Book Read Free

December 1941

Page 71

by Craig Shirley

  5. New York Times, “City Nonchalant as Sirens Wail,” December 10, 1941, 14.

  6. New York Times, “2 False Air ‘Raids’ Upset New Yorkers,” December 10, 1941, 14.

  7. New York Times, “What to Do in an Air Raid,” December 10, 1941, 14.

  8. New York Times, “What to Do in an Air Raid,” December 10, 1941, 14.

  9. Los Angeles Times, “Registration of Defense Volunteers Will Continue Throughout Week,” December 9, 1941, A14.

  10. Boston Evening Globe, “War Extra! Air Raid ‘Dress Rehearsal,’” December 10, 1941, 1.

  11. Associated Press, “New York Has Two Air Raid Alarms; Planes Reported Near; Hostile Aircraft Said to Be Flying Toward East Coast,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  12. Associated Press, “New York Has Two Air Raid Alarms; Planes Reported Near; Hostile Aircraft Said to Be Flying Toward East Coast,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  13. Boston Daily Globe, “Antiaircraft Guns Put on Coast,” December 9, 1941, 14.

  14. Boston Daily Globe, “Near-Panic Reported in Several Schools; Many Teachers Weep,” December 9, 1941, 14.

  15. Boston Daily Globe, “Boston-Bound Cars Stopped in Cambridge,” December 9, 1941, 14.

  16. Boston Daily Globe, “Raid Signals Go on in Eastern Mass.; Warning on Panic,” December 9, 1941, 14.

  17. Associated Press, “More Plains Off Frisco, New Raid Alarm Sounded; About 30 Craft Fly Over West Coast Sector, Then Leave, Army Says,” Baltimore Sun, December 9, 1941, 1.

  18. Associated Press, “Big Air Squadron Driven Back from San Francisco; Navy Sends Three Warships to Hunt Intercepted Planes,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 1.

  19. Lawrence E. Davies, “Turn Back To Sea,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 1.

  20. Associated Press, “Army and Navy Are on Prowl for Pacific Aircraft Carrier,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  21. Associated Press, “More Plains Off Frisco, New Raid Alarm Sounded; About 30 Craft Fly Over West Coast Sector, Then Leave, Army Says,” Baltimore Sun, December 9, 1941, 1.

  22. Associated Press, “Alaska Prepares Against Possible Attack by Japanese Fleet in Swing Northward,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 28.

  23. Birmingham (AL) News, “Japs Believed Trying to Panic U.S. Into Calling Fleet Back Home,” December 9, 1941, 2.

  24. Associated Press, “Seattle City Scene of Wild Blackout Acts,” Cumberland (MD) Evening Times, December 9, 1941, 1.

  25. Associated Press, “All Pacific Northwest Feels Impact of War,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 15.

  26. Washington Evening Star, “Alarms a Rehearsal Safety Officials Say; ‘Alert’ Ordered Here,” December 9, 1941, A1.

  27. Associated Press, “Reports of Japanese Planes Over Pacific Coast Stirs Alarms,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, 1X.

  28. John Barry, “War Diary 829th Day—Dec. 9, 1941,” Boston Evening Globe, December 9, 1941, 12.

  29. Boston Evening Globe, “War Extra! Air Raid ‘Dress Rehearsal,’” December 10, 1941, 1.

  30. Associated Press, “2 ‘Rehearsals’ In N. Y.; General Still Dubious,” Boston Evening Globe, December 1, 1941, 1.

  31. Associated Press, “Hitler Reported Told Six Days Ago That War Was Coming in Pacific,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  32. Associated Press, “Army Still Give Troops Yule Holidays,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  33. Associated Press, “Tokyo Insists Planes Sunk 2 Battleships, Boston Daily Globe,” December 9, 1941, 3.

  34. Associated Press, “Reports 2 American Battleships Sunk, 4 Others Damaged,” Washington Post, December 9, 1941, 7.

  35. Associated Press, “Air Reinforcements Rushed to Hawaii,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1941, 3.

  36. Edward E. Bomar, “Temporary Loss of Superiority by U. S. Fleet Seen,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 7.

  37. Associated Press, “F. D. R. to Talk on Japanese Attack Tonight,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 9.

  38. John C. Henry, “Plant Expansion Also Planned as War Measure,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, A1.

  39. Amy Porter, “Hundreds of Women Overrun Defense Centers Offering to Aid,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 2.

  40. Atlanta Constitution, “Women Rush to Offer Help in War Work,” December 9, 1941, 7.

  41. Associated Press, “Jap Troops Land on Island Near Philippine Capital,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 1.

