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The Summer I Fell (The Six Series)

Page 14

by Loveday, Sonya

  I wouldn’t ask. He needed to tell me what he wanted. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he made me a bunch of promises he had no intentions of keeping, just to make me happy before he left.

  As they wrapped up their conversation, I heard Jared tell Ace to call him when he could. That he was sorry he’d miss his graduation, but he hoped to see him when Ace was on leave.

  When Ace hung up, he took a deep breath and blew it out. “Am I doing the right thing, Riley?”

  His question caught me off guard, and I pushed up from his chest to look at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Leaving. I don’t even know if it’s what I want anymore.”

  “What brought this on?”

  “Everything. You, my mom… I dunno. I feel like I’m leaving everything behind to start over, and I can’t help but feel… hollow. I’m not ready to say good-bye to you yet. Not now. Not when we’re… this.”

  I braced myself up on one arm and trailed my finger along the lines between his brows. “Jake, everything will be fine. Besides, it’s not like you’re gonna be gone forever, and neither will the others.”

  His eyes closed, and he pulled me back to his chest. Rubbing small circles against my back with his hand, he kissed my forehead. “So you’ll wait for me?”

  “I’ve waited a long time for you, Jake Aceton. I can wait a little longer.”

  He pulled me on top of him and lifted his head to meet me in a kiss that set us on fire.

  IT SEEMED LIKE ALL I did was blink, and the time flew past before I could call it back. Time didn’t care that you wanted to savor every second of it. It marched on like always and left me scrambling to make the most of what little of it I had left with Ace before he headed off to boot camp.

  Josh and Eli decided to go home first so that they could pack up their rooms. Josh needed to sort out what he’d be taking with him to college, and Eli needed to figure out how much he could live without while going to Haiti. Both were torn over leaving until I told them I’d be stopping by to oversee their shitty packing skills.

  Ace’s mom, Mary, had taken a couple of vacation days to spend time with him before he left, and they extended the invite to me since Ace knew I’d be sitting all by myself at home. I loved Ace’s mom. She was probably the sweetest person I’d ever met, and she loved Ace more than anything else in the world.

  I pulled up in his driveway as his mom opened the door with a smile on her face when I got out of my truck. “We were wondering when you’d get here.”

  I notice Ace standing behind her and couldn’t help the hunger that crept through me at seeing him. “Hi.”

  Ace’s mom turned to look behind her and chuckled. “I’m gonna go throw a load of wash in.”

  I think she said it as more of a reason to give us a minute alone, and we didn’t waste it. I launched myself into Ace’s arms and kissed him soundly.

  When I pulled back, Ace’s eyes smoldered. “I want to do so many inappropriate things to you right now.”

  The door to the laundry room opened, and Ace’s grip on me loosened. I slid down the front of his body until my feet touched the floor. He growled in response and shifted me in front of him so his mom couldn’t see the evident desire I’d sparked in him.

  “Will you be staying for dinner?” Mary asked as she set down a rounded basket of laundry.

  “Yes,” Ace answered for me, sliding himself into a chair.

  I scowled at him. “If that’s all right with you?”

  “Of course it is. I see the way he looks at you. He’s happy and for that, I’m happy. I just wonder what took him so long to figure out he loved you when the rest of us could see it from a mile away.” Mary shot a wink at him and grabbed a towel from the basket.

  Ace smirked and pulled me down into his lap, which didn’t help his situation any, since I couldn’t keep still.

  I elbowed him and stood up to help his mom fold the basket of clothes. “Behave,” I whispered to him.

  By the time the basket of towels was folded, the flush on his cheeks had dimmed and he’d tampered the wild look in his eyes.

  “I’m gonna stay at Riley’s tonight. Is that okay with you?” Ace sprung the question on his mom out of the blue, and I all but choked on the gasp of surprise that shot through me.

