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You're Kitten Me

Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  One of the men’s gazes flicked their way, attention falling to Veronica, and his own beast reacted. His fur pushed free of his pores, chest expanding and growing as the beast pushed forward. He stepped in front of his mate, blocking her from view, and stared the human down. He might not be the national alpha, but he was a strong fucking tiger in his own right.

  The wolf might be the first shifter they encountered in the battle, but he wouldn’t be the last. That’d be Braden.

  Fingers tingling, he let more of the transition push forward. Human nails became tiger claws, blunted teeth became deadly fangs, and tanned skin was replaced by orange and black.

  He slowly descended the porch steps. Ares was at the wolf alpha’s left so Braden took his right, only stopping when he reached Walter’s side. The leader brought his sentinels, those wolves off protecting the females while their alpha faced the humans.

  Women and children first. The future of their species always had to be protected. Walter was an alpha and if he fell, the man’s beta would take up the mantle of leadership. It was why the inner-circle rarely traveled together.

  If Walter’s beta couldn’t attend, Braden and Ares would take up the slack.

  Besides, he didn’t think the death of his mate’s father would really be a good start to their… whatever the hell their relationship was.

  The wolf didn’t acknowledge him, the flare of his nostrils the only sign that he knew of Braden’s presence. He positioned his body much like the two alphas—hands at his sides with claws exposed while he balanced on the balls of his feet.

  Braden looked over the six men who formed a wall between them and Cadman. While the shifters presented a united, fierce front, the human hid behind others.

  He was reminded of his father’s words. A leader should lead. To battle. To death. He is always first.

  The positioning made him think Cadman was nothing but a puppet, a voice for someone else’s agenda.

  Or he was just a pussy.

  Either option was equally probable.

  “Enough with the bullshit, Cadman.” Walter’s voice was filled with a deep growl. “Tell your men to put their guns away or I take ’em.”

  Taking them could be fun. “I call dibs on the two on the right.”

  That drew everyone’s attention, and the wolf snorted before speaking. “You think you can handle ’em, puppy?”

  Veronica’s heavy sigh reached them. “If you’re gonna call him names, you should at least stick to the right species.” Of course, his mate had to come forward and stand at his side, hands on her flared hips and the scent of her annoyance wrapped around him. “And yes, I think the kitten can take these… people.”

  He flicked a glance her way and he had to fight his grin. She stood there, still rumpled from his bed with a look of disgust on her features.

  Sexy as hell and he knew he was one lucky fucker.

  “If Braden is taking the two on the right, I’ll grab the three on the left,” Ares rumbled into the quiet. “Walter, you get the dumbass that shot at you and Cadman. I figure you have a score or two to settle.”

  Well, now Braden was pissed he hadn’t claimed Cadman too.

  Movement at his back had him on alert, but a subtle shift in the wind told him who approached: Gannon, Murphy, and Daniel. At least he could depend on Gannon and Murphy remaining level headed.

  “I can’t believe you aren’t taking this more seriously.” Cadman’s face reddened. “Walter attacked us the moment we stepped from our vehicles. That’s attempted murder.”

  Ares grunted. “We do or we don’t. Shifters don’t attempt shit.”

  It was the truth.

  “Fine,” the DoPE representative snapped. “Two men are dead and the third is in critical care. There is no denying that fact.”

  Braden internally winced. Yeah, they’d tried treating him at the den, but he’d needed better help.

  “Being a friend to shifters,” —Walter stuck the verbal knife in— “you know our view on attacks is very cut and dry. Or wet, as the case may be.”

  “I can’t believe you’re treating this so flippantly. The four of them broke the law and DoPE will see them punished for it. We can’t allow—”

  Walter jumped in and it seemed like Ares was happy to let the wolf lead things along. “That’s bullshit and you know it, boy.”

  Cadman glared. “Mister Barr—”

  “Alpha,” Ronnie growled and stepped forward, which had the men surrounding Cadman stiffening. Braden wanted to growl for an entirely different reason. “Alpha. Barrington.”

