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Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

Page 20

by Wendy Smith

  “I’m so glad to see you. Thank you for coming over.”

  I smile. “I hope you don’t mind me dropping in. I sent Tom a text, but he didn’t reply.”

  She lets go of me. “That doesn’t surprise me. He’s been on the couch all day. Nothing’s got him moving. I’m so worried.” Bridget’s expression is full of concern. And I understand it. Tom’s like a brother to me; I know him so well. This has hit him hardest of all.

  “He’ll be fine. He has you.” I grasp her arm.

  “I don’t know what to do.” She sighs.

  “Just love him, Bridget. That’s what he needs. This is such a huge blow to him, and I’m sure he needs to know we’re all here for him. Especially you.”

  She nods. “I know you’re right. It’s just so hard seeing him suffering like this.”

  “He’s always felt things very deeply. It’s what makes him Tom.”

  Her eyes well with tears. I really feel for her. They’ve been together for a while, but this is probably something new for her. But I remember when his grandmother died and he didn’t come out of his room for a week. Molly and I crashed at his apartment until he was back to himself.

  “He needs time. And like I said, you’re the best medicine for him. I’m glad he has you.”

  Her lips curl into a small smile. “Thank you.” She nods toward the next room. “He’s in the living room. I’ll let you have some privacy.”


  I walk in the direction she indicated. Sitting on the sofa on the other side of the room is Tom. He’s staring blankly into space, and doesn’t even seem to see me.

  Crossing the room, I stop in front of him.


  He looks up at me. “Miranda? I didn’t know you were coming.”

  I sit beside him on the couch, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Surprise.”

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I will be.” I raise my head. “What about you? I think you’re scaring Bridget.”

  Confusion crosses his face. “What? Why?”

  “She’s never seen you like this. I told her that you just need time, but you have to talk to her. Don’t bottle everything up. Let her in.”

  He drops his gaze. “It’s just such a mess. How could it be Mark?”

  “Because he’s selfish and jealous. He fooled all of us.”

  “I keep thinking about Austin.”

  I swallow hard. Austin’s Mark’s partner, and I hadn’t even thought about him.

  “Have you tried calling him?”

  Tom shakes his head. “He’s called me a couple of times, but I haven’t answered. I can’t stomach talking to him. But I do know that he had no idea. Unless he’s lying to me too.”

  I grip Tom’s arm. “I’ll give him a call, and I’ll tell him to give you some space. He’s probably worried about you just as much as he’s concerned about Mark.”

  Tom nods. “You’re right. Thank you for coming.”

  “Well, I needed to be with my person. And my person happens to live here. Besides, it brings me closer to you and to Molly.”

  He eyes me suspiciously. “Who’s your person?”

  I suck on my bottom lip. “Jackson.”

  “Oh my God. I knew it.” Bridget appears in the doorway. So much for giving us some privacy. But all I can do is laugh. “Well, I didn’t know it was you, but I knew something was going on with him. Since Molly’s wedding, right?”

  Tom gapes at her, and I just laugh harder. “How did you . . .?”

  “The day of the wedding. Remember? We saw Jackson with his hand on Miranda’s knee, and I said—”

  “You said ‘Boy, is she in for a night.’” His disbelieving tone leaves me grinning.

  I shrug. “Well, to be honest . . .”

  “I don’t want to know.” Tom leans away from me. “Eww.”

  “Don’t you be a hypocrite, mister. I’ve heard about you skinny dipping the first week you were here.”

  He shifts his gaze to Bridget. “You told her?”

  “I told Molly.” Bridget laughs.

  Tom nods. “That sounds right. You didn’t tell me about Jackson.”

  “I didn’t tell anyone. Molly guessed.”

  “I’m really happy for him. And you. I mean, I don’t really know you that well, but if Jackson loves you, then you’re alright with me,” Bridget says.

  I grin. “I’m glad I have your approval.” Nudging Tom with my elbow, I shift my gaze to him. “Now, do what I said and call me if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  I roll my eyes and stand. “I’ll see you later.”

  As I walk out the living room door, I pass Bridget. “Good luck with that one.”

  “Thanks for visiting. I feel a little better now.”

  “I’m glad. I told him to call me if he needs me.”

  “You’ll be in town for a while?”

  I nod. “I’m not sure Jackson’s going to let me leave.”

  She grins. “I’m so happy for you two. He’s a good guy.”

  “The best. Except for Tom of course.”

  “Of course.”

  As I climb back into Jackson’s car, I take a look at my phone. Austin deserves a call. He’s been to every Mollab party for years, and we all know him pretty well. Tom seems convinced he had nothing to do with Mark’s activities.

  I log into work through the VPN, and look up Mark’s HR record. After retrieving Austin’s number, I dial it, closing my eyes as the phone rings.

  “Austin speaking.”

  I swallow. “Hi, Austin. It’s Miranda Clarke.”

  “Miranda? Shit. Is Tom okay? I’ve been calling him, but he hasn’t got back to me. I’m trying to find out what’s going on with Mark. He didn’t come home last night, and . . .”

  He doesn’t know. Mark hasn’t called him.

