Romance: Dystopian Post Apocalyptic Romance 3: The Alphas: Emergence of the Alphas (bbbw mfm menage)
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“Maybe. I’ll ask Damian about it later. I miss movie theatres, and bars. I miss dancing.”
“Would you like to dance with me?”
She laughed. “With no music?”
He hopped down and grabbed her wrist. “Come on, Sue told you to have some fun.”
She resisted but he kept tugging, being extra careful not to dislocate her wrist, which would be all too easy for him. Finally she gave in and let him pull her into an awkward dancer’s hold.
“Now what?”
He started moving as if waltzing to some unheard music.
“I feel dumb.”
“No one’s watching us. I can hum.” He started humming some tune she didn’t recognize, still swaying back and forth. She relaxed a little and moved with him. Her hands settled lightly on his shoulders and she smiled.
“The stars are prettier than the lights at the bar,” she said looking up.
“You’re prettier than the stars,” he replied.
She dropped her hands and took a step back.
“I’m sorry. You just said you didn’t want a boyfriend. I’m sorry. I’ll walk you back.”
“No,” she said, catching his arm as he walked by. “It’s okay.” When he turned she stood tiptoe and kissed him.
He wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss. Her heart was racing and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He was a good kisser and Violet was starting to feel hot and tingly with each kiss. He pulled off his jacket and his shirt, spreading them on the grass. Smiling shyly she sat on the makeshift blanket with him and let him run his hands up her arms. She felt shivering trails of excitement under his fingers. The air was cool and it was making him shiver so she tucked in closer to him. He kissed her again and the shivers moved through her, down her tummy and up her neck.
She pulled her shirt over her head, adding to the blanket.
“You don’t have to,” he said.
Her kiss was hungry. “I want to. I want this.”
He couldn’t wait any longer and started running his hands up and down her body. He cupped her breasts, massaging them and rolling the nipples between his fingers. It had been too long, for both of them apparently. While he touched her she tried to remove her jeans but only succeeded in getting tangled. She giggled and stood. He stood too and they stood for a long moment staring at each other’s naked bodies.
“You’re amazing,” she said and reached out to touch him. It was all the invitation he needed and he drew her close and down to the blanket in one motion.
It was erotic and terrifying all at once. She was beautiful and soft but the fear of hurting her almost ruined the mood. He handled her as though she was glass but he couldn’t contain all of his passion and still his fingers pressed into her skin. From the moans and sighs she was enjoying what he was doing so he pushed worry aside and tried to enjoy her as well.
She moved to straddle him and slid her wet pussy onto his rigid cock. She moved slow but steady, kissing him the whole time. Soon they were moving together, the stress and fear of their new lives forgotten in the heat of the moment. Believing themselves alone in the field they called out in their passion, saying each other’s names over and over again, when there were words at all.
Though it was not the first time for either of them there was something special, something intense, in this act. Like two teenagers coming together in the secret dark of the basement, they threw themselves into the sex with full reckless joy and abandon.
She ground against him until she was panting. Her climax was a quiet thing compared to her earlier shouting but there was no mistaking it for anything else. Her whole body shuddered. She gasped against the side of his neck and whispered his name.
The feeling of her body tightening like that was enough to put him over the edge and he lifted her up and off him so that his cum covered her thighs and his stomach. She groaned.
“Why did you do that?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to risk getting pregnant.”
There was a pause and then she nodded. “It is messy though.”
“I’ll just use my jacket.”
She was shivering now. “We should get back. The girls I room with will be getting worried and I don’t want Ryan or Sean coming looking for me.”
Matt watched in horror as the girl of his dreams gave herself to another man. There was nothing he could do unless he wanted to incur the wrath of The Goons. He watched even though it was wrong. His cock was hardening as he watched the scene of passion unfold before him. Only after they had dressed and started back across the field did he dare move.
He reached the end of his driveway as Damian was coming down from the wall. “Matt! Is that you?!”
Matt stopped and waved.
Damian jogged over. “You’re a hard man to find. Look, I’ve been talking to Ryan.”
Matt stiffened.
“And we agree, you’ve really been working hard since we settled here. I know you had some disagreements with Anne while we were on the road but that was a hard time for all of us. So I wanted to let you know that there’s a spot in the next trade envoy for you, if you want it.”
“Yeah. We need someone with sharp eyes to help guard the caravan and you’ve handled watch just fine. You’re a man, not a child, you deserve the chance to do real work, not just odd jobs. They leave day after tomorrow – guess it’s actually tomorrow, isn’t it since it’s midnight already, but you know what I mean. Will you go?”
Matt nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go. What about Eddie? He must know the roads pretty good.”
