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Kiss and Tell

Page 17

by Sandy Lynn

  “You are all the surprise I could ever need.” Leaning down he kissed her lips tenderly.

  “Then does that mean you don’t want to know what it is?”

  “Hell no,” he laughed.

  To his delight, Willow echoed the sound, giving the throaty laugh he loved. “You have to catch me first.” Without looking back at him, she turned and ran down the hall.

  Looking at the box in his hands he smiled as he dropped it and easily caught up to her. Scooping her up into his arms, he carried her into their bedroom. No matter how many times he thought it, he couldn’t stop the smile that came to his face when that phrase came up. Their room. He wasn’t alone any more.

  “No fair, you cheated.”

  “Haven’t you heard, all’s fair in love, sweetheart.”

  “Yeah, but you used your superpowers. And I don’t have any.” She pouted in his arms but didn’t struggle to remove herself from his embrace.

  Seth had to fight to repress his chuckle. He knew she was only teasing. “Now that just isn’t true. You have much more power than I do,” he said, playing along.

  “I do? What powers?” Her hands rested lightly on the back of his neck, her fingers playing with his hair.

  “Well, you have total and complete power over my heart.”

  “Good answer.” Leaning in, she rested her head on his chest.

  “Penny for your thoughts. No, wait, that’d be wrong. Kiss for your thoughts?”

  “Just thinking. I did have to finally fess up about what you were wearing at the bar that first night.”

  “I always thought ladies didn’t play kiss and tell.”

  “Yeah, but it’s one of the rules. And well, I didn’t tell them everything that happened between us.”

  Even through his shirt he could feel her face heat up. “Anything else?”

  “Yes. I was wondering how fast we could get these clothes off—without ruining them, Seth—so you could make love to me.”

  That was all the invitation he needed. In one smooth motion he managed to pull her shirt off and lower his mouth to hers. As his tongue delved into her mouth, he freed her breasts. Ending the kiss, he helped her stand. Lowering the blasted jeans she insisted on wearing, he paused to place a tender kiss on her hip a second before he started nibbling on it. He smiled against her flesh as her hands twisted in his hair.

  Pulling her back to his lap, Seth removed the rest of her clothing, pausing only when she tugged on his shirt. Standing, he tore away at his own pants, uncaring if they were destroyed. They were ruined for a good cause. Willow joined him, her hands resting on his chest. Picking her up, he laid her gently on the bed before lying down beside her and kissing her deeply. His tongue thrust into her mouth, an imitation of what his body was screaming it wanted. He didn’t stop until she was moaning beneath him.

  Lifting his head from her body, he ignored her whimpers. Tracing a trail down to her breast with his tongue, he teased her nipple, allowing his teeth to lengthen and graze against the tight bud before his tongue swirled around it.

  Her hiss of pleasure was the only encouragement he needed to continue.

  He trailed kisses between her breasts, over to the other nipple, teasing it while his hand stroked then raised her leg. As he suckled on her, his thumb delved between her folds, circling and teasing her clit. Within minutes she was writhing beneath his hands and mouth. When his finger slid inside her, Willow arched her neck and back, trying to get closer to him. He teased her, bringing her body close to orgasm then slowing his movements, prolonging the moment, the torture.

  Pulling his finger out, he slid his cock into her, holding himself still once he was buried deep inside, driving her crazy. He knew she was close, that his entry had nearly caused her to orgasm.

  Clawing at his back, she tried to entice him to move, but he remained frozen, once again denying her orgasm.

  When he finally began to thrust, he was slow and gentle. “What’s the rush, sweetheart? We have all night,” he whispered against her mouth. Hell they had all eternity.

  As their pleasure began to increase, Seth didn’t try to hide the slight changes in him. He’d been surprised to discover that the subtle changes actually seemed to arouse his mate rather than repulse her. She seemed to revel in making him lose control. And he loved seeing that wild side of her.

  Willow ran her tongue over his teeth, causing them to lengthen and sharpen as he kissed her then nibbled on her neck. Seth’s teeth slid easily into her flesh as he took a quick sip of her blood then closed the wound.

  “You are so addictive,” he murmured against her flesh. “Gods, how am I supposed to control myself around you?”

  Tangling her hands into his hair, she tugged until he was looking into her eyes.

  “I want to taste you.”

  “Sweetheart, as unbelievable as that sounds I have to decline. This time,” he added. “I’m quite happy where I am,” he told her, thrusting into her a little more forcefully and causing her grip on his hair to tighten as a moan of pleasure escaped her.

  “Not like that. I want to taste your…” Her voice trailed off as she raised her head and bit his shoulder.

  “Are you sure?” His body stilled.

  “That was what I wanted to tell you before you distracted me. Your surprise. I’ve thought about it a lot. I want to spend the rest of your life with you, not just the rest of mine. And hey, just because it isn’t sexual doesn’t mean it can’t be. I want it to be…pleasant,” she told him. “So I’ll enjoy doing it. And I can’t think of a more appealing time.”

