Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance

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Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  He thought he’d grown since they’d been together last. He’d believed he could sleep with Pepper without getting more involved. But he’d been a fool. The daydreams he had about her, about this marriage, were all too real...and all too consuming.

  Damn it. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he wasn’t about to turn back. He wanted his wife in the most basic, primal way a man wanted a woman. And now that he’d had her again, all that passion they’d shared before came rushing back and he refused to let it go after he’d had a taste.

  “Bad night?” Colt asked, stepping into the doorway of the stall. “Or are you mad because Annabelle interrupted something?”

  Nolan grunted. “Shut up.”

  “You’re the one who got yourself into this mess. Don’t get grouchy with me.”

  Nolan tossed the brush into the bucket anyway. “You think I don’t know how I got into this? I had little choice, though.”

  Colt hooked his thumbs in his belt and shook his head. “You don’t believe that any more than I do.”

  Nolan didn’t know what to believe. Right now he was too keyed up about last night to worry about too much more. Having Pepper back in his bed, so to speak, was all he’d wanted, a temptation he couldn’t resist. But now that he’d had her, he wasn’t so sure he wanted her to be anywhere else. Of course, then there was the whole issue that he didn’t want to be married with a family, yet here he was. He’d volunteered to put himself in that exact position.

  Nolan patted Doc’s side. He needed a good ride, but he’d groomed his stallion instead. Doc needed some downtime today.

  “All I know is she’s turning me inside out, but then I think, this is not my cross to bear.”

  “Are you sure about that? Sounds like years of guilt have caught up with you.”

  Nolan blew out a breath and turned to face his baby brother. “I can’t turn back the clock. I’m not the same young jerk I was, but I’m honest about what I can give. She knows I’m still not wanting a family. We’re taking it day by day, I guess.”

  Colt merely raised his brows but Nolan didn’t care what his brother thought, or anyone else, for that matter. He had enough of his own turmoil to deal with.

  “You’re playing house with a woman you were once in love with who’s pregnant and back in town for good, and you think you can be this calm about it?” Colt snorted and tipped his hat back on his head. “I’ll play along with your delusions if you want. Besides, I’ll get all the details from Annabelle when she comes home later.”

  Growling, Nolan pushed passed his brother. He headed down the stone walkway between the stalls and ignored Colt’s obnoxious laughter. Surely Pepper wouldn’t spill everything. Of course, there was no hiding the fact Annabelle had gotten them out of bed, or off the couch, as the case may be. That would be enough fuel for Colt to assume that Nolan was falling into this whole married-bliss phase.

  Nolan refused to let that happen. Yes, he might want to be physical with Pepper, he might be doing all of this to help her, and fine, he might be a tad jealous that she carried another man’s baby, but he didn’t want to settle down for real. Wasn’t his life busy enough? He was perfectly fulfilled without adding more. Being a doctor and a rancher was full-time. Adding a child into the mix would only spread him even thinner and that wouldn’t be fair to an innocent baby.

  “You still picking Hayes up from the airport?” Nolan asked as he grabbed a blanket. He planned on taking out Lightning, Colt’s stallion.

  “That’s my horse,” Colt stated. “Use your own.”

  “Mine needs to rest and you haven’t taken Lightning out yet.” Nolan ignored his brother’s protest. “I need to get away and think. I’ll do a perimeter check of the fence line.”

  “Running from your problems didn’t work so well the first time you were with Pepper. What makes you think it will this time?”

  Nolan tossed the blanket over Lightning’s back and smoothed it out. “I didn’t come down here to ask your opinion. I came to work, to ride and to give the women time to talk about us and do their nails...or whatever the hell else they’re doing.”

  Colt laughed. Bastard. Nolan wasn’t in the mood for jokes or laughter. He wanted to wallow in his dark mood because the more he thought about last night, the more he was conflicted. He wanted to go back to the house and take Pepper to his bed and forget the world existed.

