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Killer Cuisine

Page 13

by Velvet Vaughn

  Mason scrubbed a hand down his face. “She didn’t want to take this job. She’s mad that I did. We fight all the time. I know this sounds weird, but I don’t think she wanted me to leave the Corps. She did her four years and then got out. I think she liked that she was home alone most of the time while I was OCONUS…or outside the continental US. Sorry I tend to speak in military terms.”

  Dan waved off his apology. “My brother’s Navy so I’m used to it.”

  “I guess me being gone so much gave Abby the freedom to sleep around behind my back.”

  Dan winced. There wasn’t much he could say to that.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to unload on you like a girl. And I know you didn’t sign up to listen to my problems.”

  “Any time you need to talk, I’m here for you, man. I mean it.”

  “Got any good advice?”

  Dan snorted out a laugh. “I’m not the guy you want advice from. Do you still love her?”

  Mason glanced around the room and then dropped his voice. “I’m not sure I ever did.”

  Wow. Another bomb. He had no idea how to respond. “If she’s cheating on you, Mason, you deserve better.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. I contacted a lawyer. I figured three weeks of pretty much forced sequester would make or break the marriage. Hell, I don’t think we’ve spent three weeks together since we met.” He shook his head and changed the subject. “You’ve got other things on your mind. I’m sorry I can’t be there to cheer you on tomorrow. I hope you crush the course.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to give it my best shot.”

  “Don’t worry about Kaitlyn. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “I’ll owe you one.”

  “Maybe you’ll let me sleep on your couch when my marriage crashes and burns? Kidding.”

  “You’re welcome anytime.”

  Dan said goodnight to Mason and then headed up the stairs. He felt sorry for the guy but he had no advice to give. His relationship history was a disaster of Titanic proportions.

  He checked the hall to make sure no one was around before he let himself into Kait’s room. The lights were off and she was curled up on the bed asleep. He toed off his sneakers and then stripped down to his boxer briefs. Easing the covers back, he slid in behind her. She made a mewling noise in her sleep and then rolled over to curl against him. He breathed in her scent, honeysuckle and lilac and something that was uniquely her. He could be standing in a room filled with a thousand women and he could pick her out by scent alone. He wanted to kiss her and hold her and make love to her. All night long. Every night. For the rest of their lives.


  The whispered words had him pulling back to look into blue eyes that even drowsy with sleep, took his breath. “What, honey?”

  “Thank you for staying with me.”

  Dan groaned, wanting to kiss her so much it was a physical ache. He slid a palm along her jaw to thread through her silky black hair. Then he cupped the back of her head and pulled her to him. She settled against him with a sigh. He couldn’t kiss her and he couldn’t make love to her. But he could hold her. So he did.


  Mason made sure all of the doors were locked and then set the alarm before he shut off the outdoor lights. Abby still hadn’t returned and he had no idea if she even would. Tonight was the nail in the coffin. No matter what, he was pulling the plug.

  Four years of his life wasted on a woman who didn’t care enough to inform him where she was going. She’d mentioned earlier about wanting to head to the COBRA Securities gym and run the parkour course but she didn’t have access. He didn’t know where she was and frankly, he didn’t care anymore.

  He texted Kendall a message that the contestants were secure for the night. After stripping off his clothes, he padded to the shower. His leg was aching after his long workout but the hot water felt good. He lingered, massaging his wound until the water turned tepid.

  Once he toweled off and dressed, he gathered his clothes and stuffed them into his bag. He carried his things to the smaller bedroom next door. If Abby returned, she could have the bigger one. He refused to spend another night in the same room with his soon-to-be ex.

  He settled into the bed and flipped on ESPN SportsCenter. His eyes had just drifted shut when his cell chimed with a text message. He checked the screen. It was from Abby.

  I’m outside. Alarm on. Come open the door.

  He considered ignoring it. Her being locked out wasn’t his problem. He didn’t care if she had to curl up and sleep on the stone steps. He certainly wasn’t taking orders from her. He thought about speaking with Kendall tomorrow about removing her from the house. Then another text popped up.

  Mason, let me in.

  He had to at least acknowledge her or she’d keep texting. He’d shut his phone off but Kendall might need to contact him. He typed out a quick response.

  I gave u the code. Use it.

  Don’t u think I would if I remembered it?

  This could go on all night. With a sigh, he ripped back the covers and slipped on his shoes. He was definitely speaking with Kendall. He took his time getting to the alarm to deactivate it. As soon as he opened the door, Abby breezed inside.

  “It took you long enough.”

  He didn’t even bother responding. He locked the door, reset the alarm and padded back to bed.

  “Wait, where are you going?”

  He continued inside and kicked off his shoes.

  “What are you doing in here? We’re using the bigger room.”

  “It’s all yours.” He slid under the covers and folded one arm behind his head as he surfed the channels.

  “Mason, what’s going on? What are you doing?”

  He sighed and tossed the remote aside. Maybe if he closed his eyes and feigned sleep, she’d go away.

  “Don’t you even want to know where I was?”



  Her tone was aggravated and she had no right. He was holding on to his temper by a thread. And it was fraying.