  42. United Press, “10 R.A.F. Planes Lost in Raids Over France,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 7.

  43. Associated Press, “U.S. May Have to Put Up 150 Billions in War,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  44. Associated Press, “Army’s First Casualty List Names 37 Killed in Honolulu,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  45. Associated Press, “War Casualties,” Hartford Courant, December 10, 1941, 13.

  46. Associated Press, “Army Casualty List Released,” Los Angeles Times, December 10, 1941, 1C.

  47. Washington Evening Star, “News Operator Repeats Role in World War I,” December 10, 1941, B6.

  48. Associated Press, “Official Army Casualty List,” Baltimore Sun, December 10, 1941, 4.

  49. Associated Press, “House Acts Today to Send Army to Fight Anywhere,” Boston Daily Globe, December 10, 1941, 19.

  50. Boston Evening Globe, “A Message From the U.S. Treasury,” December 9, 1941, 1.

  51. Associated Press, “No Picnic, but Will Buy a Defense Bond,” Boston Evening Globe, December 9, 1941, 12.

  52. Associated Press, “Fighting Songs Call Sounded” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 7.

  53. Birmingham (AL) News, “Alabamians Flock to Answer Nation’s Summons to Defense,” December 9, 1941, 12.

  54. Boston Daily Globe, “Boston Recruiting Offices Swamped; ‘17 Mark Broken,” December 9, 1941, 1.

  55. Los Angeles Times, “Lindbergh Beacon on Top of City Hall Turned Off,” December 9, 1941, A1.

  56. Associated Press, “Volunteers Swamp Recruiting Offices Throughout Nation,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, A4.

  57. Associated Press, “Greenberg Gives up Plans for Baseball to Rejoin Army,” Washington Evening Star, December 10, 1941, A21; Hugh Fullerton Jr., “Athletic Programs Held Sure to Be Curtailed by War,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, A13.

  58. John Lardner, “Louis Given New Song for Christmas Present,” Hartford Courant, December 10, 1941, 17.

  59. Associated Press, “American Eagles Ask Crack at Japs; Some May Leave England,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 15.

  60. Birmingham (AL) News, “Merchants Are Urged to Help Government Catch Moonshiners,” December 9, 1941, 6.

  61. Associated Press, “280,000-Man Civil Air Patrol Is Asked,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 6.

  62. Carroll Kilpatrick, “Call Issued for Alabama Farmers to Step Up Their Production,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 6.

  63. Associated Press, “Union Vow Loyal Work,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 15.

  64. Associated Press, “Union Vow Loyal Work,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 15.

  65. Associated Press, “Prison Meted 18 Socialists,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 15.

  66. Dorothy Thompson, “Declare War on All of Axis Partners Now,” Boston Daily Globe, December 8, 1941, 14.

  67. Possible Form of Declaration of War Against Japan, 1941 December 8, Henry Lewis Stimson Papers (Microfilm edition, reel 105), Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut.

  68. Telegram from William Loeb to Henry Stimson, 1941 December 8, Henry Lewis Stimson Papers (Microfilm edition, reel 105), Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut.

  69. Letter from Douglas Palmer to Henry Stimson, 1941 December 10, Henry Lewis Stimson Papers (Microfilm edition, reel 106), Manuscripts a
nd Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut.

  70. Henry Lewis Stimson, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Far Eastern Crisis (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1936), 1.

  71. Jennet Conant, Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003), 24.

  72. New York Times, “Attack Long Planned, Evidence Indicates,” December 8, 1941, 2.

  73. Frank L. Kluckhohn, “Japan Wars on U.S. and Britain; Makes Sudden Attack on Hawaii; Heavy Fighting at Sea Reported,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 1.

  74. Frank L. Kluckhohn, “Japan Wars on U.S. and Britain; Makes Sudden Attack on Hawaii; Heavy Fighting at Sea Reported,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 1.

  75. Associated Press, “Tokyo Radio Broadcasts a Talk on ‘Good Morals,’” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 5.

  76. New York Times, “Text of Roosevelt’s Message to Hirohito,” December 8, 1941, 12.

  77. James B. Reston, “Japan Out to Get Our Cargo Ships,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 5.

  78. Washington Post, “What’s Going On and Where,” December 9, 1941, 32.

  79. New York Times, “Wake and Guam Reported Taken,” December 9, 1941, 12; New York Times, “Japanese Aerial and Ocean Forces Strike in Widening War in the Pacific,” December 9, 1941, 4.

