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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

Page 22

by Rayanna Jamison

  “You’ll punish me?” she breathed.

  He chuckled. “You want to confess?”

  Of course, she didn’t, but she didn’t want to ruin the evening by lying either.

  “You’re scratching your neck again. Put your hand back on my shoulder.”

  Damn him.

  “Last chance.”

  “I might be a little,” she whispered, looking at a spot over his head.

  “Well, let’s see.”

  Before she could register the fact that Garrick was about to touch her, he was. Two thick fingers glided between her folds. The action met no friction since she was more than a little wet. Even the nervousness of being on his arm all night hadn’t dampened the desire, which built with each new scene she’d witnessed.

  “Just as I thought.” He tsked his tongue, sliding his fingers back and forth again, until he separated them, pulling her lips apart. “Fuck me.” It was his turn to have a hushed voice as his thumb touched her clit.

  The slightest flick and she arched her hips toward him and groaned.

  “You want me to make you come like this, Jade? Right here in the lounge?”

  She nodded, no longer giving a flying fuck who could see her. His fingers held more magic than any Houdini act on record.

  “No, no, you can’t just nod. You have to ask. Nicely, and I would use the proper address this time.”

  Sliding her feet apart a bit more, she adjusted her grip on his shoulders. He hadn’t stopped toying with her, one finger rimming her entrance while the others rolled her clit. She would come regardless of asking, but just like everything else so far, he knew her too well.

  “If you come without my express permission, you’ll regret it. I promise you.”

  The threat was real, she had no doubt.

  “Please, make me come.” Her voice shook from the tension in her body. Wound tight, she leaned into his touch more. “Please, please make me come.”

  “Hmm, we’ll work on that begging of yours.” He leaned forward and covered her nipple with his mouth. The wet heat of his tongue lashed over her, soaking her dress and driving her closer to her release.

  “Oh, fuck! Please, Garrick. Please. I have to come, please make me come. Please!” She threw her head back, and yelled out again what she wanted, what her body needed.

  His tongue lapped at her faster, the heat now melting any resolve she had left to contain her pride.

  “Please! Please!”

  “Go ahead, come for us.” His teeth sank into her breast and two fingers thrust inside of her, throwing her into a tsunami of pleasure.

  Her throat constricted from her own scream of release. Her nails dug into him, as he thrust harder into her, pushing her through her orgasm. Each wave met with a new thrust, a new kiss, a new pull of her nipple making her orgasm outlast her voice until he slowly eased her back to reality with soft kisses to her now exposed belly, and gentle strokes of his fingers over her clit.

  “There you go. Such a good girl. I knew you would be.”

  She blinked, sucking in hot air as the buzz of her orgasm began to fade. Taking stock of her surroundings, she realized the crowd had witnessed her come, had watched and heard every bit of her orgasm. He’d said come for us, not for him, but us. He knew they were watching.

  She shoved away from him, yanking her dress down and shimmying her panties back up around her hips.

  He was up out of his chair in an instant, pulling her to his chest, and cradling her in his arms. “Give it a second. The panic will ease. It’s okay. You’re okay.” He pressed his lips to her cheek.

  Tears built in her eyes. Everyone had seen, heard.

  “I want to go home.”

  Chapter 3

  Garrick tapped his pen against the legal pad, listening to the presenter drone on about return on investment – same pitch, different deal.

  He earned a more than healthy living on making the right investments at the right time. Some projects were meant for the long haul, make a yearly profit, and then sell off when it came time to retire. The current purchase was not one for the long return. It would be a quick turn at a high profit.

  “The condominium complex appraised for twice that of the asking price.” Now they had his attention.

  “How many units are there in total?” He picked up his pen, poised to take down the number.

  “250 units currently.”

  “And how many are rental properties?” Jamison, his partner in almost every purchase, piped up.

  “Um…” The broker pushed papers around and finally snatched one up to look closer at it. “Looks like 130 units are currently being rented out.” Looking over the rim of his glasses, he peered at Jamison and Garrick. “Is that a problem?”

