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The Blue Journal (Fantasmagoria Book 1)

Page 6

by I. B. George

  Robert nodded.

  “I’m convinced that you’ve already discovered your other skill: seeing in the dark.”

  Robert nodded in agreement again.

  “Yes, while playing, when I had to look for my friends who were hiding in shadowy places”.

  Radius smiled.

  “It looks like you had an unfair advantage over your playmates, which is understandable after all, since you weren’t aware of your own abilities.”

  “Yes, looks like it”, said Robert with a grin. “You still haven’t told me what happened in the last war.”

  The look in Radius’s eyes changed into a sharp glare and for a second, his face appeared darkly apprehensive. The latest war in Fantasmagoria brought back unpleasant memories. He had lost many of the people who were dear to him and most importantly the balance between the powers of the four kingdoms in Elementis had been disrupted.

  “Nobody can actually remember if there had been a specific justification behind this war or whether it had simply been the thirst for power”, uttered Radius after a while. “After hundreds of years of peace across the whole of Fantasmagoria, the ruler of the Kingdom of Water, Tyreas, also a Chosen, declared war on the other three peoples of Elementis. It is very likely, however, that I might have had my own share of guilt…”

  “How come?” asked Robert in surprise.

  “I shall explain in a minute. Before that, I believe I ought to tell you a few things about myself. I, Robert, am not from around here. I was born in Humans’ World, as the people of Fantasmagoria call it, the world you and I both come from. I ended up here by chance, many years ago, but because of the knowledge I possess in various fields, I soon became well known. After a short while, due to my prowess in maths, chemistry, physics and mechanics, all four kingdoms were soliciting my services. That is why everyone here calls me the Professor”.

  “But still, I don’t get…”

  “Patience, my prince, you shall soon understand. At first I used to design various buildings or useful items and everybody rewarded me generously for my labour. I even managed to buy a small piece of land by the sea where I’ve built a modest castle. My life had suddenly changed. I had everything I needed and everybody looked up to me. I enjoyed inventing all kinds of useful things and I was so happy that I didn’t feel the desire to ever go back home to the country I had left years before. I never suspected that all of that was about to change”, sighed the Professor, gazing out of the window at the endless sea.

  Everything went quiet. Robert didn’t dare interrupt Radius’s train of thoughts, assuming that he was recollecting some unpleasant memories from the time of the war.

  The Professor turned towards Robert:

  “About fifteen years ago I received a visit from King Tyreas. It was the first time someone in Fantasmagoria had asked me to build weapons. I was taken aback by his request, as I knew that peace had been reigning here for such a long time and nobody foresaw any conflict erupting. Still, King Tyreas, with his well-practised discourse, gave me reason to believe that all he wanted was to defend his kingdom from any potential attack from the Frozen Land. Having heard the myths about hostilities from centuries ago started by the ruthless sorcerers who lived there, I imagined that there might have been some grounds for his fears. And so I set to work and during the space of a few months I contrived all kinds of fighting devices: flying machines, catapults and armoured battle carts.

  Radius took another short break then resumed his story.

  “One day, Tyreas made the decision to start hostilities. The news of an impending war crashed like thunder onto the other three kingdoms. The Kingdom of Clouds rushed to ask for the protection of the Kingdom of Water. As I have already mentioned, prince, their main trade is agriculture so without any skills to fight their decision to join the potential victor was a wise move.”

  “And the other two kingdoms? What happened to them?” said Robert quizzically.

  “King Heron, the monarch of the Kingdom of Night and a loyal friend of the Kingdom of Fire stood in wait for King Tyreas’s army to cross the border. However, knowing what the Night Chosen were capable of if under attack, Tyreas halted his troops at the border with the Kingdom of Night and plotted his stratagem. All the Water Chosen united their strength and flooded all the rivers that ran across the land ruled by Heron, submerging thus all the towns and villages of the Kingdom of Night and their people. In order to save them Heron had to admit his defeat.

  “So there was only the Kingdom of Fire left to conquer, right?”