  Mary didn’t miss a beat. She turned around and pegged him with a serious look as she pointed her finger at him. “If you make me a grandmother before you’re settled down with your career, I’ll castrate you myself.”

  My cheeks blazed, and I couldn’t look up from the floor.

  Ace took it in stride with a laugh. “Momma, when have I ever been irresponsible?”

  I darted a quick glance in their direction when she answered, “Never. But as your mom, the woman who’s been through it all with you, I’m asking you… both of you, to be careful and use protection.”

  I wanted the floor to swallow me whole.

  “We’ve got that covered.” Ace chewed his lip to keep the smirk off his face when he looked at me.

  “Good. Now, let’s go finish packing up your bag so you don’t have to worry about doing it later.” His mom walked out of the kitchen. I ran my hands over my face, trying to get it to stop burning.

  Ace’s arms wrapped around me, and he pulled me into a tight hug. “That is the most interesting shade of red I’ve ever seen on you.”

  I buried my face in his chest. “That’s not funny.”

  He pulled back and lifted my chin up. “Riley, look at me.”

  I squeezed my eyes tighter. “I can’t. Just give me a minute, Ace.”


  “Give me a minute, Jake.”

  “Riley, I know you’re embarrassed, but think about it. What’s so wrong with the way we feel? It’s not like we were caught in the act. My mom gets it, she gets us, and I’m glad. I don’t want to feel like I have to sneak around to be with you.”

  A groan slipped from me. “Ace, she knows we’re sleeping together. And you’re her son… She probably thinks I’m some loose girl with no morals and…”

  He pinched my lips together. “And you’re talking a bunch of shit about the woman I love, who happens to have the best morals of any girl I’ve ever known, and is far from being ‘loose’. She’s funny, smart, and so beautiful that I want to lock her away from the rest of the men in the world. You’re my everything, Riley. I don’t care who knows it, and I damn sure don’t care what they think about it. I’d shout it from the rooftops for everyone to hear, but this is a small town, so everyone probably already knows it by now.”

  He’d made me feel a little better, but by no means ready to face his mom. I ran my hand down his chest and pushed myself back a step. “Jake, I can’t face her right now. Can I come back in a little while?”

  He blocked me from the door and crossed his arms. “Hey, Mom!”

  Oh no! “Stop it! What are you doing?” I hissed at him.

  “Yes?” she called out from the other side of the house.

  “Can you please tell Riley that it’s perfectly normal for a mom to know that their son is intimate with the girl he loves, so she won’t freak out and leave?”

  “What?” She was almost to the kitchen. “Is everything all right?”

  I tried to shove him out of the way so I could run out the door, but he was immovable. “Please move,” I whispered.

  “No, I only have a short amount of time left with you and I’m not giving any of it up, so deal with it.”

  Anger burned through me, and I fought the tears of embarrassment that flooded my eyes.

  “Oh, no. Riley, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that with you here.” Her arms came around me, and she hugged me. “I didn’t mean to upset or embarrass you. I was just being a mom and didn’t think about how it sounded other than a warning to my son.”

  I sobbed against her shoulder. She squeezed me tight and then pulled me back. “There is nothing wrong with your relationship with my son. From here on out, my lips are sealed.” Her
finger ran across her lips on an imaginary zipper, and then she broke into a smile. “Now, let’s go get him packed. Okay?”

  She didn’t give me a chance to say no as she put her arm around me and walked me to Ace’s room. I could hear Ace following along behind us. When we got to his room, his mom let me go as Ace blocked his bedroom doorway with his arms, as if I’d take the opportunity to bolt. I wanted to, but decided to stick it out and make the most of the time we had left.

  After a few seconds of holding his ground, Ace walked over to me and dropped a kiss to my forehead. His mom handed him a stack of clothes, and he shoved them into a duffel bag. He had to stop his mom from packing every single piece of clothing he owned with a reminder that he wouldn’t be wearing them much since he’d be in uniform most of the time. Her eyes watered, and she wiped away a tear that escaped with a chuckle. “I suppose you’re right.”

