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How to Be a Submissive Wife

Page 3

by Jane Pearl

  · 6:30- 8:30 AM Make breakfast for your family and clean up the kitchen.

  · 8:30- 9:30 AM Exercise at least 3 days a week/Do dinner prep Tuesday and Thursday

  · 9:30- 10:00 AM Shower and Dress

  · 10:00- 12:00 PM Work on your writing

  · 12:00- 2:00 PM Make lunch for us and clean up. Joe will come home for lunch when he can from now on.

  · 2:00- 3:30 PM Work on your writing

  · 3:30- 8:00 PM Dinner, Kid Related Errands and Family Time

  · 6:30- 7:30 PM Tuesday and Thursday Workout with Joe.”

  · Weekends and Holidays will be at Joe’s discretion

  Joe pulled Sarah back against his chest. “Do you have any questions or concerns about this honey?” Sarah sighed and said, “I don’t think so. I’m a little concerned about the use of a hairbrush. It won’t hurt me too much?” Joe dropped the contract and hugged her back against his chest. “No, it is a traditional part of Domestic Discipline. It should be used sparingly, in the more serious offences.” He kissed her on her shoulder. “You will remember when I use it on you and won’t want to repeat the experience.”

  “Okay,” She said snuggling against him closer. “Where do I sign?” Joe proffered the pen. She leaned over to the side table and signed the contract. Joe took the pen and signed his name next to hers with a flourish. “Okay, I guess that does it.” He turned her to rest across his lap with her generous ass sticking up for his perusal. “I think we should begin with a gentle warm up so you can see what to expect.” With these words, he started slapping her ass, switching between cheeks. He gradually increased the intensity of his slaps until her nether cheeks were bright red. Stopping, he grazed his fingertips over her glistening slit. “It looks like you still like spanking honey.” Sarah sighed and pushed her ass back to his hand in a silent plea. Joe obligingly started finger fucking her cunt while she attempted to bring herself to climax against his hand. When she started to come undone, breathing hard and shuddering, Joe stopped his digital stimulation and removed his finger from her slit. “I’m not ready for you to come yet Baby.”

  She could feel him unbuttoning his jeans, his hairy knuckles brushing on her hip as he accomplished his task. He shifted her to her feet facing towards him and lifted her up and onto his erect penis. Both of them groaned as he settled her down over his hard member with her knees on either side of his hips. He worked her up and down his penis, going faster and faster. Sarah dropped her head back and held on for the ride. She could feel her climax rising again as Joe started breathing harder, his cheeks flushing. His thrusts got rougher, deeper. “Come for me baby.” He grated as he pulled her down hard onto his staff and filled her with his cum. As his cockhead hit her cervix, Sarah tipped over the edge and moaned loudly as her cunt contracted wildly along his length. She ended up with her face in his sweaty neck breathing heavily. Joe clumsily rubbed her sweaty blonde hair back from her face and kissed her on the forehead. “Thanks Babe. That was amazing.” They spent a few moments hugging and caressing each other before going to bed. Sarah had never felt so close to her husband.

  Sarah was nervous the next morning. She wanted to make sure that she followed the rules set by Joe as closely as possible. After getting her family off to work and school, she cleaned the kitchen and set off to take her half hour morning walk. After getting back from the walk, she showered and carefully shaved her legs and armpits. Exiting the shower, she did her hair and makeup and got dressed in a knee length dress from the back of her closet. Slipping on her most comfortable pair of low heeled dress shoes, she headed to the office to begin work on her writing. At noon, Sarah got up and walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch for her and Joe. The air on her uncovered pussy made her more aware of the fact that she was slightly sore and puffy from last night’s activities. She’d made an appointment later that week for her waxing and mani/pedi. She couldn’t imagine how exposed she’d feel after her mons and labia were denuded of all hair! She also notice how the skirt of her dress felt scratchy on her freshly spanked ass. It had kept her distracted all morning while she was at the computer. Oddly enough, both sensations were arousing and kept her on tenterhooks, wondering what to expect from Joe today.

  She heard the door to the mudroom open and Joe’s heavy footsteps as he came into the kitchen. Sarah nervously turned to greet him. “Hello Honey, I have soup and sandwich for lunch.” She stood there uncertainly clasping her hands, waiting for his cue. He looked her up and down and smiled in approval.

