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Page 19

by D. Breeze

  He blinked, then his eyes shot wide and he flicked his eyes around the room, realising where he was.


  “Sleeping on the job, little brother?” Jax muttered from the doorway.

  We all shared a laugh and eventually roused Mase enough for him to get up and pass Harley over to her mum.

  Ruben stood and stretched his arms above his head, exposing a thin strip of flesh at the bottom of his stomach.

  I purely blame the pregnancy hormones, of course, but just that little flash of skin made me want to jump him. Five weeks without him was too long.

  I ached for him.

  He looked towards to pile of bags we’d brought back with us.

  “Well that’s not too bad, I had visions of you lot buying out the stores!”

  The girls and I shared a guilty look. “Well…”

  As if on demand, we heard the beeping of a vehicle reversing down the driveway and grinned, causing Ruben to roll his eyes.

  He held his hands out. “I don’t even want to know.”

  I giggled, feeling freer, happier, than I had in a very very long time.

  I left the men to find somewhere to store the deliveries and headed to Ruben’s room. Throwing myself on the bed, I stared at the ceiling and sighed. It had been one of the best days of my life. Just shopping, talking, laughing.

  It wasn’t the money.

  I didn’t care about the money.

  I cared about the friendships, the family.

  I felt a slight twinge in my heart for Lucas. I felt guilty for not visiting him more often and only sending the odd letter. But that place was making him harder, harsher, and frankly - the place gave me the creeps.

  I genuinely worried about who he would be when he was eventually released.

  Definitely not the charismatic, energetic, lovable guy I’d grown up with.

  I sighed again.

  It was out of my control.

  And I needed a nap.

  So I gently stroked the skin of my lower belly and closed my eyes on a prayer.

  “You’re going to have the best family in the world, little princess.” And so am I.



  After spending forever piling boxes in the garage with my brothers, I went in search of Lydia.

  The others had left to go and do their own thing and I was glad to have a bit of peace and quiet for a while. That’s the thing with keep your family a secret from your woman, I always had both of them to myself. Lydia was mine, my family was mine. Then I had to share, and as much as I loved it, I also wanted Lydia to myself for a while.

  Finding her curled up in a ball on one side of my bed, I leaned back against the wall and just watched her. Sometimes it still surprised me that one girl, one woman, could be so damn beautiful.

  And she would only ever be mine.

  My heart thumped in my chest.

  “Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead!” I sang, as I approached the bed.

  She barely stirred.

  Pushing her legs straight and turning her to her back, I lowered myself over her, placed my hands on either side of her head and called to her again.


  Giving up on waking her with words, I raised to my knees and pulled my shirt over my head. I fell to a hip, and kicked my jeans and boxers off too. I was actually pretty glad she was still sleeping because I’m sure it wasn’t a sexy move.

  I placed my elbows on either side of her hips and leant down.

  “Hi princess, it’s daddy. I think you’re making your mummy too tired,” I began, slowly stroking the skin of her tummy. “But take what you need, because you’re going to be the luckiest girl in the whole world.” I promised.

  I smiled at myself, talking to a stomach, weirdest thing I’d ever done, but I also felt like I had to.

  Lydia finally stirred and tried to shift her legs - difficult, considering my shoulders were between her open thighs. Her nose wrinkled in her semi-awake state, when she couldn’t move her legs and I bit my lip to hide my smile. I nipped her smooth thigh with my teeth, then kissed the same spot.

  She mumbled something about sex pests and I chuckled, I did have a nasty habit of waking her up just to fuck her, but damn it! She was just too beautiful in her sleep. I was just a man, there was only so much I could handle.

  “Wake-up, babe.”

  “I’m awake, so do what you have to do, so I can go back to sleep.”

  I stopped. Not acceptable.

  She sighed, knowing full well what I was going to do.

  “Oh man.”

  “Uh huh. You’ve done it now. I need you awake for this. I’m not into necrophilia.”

  I blew across her exposed clit and watched the shiver flown through her body. Her breathing escalated and I knew she was waiting.

  She could keep waiting.

  I gave her one full, slow lick from the bottom of her pussy to her clit - then blew across it again and she moaned.

  “I can keep this up all night, Lydia!”

  “Damn you! I’m awake ok, I’m awake!”

  I repeated the process and grinned when she growled my name like a curse. Shifting her legs again, she tried to escape the hold I had on her thighs but she knew it was a futile attempt.

  I licked again, making sure to add one painfully slow circle around her tiny bundle of nerves with my tongue.

  Sliding my palms closer to the tops of her thighs, I spread her legs as far as she could and held them there.

  Her eyes were open and glaring at me, but the speed of her breathing and her pink stained cheeks gave her away. This game, she fought it, but she loved it.

  I ran through each stage of sensual torture time and time again until she was writhing and pushing her hips up into my face.

  But I wouldn’t give her what she wanted until she said the words.

  I bit her thigh, harder than last time, but not hard enough to mark. “Stay still.”

  “I can’t!” She mewled.

  “You know what I want, Lydia.”

  Stroking a finger lightly through her wetness, I knew she was about to break when she grunted out a sound of frustration.