  “Well, rentals aren’t typically kept up as well as owned units, which would bring down the resale values, depending on the sort of work needing to be done. I’ve had issues in the past where more than 25% of the units were rentals.” Garrick watched Jamison work with gratitude. He had a head for business himself, and was pretty good at spotting a good real estate deal, but his best work happened with nightclub purchases.

  “I don’t think that’s a problem, really.” The broker dropped the paper and removed his glasses. “I’m sure something can be worked out.”

  Jamison nodded and leaned back in his chair. “What do you think, Garrick?”

  Garrick sucked in a long breath and laced his fingers together in his lap. “I think we’ll have to run some more numbers, get a good look at the property, talk with the association board. Some leg work to be done before an offer can be made.” Which all meant that he’d be sitting staring at reports for a day or two.

  Not the way he wanted to spend his weekend, but it would seem he didn’t have much of a choice. If he was going to move on this deal, and it was a sweet deal, it would have to take place before the end of the year. Which gave him all of a week.

  With Christmas, still close in the rear view, he had some catching up to do with his business. He’d rather be spending it with Jade.

  “Well then, we should get to it. Send over everything you have.” Jamison stood, buttoning his jacket as he did so. With a nod in the broker’s direction he took his leave, and Garrick followed directly after.

  “Man, that place is a steal.” Garrick grinned when they were safely stowed in the elevator.

  “Yeah, but that has me worried. Those rental units, that might be the key. If 130 units are registered as rentals, you can bet at least another 10% are being rented without being registered.”

  “I suppose.” Garrick shrugged his coat on, gearing up for the brisk Chicago afternoon.

  “You going to see that girl again? The one from the club?”

  “You mean Jade?” Garrick finished buttoning up as the elevator doors slid open. “Yeah. Going over there tonight.”

  “First time since the party?”

  Garrick gave Jamison a look he hoped portrayed how thin the ice beneath him was getting. “Since I’ve seen her? Yeah. Talked with her, no. We’ve talked several times since.” A few short conversations that amounted to not much. The progression from friends to whatever the hell they were at the moment was moving slower than he found comfortable, but he wouldn’t push. Jade wouldn’t allow it anyway. Too hard of a shove, and she’d run for the hills.

  “I’ve never seen a woman crash like she did.”

  Leave it to Jamison to bring up the subject he didn’t want to talk about. Jade had crashed, and hard, after her orgasm. He shouldn’t have brought her to orgasm in public, not right there in the lounge. It should have been a private affair, their first time. Hell, her first time in the club. He knew better.

  “And what about your little girl? Carissa?”

  Jamison’s arrogant grin disappeared. “I’m having lunch with my father; you can join us if you’d like.” Right arm in the air, he hailed a cab.

  “No need to be hostile. I was only asking about your girl.” Garrick’s lips tugged into a smile. It was
his turn to tread dangerously close to the edge.

  “Talk to you later. We have to go over those reports soon, don’t want this one getting away.”

  “Yeah, of course.” Garrick nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets. December in Chicago could be warm, or frigid as all hell. There was no middle ground, and it looked like old man winter had decided to take up residency.

  “Now, on to Jade,” he muttered as he headed for the Blue Line. A few stops down, and he’d be at her door. Not having seen her over Christmas felt wrong, they’d always gotten together for at least dinner, but her father was in town and stole her full attention.

  He hadn’t seen her since taking her home the night of the party. He’d settled her in bed and waited until she fell asleep before falling asleep himself on the love seat in her room. The sore back he’d woken up with was worth it when he opened his eyes to find her smiling at him from the bed. Of course, as soon as she realized he was awake, she clamped her eyes shut and rolled over.

  They needed to have a conversation, and she’d been avoiding it for several days. But Christmas was over, her father was busy with work again, and Garrick had all day to get her to talk. And he knew several extremely effective ways.