  “You look beautiful Babe. No underwear?” She shook her head no. “I shaved my legs and armpits but have to wait until Thursday to get in for my other…waxing and my mani/pedi.” Joe took his coat off and hung it over the back of the kitchen chair. “Let me see your ass, Babe. I want to see how you fared from last night’s spanking.” Blushing slightly, Sarah turned around and lifted up her skirt to show Joe her slightly reddened ass. Joe walked behind her and rubbed his hand over the sore cheeks. “Looks like you fared okay. Can you sit comfortably while working?” “It is a little distracting, but I’m able to work.” Sarah replied. “Good.” Joe smacked her sore butt and turned to sit down at the table.

  “Please serve me my lunch and then grab a large pillow from the couch and come back into the kitchen.” Frowning at him in confusion, Sarah served him his food and a glass of water. With a furrowed brow, she hurried to the living room and brought back a large couch pillow and showed it to him. “Place the pillow on the floor in front of me under the table then crawl under there and kneel on it.” Sarah complied with growing comprehension. “I would like you to give me head while I’m eating my lunch Honey. Make it last as long as you can.”

  Sarah shuffled forward on her hands and knees under the table until she kneeled on the pillow. Joe moved the chair back slightly and opened his legs to give her room to move her head up and down. Sarah clumsily unzipped his suit pants and pulled his semi-erect penis out. She could hear a spoon clinking in the bowl as Joe ate his soup. Pulling the penis down in line with her lips, Sarah engulfed the broad head with her lips and attempted to take as much of it as she could to the back of her throat. As his cock grew harder and longer, Sarah moved her head up and down sucking hard as she came up to the tip. Sounds of chewing and then the gurgle of drinking reached her ears as she labored away. She burned with humiliation at the picture she must present, kneeling on hands and knees under the kitchen table bobbing her head up and down on her husband’s cock. Even worse, her husband was calmly eating his lunch while she sucked him off, ignoring her as if she were nothing more than a convenient receptacle for his cum. As her humiliation grew, the ever present itch in her pussy grew as well. To her horror, she realized that this whole situation was turning her on! She re-doubled her efforts on her husband’s tool in an attempt to blot out her thoughts. Joe suddenly scooted his chair back and grabbed her head, ruffling her blonde hair up on both sides. She looked up at him with wide blue-green eyes, mouth full of cock, lips red and swollen from blowing him. Joe started fucking her head onto his penis with strong strokes almost gagging her with the depth of his thrusts. His hands tightened on her head as his cock blew its load into her mouth and throat. He continued sawing into her mouth until his penis quit releasing his cum. “Clean it off for me and put it away.” He grated. Sarah licked it up one side and down the other lovingly cleaning off all of his semen. Once it was cleaned off, she gently tucked it back into his pants and zipped them carefully. She sat back on her haunches with her eyes lowered, waiting for his further instructions. His hand lifted up her chin and he smiled at her. “Well done Babe. I am pleased at your submission.” Sarah felt a glow of pride at his words. He reached out a hand to help her stand up. “Turn around and rest your forearms on the table.” Standing behind her he flipped up her skirt and thrust two fingers in her slit. “Sopping wet…I guess I can safely assume you liked this.” Giving her a wink while he licked off his fingers, he said, “Eat your lunch, Sarah. I need to get back to work. I’ll see you tonight
.” With these words, he shrugged on his suit coat and walked out through the mudroom. Sarah could hear the door open and close as he left. Slumping in the chair he’d just vacated, Sarah fanned herself. It looked like lunchtime was going to be a lot more interesting than it used to be!

  That evening when the family gathered for dinner, Kate looked at her mom in askance, “Mom, why are you so dressed up?” “I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf dear.” Kate replied while placing a casserole on the table. “Hmmm…” Kate looked between her parents. She’d sensed a subtle power shift in the household but couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Her mom seemed less stressed and angry. Her dad seemed to be less absent and more engaged in the day to day workings of their family life. She’d definitely noticed that her parents acted more affectionate towards one another. They were kissing more often and cuddling on the couch in the evening. Ew! Kate shuddered. She really didn’t want to go there… At least they were less likely to get a divorce. A few of her friends’ parents had divorced and she did not want that to happen to her family. She guessed that she could put up with a little PDA if it meant an intact family unit. With this thought she got up to help her mom clean up the dinner dishes.