  “Damn you! Fuck me! Fuck me like you…” Without letting her finish, I hooked her legs over my shoulders and slammed home.


  There was, without a doubt, no other way to describe it. Sinking into her every time, fast, slow, rough or soft. Didn’t matter.

  It was home.

  She threw her head back and sucked in a harsh breath that had me swelling even harder inside her.

  “God yes…!”

  I stilled as soon as our hips were touching and she growled, slapping my back in annoyance.

  “Don’t stop!” She demanded.

  “This is going to be fast. You ready?”

  Her eyes narrowed, “You know I am! Stop torturing me!”

  With a wicked smirk, I pulled out and pounded back into her waiting pussy like a man possessed.

  Over and over I hit that sweet spot inside of her that made her moan and I fucking loved that she didn’t even try to hide it.

  I could feel the sweat beading on my temples and I prayed she was close. Leaning down so that our foreheads were almost touching, her knees slid to my elbows and I glanced down to see her spread wide for me.

  I raised my head a little to watch us and just the sight of my dick, coated with her juices, sliding in and out of her, was almost enough to send me over the edge.


  “Watch us, Lydia,” I panted. “Fucking look at us.”

  She blinked her eyes, then slowly, almost shyly, followed my line of vision. Her lips parted and I knew she was seeing what I could. How damn perfect we looked together.

  “Oh my god.” She whispered, eyes transfixed.

  I licked the tips of two fingers and circled her clit. Soft, at first. Then harder when I felt her inner walls start to tighten around my dick. Fucking heaven, every time. Her back arched off the bed and her l
egs clamped down around me, trapping my fingers against her clit whilst she rode out her orgasm.

  Still pumping my hips at a punishing rate, I bit out a curse as I followed her over the edge.

  The room silenced until all I could hear was the sound of our heavy breathing.

  “I seriously, seriously missed you.” She breathed and I smiled at her in agreement.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  It took me about half a second after Ruben had left early for work the next night, to realise why he had in fact, left early.


  Spending the entire day wrapped around each other and exploring his body, I had completely forgotten that Jax had said Freddy would probably be at ‘Blaze’ that night.

  And the brothers were planning on facing him.


  I couldn’t let that happen.

  I scrambled from the bed and ran, in my bra and panties, straight out the bedroom. I bumped into Harper in the hallway, she looked me up and down, then whistled.

  “Nice…” She said slowly.

  I shook my head. That girl.

  “Do you have something I could borrow to wear to the club? Those bloody idiots have left early because their trying to corner Freddy! He won’t go down without a fight and I need to be there.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? They wouldn’t have gone alone if they wanted us there.”

  I rolled my eyes, the most confident girl in the world even looked unsure. Brilliant.

  “This is my problem. Whether they want to play alpha-male or not, I have to be there!”

  She chewed her lip in thought.

  Ten minutes later, I was wearing a silver, backless halter-top and skinny jeans. The top hung low enough in the front to hide the fact that I couldn’t actually do the jeans up. Personally, I thought I looked like trash, but Harper convinced me it was acceptable and pointed out the fact that I wasn’t exactly there for attention.

  Oh, and she drove us to the club.

  Which would have been fine, if she hadn’t just passed her driving test a few weeks before and was possibly the worst driver I’d ever seen, or experienced. Not something I was planning to do again in a hurry.

  We reached the club in record time and I was thankful that the place seemed really quiet, too quiet in fact. The main room didn’t open until ten-thirty so during the earlier hours, it was just like a local bar on the sky-deck. I was surprised when Harper got out and followed me in, I didn’t want to be blamed for dragging her into my mess.

  I tried to talk her out of it but she wasn’t having it - so in we went.

  We searched all rooms we could find, but the guys were nowhere to be found - the sky-deck was playing soft music and the bar staff didn’t seem to know that anything was happening.

  I turned to Harper but she was looking right back at me with a blank look on her face.

  “Maybe you were wrong.” She suggested.

  “Maybe.” I agreed.

  But I didn’t really agree.

  Because my body was crawling with those invisible bugs that appeared whenever Freddy was near, it was like a second-nature to me. I could sense him.

  “We could check the main room? I know it’s closed, but that might actually make sense for them to be in there…?”

  I nodded at her idea and headed towards the main room.

  She walked in front of me and reached the doors before I did, they were unlocked.

  I went to step inside but something came around my throat and I was yanked to a halt.


  “Those men of yours are pathetic. Did they really think they could get one over on me?” Freddy hissed in my ear.

  I fought his hold on me and tried to kick out with my feet, but when I felt the cool, hard barrel of a gun against my temple, I froze.

  “Don’t even think about it, bitch. You got away from me once, but I’ll never let that happen again. Now, walk forward slowly. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they realise I won, again. I always win. Don’t you forget that either, Ladybug.”

  I did what he said.

  Mainly because, well, what choice did I have?

  As soon as the doors banged shut behind us, Harper’s face dropped and she nudged Mase in the side with her elbow to get his attention.

