discussion of him moving in and Alex decided to let it go for now, until she was at least pregnant again and he had a reason to be there full time. He knew one thing; he wasn’t going to let her pull away from him again.

  Thinking Bianca was asleep still, Alex padded into the room quietly, draping his wet towel over her vanity chair. Warm hands wrapped around his bare waist just before he bent to pull on his boxer briefs.

  Alex smiled, “I thought you were asleep?” He said turning to pull a sleep mussed Bianca against his naked chest.

  “Mmm, not when you’re naked and wet five feet away I’m not,” she mumbled, burying her face in his chest.

  Alex was instantly hard at the contact, his naked erection pushing against her belly. Bianca looked down and smiled, licking her lips.

  “What’s that look for?” Alex asked, knowing damn well what she had in mind.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” Bianca purred, lowering to her knees.

  Alex growled deep in his chest, his dick becoming harder as Bianca wrapper her hands around it. She began to stroke him slowly and he threw his head back and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. When she put her lips around his cock he almost thrust into her mouth. Not wanting to rush her or scare her off, he held back, gripping the chair that was now behind him for control. Despite his best efforts, Alex began to rock his hips as she took all of him and began sucking while stroking him up and down with her hand. Her other hand reached down to cup his balls and he cried out as she gave him a slight tug.

  “Damn, baby,” he growled, white knuckling the chair.

  She continually stroked him with her tongue and hands and Alex felt his orgasm building. Finally, it became too much and he shoved his hands into her hair, yelling her name as he came in her mouth. Bianca licked him clean and sat back on her heels, smiling.

  “You’re going to be late,” was all he could muster and she laughed.

  “It was well worth it considering the look on your face,” she answered, rising.

  Alex kissed her deeply, their tongues entwining. “I wish I could return the favor,” he said pulling her close and cupping her ass.

  “Later, soldier, I’m really going to be late. At least it’s just the last day before winter break and there won’t be much to do. We are having a ‘holiday’ party today.” She explained.

  They finished dressing and grabbed coffee from the kitchen on their way out as Bianca explained to Alex what they would do today for the kids. Before the miscarriage, she wasn’t so prone to silence-filling chatter. Perhaps she didn’t want to stop talking and think for any amount of time. He listened intently, asking questions when he wanted to know more. They walked out the door together and he kissed her goodbye; the type of kiss that let her know they would definitely be finishing what she started later. Bianca waved as she stepped into her car and Alex couldn’t shake the feeling that she was slipping away from him again.


  The test was positive, Bianca couldn’t believe it. Only two months later and she was pregnant again. And scared to death. Hoping to distract Alex from asking questions about her demeanor, that and the fact that he looked fucking sexy dripping wet and naked, Bianca gave him a little ‘treat’ this morning. Sure, she was running late for work but it was worth it, in more ways than one. Talking about her class and the cute little projects they created the last day before winter break also helped keep her from showing him the terror in her eyes every time she thought about that test. She took it the night before and couldn’t stop thinking about it since.

  Something seemed off when last week Bianca was exhausted, bone tired exhaustion that left her feeling like the walking dead at night. She knew that wasn’t normal and that she had felt that, albeit briefly, the last time she was pregnant. This time it kept getting worse and she could barely keep her head off the dinner table two nights ago. That’s when she suspected; well that and vomiting up her whole dinner afterwards. She was able to hide it from Alex, which was hard considering he was constantly checking up on her lately. Before this, she was doing well, the loss of the baby still haunted her on occasion but she was moving on. Now she was in a panic that it would happen again. She took the test when Alex went out the night before to get some clothes and other things from his apartment downtown. That left her exactly forty-five minutes to get a test, take it and dispose of it. As much as she wanted it to be negative; the complete opposite of what she wanted two months ago, it wasn’t. She stared at the double pink lines for almost twenty minutes and only made it within seconds to throwing it in the garbage bins in the backyard before Alex came back in.

  Paralyzed with fear that he would find out she barely ate dinner that night, and due to extreme exhaustion she fell right to sleep afterwards. Bianca could tell he knew something was up with her, and for once she hoped he only thought it was about the miscarriage. Pulling into her parking spot and shutting off the engine, Bianca knew he couldn’t find out about this pregnancy before she knew for certain if the baby was okay. She couldn’t crush him by losing his baby again; their relationship would never survive it.


  The work day flew by and Bianca was beyond exhausted when it was over.

  “Are you okay, Bianca?” Mrs. Jensen asked as they were leaving for the day.

  She must have looked as bad as she felt. “I’m okay, just tired with working full time and taking night classes. I can’t wait to have two weeks off for winter break to relax,” Bianca said, averting her eyes so Mrs. Jensen couldn’t see right through her lie. After all, she did teach five year olds for thirty-three years.

  “How have you been feeling, dear?” Mrs. Jensen followed up; she knew about the miscarriage that most people didn’t.

  “Better. I’ll always be sad when I think of what could have been, but there isn’t anything I can do to change what happened,” Bianca replied and it was the truth.

  As much as she mourned and regretted what happened, she knew now there was nothing she could have done to change it. The doctor spoke extensive
ly with her about it at her follow up appointment when all Bianca did was blame herself. Bianca walked with Mrs. Jensen to her car and said her goodbyes, hugging the older woman and wishing her a Merry Christmas before they parted ways. She climbed into her car and sighed, leaning her head back on the head rest and closing her eyes for a moment. God, she was tired. Taking a deep breath, she started the car and headed home, trying to figure out a way to hide the pregnancy from Alex for a few weeks. This was going to be more difficult than she thought.


  Alex walked out of the office, a smile spreading across his face. He was ready to begin work as soon as the holidays were over. He couldn’t wait to surprise Bianca next week with the information that he had a job, and a great paying and exciting job at that. With more excitement than he felt in awhile, Alex drove home to Bianca’s. It was funny that he thought of her house as home even though he didn’t officially live there. Any place Bianca was would be considered home to him. That was when Alex knew what he had been trying to deny all of this time. He loved Bianca and he wanted to be with her for a lifetime. Suddenly getting an idea, Alex took a detour home. He had a more important stop to make and a great Christmas present for Bianca. The only thing he hoped was that she would say yes.


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