Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance

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Claimed by the Rancher--A scandalous story of passion and romance Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  Pepper noted the new hardwood floors in a dark wood that went with the male theme. Everything was perfect. She hadn’t told Nolan or even the contractor she wanted this room done, and she actually wasn’t a bit upset that she didn’t get to paint it. This was exactly what she would’ve wanted for her son. Something simple yet very much part of the lifestyle that would embrace him here in Stone River, Texas.

  There was no way the contractor had done all of this on his own, or even at all. And there was no doubt who was the mastermind behind this decision.

  One minute he was shutting her out, the next he was going out of his way to make sure she had everything she needed. How could she keep up with her already jumbled emotions?

  The shifting in her belly had her placing her hands over the movement. In a few months she could welcome her son into this room. She could already imagine a rocker in the corner where she’d cuddle him to sleep. She’d always heard about that special bond between a mother and her son, and Pepper was convinced now more than ever that they would be tight. After all, who else did they have?

  They would be a team and she would protect him from all harm. And that included letting strangers raise him. Pepper would be absolutely gutted if she had to hand over her child. To lose a child in any way was something no parent should have to go through—didn’t the Wrights see that?

  Pepper’s cell chimed from the pocket of her maxi skirt. She reached in and frowned at the display. Why would the attorney be calling on a Saturday?

  This couldn’t be a good sign, could it? Was something wrong? Had there been a crimp in the case?

  With a shaky hand, she answered.


  “Pepper, I tried calling Nolan, but he didn’t answer. I hope this isn’t a bad time.”

  Of course he hadn’t answered. He was with his father and he was off work for the next few days.

  “No. This is fine. Is something wrong?” There seemed to be so many ups and downs lately, she didn’t know how many more she could handle.

  “Nolan had hired an investigator to dig into the Wrights,” he stated.

  Pepper gripped the phone. She’d been completely unaware of any of this. Why hadn’t he told her what he’d done? How much more had that cost? She refused to be any more indebted to him than she already was, but part of her was thrilled he’d thought to have them investigated. That was brilliant, especially because she needed to know everything about the couple who could possibly take her son from her.

  Still, why hadn’t Nolan told her? Sure, they were married just for pretenses, but this was a big deal and he’d kept vital information from her.

  “Their attorney has been notified of the findings and the Wrights want to know if you would consider settling out of court. They’ve offered one generous sum to compensate you.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” she all but yelled. “They want to buy my child? They offered money once and I don’t care what they’re offering now. I won’t take it.”

  Pepper’s heart kicked up as fury bubbled within her. “What were the findings from the investigator?”

  “Apparently the Wrights owe quite a bit of back taxes and their financial state isn’t as glossy as they like to portray.”

  Pepper considered exactly what this meant. “How would they pay me, then?” she asked.

  “I have no clue,” he replied. “But I think they’re going to tell you anything to get custody at this point. They’ve lost their son and they desperately want to hang on to him in any way possible.”

  Pepper understood that need. She’d do anything to hang on to her son, as well. Hadn’t she married the only man she’d ever loved? Wasn’t she living in his home, playing house, just to make sure her son remained with her?

  Already she was that parent who would go to any length to make a secure, stable environment for her child. And she wasn’t the least bit sorry. Her emotions, her worries about her own life, didn’t matter.

  “I have my store to run, so any meeting would have to be in the evening and Nolan goes back to work next week,” she explained.

  “I’ll get it set up and let you know. We’re going to win this, Pepper. It’s almost over.”

  She could only nod as emotions threatened to overtake her. Damn pregnancy hormones.

  After disconnecting the call, she gave a final once-over to the nursery. Inspiration for new paintings flooded her mind and she was eager to get downstairs. To have her own artwork in her son’s room was an absolute must.

  She needed to do something creative—that was the only way she’d calm her mind. Not to mention that seemed to be the only thing she could control right now. Her emotions were out of her control, this case was out of her control, and her marriage was out of her control. Coincidentally, Nolan occupied real estate in each of those areas.

  She’d let his words hurt her earlier and she knew better than that. For a moment, she’d let that guard down and her heart had suffered the fallout. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.


  By the time Pepper got home, she was definitely relaxed. So much so she felt as if she could fall asleep at any minute. She’d painted three pictures, all with her son’s room in mind, but she wasn’t sure how she’d arrange them. Once she had the furniture placed, she’d get a better idea of how she wanted all of the wall art.

  She came through the garage door that led to the kitchen. The four globe lights suspended over the massive island were on, but Nolan wasn’t in here. His vehicles were here, but he could’ve taken the four-wheeler down to one of the stables.

  Her stomach growled and she nearly groaned. The pretzels and banana she’d shoved in her purse and devoured two hours ago had already worn off. She wasn’t about to attempt to make something, and most likely Nolan had already had dinner, so she figured she’d go for the mature peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich.