  Nolan fixed the saddle in place and threw a glance toward Colt. “I’ll bring him back in a few hours.”

  “Why don’t you let me and my guys do the work and you go back home to Pepper?”

  Nolan led Lightning outside. Colt followed behind. “Why don’t you focus on your own woman and leave mine to me.”

  He mounted the stallion and kicked him into a gallop. Nolan could get work done and hopefully clear his head. By the time he got back home, maybe he’d have all the answers. Most likely he’d still be confused, but he was sure of one thing...he’d still want Pepper in his bed. That would never change. It was just what they would do outside the bedroom that he had to worry about.


  Nolan slid his cell back into his pocket and breathed a sigh of relief. Well, somewhat. His PI had dug through the Wrights’ dirty laundry and discovered something useful. If that family was going to fight, he was damn well going to come back at them full force.

  He couldn’t wait to tell Pepper. She needed something positive to focus on right now and discussing the case, in a positive way, would hopefully alleviate some of the awkwardness that would surely surround them as soon as he stepped inside and they were alone once again.

  He’d been gone over three hours and had no more answers now than he had when he set out to check the fence lines. He needed a shower, he could use a drink, and he wanted his wife. If he could multitask and have all three at the same time, well, he’d call this day one of the best in a long time.

  The shrieking alarm echoing through the open patio doors had Nolan charging inside, the fantasy ripped away. Why the hell was his smoke alarm going off? Where was Pepper? Was she okay?

  As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, he quickly realized she was indeed okay...but their dinner wasn’t. Pepper had a towel and was smacking the hell out of a casserole dish on top of the stove. Nolan couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.

  Pepper spun around, met his gaze, then saw that her towel was on fire, so she beat the casserole once again. With a sigh and a muttered curse, she tossed the towel into the sink in the center island and doused it with water. When she leaned her hands on the smooth granite countertop, Nolan crossed the room.

  “There’s always takeout.”

  Pepper narrowed her eyes. “If you tell Winnie that I burnt her casserole, I will tell her about the time you used her favorite pan to make me dinner and ruined it because you burnt the bottom and she never could figure out who did it.”

  Nolan mimicked her actions and rested his palms on the island opposite her. “She’ll never hear it from me. But tell me, was it the chicken-and-broccoli casserole? Because that’s my favorite and I’d hate to cry in front of you.”

  “Actually, it was. I guess I owe you one.” Pepper wrinkled her nose. “I’m really sorry. I wanted to have a late lunch all planned and I wasn’t sure when you’d be back. I was getting hungry and I figured I’d heat this up, but then I called the doctor and got sidetracked—”

  “What doctor? Why?” Immediately, he came around the side of the island and gripped her shoulders, turning her to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just had some minor bleeding, but I wasn’t cramping or anything and it stopped almost as fast as it started. I just wanted them to know.”

  “I’m your first call if something is wrong,” he commanded. “I could’ve taken you to the hospital to get checked out. Matter of fact, let’s go. We’ll get an ultrasound and listen for t
he baby’s heartbeat and—”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. “I’ve felt the baby move and my doctor promised that this was normal and most likely from intercourse. Every pregnancy is different, so there’s no textbook case. He said as long as I feel fine and I still feel the baby, there’s nothing to be alarmed about.”

  But there was everything to be alarmed about. When she’d miscarried before, she’d felt fine. Everything had been going great with the pregnancy, their child had been healthy...and then suddenly out of the blue she was gone.

  The fear of years ago slithered through him, squeezing like a vise around his chest.

  “Go up and lie down. I’ll make something and bring it to you.”

  Pepper tipped her head to the side. “I’m perfectly fine. I know what my body needs and right now it’s just food. I’ve been sitting all day talking with Annabelle. I went down to their house and met the twins. They are absolutely adorable, by the way.”