  Mainly because she drew attention to herself. Attention from men holding guns that already showed themselves to be trigger-happy.

  The human pressed his lips together in a tight line before speaking again. “Alpha Barrington, you are aware of DoPE’s responsibility to not only shifters but also the general public. When laws are broken, it’s up to us to ensure the guilty parties are punished.”

  The wolf grunted. “Uh-huh.”

  “As such, these agents,” Cadman gestured at the other men. “Will secure the prisoners. I’m sorry to do this, but unfortunately, it’s unavoidable.”

  “Uh-huh. Tell your boys to keep their asses put or they’ll lose a limb.”

  Braden was liking Veronica’s father more and more.

  “You can’t threaten agents of—”

  Walter snapped his fingers, digits agile despite the deadly nails tipping them. “You know what? You’re right. Not my land.” He looked at Ares. “Wanna do the honors and tell them to keep still and shut the fuck up?”

  Braden turned his attention to the tiger alpha, smiling when Ares spoke. “Sure, why not. Cadman, keep your men in place or I’ll rip off their arms, shove one up their ass, and the other down their throat until the two hands meet in the middle.”

  Cadman slipped his hand into his jacket and over a dozen growls filled the air, his own included. He froze for a moment, stark fear filling his gaze before he went back to glaring. “I’m getting the arrest warrant.”

  Braden snorted. “Won’t do a damn bit of good.”

  “I’ll have you know—”

  “Cadman, quit being a dick.” Walter spoke up again, his words a little more understandable and Braden figured the male’s fangs had retreated slightly. “Let’s lay it all on the table, and do me a favor. You think about lying? Just keep your mouth shut instead. We’ll smell the truth either way.” He stood tall and crossed his arms over his chest. “Two weeks ago, you sent men onto tiger land, and four of ’em died for it. The fifth is still recovering, but the minute he turns, he’ll die by challenge.”

  “I have no idea—”

  “No lying. That’ll just piss me off, and the urge to rip off your head is growing by the second. In the past, your slimy ass came into my house. You talked to my family. If it wouldn’t cause problems, I’d kill you and be done with it.” Walter growled low and long, and it didn’t stop until Talia—his mate—slipped through the crowd. Only her hand on the alpha’s shoulder silenced him. “Your plan failed. Now you’re pissed and looking for a way to punish us. We can’t prove you sent humans after my daughter.”

  Both sets of humans. The small group that’d tried to enter Veronica’s home and then the other set that’d attacked on the road.

  “Regardless, you’re trying to take advantage of the situation now. You think the tape and public opinion are enough to take away my girl and these men.”

  “The attack was unprovoked. You saw the tapes yourself. They broke the law.” Cadman gritted out.

  They hadn’t, but the humans thought they had.

  “There was a knife,” Braden spoke up, his words tinged with a hiss and growl. It had Cadman’s guards stiffening even further.

  “According to you,” Cadman glared at him.

  “Boys,” Walter cut in, shooting Braden a look that told him to shut up. He bristled at the silent order, but Veronica’s soft caress on the back of his hand had him staying silent. “Cameras didn�
��t pick up a knife. Fine. Know what your cameras did see? A human male’s arm across my baby girl’s throat.”

  “Then she should have been the one to retaliate if she felt threatened.”

  “You know women aren’t as strong as our men.” The alpha acted like a good old boy, chuckling as if it was a great big joke to expect Veronica to fight a man when that was far from the truth.

  Braden had no doubt she was strong and feral in a fight. That thought had his breath catching and he forced himself to remain immobile as tendrils of the truth wrapped around him. He trusted her to be strong, to go toe to toe with someone. He had faith in her. So why didn’t he trust her to match his tiger?

  “It’s why the boys reacted so viciously, you know.” Walter laughed again.

  “Human laws don’t grant anyone the right to use deadly force because a woman gets scared.”

  Ares’s words from the previous night, the mention of Veronica’s mate status possibly changing Walter’s approach, slipped into his mind.