  Pepper slipped her sandals off by the door and dropped her bag onto the kitchen table. Her bangle bracelets jingled with each movement. She’d put on her favorite set earlier, the one with the newest charm of a silver baby rattle. It was just one of the many pieces that had been waiting for her in her new closet when she’d come to Nolan’s house.


  Nolan came through the wide doorway and strode toward her. With a smile lighting his handsome face, those well-worn jeans hugging his narrow hips and a fitted gray T-shirt showing off his muscles, he didn’t look like a master surgeon...he looked like every woman’s fantasy.

  “How’s your dad?” she asked.

  “He’s all right. He fell trying to get into bed and he’s bruised his hip pretty good, but thankfully, nothing is broken.” Nolan crossed the room, his eyes raking over her. “You look exhausted.”

  “Ironically, I feel exhausted.” She yawned, unable to hold it back. “I’m ready for food and bed. In that order, but hopefully within the next few minutes for both.”

  Nolan laughed and reached out. Before she realized his intent, he’d scooped her up and cradled her against his chest. Pepper didn’t have much choice, so she looped her arms around his neck.

  “And what are you doing?” she asked breathlessly as he carried her out of the room.

  “Apologizing for being a jerk earlier and showing you that you deserve to be pampered. I wasn’t sure when you’d be home, but I knew you’d be hungry and probably tired.”

  When he stepped into the living room, Pepper gasped at the spread on the floor. Laid out over the dark hardwood floors was a thick blanket. Random takeout boxes were set off to one side, bottles of water and a small bouquet of wildflowers next to the boxes.

  “Are you apologizing or seducing me again?” she asked coyly. Suddenly her hurt from earlier disappeared, replaced by an emotion she refused to identify because that would cross that line into opening her heart.
  “Both.” He looked down into her eyes, and for a moment Pepper forgot this was all a farce. “Maybe I want to seduce my wife, to show her that even though this is all temporary, I still care for her and want her to be happy.”

  Temporary. Yes. She’d do well to remember that.

  Nolan set her on her feet. “I have a variety of tasty offerings, and I promise you won’t leave here hungry.”

  Pepper took a seat on the blanket and crisscrossed her legs in front of her. Nolan sat across from her and opened the basket. As he pulled out dish after dish, Pepper was utterly stunned. Fruits, cheeses, crisp veggies. He even had fried chicken that instantly hit her senses and made her mouth water.

  “This is Winnie’s fried chicken,” he explained as he settled all the food between them. “I actually just got back from getting it. I was afraid you’d get home while I was gone.”

  And there went those emotions. Pepper couldn’t control the tears; she didn’t even try. “Damn it. Why do you do this to me?”

  Nolan leaned forward and swiped her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Because you deserve it. I keep telling you that. One day you’ll listen.”

  Why couldn’t he see what a perfect husband he’d be? Well, he was a great husband now, but for the long term, for real, Nolan would be every woman’s dream.

  His cell chimed and he groaned. “I’m not on call, so I know it’s not the hospital. But I need to answer that because it could be about my dad.”

  Pepper waved her hand. “Go. I don’t expect you to drop everything for me.”

  “Why not?” Nolan’s eyes held hers as the phone continued to intrude on their moment. “You should always come first.”

  Pepper wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that comment, so she reached for a plump strawberry. She popped it in her mouth and surveyed the rest of the spread.

  “I suppose I have you to thank for the nursery in my apartment,” she stated softly, ready to move on to another topic, something less to do with feelings and this new territory they’d ventured into.

  Nolan nodded. “I know you’ll want to decorate your way, so I told the decorator to keep it to a minimum and if you weren’t pleased, she’ll come back and do what you want.”

  “It’s perfect. How did you pull all that off?”

  Nolan grabbed a piece of fried chicken. “I paid her extra to come when you weren’t in the shop. I didn’t want you to know. Whenever you’re ready, we can haul all of your baby things to the apartment and I’ll help you set up his room.”

  Pepper’s heart squeezed, but she faked a smile. “Already counting down the days until you’re rid of me?”

  His intense blue eyes came up to lock on to hers. “I figured you were ready for your own space and to move forward with your life when this case is over. You’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you like.”

  He didn’t mean that. Because as long as she liked would be forever, as man and wife, till death do them part.

  Pepper analyzed each piece of chicken and chose the perfect one. She tore off the crispy skin and popped a bite into her mouth, nearly groaning when all those flavors hit her at once.

  “You always loved Winnie’s fried chicken.”

  Nolan was watching her, a hunger in his own eyes that was all too familiar. This entire setup was all too familiar.

  “The first time I had her fried chicken, you set up a carpet picnic for me,” she recalled. “You surprised me and I think that’s when I fell in love with you.”

  She didn’t look away; she wasn’t sorry she’d told him. He knew how she’d felt when they were together before. But this was completely different. In the time they were spending together now, they seemed to be forging a deeper bond than ever before.

  “We were in love,” he said gruffly, still holding her gaze. “I just...couldn’t be what you wanted.”

  And he still couldn’t. The words hung in the air between them just the same as if he’d said them aloud.

