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Hothead (Irresistible Book 4)

Page 10

by Stella Rhys

  “Man, you really know how to brighten my mood,” I muttered just as my eyes spotted something well across the room – the bounce of that honey-colored ponytail. Jesus. Apparently, just the swing of her hair from twenty yards away could make my dick twitch in my jeans.

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better I want you over Julian for my best man.”

  My head whipped over to Emmett.

  “Fuck off,” I blurted. “Now he’s really gonna trade me.”

  He laughed.

  “Nah, he’s all lost in Dad-land right now. He’s so wrapped around Luna’s finger he’ll barely notice that I passed him up,” Emmett said. “So what do you say? Are you in or what?”

  I didn’t have to think twice.

  “Of course I am, fucknut,” I grinned, before pushing off the bar to rush toward Evie. She’d been on the phone since I spotted her a minute ago, but I could tell from the expression on her face that the conversation was taking a bad turn.

  And that and me suspecting that she was talking to Mike.

  “Who is it? Give me the phone,” I muttered to her as she hastily wiped the corner of her eye, mouthing hold on before walking away from me.

  I followed, catching up with her just as she hissed, “And you don’t think you made me feel hurt and embarrassed?”

  That was all I needed to hear.

  “Drew!” Evie gasped as I grabbed the phone from her and held it to my ear.

  “What’s up, Mike, do me a favor – unless it’s to apologize for all the shit you pulled on her, don’t call my girlfriend again. And while we’re at it, keep my name out of your mouth. Sound good?” I let him stammer a string of non-words before cutting him off. “Cool. ‘Night.”

  “Drew!” Evie hissed the moment I hung up. She jumped in an attempt to grab her phone but I held it over her head. “What the hell, Drew!”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “Nothing! Give my phone back!”

  “Look, we’ve both had more than a few drinks tonight, and the last person you need to be talking to is this asshole who’s going to get you so riled up you might say the wrong thing in front of him.”

  “You think I’m going to spill to him about our whole deal? I’m not wasted, Drew, and I don’t need you to fight my battles!”

  “I’m not trying to fight your battles. I just want to know what he said to get you this upset. You were crying – I can see that,” I said heatedly, my observation instantly stopping Evie mid-reach for her phone. She crossed her arms and puckered her lips with defiance.

  “I wasn’t crying,” she lied with such insistence that I actually saw her tears dry up on the spot. Damn. Impressive.

  “Fine then, you weren’t. But tell me what he said.” I waited two seconds and when she didn’t answer, I waded through all the noise in my head, which was mostly thoughts about how goddamned sexy she looked all mad at me. It took awhile, but I finally remembered what I heard her saying on the phone before I grabbed it. “He said I would hurt and embarrass you?” I asked, feeling my blood heat up again.

  She chewed the corner of her mouth, making that plump bottom lip look even plumper.


  “Alright. What else?”

  “That being with you would degrade me.”

  “Degrade you?” Jesus. “What else?”

  Evie heaved a sigh.

  “That you don’t care about me. And you don’t know how to make me laugh.”

  “Yeah? Well, fuck this guy,” I said, turning around.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m calling him.”

  “No you’re not,” she snorted. But as I started dialing and walked away, her tone changed. “Wait. Drew? No you’re not!”

  She dashed after me into the next room, which had a dimly lit dance floor and an empty table in the corner.

  “Drew!” Evie hissed, reaching for her phone in every direction that I held it. Frustration pinched her eyebrows tight but once I did some behind-the-back knockoff NBA move, she burst out laughing. “Drew, stop! You look so stupid right now, I’m just trying to save you here.”

  “Oh, really.”

  “Really,” she snorted as she reached around my body to grab her phone from behind. She fell onto me as I sat down on the chair, and her mouth fell open when I suddenly held two empty hands up. “Drew Maddox! If you’re sitting on my phone, I swear to God…”

  “You swear to God what, tough girl?”

  “If you break it, you’re gonna pay for it,” she said threateningly.

  “Well, that could be a problem. I don’t think I can afford that.”

  Evie narrowed her eyes at me for a few seconds. I expected an eye roll from her but what I got instead was a sexy smirk and a breathy little laugh that went straight to my cock.

  My jaw tightened. Somehow, it took till that moment for me to realize she was straddling me. I knew it had only just hit her too because we fell suddenly quiet as we eyed each other, and she bit her grin, shaking her head when I caved to my temptation and peered down between our bodies.

  Goddamn. Her thighs were parted wide over my lap and stretching the limits of that tight skirt. I was in a trance as I watched the fabric roll up slowly, slowly, treating me to more and more of that smooth, soft skin. I gripped the edges of my seat in an effort to keep from ripping her clothes clean off her body, and I was painfully turned on as it was without even remembering my observation from earlier tonight.

  That she wasn’t wearing any panties.


  I actually held in a groan as I processed the fact that Evie was sitting in my lap wearing a thin, rolled-up skirt and no fucking panties underneath.

  “Get off,” I said suddenly.

  She blinked.

  “Oh.” Her voice was startled, borderline hurt as she moved to get off me. “Okay,” she said defensively.