  “Evening gentlemen, ladies,” Freddy said, sounding creepily like he was about to start a business meeting. “Think I’ve found something here that belongs to you, haven’t I?”

  Ruben’s face drained of colour. He stepped forward but Freddy raised the gun to my temple again and he stepped back again. A move to which Freddy said, “Maybe you do have half a brain after all.”

  No one spoke.

  The room was deathly silent.

  Until Freddy decided the stand-off was boring.

  “You all know that there is not one single thing you can do right now. You are going to stand there, looking as ridiculous and stupid as you do, and you’re going to let me walk out of here without a ruckus. Understood?”

  They didn’t move an inch, or acknowledge that Freddy had spoken, but I nodded. To keep them safe, I’d go with him. I thought maybe, hopefully, I’d find another way to get myself and our baby home safe.

  “Don’t even think about it, Lydia.” Ruben begged.

  But it was my fault. It was my fault Freddy was so angry in the first place, my fault he wanted revenge and my fault that I didn’t stay back at the house so they could deal with him without me around.

  Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing?

  Freddy took a step back, pulling me with him. I shook my head when Ruben and Jackson took a step forward. Mase stayed where he was, guarding Harper, who looked scared out of her mind.

  The phrase ‘this isn’t real’ was playing on repeat in my mind.

  But it was.

  “Back off.” Freddy demanded when the two brothers stepped forward again, but they didn’t listen.

  Taking my life and theirs, in their hands, they took another step.

  “I won’t let you just walk out of here with her Freddy. She’s just a girl for crying out loud. You can leave, I don’t care about that. You could have left prison, moved somewhere else and wreaked havoc on a whole new city for all I care. You didn’t need to come back here, but I’m not stupid and I knew you would,” Ruben began. Then his voice dropped lower. “I bet it kills you, doesn’t it? Burns you up from the inside that a small, innocent eighteen year old girl could get you locked up. What was it like, Freddy? Spending your nights in a six by nine concrete cell. Yeah, I wonder how many of those nights you sat plotting your revenge.”

  “Shut up. You do not have any idea what you are talking about, little boy.”

  Ruben snorted. “Is that the best you can do? Come on, Freddy. We both know your blood is boiling right now. I hope it fucking hurts. You’re wasting your time, because if you really believe that we’ll let you take her anywhere, you’re more stupid than you look.”

  Jax leant to the side and whispered something in his ear. Ruben nodded.

  “Stop talking!” Freddy barked.

  I tensed, I could feel his anger radiating from him and they were just making it worse. I tried to get Ruben to look at me, but his eyes were solely focus on Freddy, on baiting him.

  “What’s the plan here, Freddy? Let’s say, for a second, that you actually made it out that door with Lydia. You think we wouldn’t follow? That they wouldn’t follow,” He hooked his thumb in Mase’s direction. “That the police wouldn’t be following.”

  He tutted, “You really didn’t come up with a great plan, considering all those long, lonely nights you spent locked up. I actually expected more of you. You’ve gotten weak. You haven’t even got your loyal group of dogs following you anymore.”

  Ruben stepped forward again and Freddy’s hand shook around the gun. Not in fear, obviously, but in fury.

  “So, the way I see it, you have two options. Either you walk away, right now, thi
s second and we never see your face around here again. Ever. Or option two, you made a half-hearted attempt to kidnap Lydia right in front of us. You’ll be followed, we’ll call the police and when you’re arrested, I’ll stand up in that witness box. I’ll tell them everything, what we used to do for you, how you used to beat us...all of it.”

  “Um, I will too.” Mase added from behind him.

  Ruben rolled his eyes. “Thanks for joining us brother.”

  “So make your choice and make it wisely.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest like he had all the time in the world and I couldn’t believe he was so calm.

  Did he not realise that this guy could shoot me in the bloody head in a split second?!

  “Or,” Freddy countered. “I could take option three. I could just shoot her. I can, and I will. It may be less fun, for me, but I won’t lose this. You are far too cocky for a man-boy who is watching the last few minutes of his girlfriend’s life.”

  “She’s my fiance, you idiot!” Ruben sighed. “I’m bored of this now.” He raised his chin at something behind me and I heard a click.

  “Personally, I like the odds better with option four. You get the fuck away from my baby sister and then I put a bullet in your brain.”

  I sucked in a breath and attempted to spin around but Freddy’s hold on my neck was too strong. I hated that I couldn’t see him.

  Freddy’s hollow chuckle did nothing to calm my racing heart.

  “Well if it isn’t big brother Romero. It appears we have quite the dilemma here. See, no matter what you say, I’m not leaving without her. She owes me and I have a variety of interesting ways to collect on her debt. So go ahead, shoot me. We both know you won’t so don’t kid yourself.”

  There was a beat of silence, a shuffle of feet and I only caught a quick glimpse of Ruben darting towards me before I was thrown to the side and covered with his body.

  “Stay down!” He demanded.

  I heard a grunt of pain and Harper’s hysterical voice on the phone to what I assumed was the emergency services.

  “What’s going on?” I whispered urgently.

  Ruben didn’t answer, just squeezed me tighter, stealing my breath.


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