The Breakers Ultimatum (YA Urban Fantasy) (Fixed Points Book 3)
Page 25
Royce was on the ground, lying still and motionless at the feet of a woman who I instantly recognized as the blond who appeared to me in the forest. She stared at me with knowing eyes and I turned to run. This wasn’t a dream or a vision. I felt as much, as I tried to take in my surroundings. How did I get here? How much time had passed?
I ran through off the stone circle and, in the distance, saw a sign. The words at the top were obscured. But those at the bottom read ‘The Strangest of Places’. I turned left, ready to scream for help.
Owen was there though, dressed in black with tears pouring from his electric blue eyes. “I’m sorry. You should have listened. Why didn’t you listen,” he said, coming toward me. I was so relieved to see him that I didn’t notice the tenseness of his body. I didn’t register the way his teeth were gritted together. I didn’t even fully understand when he wrapped his hands around my throat and started to squeeze so tightly that I began to see spots...
“It was always seven," he cried. “I’m so, so sorry.”
To Be Continued.
Cresta Karr will return in
The Breaker’s Resolution Part 1:
Spring 2015
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