  80. New York Times, “Wake And Guam Reported Taken,” December 9, 1941, 12.

  81. Hanson W. Baldwin, “Japan’s War Pattern: Swift Blows Reveal the Grandiose Aims and Underline Our Defense Problem,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 20.

  82. Associated Press, “Langley Not Bombed, Navy Advises Bulletins,” Washington Post, December 10, 1941, 1.

  83. Associated Press, “Nichols and Clark Air Fields, Fort McKinley Among Targets,” Washington Post, December 9, 1941, 3.

  84. F. Tillman Durdin, “Malaya Thwarts Push by Japanese,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 1.

  85. New York Times, “Hong Kong Raided Twice in a Day,” December 9, 1941, 11.

  86. New York Times, “Japanese in Singapore Celebrate Before Attack,” December 9, 1941, 11.

  87. United Press, “Great American Navy Defeat Hinted by War Correspondent,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 1C.

  88. Associated Press, “Navy’s Pacific Chief Tough Customer,” Baltimore Sun, December 8, 1941, 6.

  89. Associated Press, “Move Is Brewing to Courtmartial Island Defenders,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  90. Associated Press, “Move Is Brewing to Courtmartial Island Defenders,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  91. Associated Press, “Move Is Brewing to Courtmartial Island Defenders,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  92. Associated Press, “War at a Glance,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 1.

  93. C.P. Trussell, “Navy Criticized as Caught Asleep,” New York Times, December 10, 1941, 1.

  94. New York Times, “Attack on Sunday Held to Show Study of West,” December 8, 1941, 2.

  95. New York Times, “Japan, U.S. Close 88 Years’ Peace,” December 8, 1941, 2.

  96. Bill Henry, “Japan’s Daring Attack on Hawaii Designed to Cripple U.S. Fleet: Suicide Bomb Raid Perfectly Timed,” Los Angeles Times, December 8, 1941, 1D.

  97. New York Times, “Hull Often Said ‘Japan’ in Hitting Croquet Ball,” December 8, 1941, 7.

  98. Hedley Donovan, “Japan Lied ‘Infamously,’ Hull Says,” Washington Post, December 8, 1941, 1.

  99. Hedley Donovan, “Japan Lied ‘Infamously,’ Hull Says,” Washington Post, December 8, 1941, 1.

  100. Associated Press, “Secretary Hull’s Statement, U.S. Note of Nov. 26 and Japan’s Reply,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 10.

  101. New York Times, “Japan, U.S. Close 88 Years’ Peace,” December 8, 1941, 2.

  102. Nobel Foundation, “The Nobel Peace Prize 1906,”

  103. Associated Press, “Bulletins,” Baltimore Sun, December 9, 1941, 1.

  104. Associated Press, “Canal Zone Seizes Nationals of Axis,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 7.

  105. Birmingham (AL) News, “First Alien Roundup Is Begun in Alabama; Seven Nabbed By FBI,” December 9, 1941, 12.

  106. Boston Daily Globe, “Germans, Italians Taken by Federal Agents Here,” December 10, 1941, 10.

  107. New York Times, “Japanese Arrests in Country At 345,” December 9, 1941, 40.

  108. Associated Press, “Roundup; U. S. Seizes Enemy Businesses, Nationals,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1941, 30.