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I am,” she assured him.

  Nodding, he allowed one of his fingernails to lengthen and used it to create a deep slash at the base of his neck, over his pulse.

  As Willow lifted her head and began to drink from him, Seth thrust inside of her again. Both groaned deep in their throats as both her suckling and his thrusts became more forceful.

  Unwilling to release his neck, even to scream with pleasure from her orgasm, Willow bit down instead. The action made him growl as he thrust into her then collapsed.

  “Gods, is that what you feel?” he asked, his voice shaky.

  Willow released his neck and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. When the kiss ended she quickly licked his wound, watching in amazement as it closed before her eyes.

  “It worked. Okay, that was cool,” she told him almost distractedly, before she licked the trail of blood that had dripped down his chest.

  When she finished, Seth leaned his head against her shoulder and chuckled. “I love you, Willow.”

  “Good, because I am completely in love with you. And just for the record, if I find you doing this biting thing with any other girl, you’re dead meat faster than you can say ‘all-you-can-eat-day-at-the-blood-bank’.”

  “Never, my love. You are the only woman I will ever want for the rest of my life.”

  “That’s good to know. Now, show me how much you missed me,” she told him, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

  “Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?” he asked, playing along. “How much proof do you need? You were only away for two days this time…”

  “No. That was just to ease the tension.” Smiling, she pushed on his chest then climbed on top of him. “You, sir have created an insatiable need inside of me. Now, you must suffer the consequences.”

  Sighing deeply, he used his best martyred voice. “Well, if I must…” He knew his smile ruined the effect. “Or, you can show me just what you want.” Lifting her to her knees, he guided her down onto his cock. “Show me the wild lover that hides deep inside of you.”

  Seth watched Willow’s head fall backward, felt her hair tickling his thighs. Placing both hands on her hips, he tried to keep her movements slow.

  Groaning, he knew he was in heaven when she lifted her hands to her own breasts. Cupping them, she teased him as she played with herself. His eyes were half-closed, as he enjoyed the show. One han
d left her breast, resting behind her on his thigh. Above him, she arched her back, grinding against him as her golden hair fell between his legs. Long seconds later, he felt her nails scraping lightly against his balls. Her free hand moved to his and guided it to where they were joined.

  Thrusting down, she guided his fingers to touch her, much as he had on their first night together.

  “I love feeling you touch me,” she moaned, her movements speeding up as his fingers plucked at her clit.

  She released him, her hands moving to score his chest.

  “Please don’t ever stop touching me like this.” She cried out, her muscles tightening around him. “God, Seth, don’t stop.”

  Her contractions pulled an orgasm from him. Thrusting as deeply as possible given their position, he growled as he came.

  “Ah, love, you do not know what you do to me,” he whispered when he could speak again.

  “Yes I do, because you have the same effect on me.” Snuggling down onto his chest she sighed. “I’ve never felt safer than I do in your arms.”

  “I’m glad. You are truly a gift from the Moon Goddess to me.”

  “Moon Goddess?” Her voice was low, sleepy.

  “Sleep, my love. I will tell you that story another night.” Placing a tender kiss on her forehead, Seth pulled her hair back from her face when her breathing became even. Watching her sleep, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Sandy Lynn, please visit Send an email to Sandy at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Sandy!

  Look for these titles by Sandy Lynn

  Now Available:

  Night’s Promise

  Eye Candy

  She’s his target…and his mate. Aw, hell!

  Carinian’s Seeker

  © 2007 TJ Michaels

  Beautiful genius Carinian Derrickson wants to live long enough to date a man from the future generations of spacemen, complete with ray guns and starships. She’s not crazy, she’s just afraid of dying young of some dreaded disease, like all the rest of her family. Her research into gene therapy has shown her the way to extend her life is by emulating traits only before seen in fiction. Vampire fiction. Only the beings that shouldn’t exist are very real indeed.

  Unknown to her, there’s a bad boy vampire in the lab next door with a goal quite the opposite of hers. If he has his way, he’ll bring the Vampire Council of Ethics (V.C.O.E.) to its knees.

  Jon Bixler is a Seeker for the Council—an assassin and undercover operative in a world of humans. Bix must get close enough to this rogue to find out exactly how he plans to dismantle the Council. And Carinian is just the ticket. But when he meets her, all his vampire common sense flies out the window as his libido leaps off the charts. What’s he going to do now that the woman is in danger and secretly trying to do the impossible?

  Bix and Carin can’t deny the combustion of love and lust between them. They accept their mating. But can they stay alive long enough to enjoy it?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Carinian’s Seeker:

  “Kiss me, Bix,” she whispered fiercely, tilting her head up with eyes closed. She knew he’d give her what she asked for. No need to look. Just feel. Bix would take care of her. She felt his mouth move towards her, but he didn’t meet her lips. Instead he tipped her chin up more and licked the side of her neck, from her pulse point up to her ear.

