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Jim Knighthorse Series: First Three Books

Page 42

by J. R. Rain

  My only appointment for the day was right on time, and since I work from home, I showed him to my office in the back. His name was Kingsley Fulcrum and he sat across from me in a client chair, filling it to capacity. He was tall and broad shouldered and wore his tailored suit well. His thick black hair, speckled with gray, was jauntily disheveled and worn long over his collar. Kingsley was a striking man and would have been the poster boy for dashing rogues if not for the two scars on his face. Then again, maybe poster boys for rogue did have scars on their faces. Anyway, one was on his left cheek and the other was on his forehead, just above his left eye. Both were round and puffy. And both were recent.

  He caught me staring at the scars. I looked away, embarrassed. “How can I help you, Mr. Fulcrum?”

  “How long have you been a private investigator, Mrs. Moon?” he asked.

  “Six years,” I said.

  “What did you do before that?”

  “I was a federal agent.”

  He didn’t say anything, and I could feel his eyes on me. God, I hate when I can feel eyes on me. The silence hung for longer than I was comfortable with and I answered his unspoken question. “I had an accident and was forced to work at home.”

  “May I ask what kind of accident?”


  He raised his eyebrows and nodded. He might have turned a pale shade of red. “Do you have a list of references?”

  “Of course.”

  I turned to my computer, brought up the reference file and printed him out the list. He took it and scanned the names briefly. “Mayor Hartley?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “He hired you?”

  “He did. I believe that’s the direct line to his personal assistant.”

  “Can I ask what sort of help you gave the mayor?”


  “I understand. Of course you can’t divulge that kind of information.”

  “How exactly can I help you, Mr. Fulcrum?” I asked again.

  “I need you to find someone.”


  “The man who shot me,” he said. “Five times.”


  The furious sounds of my kids erupting into an argument suddenly came through my closed office door. In particular, Anthony’s high-pitched shriek. Sigh. The storm broke.

  I gave Kingsley an embarrassed smile. “Could you please hold on?”

  “Duty calls,” he said, smiling. Nice smile.

  I marched through my single story home and into the small bedroom my children shared. Anthony was on top of Tammy. Tammy was holding the remote control away from her body with one hand and fending off her little brother with the other. I came in just in time to witness him sinking his teeth into her hand. She yelped and bopped him over the ear with the remote control. He had just gathered himself to make a full-scale leap onto her back, when I stepped into the room and grabbed each by their collar and separated them. I felt as if I had separated two ravenous wolverines. Anthony’s fingers clawed for his sister’s throat. I wondered if they realized they were both hovering a few inches off the floor. When they had both calmed down, I set them down on their feet. Their collars were ruined.

  “Anthony, we do not bite in this household. Tammy, give me the remote control.”

  “But Mom,” said Anthony, in that shriekingly high-pitched voice that he used to irritate me. “I was watching ‘Pokemon’ and she turned the channel.”

  “We each get one half hour after school,” Tammy said smugly. “And you were well into my half hour.”

  “But you were on the phone talking to Richaaard.”

  “Tammy, give your brother the remote control. He gets to finish his TV show. You lost your dibs by talking to Richaaard.” They both laughed. “I have a client in my office. If I hear any more loud voices, you will both be auctioned off on eBay. I could use the extra money.”

  I left them and headed back to the office. Kingsley was perusing my bookshelves. He looked at me before I had a chance to say anything and raised his eyebrows.

  “You have an interest in the occult,” he said, fingering a hardback book. “In particular, vampirism.”

  “Yeah, well, we all need a hobby,” I said.

  “An interesting hobby, that,” he said.

  I sat behind my desk. It was time to change the subject. “So you want me to find the man who shot you five times. Anything else?”

  He moved away from my book shelves and sat across from me again. He raised a fairly bushy eyebrow. On him, the bushy eyebrow somehow worked.

  “Anything else?” he asked, grinning. “No, I think that will be quite enough.”

  And then it hit me. I thought I recognized the name and face. “You were on the news a few months back,” I said suddenly.

  He nodded once. “Aye, that was me. Shot five times in the head for all the world to see. Not my proudest moment.”

  Did he just say aye? I had a strange sense that I had suddenly gone back in time. How far back, I didn’t know, but further enough back where men said aye.

  “You were ambushed and shot. I can’t imagine it would have been anyone’s proudest moment. But you survived, and that’s all that matters, right?”

  “For now,” he said. “Next on the list would be to find the man who shot me.” He sat forward. “Everything you need is at your disposal. Nothing of mine is off limits. Speak to anyone you need to, although I ask you to be discreet.”

  “Discretion is sometimes not possible.”

  “Then I trust you to use your best judgment.”

  Good answer. He took out a business card and wrote something on the back. “That’s my cell number. Please call me if you need anything.” He wrote something under his number. “And that’s the name and number of the acting homicide detective working my case. His name is Sherbet, and although I found him to be forthcoming and professional, I didn’t like his conclusions.”

  “Which were?”

  “He tends to think my attack was nothing but a random shooting.”

  “And you disagree?”