  Nolan slid his hands down her arms, feathering his touch until he stepped back for distance. “You probably overdid it, then. Those girls are a handful.”

  Pepper smiled and patted his cheek. “They’re twins under a year old. Of course they’re a handful. That’s pretty much their only job right now.”

  “Still, you don’t need to be doing too much.”

  Pepper glanced to the stove, where the dish was still smoking. “Apparently, I can’t do anything. I could probably whip up a grilled cheese. I’d say that’s safe.”

  Nolan pulled his hat off and swiped his forehead with the back of his arm. “I need a shower in the worst way. I was going to have you join me, but I don’t think that’s a good idea with hemorrhaging.”

  Those bright eyes widened. “Nolan, I’m not here to scratch your itch or be at your command. Yes, I want you and I’m not sorry for last night, but I also can’t pretend this is real.”

  Well, the way she said it made him sound foolish.

  “I won’t apologize for wanting you, Pepper.” And he wouldn’t look coldhearted, either. “Our feelings are mutual and you can’t deny that you want more. We may be a paper marriage only, but there’s no reason to play the game and dance around the sexual attraction. We already proved that doesn’t work.”

  “Maybe you’re out of my system now.”

  When she cocked her hip and quirked her brow, Nolan took that challenge and opted to call her on it. He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. Torso to torso, pelvis to pelvis. Her eyes widened with surprise. Then they betrayed her as they darted to his mouth.

  “You were saying?” he murmured as he leaned in to slide his lips over hers.

  “You’re going to at least rest on the couch,” he told her, his lips hovering over hers. “I’m going to work on dinner and grab a quick shower. You’re not to move a muscle. For the rest of the day, I’ll be doing everything for you.”

  She let out a slight whimper, one he knew she meant to hold in. He couldn’t help but smile. The amount of willpower she had was no match for him. He’d bust down every barrier she tried to put up, because his need for her wasn’t even close to being sated. Last night only served as a reminder of all he’d missed with her and all he wanted to explore again and again.

  “I don’t need to be pampered,” she muttered.

  Nolan gripped her backside. “Maybe it’s time I showed you that’s exactly what you deserve.”

  “You’re going to make me want.” She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his. “I can’t, Nolan. I can’t want you.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  He covered her mouth with his, and she melted against him. He didn’t need to use words to prove her wrong. She couldn’t deny the pull between them any more than he could. Their physical attraction had never faded, even with the gap of time they’d lost.

  Nolan ended the kiss as abruptly as he’d started it, pleased when Pepper leaned forward and had to stop herself.

  “I’ll get that shower and have lunch for you in no time, babe.”

  He turned and headed out of the room, but not before he heard her mutter, “I’m not your babe.”

  That stopped him. Something snapped inside him. After what they’d been through, all of it up to this point, she was his and damn it, he was going to prove to her that she couldn’t lie—not to herself, not to him.

  Nolan turned back around, crossed the space and enveloped her in his arms. He claimed her mouth as he arched her backward, completely consuming her. He craved this woman like nothing else and the way she gripped his biceps, moaning as his lips crushed hers, only proved she wanted this, too.

  He slid his mouth along her jawline, down her throat. Pushing the strap of her tank and bra aside, he continued to trail his mouth along her heated skin. Pepper’s fingertips glided through his hair as she panted his name.

  “Never say you’re not mine again,” he growled against her lips as he released her breast.


  That’s right. His name would be the only one on her lips. He might not be able to make love to her now because of her tender state, but he could damn well stake his claim and have her coming apart in his arms.

  He yanked her skirt to the ground to puddle at her feet. Then, stepping back, he took in the sight of her hair in disarray, her tank half hanging on her body and her standing before him in only her panties. The round belly had him reaching out, placing his palms possessively on her as he met her gaze.

  Pepper’s breath came out fast, her lips wet and swollen from the proof of his desire.