  “Precisely, prince. Queen Neri mobilised her entire army and all their fighting means. Karon, one of your mother’s generals suggested to the queen they attack outside the borders so as to stop the enemy from entering the kingdom. Aidan, your father, was the one who disapproved of this kind of offensive, appeasing Karon and the other generals’ haste. Aidan had arrived in Fantasmagoria almost two years before and soon became part of the Crown Counsel due to his extreme bravery and exquisite intelligence. I, however, as I have already told you on our first meeting, became very fond of your father despite his keen temper. It is possible that this was partly because he was born in Humans’ World, like me, but I still maintain that he was a fine young man who loved your mother very much.

  “What happened in the end?” asked Robert expectantly.

  “Neri followed Aidan’s advice and kept the troops within the borders of the kingdom. It became obvious that after the floods in the Kingdom of Night, the soldiers were safer inside the Kingdom of Fire. As you already know by now, the water sources that the Chosen would have been able to control were sparse. General Karon came up with another plan as soon as Tyreas’s troops crossed the borders. He requested that the army were divided into two: the larger part stayed behind to defend Sardar Castle, the Eremons’ residence, whilst the rest was sent to attack Tyreas’s enemy lines from behind. However, he then employed another trick: the Water Chosen and the Cloud Chosen were transported with the help of some of the flying machines which I had invented to somewhere near the troops by the castle. His own army stayed behind and slaughtered the troops that were deployed to outflank the rear guard.

  “But… they didn’t have enough water, right?” said Robert. “How did they manage to defeat the army of the Kingdom of Fire?”

  “I must admit that Tyreas came up with a brilliant plan. With the help of clouds manipulated by the Clouds Chosen, they managed to carry over huge quantities of water from the neighbouring kingdoms and then the Water Chosen took care of the rest by drowning Queen Neri’s troops.”

  The Professor went silent for a while in his sadness.

  “Aidan and Neri were wrong to trust General Karon and divide the army into two. It turned out later on that Karon was a traitor who worked for King Tyreas, who then rewarded him by bestowing upon him the title of Governor of the Kingdom of Fire.”

  “What about the queen, my mother?” inquired Robert in a small voice full of hope.

  “The queen died the day you were born. Aidan, your father, was devastated. Neri had made him promise that he’d look after you even if it costs him his own life. You’re the last descendant of the Eremon House and supposedly the only one who still has the astonishing powers of your kin.”

  “The power to produce fire from my own energy”, whispered Robert to himself.

  “Exactly, Robert. The Inner Fire. A skill that you must develop and which could help bring freedom to your people.”

  “Freedom?!” pondered Robert.

  “Yes”, replied Radius. “The day following the queen’s death, Tyreas captured Sardar Castle. Aidan fled but took you along with him as your mother wished. He roamed around Fantasmagoria for a few months, avoiding Tyreas’s troops and the army of Nimbus, the Kingdom of Cloud’s king. Eventually he reached my castle and asked for my help. I sheltered both of you on the Sea Dragon, the ship we’re on now and later left you on the same beach where you turned up today. Later on, when I managed to get back to the Humans’ World,
I found out that your father had died, possibly because of all the exertion and hardship he had endured. He had kept his promise in the end and defended you with his life.”

  Robert felt tears in his eyes when he thought about the sacrifice his father had made. He was also lamenting the loss of his mother whom he had always hoped to meet.

  “The few remaining survivors in the Kingdom of Fire were dispatched to a frozen region beyond the Kingdom of Water. That place is surrounded on one side by the White Sea and by the steep wall of the Upper Realm on the other side. The few Chosen who were left alive are unable to make use of their abilities as they were forbidden all access to fire. They cook and they warm up their homes with the help of some bizarre rocks which can be found around there and which are always scorching. Nobody knows exactly how these rocks stay so hot, but some say there’s something unearthly about it, magic even. That’s one of the reasons why rumour says that Tyreas’s hunger for power and his military prowess are thriving on account of some malevolent force brought on by some sorcerer from the Frozen Land, as many suspect.”

  “Well, now you know almost everything about Fantasmagoria. The only other thing I need to tell you about is the Eremons’ crest.”

  “A crest?” questioned Robert, not knowing what the Professor meant.

  “A crest is a sort of emblem which displays a significant element of a family or town. For instance, the crest of the Eremon House has the shape of a shield with a picture of a Blue Flame. According to legend, the Blue Flame is the most powerful weapon owned by the Eremon House, strong enough to halt the abilities of all Chosen, apart from those from the Kingdom of Fire. However, nobody knows how to kindle the Blue Flame and many believe that the secret behind this fearful weapon was lost when your mother died.”