  We discussed my retainer and he wrote me a check. The check was bigger than we discussed.

  “I don’t mean to be rude,” said Kingsley as he stood and tucked his expensive fountain pen inside his expensive jacket, “but are you ill?”

  I’ve heard the question a thousand times.

  “No, why?” I asked brightly.

  “You seem pale.”

  “Oh, that’s my Irish complexion, lad,” I said, and winked.

  He stared at me a moment longer, and then returned my wink and left.


  When Kingsley was gone I punched his name into my web browser.

  Dozens of online newspaper articles came up, and from these I garnered that Kingsley was a rather successful defense attorney, known for doing whatever it took to get his clients off the hook, often on seemingly inane technicalities. He was apparently worth his weight in gold.

  I thought of his beefy shoulders.

  A lot of weight. Muscular weight.

  Down girl.

  I continued scanning the headlines until I found the one I wanted. It was on a web page for a local LA TV station. I clicked on a video link. Thank God for high speed internet. A small media window appeared on my screen, and shortly thereafter I watched a clip that had first appeared on local TV news. The clip had gone national, due to its sensationally horrific visuals.

  A reporter appeared first in the screen, a young Hispanic woman looking quite grave. Over her shoulder was a picture of the Fullerton Municipal Courthouse. The next shot was a grainy image from the courthouse security camera itself. In the frame were two men and two women, all dressed impeccably, all looking important. They were crossing in front of the courthouse itself. In football terms, they formed a sort of moving huddle, although I rarely think of things in football terms and understand little of the stupid sport.

  I immediately recognized the tall on
e with the wavy black hair as Kingsley Fulcrum, looking rugged and dashing.

  Down girl.

  As the group approaches the courthouse steps, a smallish man steps out from behind the trunk of a white birch. Three of the four great defenders pay the man little mind. The one who does, a blond-haired woman with glasses and big hips, looks up and frowns. She probably frowns because the little man is reaching rather menacingly inside his coat pocket. His thick mane of black hair is disheveled, and somehow even his thick mustache looks disheveled, too. The woman, still frowning, turns back to the group.

  And what happens next still sends shivers down my spine.

  From inside his tweed jacket, the little man removes a short pistol. We now know it’s a .22. At the time, no one sees him remove the pistol. The short man, perhaps ten feet away from the group of four, takes careful aim, and fires.

  Kingsley’s head snaps back. The bullet enters over his left eye.

  I lean forward, staring at my computer screen, rapt, suddenly wishing I had a bowl of popcorn, or at least a bag of peanut M&Ms. That is, until I remembered that I can no longer eat either.

  Anyway, Kingsley’s cohorts immediately scatter like chickens before a hawk. The shorter man even ducks and rolls dramatically as if he’s recently seen duty in the Middle East and his military instincts are kicking in.

  Kingsley is shot again. This time in the neck, where a small red dot appears above his collar. Blood quickly flows down his shirt. Instead of collapsing, instead of dying after being shot point blank in the head and neck, Kingsley actually turns and looks at the man.

  As if the man had simply called his name.

  As if the man had not shot him twice.

  What transpires next would be comical if it wasn’t so heinous. Kingsley proceeds to duck behind a nearby tree. The shooter, intent on killing Kingsley, bypasses going around a park bench and instead jumps over it. Smoothly. Landing squarely on his feet while squeezing off a few more rounds that appear to hit Kingsley in the neck and face. Meanwhile, the big attorney ducks and weaves behind the tree. This goes on for seemingly an eternity, but in reality just a few seconds. A sick game of tag, except Kingsley’s getting tagged with real bullets.

  And still the attorney does not go down.

  Doesn’t even collapse.

  The shooter seemingly realizes he’s wasting his time and dashes away from the tree, disappearing from the screen. No one has come to Kingsley’s rescue. The other attorneys are long gone. Kingsley is left to fend for himself, his only protection the tree, which has been torn and shredded by the impacting stray bullets.

  Witnesses would later report that the shooter left in a Ford pickup. No one tried to stop him, and I really didn’t blame them.

  I paused the picture on Kingsley. Blood is frozen on his cheeks and forehead, even on his open, outstretched palms. His face is a picture of confusion and horror and shock. In just twenty-three seconds, his life had been utterly turned upside down. Of course, in those very same twenty-three seconds most people would have died.

  But not Kingsley. I wondered why.


  I was at the Fullerton police station, sitting across from a homicide detective named Sherbet. It was the late evening, and most of the staff had left for the day.

  “You’re keeping me from my kid,” he said. Sherbet was wearing a long-sleeved shirt folded up at the elbows, revealing heavily muscled forearms covered in dark hair. The dark hair was mixed with a smattering of gray. I thought it looked sexy as hell. His tie was loosened, and he looked irritable, to say the least.

  “I apologize,” I said. “This was the only time I could make it today.”

  “I’m glad I can work around your busy schedule, Mrs. Moon. I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you in any way.”

  His office was simple and uncluttered. No pictures on the wall. Just a desk, a computer, a filing cabinet and some visitor’s chairs. His desk had a few picture frames, but they were turned toward him. From my angle, I could only see the price tags.