  “I wanted to try to walk on for the ninja warrior tryouts tomorrow but there were hundreds in line already.”

  He opened his eyes and stared at her.

  “What? You don’t think I could make it?”

  “I’m just dumfounded that you didn’t bother to tell me what you were doing.”

  “I would have if I decided to stand in line.”

  He shook his head. She had an obligation here, not to mention a commitment to their marriage.

  “I should’ve called to let you know,” she conceded. “But I’m not used to having to explain my whereabouts to you all the time. We’re usually hundreds of miles apart and I can come and go as I please.”

  God, she made it sound like he was smothering her by wanting to know where she disappeared to for hours. He was so over it. “Well, why don’t you just go right on back up there and wait. I’ve already decided to speak to Kendall tomorrow about releasing you from this contract so you have nothing keeping you here.” He closed his eyes again.

  “What are you talking about, Mason? You’re here.”

  “Look, Abby, I’m tired. I don’t feel like dealing with this tonight but just know that I’m releasing you from that obligation as well. I’ve already called a lawyer to start the divorce proceedings.”

  “You did what? We are not getting divorced. You said you didn’t believe in it.”

  Thanks to his Catholic upbringing, he didn’t want to go through a divorce, but his happiness and peace of mind took precedence. He couldn’t live with her any longer.

  “It’s all your fault, anyway.”

  He cracked a lid at her, interested to hear how she thought he was responsible.

  “You’ve never cared about me. There was always something more important…your job, your friends, your family. Yes, I might have slipped up and had an affair, but I was just trying to get your attention. Still, you never gave it to me. Then you get hurt and when you come
home, instead of spending time with me, you take this job without even consulting me.”

  He’d explained to her that by taking this job, they would be together, she just chose to ignore that. “I’m not fighting with you, Abby. As I said, you’re free to go from the house and from the marriage.”

  “Don’t you dare tell Kendall that I’m leaving the house. I want that job with COBRA Securities.”

  “I’m not the only one who’s noticed your absence from your duties.”

  She exhaled. “I will do a better job from now on. And I’ll go sleep in the other room tonight, but we’ll talk about this tomorrow when you’re more rational.”

  She turned and walked out of the room. They could talk all she wanted but he wasn’t changing his mind.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dan walked the course, mentally visualizing completing each obstacle. It was the same course from last night plus four additional challenges. A couple of them looked pretty much impossible.

  The bruise from where the car had hit him was sore, but he’d iced it and stretched the muscles. He could deal with the pain. Thankfully nothing had been ripped, torn or broken. A little discomfort was easy to push from his mind.

  “You got this, bro.”

  He turned at the sound of Logan’s voice. “Thanks for coming,” he said sincerely. “It means so much that you’re here.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes. “Where else would I be?”

  Dan shrugged. “With your smokin’ hot wife, maybe?”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be. You’re my brother,” Logan said, as if that said it all. And to him, it did. Logan had been protecting him their whole lives. Their father had been killed in a military accident when they were young. Their mother was a selfish bitch who cared nothing for her two small sons, often leaving them alone to fend for themselves...or Logan to fend for them. He was the one who fed and changed Dan but he had to leave each day to go to school. Logan worried what might happen when he was gone, so he called their dad’s sister, having never met her, and begged her to come take Dan away so he’d be safe. He told Trudy he would make up a story of someone breaking in and kidnapping him. Their mother wouldn’t care. Hell, she’d be happy there was one less mouth to feed…not that she worried about that now.

  Trudy instantly agreed, set up an emergency appointment with her lawyer to draw up necessary paperwork, arranged for a seat on the very next flight to California, a return trip for three and flew out to claim her nephews. Logan had no idea she was coming for him, too.

  Their mother had given up custody for one-hundred-thousand dollars, a staggering sum, but not for the lives of two of your own offspring. He hadn’t seen her since. He didn’t remember anything about her. His memories of his childhood were filled with love and happiness. Logan was his hero. He loved his aunt Trudy as if she were his own mother. Despite the loss of his father and the abandonment of his mother, he’d been blessed. Something dawned on him. “That’s why.”

  “Why what?”

  “You didn’t sign up to compete. You felt sorry for me. You’re better at the parkour course than anyone. I’ve seen you do one armed pull-ups in the triple digits. You’ve dangled out of helicopters for God’s sake. You could do this course blindfolded. You didn’t want to go up against me.”

  “That’s true,” Logan agreed, “but not because I thought I’d beat you, or felt sorry for you, dipshit.” Logan smacked him on the head.

  “Ow.” He rubbed at the spot.

  “Is that what your screwed up brain thought? That I was being magnanimous by not competing?”

  Dan shrugged and nodded at the same time.

  Logan shook his head at him pityingly. “You really are messed up in the head. I didn’t compete because you would’ve flat kicked my ass. Think how I’d feel to have my little brother school me.”

  Dan shook his head. “Nice try.”

  “I mean it,” he said sincerely. “You’re lean, you’re mean, you’re fast. You were climbing out of your crib and swinging from the rails before you could walk. This competition was made for you.”