“Maybe. I’d rather keep him closer to home until we know more about him.”
“Is something making you suspicious?”
“A little, actually. But it’s probably nothing. Just stress, you know. See you in the morning.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Damian jogged back to his own house where Anne was keeping the bed warm for him. He hadn’t really thought about Eddie all day but Matt’s question had renewed that line of thought.
He found Anne in bed, reading.
“What’s troubling you?” she said, sticking in a book mark.
“What do you think of Eddie?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t see him at all today. Why? Was there a problem?”
“No, not unless you think working too fast is a problem.” He told her about the wood pile and how much bigger it had been than the last time he’d gone to check.
“Maybe someone else has been going back there to work off some frustrations,” she said.
“Or what?” she teased. “He’s some sort of super-human nuclear mutant?”
Damian just shrugged. “Okay, it sounds stupid.” He yawned.
“We could always ask him in the morning.”
“I don’t need people thinking I’ve gone crazy, thank you though.” He kissed her. “Good night.”
There was no way Matt could turn down the job with the trade caravan, not after losing his temper with Ryan. He, Evan, and four others, riding double on three quads pulling trailers, headed north to trade surplus supplies for a few goats.
Violet watched them go with excitement. ‘Goats! Okay, it’s not cows but you can get milk from a goat!’
Eddie came up behind her. “Hey, could we talk?”
She smiled at him. “Sure. Is something wrong?” She’d been busy with the kids and her chores and they had hardly seen each other since that night in the field.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just thought …”
She nodded. “The wood pile,” she said and started off.
Once they were alone he said, “I’m sorry for losing control the other night.”
“I’m not. Eddie, there’s no one here for me but you or Matt and Matt has never been interested in listening to me. Here you are, with your own problems, surviving on your own through god only knows what, and you’r
e more interested in helping me find my mother. If you don’t want to do it again …”
“I didn’t say that!”
She laughed.
“You said you didn’t want a boyfriend.”
“I guess maybe I was wrong. I don’t want Matt but I want you.”
And then reality butted in and ruined the mood. “You don’t even know me,” he said.
She touched his arm. “We could get to know each other.”
He pulled away. “Violet, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“I wasn’t just running from gangs or looking for a safe place, not the way you were. There are dangerous things out there, dangerous people …”
“We’re safe here. Damian, the guards, they keep us safe from all of that.”
“They keep you safe from what’s out there!” he shouted. Out of frustration he kicked a stray chunk of wood. It flew past her head and hit the plywood wall of the shed with enough force to leave a crack.
“Holy shit.”
“I should go,” he said. “I should leave. I’ll tell Damian I’m moving on.”
“Wait. How did you do that?”
He paused, studying her.
“That was amazing. Was it just fluke or what? Can you do it again?”
“It would be easier to do it than not to,” he said and then sighed. “Violet, I’m not normal, I’m very dangerous.”
“You were so sweet the other night, and gentle.”
“If I lose control I could break your arm with a twist of my wrist. I’m not safe.”
“What are you?”
“We got hit with a nuke, we were trapped in a building only blocks away from ground zero. When it became obvious no one was coming to get us we tried to get out. We found out we’d changed. As the radiation fall-out spreads more and more people will be affected but we were so close to the bomb it happened fast for us, fast and severe.”
She closed the gap between them and kissed him. “My own personal super hero.”
“Violet …”
“I don’t know you but I think I love you and I know I trust you. I won’t tell anyone else, but please stay. Please?”
“All right, I’ll stay.”
“Stay with me.”
“All right.”
Coming May 24 2015
The Alphas: Betrayal
Matt’s life was in shambles. No one really listened to him, his responsibilities were a joke, and the love of his life was now living with, and sleeping with, a complete stranger. To make matters worse, Eddie isn’t the only one who has found their peaceful village, and these new visitors sound alarm bells in just about everyone.
Damian has some tough choices to make when Eddie’s secret comes to light, and when the strangers leave without incident it seems he’s made the right ones. But Matt has choices too, and angry, heart-broken young men don’t always make the best choices.
Other Titles by A.J. Winter
'The Alphas: Dawn of the Alpha' Book 1 in 'The Alphas' series
'The Alphas: New Beginning - Book 2 in 'The Alphas' series
'The Alphas: Betrayal' Book 4 in 'The Alphas' series - coming late May 2015
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A.J. Winter is an erotic romance author with a keen interest in unique scenarios, locations, and time periods. She enjoys writing both realism and fantasy romance with strong female characters. A.J. lives in Vancouver with her boyfriend, her German Shepherd, and a lot of ski gear. When not at her keyboard creating new ideas and stories you can find her exploring the mountains.
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A.J. Winter