  I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Austin. Mark was the leak at Mollab.”

  “What?” The agony in his voice tears at my heart. “How could he be? You guys are tight.”

  “He’s in custody for corporate espionage. It’s all being handled by the authorities.”

  “Shit.” His voice cracks. “I can’t believe it. We even talked about it when Tom told us, and he seemed upset too. He lied to me.”

  I clamp my lips together, fighting back tears.

  “I’m so sorry, Miranda. I’m just . . . I had no idea. Please believe me.”

  I wipe a stray tear from my cheek. “I do. I’ve just been to see Tom. I’m sorry he hasn’t been taking your calls, but you can understand what a mess he is too. He loves Mark.”

  There’s silence for a moment. “Of course. I’ll wait until he calls me. And I’ll try and find out what’s going on.”

  “If I find anything further out, I’ll let you know. It’s out of my hands now.”

  “Of course. Fuck. Sorry for swearing, but fuck.”

  “It’s okay.” I lean my head on the window. Tears prick my eyes at how hurt he sounds.

  “I never for a moment thought it could be Mark.”

  I nod. “I know. I was very surprised. But he confessed to my face.”

  “Are you okay?” I manage a small smile at his words. When we’ve gone out together, Austin was always a sweetheart. It’s so like him to care.

  “I’m in Nettle Downs with Molly and Tom. I’ll be okay. Have you got anyone who you can be with?”

  “I’ve got friends I can call. Shit. I just can’t believe it.” His tone is so anguished. I want to reach down the phone and hug him.

  “Well, now you have my number. Feel free to call me if you need an update. I’ll text you if I hear anything more.”

  He sighs. “Thanks, Miranda.”

  As the call disconnects, tears prick my eyes again. Mark’s actions have caused a lot of collateral damage.

  And something tells me this is just the start of the heartache.

  Jackson greets me in the living room when I get back.

  He takes the
bags of shopping from my arms and places them on the bench.

  “How was Molly?”

  My cheeks blaze and I laugh as I remember our conversation. Jackson quirks an eyebrow. “What?”

  “She wanted to know all about you.”

  “Oh, did she now?” He walks toward me with so much swagger, it makes me laugh harder.

  “All the girls are jealous of me.” I cock my head as he gets closer.

  “Really? Brad was here earlier. Maybe I should have warned him.”

  I slide my arms around his waist. “Brad has nothing to worry about. I even have permission to tell you his and Molly’s little secret.”

  Jackson narrows his eyes. “Secret?”

  “Molly’s pregnant.”

  He grins. “That’s fantastic. Grace will be such a good big sister.”

  I nod.

  “What about Tom? How’s he doing?”

  “Not so good. But Bridget’s taking care of him. They’re so sweet together.” I bite down on my bottom lip and Jackson’s eyebrows pop up.

  “What’s that about?”

  “Bridget didn’t know about us. She might have something to say next time she sees you.” I laugh.

  He shrugs. “I’ll survive.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “There’s something else I have to tell you.”

  I’m not sure if it’s my tone, or the way I’m looking at him, but Jackson’s mood changes on a dime. He examines me closely. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure, to be honest. It might be nothing. But I bought this while I was out.” I let him go, reach into my bag, and pull out the pregnancy test.

  His eyebrows shoot up. “You think you’re pregnant?”

  “Would it be a problem?” I should already know the answer to this, but we’ve never lived together before. We’re still very much in the honeymoon phase of our relationship, and I’m not sure how we’ll deal with something so big.

  Jackson shoots me a wistful smile and shakes his head. “No, darlin’. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. We’ve been careful, but these things happen.”

  My lips twitch. “That’s how I feel about it too.”

  “So . . .” He takes the test from my hand. “Wanna take the test and see?”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  Jackson leans over. His lips are soft and warm, and his kiss is so gentle it leaves me swooning. I want this feeling every day.

  I take the test from him. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” He squeezes my fingers, and it takes everything to pull away from him and go to the bathroom.

  He’s sitting on the sofa when I return with an anxious look on his face. I sit beside him, holding the stick in my hand.


  I shrug. “We have to give it a minute.”

  He takes the test from me and places it on the table. Turning back, he links his fingers in mine.

  “Whatever happens, you know I love you.”

  I nod. “And I love you.”

  For a moment, we’re lost in each other, and then he takes a deep breath, as if he’s about to spill something big.

  “I did a lot of thinking while you were out.” He pauses. “I’ve decided to sell the bar and move to San Jose.”

  My mouth falls open as I stare at him. “No. You can’t. I know how much you love this town.”

  Jackson shakes his head. “It’s the easiest decision in the world to make if it means being with you.” He nods toward the table. “And if we’re having a baby, it makes sense.”

  “Oh, you stupid, ridiculous man.” His eyebrows knit as I laugh and cup his face. “I’ve just told Molly that I don’t want to wait. I’m moving to Nettle Downs. I was kind of hoping to move in with you. If you’ll have me.”

  His lips curl into a smile. “Really?”

  “I don’t want to be so far away when I need you, or if you need me. Besides, didn’t you just buy a new property?”