  Braden squeezed Veronica’s hand gently, shooting a look that wavered between an apology and a plea. When she gave him a brisk nod, he knew they were on the same page.

  “Cadman, if a man’s mate is threatened, all bets are off. A stranger, a human, touching a shifter’s mate is pretty much guaranteed a hurting for laying a hand on her. They put their hands on Veronica and my men reacted accordingly. There was a threat to the national second’s mate.” He held Cadman’s stare. “I have a right to protect my mate.”

  Walter stiffened at the first mention of mates and the wolf’s gaze slowly panned from the gathered humans to gradually center on Braden.

  Braden was damned proud of himself for not flinching. Not when the wolf captured his gaze, nor when a massive, claw-tipped paw came to rest on his shoulder.

  Then the alpha flashed him a toothy smile, baring his fangs, and gifted that grin to the humans. As a group, they stilled.

  “Plain fact is, Braden and his men not only protected my daughter, but he defended his mate. Those boys were paid—by their own admission—to get my baby girl. I’m just glad her mate was there to take care of things. Otherwise, I woulda had to go hunting. Bit disappointing, though…” Between one heartbeat and the next, Walter’s fangs were full length. “You know how I like a good hunt.”

  Cadman should, Braden had heard stories of the two men entering the forest together. Walter on four feet, and Cadman with a gun.

  “Mates.” The DoPE agent swallowed hard. “I’ll have to contact legal. I don’t believe tigers have a law—”

  Walter interrupted. “Even if tigers don’t, wolves do, and you know it. She’s a wolf. He’s her mate.” The wolf released him and stood tall, the rest of their group taking cues from him and tensing as well. “This meeting is done, and the pack and pride will release a joint statement expressing our regrets at such a loss.”

  “Intelligence never mentioned your daughter was mated.”

  Ronnie froze, and he knew she felt his same shock at his words. “Intelligence?”

  Cadman smiled at his mate, a tinge of evil filling the expression and Braden resisted the urge to tear into the male. “It’s been reported you’re still single.”

  “And those reports are wrong,” Walter inserted smoothly. “They’re mates. The party is tonight, and the papers will have pictures of the happy couple by morning along with our condolences.” Walter held out his hand. “Sorry they failed, Cadman. Maybe they’ll have better luck next time.”

  The human took a deep breath, and his smarmy fake smile was back in place. “You’re wrong about our agency and my people. The last thing we ever want is to harm shifters. You know it’s in our mission statement.” Cadman’s gaze turned to them and Braden took a step to the right, cutting off the male’s vision. He wouldn’t look at Veronica. Ever. The human’s gaze flickered with frustration but soon smoothed out.

  “I’m happy to hear of the new mating. I’m sorry this unpleasantness marred such a joyous time. Hopefully, this little misunderstanding won’t cause problems in the future. I believe it’d be a good idea to pool our resources and investigate who threatened Ronnie both in the Lakes and here in Wilden.” Cadman looked to Ares. “Is there someone local I can coordinate with?”

  He sensed Ares’s struggles with his inner beast before he spoke. They all knew Cadman was a snake and had discussed this eventuality. If the human extended an olive branch, they’d place nice. He was a dangerous enemy to have, and even if they knew he was guilty, they’d wait until he hanged himself.

  Let him get caught in his own web. Hopefully in public.

  Ares’s teeth were still clenched. “Of course. I’ll have one of my men contact your office to discuss the prisoner still in ICU. Right now we need to prepare for a party. So while it’s been great to see you…”

  “Yes, we have other appointments. I’ll look for that call in the coming days.” Cadman tilted his head. “Alpha Jones, Alpha Barrington, Ronnie, it was wonderful seeing you.”


  They remained silent as the humans piled into their vehicles, two large SUVs filling with the agents and then turning until they were headed down the driveway. They slowly followed the curve until they were hidden from view by trees.

  Everyone remained silent for one minute, and then two, but then the world exploded around them.

  Verbally anyway.

  “Mating party?” Braden felt the need to ask the obvious question.