  When Ace zipped the duffel bag up, his mom walked over to his bedroom door, stopping just shy of the hall. “I’m gonna go start dinner. I’ll call for you to come and set the table when it’s time.” When she stepped out, she pulled the door, but left it cracked. She didn’t have to say anything more.

  Ace pulled me down to sit beside him on the bed. “Sorry about earlier. I hope you’re not angry with me.”

  I’d wanted to be angry. He’d outmaneuvered me in my embarrassment and forced me to stew in it until I relented. “You’re lucky I don’t hold grudges.”

  He pulled me closer and moved my legs over his. “When I come back, on leave, we need to sit down and talk about what’s next for us. I really don’t want to do it now and rush things, but I want you to know how I feel.”

  I leaned back on one arm, willing the nervous roll of my stomach to settle. Ace wanted more, and it made me deliriously happy. “Do you have any idea where you’ll be going after boot camp?”

  “Not yet. I have an idea, but I’m waiting to see what happens.” His muscles bunched along his shoulders when he shrugged. “Will it matter to you? I mean… with where we’ll live?”

  In a swift move, I was on his lap, facing him. “I just want to be wherever you are. I don’t care where or how, or even why.” I cringed after admitting it, hoping it didn’t make me sound as clingy as I felt.

  He smiled at me. A smile that crinkled at the corners of his eyes, telling me it was what he wanted to hear.

  “I can’t wait to get you home, Riley.” He kissed my lips and stood up with me in his arms. “Now, let’s head downstairs before I shock my mother and really embarrass you.”

  My feet hit the floor, and I staggered out of his arms. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  WE MADE IT THROUGH DINNER. The mood was light, as we talked about everything except for Ace leaving. He stood next to his mom and helped her with the dishes, as I cleared the table and wiped it down. When the last dish was put away, Ace’s mom put her hand on his arm. “I think I’ll be heading to bed early, maybe even read a book for a little while.”

  Ace pulled her in for a hug. “I’ll see you in the morning?”

  Stepping back, she put her hand on his cheek. She smiled, the same smile that crinkled at the corners of her eyes like Ace’s. “Have fun. Behave.”

  Ace lifted her off her feet. “Yes, Mom. I promise, no kids.”

  She slapped at his arm, and he set her down. She turned to me with a wink. “Keep him in line, Riley.”

  I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “You know that’s next to impossible.”

  “Yes, but doable.” She pulled me in for a quick hug. “See you tomorrow?”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat when she stepped back. We’d be each other’s support when Ace left. I nodded, not trusting my voice, and put a fake smile on my face. I’d fall apart on my own, because it would be messy and heartbreaking, and there was no way I’d allow anyone that close to see it.

  She turned away with a wave of her fingers over her shoulder. “Good night, you two. Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.”

  Ace snatched my keys from where I’d left them on the hook by the door. “Night, Mom,” he called out to her as he swung the front door open and ushered me out of the house.

  He opened the passenger side door, and I climbed in the truck. When the door closed behind me, he darted around the back and jumped into the driver’s seat as the door swung open.

  “In a hurry, Ace?” I turned in my seat, not able to hide the smirk on my face as I watched him jam the key in the ignition and start the truck. We were rolling out of his driveway before he answered.

  “You. Me. The rest of this night. I’m gonna make the most of it. Every. Single. Second.”

  I shivered at the husky tone in his voice. His hands clenched the steering wheel as he drove. When he passed my street, I turned my head and watched the street sign disappear in the distance. “Uh, you missed my street.”

  “I know. I’m not taking you home. Not just yet.”

  “Where are you taking me, exactly?”

  “You’ll see.” He never once looked over at me when he spoke. If anything, he leaned closer to the steering wheel like it would make us get to wherever we were going faster.

  Whatever it was, it had him on edge, more than I’d ever witnessed before with him.