  “I haven’t signed the papers for that yet. Which reminds me.” He narrows his gaze. “Were you ever going to tell me that you convinced Doug to sell?”

  Laughing, I peck him on the lips before letting him go. “You found out about that, huh?”

  “I’m not sure whether to kiss you or spank you for interfering.”

  I hesitate before waggling my eyebrows. “I don’t mind which one you pick.”

  “Oh, you are just asking for trouble.”

  He launches himself at me, pinning me to the couch. I laugh as he tickles my waist. Sighing, he rests his head on my stomach and I stroke his hair. “I’m sorry if I upset you. I just wanted to help.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. It worked.”

  “Did he tell you?”

  Jackson shakes his head. “No, Amy did. I think she was trying to stir me up.”

  “Did it work?”

  He looks up. “Not for a second. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me.”

  I lick my lips and run my hand down his cheek. “You know, that test will be ready by now.”

  Jackson pushes himself up, and takes my hand to help me.

  “You look. I don’t want to.” I hold my fingers in front of my eyes.

  He picks up the test. “Two for yes, one for no. Right?”

  “That’s right.”


  I drop my hands. His expression says it all. His eyes are so full of awe as he holds up the stick with two very bright lines.

  “We’re having a baby,” I say.

  He nods. “We are.”

  I fling my arms around his chest and snuggle in against him. He chuckles, draping his arms over my shoulders.

  “How quickly can you move here?” he asks.

  “It’ll be faster if you help.”

  “I’m so there.”



  I should have known not to even joke with Jackson about the speed of moving.

  Two days later, we’re on the company jet and on our way back to San Jose. It’s a weird feeling coming back only to pack all my things and leave again.

  Molly’s with us, and we’ll also be using the next few days to officially appoint Robert as Operations Manager, reporting directly to me. He’ll be our local person in charge of the office. It’s a role he’s earned with all he’s learned since the merger.

  It won’t be the last time I travel there, but I’ll get what’s important and leave the bare minimum. Enough that I’ll have a place to use as a base when I do travel back for work purposes.

  I’ve got packers coming in to organize most of it. There’s just my clothing and Mr. Snuggles to pack now.

  “You didn’t have to come with me.”

  Jackson grins and stretches his legs. It’s a luxury he wouldn’t have had if we’d flown commercial. But this jet lease is coming in handy at least one more time. “And pass up the chance of flying in style? Besides, the sooner you’re ready to go, the sooner we start our new life together.”

  I lean over and give him a tender kiss. “I like the thought of that.”

  “We’re just missing one family member.”

  Laughing, I lean back in my seat. “I’m glad you’re not anti-cat.”

  “How could I be? You love him, therefore I love him. He’ll get used to me and hopefully sleeping in the living room.”

  All I can do is laugh some more. “I’m not sure you’ll win that battle.”

  Jackson grips my chin, and pulls me closer for another kiss. “As long as I have you, that’s all that matters.”

  “I love you.” I can’t get enough of this man. How I ever thought one night would do, I’ll never know. But one thing’s for sure. He’s what I’ve been missing all this time.

  Jackson is the rock I never knew I needed. I always knew I didn’t need a man to complete me, but I wanted a partner. That’s him. He supports me without question, and is there for me.

  “I love you too. Are you feeling okay with
the landing coming up?”

  I nod. “I’ll just grip your arm really hard. Hope you don’t mind a bit of skin loss.”

  He grins. “I’m tough.”

  And then he kisses me, and it’s not until the wheels squeal that I realize I nearly missed the landing altogether.

  Mr. Snuggles gives me a dirty look from his favorite spot on the couch. He’ll be mistrustful for a while, I think, but hopefully he’ll settle into his new home pretty quickly.

  Jackson keeps questioning whether I’ll be happy living behind the bar in his small apartment. But the truth is, I don’t care where we are as long as we’re together.

  And when we reach the point when we need more room, we’ll deal with it then.

  “Hey, buddy.” I pick up the cat, scratching him under the chin just the way he likes it. It takes him about two seconds to forgive me abandoning him for the past few days while I was in Nettle Downs, and he gives me a loud purr in return.

  “He’s going to be fine.” Jackson places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

  “I know . . . but I’ve been thinking about something I should take care of before we go back.”

  His eyebrows rise. “What is it?”

  “Mrs. Creedy loves Mr. Snuggles. When we take him, she’ll be alone. What if we find a cat for her?”

  His lips curl into a smile. “That’s a wonderful idea. Let’s go and tell her.”

  “I was thinking that if we find the right cat, we could surprise her. She’s got food and the litter tray from looking after Mr. Snuggles. I’ll take care of the expenses if it helps.”

  Jackson frowns. “What if she doesn’t want a cat of her own? I mean, it’s a big commitment.”

  I shrug. “Then there’ll be three of us moving into your apartment.”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “Okay. If you think it’s the right thing to do.”

  “She’s all alone. Her daughter barely visits her. She loves this guy’s company, and I think it’d be a great way to say thank you for everything she’s done for me.”

  “I think it’s a lovely way to say thank you. We’ve got some time this afternoon. Maybe we can check out the local cat shelters.”


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