  But the second I felt her weight lift off me, I growled and slammed her back down by the hips. She gasped but let me capture her mouth with mine.

  And from there, we lost all control.

  As my tongue swept ferociously through her mouth, Evie rubbed her hot pussy against me, grinding so hard in my lap that I had to hold her skirt in place. It had shot up like a rubber band on her perfect thighs, and I’d yanked it down fast before anyone could see a thing.

  And since anyone included me, that right there was torture like I’d never felt it before.

  I wanted Evie naked and yet I was covering her up. The irony would’ve amused me if my blood weren’t pumping with such merciless force to my cock that I thought I might explode. That bouncing ass. That chokered neck. That swinging goddamned ponytail. There were a million places my hands would rather be than stationed at the edge of her skirt, but I kept them there because that was the responsible thing to do, and apparently I was a responsible fucking person now.

  “You’re so hard,” she breathed, rubbing harder against my dick.

  “I wonder why,” I growled as she whimpered something inaudible.

  I didn’t ask her to repeat it because as much as I wanted to hear it, I really didn’t, and I was already on my last ounce of self-control. But as she stroked my clothed cock with her barely clothed pussy, she whispered it again.

  “I want to feel it, Drew.”

  “Don’t fucking say that.”

  “I really want to.”

  “You’re drunk,” I hissed.

  “I’m not, you prick, I’m just wet,” she hissed back, squeezing handfuls of my shirt as she kissed me hard. I was lightheaded when she pulled away. “You tortured me all night by making me talk about sex, so put your money where your mouth is, Drew, and fuck me. Make me come.”


  Make me come.

  I heard those words and apparently blacked the hell out, because the next thing I knew, I was a madman stalking Evie out the front doors of the hotel. My car was already waiting and ready to take us back to my place. I already knew which couch I wanted to bend her ov
er before I buried every inch of me inside her.

  But all I needed was to see her slightly trip on the sidewalk before she got in the car, and suddenly, I stopped in my tracks.



  My pulse hammered in my ears as I froze in the middle of the sidewalk and stared at Evie waiting for me in the backseat, writhing for me in that painted-on dress and looking desperately at me with those big doe eyes. I clenched my jaw tight. My chest heaved as I breathed out hard as I realized what I was hoping I wouldn’t till tomorrow:

  That this was a bad idea.

  And it couldn’t happen.

  Whether or not she was drunk, I couldn’t do this to her. We had three months of contract left and I couldn’t promise myself that I wouldn’t be a piece of shit after we fucked. That I wouldn’t be cold as stone to her the second I came. There were a lot of lies out there about me, but my being an asshole wasn’t one of them. In fact, it was a well-practiced skill. I was as good at maintaining a distance as I was at throwing an unhittable pitch. Like baseball, callousness was something I’d perfected over the years. It gave me a sense of comfort. Stability.

  That was just how I was, and there was a reason Iain said not to fuck her.

  Approaching the car, I stuck my head in the backseat.

  “Gary. She’s going to the Adelaide Hotel.”

  “You got it,” Gary said as Evie blinked at me. She knew exactly what was happening – her cheeks were already flushed pink with embarrassment – but I could see her trying to give me the benefit of the doubt with her confusion.

  “What’s going on, Drew?” she asked, failing to hide the tinge of hurt in her voice.

  “Gary’s going to take you back to your hotel,” I said, watching her process my change of mind. She paused. Then her lips formed into a wobbly little pout for all of a second before she switched gears and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “What’s your problem, Drew?” she seethed.

  “Just go home. Get some sleep,” I said. I was being a condescending prick, but I needed to do what I had to do to get her out of my sight fast.

  “You promised to help me with something,” she enunciated, as if I’d forgotten that I’d agreed to and still desperately wanted to make her come all over my cock. Every muscle in my body was fucking aching to like never before, but that was all the more reason to push the big red button and let the trusty walls go up.

  “You can do it yourself,” I said, catching the fire in her eyes before I stepped back to close the door.

  The right move at that point was to just close it, and on any other day I could’ve done it without hesitation. But Evie’s sudden calm piqued my interest.

  And it just about spiked when she leaned back and said, “You’re right, asshole. I can.”

  Then she started touching herself over her dress.

  My adrenaline stalled and my gaze grew heavy as I watched her part her legs, sliding her hand between her thighs.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “You told me to. Now close the door.”

  “Gary, give us a minute,” I snarled, fully aware that I was taking the L here. I didn’t enjoy being called on my bluff – especially when I wasn’t bluffing to start with – but fuck it. Evie had me.

  Once my driver was out, I let her pull me in by my shirt. I growled into her neck and before I knew it, my hand had replaced hers, my fingers rubbing over her dress, between the lips of her pussy. I could feel her warmth and her wetness through the fabric and I wanted nothing but to reach under that skirt and feel her skin-to-skin, with no barrier between us.

  But I was going to hold up one part of the promise I’d made to myself tonight.

  I would make her come. But I wasn’t going to fuck her.