  “I don’t believe you! You’ve had a huge crush on him for fucking years, and you’re just going to blow it now because you’re embarrassed?” Carissa sipped her latte and leaned back on the kitchen stool to keep glaring at Jade as she made her way around the island. Garrick would be over soon, and she wanted to wipe away all evidence of the girls’ night she’d hosted the night before.

  “I’m not embarrassed.” She rolled her eyes and turned away. Carissa would know, just like Garrick would know if he looked at her while she lied.

  “Like hell you’re not. You think you’re the first girl to scream out an orgasm in the club? Shit, I heard at least five other girls in the room I was in, and it was a crowded night.”

  “I’m not other girls, and it’s not that.” Jade swiped a wet cloth across the cabinets. How did they manage to get wine on the cabinet doors?

  “Is it because you kind of freaked after?” Carissa didn’t beat around the bush, a trait Jade usually loved about her.

  Jade stopped wiping the counter and looked over her shoulder at her. “I didn’t kind of freak, I totally flipped. I was crying, no, sobbing really. He had to wipe my nose. It was worse than when he held my hair back so I could puke.” He’d been a complete gentleman, cleaning up her face, giving her his jacket once they were outside, and taking care of her back at her apartment. He hadn’t even snuck into her bed while she slept, he just stayed on the love seat.

  Carissa hopped off the stool, dropping her cup into the garbage can. “Look, sweet pea, that man has loved you for years. I know you didn’t see it, and he didn’t see your feelings either, but goddamn, I saw it all. And it was fucking nauseating, so at least try to make this work, okay?”

  “He’s, like, my best friend.” Jade could hear the whine in her own voice and shook her head. She needed to get it together; he’d be there any minute.

  “Yeah? So? I don’t see the problem. He knows you better than anyone. He’s held your hair for you while you puked. Do you think you could trust any other dominant as much as you trust him?” Carissa grabbed Jade by the shoulders when she turned away and forced her to look her in the eyes. “Just give it a try. Do your best, follow his lead. The worst that happens is you have awesome sex, decide it’s not for you, and you end it.”

  “And lose my friend.”

  “Honey, that ship has sailed already. Once you came all over his fingers, he had you.” Carissa patted her shoulder and walked around her. “Now, I have to get going.” She scooped up her coat from the counter she’d tossed it on, and stuffed her arms in, buttoning and zipping until she was as well bundled as a newborn baby. “I have the early shift tomorrow, you on late?”

  “Nights all week, except New Year’s, I’m off for once.” She walked Carissa to the front door unbolting it and opening it. “Hey, what about Jamison, the guy from the party? He call you?”

  Carissa shook her head. “Not gonna work out.” She heaved a heavy sigh. “No big deal.”

  “What’s no big deal?” Garrick’s deep voice signaled his arrival.

  “Nothing. That’s why it’s not a big deal. Duh.” Carissa winked in Jade’s direction then pushed past Garrick to head down the stairs.

  “Such a brat, that one.” He jerked a thumb at the departing Carissa and stepped into the apartment. “Hey, there.” He leaned in and brushed his lips across Jade’s. Quick, and just a greeting, but her toes twitched none the less.

  “Hey, yourself.” She closed and locked the door, leaning against it to take him in as he unraveled from the cold. He was still dressed in his business attire and she admired the narrow tapering of his waist where his belt was secured. He slung his suit jacket over the arm of the couch and turned back to her, looking every bit the business tycoon she’d read about in her romance novels.

  “Uh, is this okay? I mean, like do I need to greet you in some special way?” Remembering Carissa’s words, she decided to go all in. If everything was already mucked up, no sense in not giving it her all.

  He smiled. The gentle curve of his lips gave her the idea that he’d found her question sweet. Did she want to be sweet? Or was she supposed to be sexy? All the photographs she’d seen showed the woman naked and kneeling and looking all sorts of hot. Maybe that’s what he wanted from her. She immediately regretted the jeans and tee shirt she’d changed into before his arrival.