  “I’m not a badass former SEAL.”

  “Don’t talk like that. Listen to me. This is eighty-percent mental. If you think you can, you can. If you doubt yourself, that will affect your performance. When you’re standing at that starting line, know that you are a ninja warrior. Become a ninja warrior. The course can’t beat you. You can do these obstacles in your sleep. The only thing that can beat you is you.”

  “And Costa.”

  Logan barked out a laugh. “Well, that could be true. Hell, I don’t even think that man is human. But you can beat him. I believe in you. Always have. Always will.”

  A lump formed in his throat. “Thanks,” he managed. Logan looked a bit choked up himself. Great. All he needed was to bawl like a baby in front of a roving television camera.

  “Besides,” Logan said, obviously trying to lighten the mood. “How many of these guys can claim an Oscar-winning actress in their personal cheering section? And let me tell you, I’m investing in ear plugs. With Jade screaming on one side and Bella on the other, I’m having trouble hearing.” They both chuckled. “Good luck, bro. You can do it.” Logan gave him a hug and then went in search of his family.

  Dan checked his watch. He still had two hours before he had to run. Plenty of time to check in with Mason. He punched in the number.

  “Hey, I heard you made the finals. Congrats,” Mason said by way of a greeting.

  “Thanks, we all did,” he said with pride in his voice. Seven COBRA Securities agents tried out and all seven made it through the first round.

  “Yeah, I heard Costa obliterated the course.”

  Of course he did. Not that Dan didn’t expect it, but good grief, was there nothing the man couldn’t do? “How’s it going there?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about. Just focus on the goal. Things will be fine here until you return tomorrow.”

  The way Mason said that meant there must be some kind of news. “Did they find out what killed Cora Crenshaw?”

  “Man, did you hear me? Nothing for you to worry about tonight. I’ll fill you in tomorrow.”

  “Fine.” Maybe he didn’t want to know. It would pull his focus away from the course. “How’s Kaitlyn?” He wanted her here, cheering him on. Maybe it would give him the push he needed to actually beat Costa. Ha. Like that would ever happen. The man was well on his way to being the next US Ninja Warrior.

  “She’s good. There was a little excitement when a friend tried to get in and see her.”

  “Yeah? Who was that?” Probably her sister-in-law Rachel. Kait was close to her brother’s wife.” Dan took a swig of protein water.

  “François something-or-another.”

  Water spewed out of his mouth, startling a man who was adjusting lighting on the course. “Sorry,” he muttered as he wiped his face. “Come again?” he asked Mason.

  “Yeah, a guy named François came all the way from Paris to see her. Can you believe that? He wanted to stop by the house but it’s against the rules. He’ll be at the next taping, though.”

  “Great.” Wonderful. François the magnificent, Kaitlyn’s boyfriend, former roommate. Dan squeezed the plastic bottle so hard it made a loud creak. The same man gave him the evil eye and moved down the course. “Was she upset she didn’t get to see him?”

  “Not really,” Mason answered. “I think she was surprised he was here. She’s the one who told him he couldn’t come to the house.”

  That was good, right? If she wanted to see her lover, she’d be begging Kendall to let him in. Kendall was a softie and a romantic. She’d probably drive him through the gates herself for the sake of true love.

  “I don’t have a problem with him coming to the house. I’m sure if Kaitlyn asked Kendall, she’d allow him to visit for a bit since he did travel this far.”

  “No.” The word was out of his mouth before he could stop it.

  There was a pause. “Ah.” Ma
son’s tone was telling. “Gotcha. No François on the premises.”

  “Just don’t want Kait getting in trouble,” Dan groused, but Mason was smart. Dan was sure he saw through his lame excuse. They talked a few more minutes and then he hung up. Now all he could picture was Kaitlyn with the good-looking blonde from the pictures.

  A solid weight plowed into him from behind and arms wrapped around his neck. Dan staggered and almost went to one knee.

  “Zanshin,” Kai crowed.

  He finally found his footing. “Are you trying to take me out of the competition, kid?”

  “Oh, is that what this is? I thought it was my dad putting on a clinic.” He slapped Dan’s back and chortled.

  “Real funny, Little C.”

  “Geez, I’m kidding,” Kai soothed. “Trying to make a joke. You looked a little sad.” He slid off of Dan’s back.

  Kai didn’t like anyone to be sad so he memorized jokes to make them laugh. This time though, his joke stung. Still, Dan pasted on a smile. “No, I’m good. Just focused.”

  “You know I want my dad to win,” Kai said seriously. “But I hope you come in second.”

  “You’re just saying that because Demarchis isn’t competing.”

  Kai shrugged. “No, I mean it. That screaming you hear from the sidelines will be me cheering you on.”

  Another lump formed in his throat. Dammit, he just got rid of the last one. He slapped a hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Thanks, kid.”

  “Well, me and Bella,” Kai corrected. “For such a little thing, that girl’s got a set of pipes on her like you would not believe.”

  Dan chuckled. That she did.

  “So,” he looked around and lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Do you think they’d let me take a run at the course? Those hanging cannonballs are calling my name.”


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