  “No matter how grief stricken I was, I should’ve been there for you when you miscarried.” He shook his head and glanced down to the blanket. “That was my child, too.”

  “I mourned for our baby for so long—part of me still does,” she admitted.

  “I mourned.” His words were so low she was almost convinced she hadn’t heard correctly. “After you left, I wondered what the hell I’d done. I thought of the baby that I would never see. I couldn’t describe my feelings. My family was furious about how I’d treated you. It was a dark time for me.”

  Up until she’d lost the baby, she’d been convinced they’d marry and live happily ever after. But that was a foolish fantasy of a young, guileless girl who thought love could carry them through life.

  She knew better now.

  “Well, we can’t go back.” Pepper attempted a smile, but she hurt. Her heart literally hurt for that young couple they’d been, for the dreams she’d thought they shared but that had been only one-sided. “Thanks for everything you’ve done. Whether out of guilt or because you are genuinely concerned, I know this will only help my case.”

  Nolan leaned across the blanket. His hand gently cupped the side of her face as his lips grazed hers. Pepper closed her eyes, giving in to the moment. Letting him have his way, because she was just as eager for a taste of him.

  Every time he touched her, kissed her, looked at her like he wanted to devour her, Pepper had a hard time reminding herself this was all temporary.


  Nolan slid his fingers through Pepper’s silky, dark hair. He’d always had a thing for her long hair, how it glided over his hands, over his body.

  He wasn’t even going to deny that he wanted her now, but he had to prove to her that even though the marriage had an expiration date, he wasn’t interested in any other woman.

  Pepper eased back, reaching up to grip his wrist. “I seriously need to eat. My little guy needs his nutrients.”

  “And you’re going to need your energy.”

  Her eyes flared at his vow. There was no need to pretend this was all just a nice friendship when it wasn’t.

  “When the case is over, are you just going to divorce me?” she asked. “I mean, I don’t expect a commitment from you, but I know for me, this is getting more difficult. When I’m with you, I want...”

  Nolan shouldn’t have felt relieved, but he did. He didn’t want her to finish that sentence. If Pepper was wanting more from him, what could he say? She was vulnerable right now and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  “I want you,” he told her matter-of-factly. “While we’re married, I want you and only you. We’re adults. We have a mutual passion. Why deny it?”

  Pepper shook her head and let out a soft laugh. “You make things sound so simple when they obviously aren’t.”

  “For now, we will make them simple.” He added more fruit to her plate and a few slices of cheese. “Eat. Take care of that baby and yourself. Then we’ll talk.”

  She quirked a brow. “Is that code for strip me naked and have your way with me?”

  Damn if she wasn’t sassy and so perfect. “That’s exactly what it’s code for. Now hurry up and eat.”

  They ate without speaking for a few minutes. Nothing awkward, just a comfortable silence, and he was thankful they were on the same page. He truly didn’t want to cause her any more grief, but he also wanted her to know exactly where he stood.

  “Tell me about Hayes. I know he’s coming home, but I haven’t seen him since I left.”

  Nolan peeled another piece of meat from his drumstick and popped it in his mouth. “Honestly, the last time he was home, he looked, I don’t know, haunted. I thought he was done with the military then, but he said he couldn’t leave his men. Now, though, I worry something has happened. That he won’t be the same guy we
once knew.”

  Nolan hated that his younger brother had seen so much ugliness in this world. Hayes had a big heart—he wanted to save everyone and had been convinced he could make a difference. Nolan shared those same qualities, but he’d chosen a different path.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Hopefully, being back home on the ranch, surrounded by family, will help him.”

  Nolan nodded. “I sure as hell hope so. I worry how he and Dad will be when they see each other. We never know what type of day Dad will be having and we won’t know Hayes’s frame of mind. They’ve both changed drastically over the past few years.”

  “Maybe they need each other,” she replied, hope lacing her tone. “Sometimes one broken person just needs another to forge a new bond and become renewed.”

  Nolan considered her statement. As a doctor, he’d seen that exact thing happen between family members and friends. But when the circumstance involved his family, he wasn’t so quick to believe it. A part of him knew, from a medical standpoint, that his father wasn’t going to be cured. He was a prisoner in his own mind, and Nolan wasn’t sure Hayes would be much better.

  “I just want Hayes to understand that he can talk to us when he gets home, but he’s the most stubborn of all the Elliott boys.” Nolan paused to eat a grape. “I wish he had someone in his life. He doesn’t need to be alone with his thoughts every night. At least with Colt moving forward with the dude-ranch plans, maybe Hayes will jump on board.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Pepper assured him. “He has a great support team here. If he wants to talk, he will. Just don’t crowd him and don’t treat him like you’re afraid he’ll break.”

  Nolan stared into her dark eyes. For a woman who’d had hurdle after hurdle placed in front of her, she was surprisingly optimistic. She was always optimistic, always proving that life wasn’t going to get the better of her. He sincerely hoped she and Hayes could talk.


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