  “No.” He shook his head and walked to her, picking up her hands in his. “Things will change on their own, Jade. We don’t need to push. Right now, we are just going to talk, be with each other. When something pops up and I want a certain behavior, I’ll teach you. Just be you, it’s who I’ve been fantasizing about for years.”

  Her hands could have melted in his hold, his words heated her so much.

  “Right now, though, I want to kiss you, really kiss you. So you’re going to stand there, and you’re going to let me. Got it?” He let go of her hands, and took a step closer, pressing her against the door without even touching her.

  She clamped her hands on Garrick’s hips as his hands came up to her face, framing it and pulling her toward him as he lowered his head. A quick brush of his lips, then a harder one, until finally he pressed his mouth over hers, capturing her body and her mind in one passionate, demanding embrace. His thumbs ran along her jaw, coaxing her to open for him, and when her lips parted his tongue swept in, claiming her. Her hands lost their grip, and she now merely rested them on his belt, feeling the leather beneath her hands.

  When he broke off the kiss, his quick breath pelted her, mingling with her own pants of air. She’d been kissed before, but never had her mind completely blanked out from the sheer force of it.

  “There.” He planted a quick peck to the tip of her nose and released her. “Now, how was your visit with your father?”

  The change in topic threw her. How the hell was she supposed to answer him when she was still recovering from what he’d just done to her?

  “Jade?” He gave her a knowing grin but didn’t try to touch her.

  “What? Oh! Dad. Yeah. Fine.” She swallowed and fought back the urge to touch her lips. Were they actually swollen or did he just make her feel that way? “You want some coffee or something?”

  “Something, but we can get to that later. Coffee for now would be great.”

  She blinked at his meaning and turned away from him before he saw the hot blush taking over her entire face. For years, she’d been able to mask her feelings for him, and now that they both admitted to them, it seemed her body was hell-bent on betraying her every thought.

  Once in the kitchen, she swept the dishrag she’d been using into the sink and went about getting a pot of coffee brewing.

  “So, any big news from his neck of the earth?”

  Her father travelled a lot with his n
ew wife. Jade couldn’t bring herself to call the woman her stepmother, considering she was only two years older than herself.

  “No. He’s going to be in town for a little while. His rentals are up for sale, or the associations are trying to make him sell, not sure. Something with the condos.” She waved a hand through the air and went about getting the cups and creamer out.

  When she had it all set up, she faced him. He’d gone all quiet on her.

  In his hands, he held up two empty wine bottles. She’d forgotten about them tucked in the corner of the counter.

  “I thought you just stayed in last night.” His voice went all tenor, and she swallowed.

  “I did.” Somewhat true, the girls’ night had taken place at her apartment.

  “By yourself?” He held the bottles up higher. She might be able to polish off one bottle of wine on her own, but never two.

  “Uh.” She licked her lips.

  “Neck.” He sighed and placed the bottles down softly on the counter. She pulled her hand away from her neck. She really needed to stop being so damn transparent. “You told me you were staying home alone and getting to bed early. You said you couldn’t talk last night because you were fighting a headache.” He advanced on her, step by step until he stood directly in front of her.

  “Uh, that’s right.”

  “But?” One hand rested on the counter top on either side of her.

  “I lied.” She breathed out with the confession, relief soaring through her. She hated to lie, and did so rarely, but doing it with him felt worse.

  “Why?” His eyes bored into her, not giving her a square inch of privacy as she considered her answer.

  “I didn’t want to get into everything with you. I wasn’t sure of what I wanted, and I wasn’t sure of what to do. So I told you I wasn’t feeling great.”

  “The wine?”

  “Friends. I had some of the nurses over last night.”

  “Did you think about maybe telling me the truth? That you needed some time to think, and we’d talk today?”

  She was completely trapped, yet felt freer than she had in a long time. He wasn’t going to let her talk her way out of it, he wasn’t going to throw up his hands and give up. The man wanted to talk.


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