  He fisted a handful of her hair and guided her head to the side as he went back in for another taste. Easing his fingertips along the edge of her panties, he nearly lost it when she moaned and widened her stance.

  Nolan rubbed her, teasing her mercilessly, and had her jerking her hips against him. In no time she went over the brink, tearing her mouth from his as he watched her squeeze her eyes shut and cry out in pleasure.

  This was the most erotic sight he’d ever seen and he damn well wasn’t ready to give it up anytime soon. As long as Pepper lived in his house, legally carried his name, she was his.

  * * *

  “Of course. I’ll be right there.”

  Nolan hung up his phone and shoved it back in the pocket of his jeans. Pepper had just finished her grilled chicken and salad. She wiped her mouth with her napkin and sat up in her seat.

  Their intense make-out session nearly an hour ago had left both of them ravenous. He’d wanted nothing more than to take her upstairs and lay her out on his bed and finish what they’d started. But he worried it might be too much. Soon, though. He just wanted to follow up with the doctor himself and hear that she was okay.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Nolan grabbed his keys off the counter and headed toward the garage door off the kitchen. “It’s my dad. He fell and the nurse thought I’d want to come assess him before they decided what to do.”

  Pepper knew his father lived in an assisted-living facility. She came to her feet. “I’ll go with you.”

  “Stay here. Dealing with my father isn’t part of our agreement.”

  Pepper reeled back as if he’d slapped her. “You’re right. It’s not, but I thought...forget it. Go on.”

  Nolan took a step toward her. “Pepper—”

  “No.” She held her hands out. “You’re right. This isn’t a real marriage and I’m not part of your life like I used to be.”

  Emotions threatened to consume her, so she spun around and headed for the living room. She didn’t want to see Nolan’s look of regret, because she was coming to realize the only thing he regretted was the fact he was stuck with her...or at least that was how it felt.

  “Come with me.”

  Pepper froze in
the wide doorway. Nolan’s boots shuffled against the hardwood as he moved in behind her. She took a deep breath.

  “Just go, Nolan. This is ridiculous to argue about. I’m going to go into the shop and paint. I also want to see how the renovations are coming.” Ready to face him, she shifted around. “We don’t have to do things together—your family isn’t actually mine, I know. I don’t need the reminder.”

  Nolan shoved a hand through his hair, still damp from the shower. “I have to go. I want you with me.”

  Pepper forced a smile. “No, you don’t. Your first instinct was to close me out. There’s no need to apologize for being who you are.”

  Now Pepper did leave the kitchen and went to compose herself in the privacy of her own room. She’d change her clothes and go into the shop. The sooner her apartment was ready, the sooner she would be that much closer to getting back to the life she’d planned. All she needed was her baby...not the reminder that she and Nolan were only pretending to be a fairy-tale couple.

  * * *

  Pepper walked through her apartment, admiring the new touches that were being added as well as how everything was blending with the old charm of the building. The kitchen had custom white cabinets now as opposed to the old dated oak. The backsplash looked like something out of a magazine. She leaned over the open cabinet. She had no idea what the countertop would look like once installed, but as she ran her fingertip over the backsplash, she marveled at the smooth glass finish in a pale blue.

  If the half-done kitchen was looking this modern yet cozy and chic, she couldn’t wait to see the final product. She’d definitely have to paint some new pieces to be added into her new space.

  Careful to step over tools and materials, Pepper made her way down the hall. The room she planned on using for the nursery had the door closed. The last time she’d stopped in, it had been open, and she’d gone in and done a little fantasy decorating.

  Pepper eased the door open and stood in shock as she took in the sight of a nearly finished nursery. The far wall with two windows had been painted navy. A silhouette of a horse with two colts was painted in a pale gray between the two windows. The other three walls were the same pale gray and had various rustic touches. There was a cluster of wood slats with horseshoes hanging at an angle as if to be used for hooks. One wall had a cowboy hat and in cursive font curving around the brim it said Future Cowboy.


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