  The first few weeks after Joe presented the rules to Sarah was a honeymoon period for them both. Sarah tried her hardest to follow his dictates and succeeded most of the time. When they did their evening assessment of demerits, she often had earned at least five to fifteen smacks on her ass. Her biggest challenges were eating regular meals, exercising on her own and planning family meals. She hadn’t earned a hairbrush punishment yet and dreaded the day she would receive this harsh correction. The hand spankings she’d earned so far had been more painful than she’d expected after their initial ‘warm up’ session. Joe obviously took his head of the household duties seriously and waled on her ass with grim intent when she’d earned a punishment. Afraid that the kids were hear her cries and pleas, Joe introduced a gag for her to wear on the second evening into their agreement. After he finished the spanking, he’d check her pussy for moisture and, to her mortification; he would find copious amounts of fluids spilling around his probing fingers. Most evenings, Joe fucked Sarah right after the spanking trying hard to make sure she felt her sore ass with every thrust. On Sarah’s part, she came at least two to three times when Joe took her after the spanking sessions...So embarrassing!

  After Sarah got her pussy waxed, Joe became fascinated with her hairless crotch. Many evenings, he would lie between her legs lapping at her slit and sucking her clitoris until she came repeatedly. He would also often cop a feel during the day, discreetly sneaking his hand under her skirt to dip a finger in her bare puffy lips and circle her clitoris. He was delighted at how quickly she moistened with his attentions and realized that he could take her at any time now and her body would welcome him.

  Sleeping nude gave Joe full access to Sarah’s body at any time during the night. Sarah couldn’t believe how weird it felt for her to sit up and read before bedtime with her breasts exposed. Joe liked to reach over and rub them and tweak the nipples while he read his book. She often woke up in the morning to him suckling her breasts to turgid pink tips. She begged him to take her after these sessions but he usually just got up and went to get ready for work. Sarah would have to go and prepare breakfast for the family with erect nipples and a weeping cunt. Noticing her taut nipples poking through her fuzzy robe, Joe would smirk at her knowingly…the jerk! These were the days that she really would like to be able to masturbate. Unfortunately she knew that Joe would notice if she had relieved her stress by stimulating herself. Some days she just hung on by her fingertips, waiting for him to allow her to come. The good news for her was that he wasn’t stingy with orgasms as long as she had them with him.

  Weekends ended up being more of the same with Sarah usually having to have a butt plug inserted at least one day because they had their children’s sporting events to attend and it was too cold to wear dresses to these events. Joe chose a modest sized plug to insert so Sarah wasn’t too stretched. Sitting on the bleachers at her daughter’s soccer game, Sarah shifted constantly unused to the intrusion in her ass. Joe laid a warning hand on her leg at her restlessness and leaned over to mutter, “Settle down Honey. People are looking.” Sarah quieted, not wanting to earn a spanking with the hairbrush. Joe patted her leg in approval. “Good job, Babe.” Her traitorous pussy wept at his approving tone.

  Chapter Seven – Cracking the Whip

  “At some point your submissive wife will start to test the Rules and attempt to get away with inappropriate behaviors. It is very important for you to crack down severely when these transgressions occur. Otherwise, you will be on the slippery slope back to the way things were before you’d introduced Domestic Discipline into your marriage.” Excerpt from How to Be a Dominant Husband by Penelope Wiggins

  About two months into their agreement, Sarah looked back on all of the positive changes she had seen both personally and in her marriage with her submission to her husband. She had managed to get into better shape physically due to the physical exercise Joe mandated in The Rules. She also had been able to make all of her deadlines for work and start the erotic novel she’s planned to write with the time Joe had allocated for writing in her schedule. Her marriage was much better with Joe as the head of the household and her as his supportive helper. Her sex life was ‘off the charts’ improved with daily orgasms! She sighed when she thought of this. Unfortunately, she felt that lately Joe wasn’t as diligent in enforcing her compliance to The Rules as he had been in the first part of the agreement. He’d been checking in and spanking her in the evenings in the last week or so but the spankings had felt more like erotic foreplay rather than deterrents for inappropriate behavior. Sarah wondered if he really had what it took to keep her on track.