  I gave him my most winning smile. “I certainly appreciate your time, detective.” I had on plenty of blush, so that my cheeks appeared human.

  The smile worked. He blushed himself. “Yeah, well, let’s make this quick. My kid’s playing a basketball game tonight, and I wouldn’t want to miss him running up and down the court with no clue what the hell is going on around him.”

  “Sounds like a natural.”

  “A natural dolt. Wife says I should just leave him alone. The trouble is, if I leave him alone, he tends to want to play Barbies with the neighborhood girls.”

  “That worries you?” I asked.


  “You think he could turn out gay?”

  He shrugged uncomfortably, and said nothing. It was a touchy subject for him, obviously.

  “How old is your son?” I asked.


  “Perhaps he’s a little Casanova. Perhaps he sees the benefits of playing with girls, rather than boys.”

  “Perhaps,” said Sherbet. “For now, he plays basketball.”

  “Even though he’s clueless.”

  “Where there’s a will there’s a way.”

  “Even if it’s your will and your way?” I asked.

  “For now, it’s the only way.” He paused, then looked a little confused. He shook his head like a man realizing he had been mumbling out loud. “How the hell did we get on the subject of my kid’s sexuality?”

  “I forget,” I said, shrugging.

  He reached over and straightened the folder in front of him. The folder hadn’t been crooked, now it was less uncrooked. “Yeah, well, let’s get down to business. Here’s the file. I made a copy of it for you. It’s against procedures to give you a copy, but you check out okay. Hell, you worked for the federal government. And why the hell you’ve gone private is your own damn business.”

  I reached for the file, but he placed a big hand on it. “This is just between you and me. I don’t normally give police files to private dicks.”

  “Luckily I’m not your average private dick.”

  “A dick with no dick,” he said.

  “Clever, detective,” I said.

  “Not really.”

  “No, not really,” I admitted. “I just really want the file.”

  He nodded and lifted his palm, and I promptly stuffed the file into my handbag. “Is there anything you can tell me that’s perhaps not in the file?”

  He shook his head, but it was just a knee-jerk reaction. In the process of shaking his head, he was actually deep in thought. “It should all be in there.” He rubbed the dark stubble at his chin. The dark stubble was also mixed with some gray. “You know I always suspected the guy doing the shooting was a client of his. I dunno, call it a hunch. But this attorney’s been around a while, and he’s pissed off a lot of people. Trouble is: who’s got the time to go through all of his past files?”

  “Not a busy homicide detective,” I said, playing along.

  “Damn straight,” he said.

  “Any chance it was just a random shooting?” I asked.

  “Sure. Of course. Those happen all the time.”

  “But you don’t think so.”

  “No,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked.

  The detective was used to this kind of exchange. He worked in a business where if you didn’t ask questions, you didn’t find answers. If my questions bothered him, he didn’t show it, other than he seemed to be impatient to get this show on the road.

  “Seemed premeditative. And no robbery attempt. Also seemed to be making a statement, as well.”

  “By shooting him in the face?”

  “And by shooting him outside the courthouse. His place of work. Makes you think it was business related.”

  I nodded. Good point. I decided not to tell the detective he had a good point. Men tend to think all of their points were good, and they sure as hell didn’t need me to boost their already inflated egos.
  I’m cynical that way.

  He stood from his desk and retrieved a sport jacket from a coat rack. He was a fit man with a cop’s build. He also had a cop’s mustache. He would have looked better without the mustache, but it wasn’t my place to suggest so. Besides, who better to wear a cop mustache than a cop?

  “Now it’s time to go watch my son screw up the game of basketball,” he said.

  “Maybe basketball’s not his game.”

  “And playing with girls is?”

  “It’s not a bad alternative,” I said, then added. “You think there’s a chance you’re reading a little too much into all of this with your son?”

  “I’m a cop. I read too much into everything.” He paused and locked his office door, which I found oddly amusing and ironic since his office was located in the heart of a police station. “Take you, for instance.”

  I didn’t want to take me for instance. I changed the subject. “I’m sure you’re a very good officer. How long have you been on the force?”

  He ignored my question. “I wondered why you insisted on meeting me in the evening.” As he spoke, he placed his hand lightly at the small of my back and steered me through the row of cluttered desks. His hand was unwavering and firm. “When I asked you on the phone the reason behind the late meeting you had mentioned something about being busy with other clients. But when I called your office later that day to tell you that I was going to be delayed, you picked up the phone immediately.” He paused and opened a clear glass door. On the door was etched FPD. “Perhaps you were meeting your clients in the office. Or perhaps you were in-between clients. But when I asked if you had a few minutes you sounded unharried and pleasant. Sure, you said, how can I help you?”

  “Well, I pride myself on customer service,” I said.

  He was behind me, and I didn’t see him smile. But I sensed that he had done so. In fact, I knew he had smiled. Call it a side effect.

  He said, “Now that I see you, I see you have a skin disorder of some type.”

  “Why, lieutenant, you certainly know how to make a girl feel warm and fuzzy.”


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