  The intense answering ripple in her womb almost made her forget to erect a psychic shield.

  “Oh damn, that was nasty. Do it again.”

  Bix gave her another hot swipe of his wet tongue along her sensitive skin. She shivered as her head fell back. Her skin felt much too tight and her body grew hotter by the second. She barely registered the crooning of the music in the background as she reached into his tailored jacket, grabbed two fists full of his shirt and held on under a sensual assault that almost bent her over backward. Moisture gathered at the entrance of her channel and even she could smell her arousal waft up from between her thighs. Finally, he captured her lips. Bix started growling again, but for a whole new set of reasons, all of which she agreed with wholeheartedly.

  “I can smell you, baby. Makes me want to go down on my knees and bury my head under your dress right here in the middle of this dance floor.”

  Lord knows she wanted nothing more than to find a dark corner, flip up her skirt and let him have at it. A primal need rose up in her, a need for him to take her. To make her his in every way. Forever. Her kneecaps quivered and she spoke to them. Don’t you dare dump me on my ass. Stand firm, girl, stand firm.

  “Firm? I’ve got something firm for you, baby,” Bix whispered into her head and pressed his long, swollen ridge of flesh firmly against her belly.

  Her shield dropped like a stone. Bix, along with a horde of other horny vamps, heard her telepathic scream. “Oh, Bix, I’m yours, baby. Please… Oh God, bite me.”

  He looked directly into her eyes, fangs clearly visible. “Are you sure, Carin? There’s no going back if we do this.”

  She rubbed feverishly against him, trying to do her best to look like she was still dancing rather than humping against his leg. “Yes, I’m sure, Bix. I’m yours, and you’re mine. I can’t imagine being with anyone else or sharing you with anyone else. Ever.”

  “The mating is to bind you to me, not the other way around,” Bix said firmly, all smug Seeker confidence.

  Alpha to the bone, arrogant and self-assured. And right now, she didn’t give a rat’s ass. “So you say, damn it. You’re mine.”

  She knew she could be a stubborn bitch on wheels, but this man was going to be wholly and completely hers and love it. Even if she had to kill him. Her breathing hitched with anticipation as he lowered his head to the sweet pulse on her neck. She could feel his fangs aching fiercely, his need to bite so strong, her gums tingled. So powerful it burned from where his mouth touched her down to the little hairs on her toes. He rubbed his incisors against her tender skin.

  A sharp voice cut through the fog of lust and need.

  “Bix and Carin, please join me on the dais.” Alaana Serati stood there, calling to them. “And no necking on the dance floor for you two. We will do this according to tradition.” Then she smiled at Bix’s grimace at having his love play interrupted.

  “Damn, her timing sucks,” Carin growled into his chest.

  Trying to escape her past, Melissa runs straight into Duncan's arms.

  Night’s Promise

  © 2006 Sandy Lynn

  For the last twelve years, Melissa has successfully evaded her bastard stepfather, but now her luck has run out. Forced to take help from a bouncer at her favorite club, she must now face her demons. But when Duncan says and does all the right things, she wonders if he’s too good to be true.

  Duncan offers to help Melissa out of kindness. As a former assassin he knows how difficult life can be with skeletons in the closet. When his act of friendship turns into much more, he knows he isn’t good enough for such an angel. Will he let her go, or will she be the only person to find a way to bring him to his knees?

  Enjoy this excerpt from Night’s Promise:

  Duncan pulled Melissa into another hug. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was that she had been forced to go through that growing up, but words were meaningless. Her story went a long way to explain the close relationship between the brother and sister. It completely explained why the man was so over-protective of her and why, no matter what happened, Melissa stood beside her brother, unconditionally.

  “How does that blonde figure into this?” Duncan asked.

  “She’s working for my stepfather.” He felt her hot tears drip onto his chest, but she didn’t try to pull away this time. “He’s never forgotten how badly Gareth humiliated him, how he saved me. He wants to destroy my brother, Duncan. And all I can do is scream in the darkness, wait for him to
grab me. I think I could handle anything he did to me,” she told him, her voice muffled slightly. “But if he hurts Gareth…if he hurt Gareth, I would never forgive myself.” Looking up at him with liquid brown eyes, she pleaded. “Don’t tell him. Don’t tell Gareth.”

  “Angel, I don’t think I can keep something like this from him.”

  “He knows about the blonde. And he knows about the nightmares. But Gareth thinks I’m still afraid of him—of Travis. I don’t want him to know what really terrifies me is the thought of him being hurt because of me. He’ll think it means I don’t believe he can ‘beat’ Travis. I don’t want him rushing into a situation recklessly because he wants to prove something to me.”


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