  My ego convinced me my logic was sound. If we weren’t having sex, then I was in the clear. If I was touching her over her clothes, it was the same as what we were doing upstairs. If anything, I was just proving to her how loud I could make her moan without getting my dick involved.

  And so far, I was doing a fucking stellar job.

  “Does that feel good?” I murmured as I sat beside her, one hand gripping the base of her ponytail as the other stroked furiously between her thighs. The way her body responded to every bit of my touch drove me wild. I was ruining her dress and the fact that she loved every second of it was making me crazy.

  “Don’t stop,” she exhaled, clamping her hand over mine and grinding against me. “Faster,” she pleaded.

  I happily obliged, giving longer, faster strokes that made her tits bounce nonstop under her dress. God, I wanted to rip it right off. I wanted to see her spill out and I wanted to suck on her nipples while she came all over my hand. But none of that was going to happen without me fucking her senseless, so I refrained, convincing myself that I was in control here.

  I kept telling myself that, even as I looked down and saw the damp fabric of Evie’s dress clinging to her pussy, molding over those luscious lips and turning me into an animal.

  “Fuck, Evie,” I growled, my eyes drinking her in from head to toe when she came, squeezing my shirt tight and letting out a moan so ragged and sexy I almost whipped my cock out and fucked her on the spot.

  I could’ve basked forever in the scent of her pleasure that lingered thick in the air.

  But once her satisfied body went fully limp in my arms, I released her and pushed open the door. Her heavy, dazed stare followed me but she said nothing as she sat there with tousled hair and flushed cheeks, still catching her breath as I got out and finally closed the damned door.

  I made eye contact with Gary and watched him climb back in the driver’s seat, and the second I heard the engine start, I turned on my heel and headed back into the building. I walked into the first restroom I could find, kicked open a stall and furiously jerked off inside, reliving the shape of Evie’s pussy in that dress as I came faster than I ever had in my life.



  I had zero – and I mean zero – contact with Drew in the six days that followed the absolute chaos of that night.

  In all fairness, this was all pre-planned and exactly according to the itinerary Iain had sent.

  Drew had two road series against Boston and Tampa, so he was out of town and wouldn’t be back in New York till his start against Baltimore Monday night. When we first did the schedule, Iain had in fact asked me to attend one or two road games in Boston, or even Tampa if I could swing it, because traveling was just a part of being a “baseball wife.”

  But the days conflicted with my consultation meetings and new client tours at the warehouse, so the mini road trip plan was nixed.

  Which meant we weren’t supposed to see each other. There were no dates on the schedule, and that was technically fine. We’d gone hard staging photo ops for the first few days of our contract so this, according to Iain, would just be our “breather” before move-in day.

  So really, I shouldn’t be over-thinking a thing.

  But still.

  The fact that Drew didn’t so much as text did kind of bother me.

  As a matter of fact, he didn’t even shoot a snarky one-liner in reply to Iain’s latest email in our shared email thread. It was radio silence from him since he closed the car door behind me that night, and as much as I wanted to believe I was easy, breezy and completely unaffected, I definitely was not.

  Because I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that went down.

  How could anyone expect me to? Drew and I had gone completely off script. Hot as it was, our kiss outside Merryweather had clearly been for show, but the filth we got into the other night was behind closed doors. No one had seen it but us. Every word Drew spoke, every bit of heat in his touch had been entirely for me.

  And no one but me.

  “Geez, woman. What got into you that night and can I buy some off of you?” Aly asked as I sat with her in the back office of our restaurant. After finishing my meetings on Thursday, I’d gone ahead and hopped on
the Hampton Jitney. It was late at night, but this was an emergency.

  I’d had an extremely hot night with my extremely fake boyfriend, I was still thinking about it, and I needed to talk it all out before I did something stupid like text him even a “hey what’s up.”

  So I went to see Aly.

  “Alright, so remind me who started it?” Aly asked, trying to get to the top of all my breathless rambling. “Who kissed who first?”

  I blinked. My toes curled in my flats as I remembered Drew telling me to get off his lap before yanking me right back.

  “I have no idea who started the kissing, but he definitely started the precursor to the kissing.”

  “This is confusing.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “But you asked to go home with him, right?” Aly clarified.

  “Yes,” I answered, chewing my lip. “And before you ask, I wasn’t drunk.”

  “I didn’t assume that,” she laughed. “I know what Drew looks like. He’s like, top one percent good-looking, so I’m pretty sure any woman sitting on his lap would have trouble keeping her clothes on.”

  “Did I mention that I was commando? And he was hard? And huge?”

  “Several times, yes.”

  I buried my face in my hands.

  “Sorry, it was just so hot. But then he was such a dick afterwards, my God. Who gets someone all hot and bothered and then just snatches sex away last minute?”

  “Drew Maddox,” Aly answered. “To be fair, he did still finish the job for you,” she smirked. “And it’s probably a good thing that you guys didn’t have sex. ‘Cause imagine if this week of silence happened after, you know, actual penetrative action.”

  “You say that as if what he did to me in that car wasn’t already the hottest thing that’s ever happened in my life.”


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