  He drove us out to the cabin and brought the truck to a stop by the front door. I went to open my door, but he put his hand up, silently gesturing for me to stay put. I gave him a confused look, but he didn’t stop to explain as he disappeared inside. When he came back out, he had an armful of blankets and a couple of pillows.

  He dumped them in the back of the truck, got back behind the wheel, and drove across the yard to the Hole. When he stopped the truck and pulled the keys out, tossing them on the seat, I knew we’d made it to his intended destination.

  “Why here?” He gestured for me to slide across the seat to where he stood just outside the door.

  Curiosity had me across the bench seat and inches from where he stood, as I waited for what he had to say.

  He put his hand out and helped me from the truck. When I stood in front of him, he reached into the truck bed, pulled out the pillows, and handed them to me. I hugged them against me as he pulled the blankets from the back. He held them with one arm and then led me out to the dock. When we got to the end, he dropped the blankets and spread them out, gesturing for the pillows in my hands. I gave them to him, and he dumped them on the makeshift bed he’d made.

  Not a word passed between us, as the sounds of the night filled the silence. I opened my mouth to say something, but he placed his finger against my lips. “Shhh. Look up, Riley.”

  I tilted my head, seeking out the night sky. It was beautiful. The stars shimmered against the inky blackness like a blanket over us. I knew then that Ace wanted to make this night something special. Something we could both call back to us when we were apart. I would always remember it as the night he covered me with stars. My eyes blurred. I could feel the threat of tears and couldn’t stop them. Ace’s hands came up to cup the back of my neck, using his thumbs to tilt my face. The first tear rolled down my cheek. Brushing it aside, he leaned in to kiss me. He didn’t have to ask me what was wrong. I didn’t want him to either. I just wanted—needed—him more than I ever had, and somehow he knew it.

  Every touch was slow. Every kiss was drawn out, slipping into another one. A deeper one. Shoes were kicked off. Clothes were peeled away until the night air touched our skin, doing nothing to cool us down. Together we moved until we were lying on the blanket. Reaching for each other, we sighed with every touch our bodies made. We moved as one under the stars, as the night came alive around us.

  Ace kissed me, wrapping the blanket around us to fend off the mosquitos that tried feasting on us. When there was no reprieve from them, we packed up the blankets and pillows, stowed them behind the seat of my truck, and Ace drove us to my house. Our conversation was light as we joked about all the places we’d be itching at in the morning.

  When he pulled into my drivewa
y, our eyes met again, and it was a race to see who could get upstairs first. The entire night was a continuation of us loving each other. Slow, fast, tender, reckless. When the morning sun slipped across the horizon, our chests heaved against each other.

  I trailed my hand through his hair. “You’re gonna be exhausted on the drive to Georgia.”

  He pulled my fingers to his lips and kissed them. “I love you, Riley.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Ace forced himself to get out of bed, and then strode across the hall with his clothes from the day before. The shower turned on, and I let the tears fall. The pressure of holding them back had become too much, and I didn’t want Ace to be left with the memory of me crying before he left.

  When he got out of the shower, he found me downstairs making a pot of coffee. We both needed a little caffeine boost after spending all night wide-awake. I decided it would be best if I stayed home and let him have a few minutes with his mom before he left. While he was in the shower, I called Aiden, Eli, Mark, and Josh. They wanted to see him before he took off. It would be easier on everyone if they came to my house and said their good-byes on neutral territory.

  Josh strolled in first. “Oh, good, you have coffee.” He walked past me and pulled down a cup. The spoon clinked against the glass as Aiden knocked on the door and then let himself in, Eli behind him. Mark showed up a couple minutes later and plopped down in a chair.

  “I’d have been here sooner, but I had to stop by the hospital for a minute,” he said, tugging his hands through his hair.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “It will be as soon as Paige stops being so damn hardheaded,” he answered with a scowl that pinched his eyebrows together.


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