  One weekday lunchtime, Joe came home from work for lunch. Sarah looked up at him absently and said, “Hi Hon, I will serve you lunch and then I will have to get back to working on these cookies for Nick’s class. He needs them for tomorrow.” “Don’t you have time to finish that tonight?” Joe asked. “Yes, but I just have so much to do, I want to get them done now.” “Like what?” He inquired. “I’m behind on my deadline for work and I haven’t really gotten a dinner plan set up for the week.” She said while looking at him in irritation. “Why are you behind on all of these things?” He asked starting to put some steel in his voice. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just not as perfect as you!” She snapped. With that she stopped and looked at him in horror. Uh, oh she knew she shouldn’t have said that. His eyebrows drew together and he held out his hand to her. “Bedroom now!” Knowing she’d pushed him too far; Sarah dropped what she was doing and went to him. Grabbing her hand, he towed her to the bedroom.

  Reaching into his bedside stand, he pulled out a large wooden hairbrush with an oval shaped handle. Sitting on the chair in the corner of their room he patted his lap. “Lay over my lap with your skirt pulled up now!” She complied flipping up her skirt to expose her bare backside. Lifting the hairbrush up, he brought it down on the middle of her butt with a whoosh and a smack! Sarah lifted up and cried out, “I don’t know if I can take this Sir.” He replied by paddling first one check and another. Her ass now showed three distinct rectangular shaped red spots.

  “Remember that you asked for this and in fact signed a contract agreeing to my rules. Do you remember this, Wife?” He punctuated his words with three more hard smacks to her buttocks. “Yes Sir…I am sorry.” She started sobbing. “I will accept your discipline.” He finished up with two smacks to her thigh crease and two to the bottom of her buttocks. After he’d finished, her buttocks were a swollen red mass from the top of her full cheeks to the top of her thighs. “I am more than sick and tired of your sharp tongue and I will not allow things to go back to things the way they were.” Joe rumbled. “I am going into the kitchen to eat my lunch. I want you to follow me into the kitchen and stand in the corner with your skirt pulled up to show your red ass
while I eat my lunch. Do you understand?” Still sobbing with tears running down her cheeks, Sarah said, “Yes Sir.” He got up and adjusted his trousers around his erection. Sarah followed him with tears running down her cheeks. After serving him his lunch, Sarah stood in the corner of the kitchen with her skirt raised. Joe glanced over frequently while eating, noting her bright red ass and shaking shoulders. After finishing his lunch, he placed his plates in the sink.

  Leading Sarah to the bedroom, he instructed her to strip and kneel on the bed with her ass up. “I’m going to fuck you. You are not allowed to come. If you do come, I will give you ten more with the brush. Do you understand?” Sarah nodded her head and complied with his orders. Raising her crimson buttocks up as she lowered her head to rest on the bed, Sarah prepared herself for his possession. Her full breasts swayed as she took her stance. Joe took off his suit coat and unzipped his slacks. Climbing up on the bed between her splayed legs, Joe took his iron hard cock and rubbed it up and down between her sopping wet cunt lips. “Seems like you enjoyed having the hairbrush used on you Dear.” Sarah blushed in response to his teasing tone. Grabbing her hips, Joe thrust himself in to the hilt with one strong push. Sarah gasped at his penetration. Fucking her quick and fast Joe finished quickly, groaning as he filled her cunt with his seed. Sarah managed to keep herself from orgasm and accepted his use of her body. As he pulled himself from her he said, “Proper organization and a sweet attitude towards your husband would have served you well today Babe.” With these words he slapped her ass and climbed off of the bed. “Turn around and clean me off.” Sarah pushed herself up and dutifully licked her husband’s cock clean. “Put it away.” She tucked it back into his slacks and zipped them up. “Get dressed and get caught up.” With these words, he stalked out of the bedroom. Sarah shakily righted herself by getting dressed and returned to her tasks in the kitchen.


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