  “Mating party?” Veronica sounded more appalled than him.

  “You’re mated?” Walter’s voice was deadly calm, bringing with it a thick silence.

  That was followed by a high-pitched squeal and a dark haired woman rushing forward. Braden got a quick impression of features that resembled his mate and then Veronica was swallowed by the celebrating woman. “My baby is mated!”

  That effectively blasted away any remaining tenseness and everyone scattered, leaving Braden with Walter.

  The wolf sized him up, gaze traveling from his feet and then moving higher until their gazes clashed.

  Normally, Braden wasn’t one to be cowed by any male. He was the national second, a fierce and deadly tiger. He’d defended his pride and would do so for many years to come. He wasn’t a pussy.

  Except, apparently, when it came to Veronica’s father.

  Chapter Eleven

  They forgot Braden was a tiger. Or rather, they didn’t fully comprehend a tiger’s strengths and abilities. Conceptually, they were probably aware of his species, but they didn’t recall what that meant.

  So when they whisked Veronica off to a second floor guest room to discuss the mating and make plans—establish a “command central”—he’d let her go. He wouldn’t be away from her for long. A puny ten-foot leap was nothing for a tiger.

  For now he’d bide his time… and stay the hell away from Walter Barrington. He’d already spent enough time with the male, locked away with Ares and a few of their sentinels. They went over contingency plans, how to keep the tigers and wolves safe during the party and the coming days. Veronica’s parents, apparently, weren’t leaving just yet, and Walter was concerned about his baby girl once he left.

  Braden wasn’t letting anything else happen to her. She’d endured enough in the few moments she was held by the human and he didn’t want her to feel fear again.

  Of course, to protect her, she actually had to be with him.

  Which she wasn’t.


  No matter. He simply relaxed against the couch, the leather cradling him as he sipped his beer. The liquid went down smoothly, but he hardly tasted the drink. He was too preoccupied by the goings on in the house. With his seat positioned within sight of the stairway, he kept his head pointed toward the television, but his gaze kept track of who came and went on the stairs. He watched one of Veronica’s sisters—Violet—go up, then race down. Then there were the Jones cousins giggling and running. Talia Barrington seemed to float everywhere she went, a picture of calm.r />
  He just had to wait for the right mix of people to be upstairs. Primarily, women he could easily chase off so he could have time alone with his mate.

  They needed to, he gulped, talk.

  The slam of a door preceded the soft pad of bare feet on the carpeted steps and then Violet and Talia came into view. The two women spoke softly, pausing at the bottom of the stairs when Talia hugged her daughter close. If he wasn’t so consumed with the need to get to Veronica, he’d find the scene touching.

  As it was, he saw the women as adversaries and he didn’t have time to get gooey about those two. He had a plan—a goal—and those two were part of the blockade.

  Their murmurs grew faint, both of them heading toward the kitchen. The soft clink of silverware and plates told him they were preparing lunch. They wouldn’t be heading back upstairs anytime soon.

  No time like the present.

  He slowly stood, quietly placing his empty bottle on the end table as he headed toward the front door. This was where their plan to keep the groom away fell to shit. Talia Barrington thought like a wolf and wolves couldn’t leap from the ground to the second-floor balcony.

  Braden could without breaking a sweat.

  He eased from the house and slowly made his way toward the far corner. The double doors leading from the bedroom to the balcony were wide open and soft tinkling laughter reached him.

  Veronica’s laughter. And it was a true laugh, not like the tittering she’d given the pilot. The pilot who’d flirted and made her uncomfortable.

  The thought had him growling and he quickly swallowed the sound. He—and the tiger—needed to focus on their goal and not the past.

  Tiger told them they could kill the human pilot to take care of the past and then they could look to the future.

  Braden admitted the idea had merit. At least until his animal pushed against its bindings, stretching the mental chains and scouring his mind. It wanted out to do as it desired.

  He reminded the cat they couldn’t have a mate or mating party if they went off to hunt the human. Grumbling, the tiger agreed and decided they could do that tomorrow.


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