  109. Craig Thompson, “Britain Joins U.S. Against Japanese,” New York Times, December 9, 1941, 14.

  110. Washington Post, “Bulletins,” December 8, 1941, 1.

  111. New York Times, “West Coast Acts for War Defense,” December 8, 1941, 6.

  112. Los Angeles Times, “Japanese Aliens’ Roundup Starts,” December 8, 1941, 1.

  113. New York Times, “West Coast Acts for War Defense,” December 8, 1941, 6.

  114. Thomas J. Hamilton, “Japanese Seizure Ordered by Biddle,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 6.

  115. Thomas J. Hamilton, “Japanese Seizure Ordered by Biddle,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 6.

  116. Thomas J. Hamilton, “Japanese Seizure Ordered by Biddle,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 6.

  117. Associated Press, “Support Pledges Flood Olson,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 9.

  118. Associated Press, “Unimaginable,” Los Angeles Times, December 8, 1941, 2.

  119. Los Angeles Times, “Japan Consul ‘Quite Sorry,’” December 8, 1941, 2.

  120. Los Angeles Times, “Planes Guard City from Air Attack,” December 9, 1941, 1.

  121. Washington Evening Star, “Scientists Concede It’s Difficult to Tell Japs from Chinese,” December 10, 1941, A5.

  122. Associated Press, “Chinese Get Buttons to Distinguish from Japs,” Boston Evening Globe, December 9, 1941, 6.

  123. New York Times, “United China Relief,” December 9, 1941, 29.

  124. New York Times, “Planes Guard City from Air Attacks,” December 9, 1941, 1.

  125. Thomas J. Hamilton, “Japanese Seizure Ordered by Biddle,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 6.

  126. Los Angeles Times, “Disaster Plan Use Imminent,” December 9, 1941, A1.

  127. Los Angeles Times, “City Springs to Attention,” December 8, 1941, 1.

  128. Los Angeles Times, “City Springs to Attention,” December 8, 1941, 1.

  129. Los Angeles Times, “City Springs to Attention,” December 8, 1941, 1.

  130. New York Times, “Fire Siren Blast to Warn of Raids,” December 9, 1941, 27.

  131. Los Angeles Times, “Navy’s Intelligence Office Hums in Night,” December 8, 1941, 6.

  132. Associated Press, “Censors Shut Off News to Axis; U. S. Papers Get Restrictions,” Chicago Daily Tribune, December 9, 1941, 13.

  133. Chicago Daily Tribune, “Army and Navy Act,” December 9, 1941, 13.

  134. Los Angeles Times, “Auxiliary Volunteers Swamp Police Stations,” December 9, 1941, 7.

  135. Associated Press, “West Coast Marshals Forces to Meet Crisis,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 4.

  136. Associated Press, “West Coast Set to Meet New Danger,” Hartford Courant, December 9, 1941, 10.

  137. Associated Press, “LaGuardia Issues Air Raid Instructions,” Atlanta Constitution, December 9, 1941, 11.

  138. Los Angeles Times, “J.J. Haggarty,” December 9, 1941, 2.

  139. Birmingham (AL) News, “Nash,” December 9, 1941, 2.

  140. Malvina Lindsay, “The Gentler Sex,” Washington Post, December 8, 1941, 17.

  141. Dorothy Dix, “Men Are Slaves to Beauty, Yet When Marry They Pass up Looks,” Baltimore Sun, December 8, 1941, 25.

  142. H.I. Phillips, “The Once Over,” Washington Post, Decembe
r 8, 1941, 13.

  143. William F. Kerby, “All Consumption Curbs Due to Be Stiffened; Scarcity List Will Grow,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 1.

  144. William F. Kerby, “All Consumption Curbs Due to Be Stiffened; Scarcity List Will Grow,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 1.

  145. William F. Kerby, “All Consumption Curbs Due to Be Stiffened; Scarcity List Will Grow,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 1.

  146. Thomas J. Keller, “Civilian Uses of Copper, Lead, Zinc and Other Vital Metals to Disappear; Increased Output Will Be Pushed,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 2.

  147. Thomas J. Keller, “Civilian Uses of Copper, Lead, Zinc and Other Vital Metals to Disappear; Increased Output Will Be Pushed,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 2.

  148. Associated Press, “Welders End Strike at Ordnance Plant,” New York Times, December 8, 1941, 18.

  149. Henry Rose, “Japan Almost Wholly Dependent on Imports for Oil; Her Supplies Are Sufficient for 1 to 2 Years,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 5.

  150. Alfred F. Flynn, “Ship Schedules, Priorities Being Revised Based on Longer Routes and Use of Convoys,” Wall Street Journal, December 8, 1941, 4.

  151. Wall Street Journal, “Secret Plans to Protect Defense Plants Put in Immediate Operation,” December 8, 1941, 4.

  152. Associated Press, “Free French Declare War on Japan,” Los Angeles Times, December 9, 1941, 8.

  153. Editorial, “This, Too, Is War,” Birmingham (AL) News, December 9, 1941, 8.

  154. Walter Lippmann, “U. S. Must Fight Axis Combination on All Fronts,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1941, 18.

  155. Uncle Dudley, “Dedication,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1941, 18.

  156. Uncle Dudley, “Dedication,” Boston Daily Globe, December 9, 1941, 18.

  157. Washington Evening Star, “Smoke at German Embassy Indicates Burning of Papers,” December 9, 1941, A1.

  158. Associated Press, “Reichstag May Meet Tomorrow to Hear Stand on New War,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, A3.

  159. Garnett D. Horner, “Rumors of Nazi War on U.S. Heard By Hull,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, 1X.

  160. John C. Henry, “White House Indicates War Crisis Is ‘Bigger’ Than Clash in Orient,” Washington Evening Star, December 9, 1941, 1X.


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