  “I still don’t understand why everyone is so interested in me! said Robert.

  “Because of the prophecy”, replied Radius with a smile. A few days after the defeat of the Kingdom of Fire, King Tyreas consulted the Oracle of Konaar to find out what the future held for him. What he learnt there made him furious!”

  “Why?” quizzed Robert.

  “Because the prophecy told of the end of his reign over the four kingdoms”, said Radius, closing his eyes as to remember the exact words of the prophets: ‘By the time the moon enters its fourth phase on the tenth year of your reign, King Tyreas, the blue light from the last descendant of Ga’al from the Eremon House shall bring an end to you and your Chosen.’ That’s what the Oracle of Konaar predicted”, said the Professor, watching Robert. “The moon is now in its first phase on the tenth year of Tyreas’s reign and you, my prince, are the last descendant of Ga’al”.


  Everyone who travelled inside the Kingdom of Water could not help admire the majestic Heldor Castle, King Tyreas’s residence.

  Situated on the brow of a hill, the castle loomed over the whole region. It was nigh impossible to be captured because the steepness of the hill was enough to deter anyone who might have endeavoured to initiate an attack on its fortified walls.

  The only way to reach it was using a tortuous, winding road scaling the front of the hill which had been built to allow easier access to castle.

  Once the entrance was reached, two large wooden gate blocked the way to anyone with evil intentions. The defence towers, quietly situated at the corners of the edifice, as well as the numerous crenels[7], allowed the guards at the castle to uphold a large and long onslaught. The gates were fastened from the inside by means of long iron crossbars, hooked soundly into the brickwork. The inner ward[8] was generously wide, allowing the garrison[9] to spread out should any invaders succeed in crossing beyond the gate.

  Monumental staircases led the way to the myriad of rooms which efficiently sheltered the permanent work force of the castle.

  The edifice also consisted of various courtyards carpeted with vegetation with pools of water and fountains all around. This allowed the Chosen to control significant amounts of water in order to fend off any troops that might have worked their way into the castle.

  The long corridor that led to the Great Hall was flanked by tens of such fountains which, alongside numerous arches holding the ceiling, created an awe-inspiring sight for visitors.

  Bent over a map of Fantasmagoria, King Tyreas was reading the daily reports from his many guards and spies around the kingdom. Everything seemed in good order. After a short period of unrest among the peoples of Elementis, things had quietened down and the situation was now under control. The military imposed respect from all those who might have dared to stand up to the current leadership of the Kingdom of Water.

  Tyreas went over to the window and glowered greedily at his kingdom. He owned all the land in Elementis and he pondered whether he could rule over the whole of Fantasmagoria sometimes in the near future. Akros was a hostile territory and a challenge to conquer because of the difficulty of crossing the troops through the Misty Passage. At present though, he had to consolidate his supremacy over Elementis and he had to make sure the prophecy doesn’t come into fruition.

  Just thinking about the prophecy of the Oracle of Konaar was enough to give him a headache every time. Nobody knew where Queen Neri’s son was or whether he was even in Fantasmagoria. Every night he cursed Aidan from the Humans’ World for producing an heir to the Eremon House. And then he cursed him again for having managed to escape.

  After the victory at Sardar, Aidan had managed to flee and, miraculously, to avoid his troops on various occasions. Surely, he must have received the help of those locals who rebelled against his sovereignty over the entire Elementis.

  For almost ten years he had heard nothing more of Aidan and Neri’s offspring. Tyreas was hoping deep down that this one had perished in Humans’ World without ever finding out about Fantasmagoria or the Oracle’s prophecy.

  There were only three and a half moon phases left until the end of the prophecy, whatever that might have been, and Tyreas had a strange feeling that the end was nigh, however hard he tried to banish such thoughts from his mind.

  He had felt invincible for the last fifteen years. That was when the sorcerer from the Frozen Land had arrived. His servants had found him almost breathless, lying on one of the beaches in his kingdom and they had carried him over to Heldor Castle in secret.

  Seven whole days lasted the agony of that bizarre creature, the likes of which no one had ever seen before. His head was completely hairless and his skin was pale, almost translucent. He was tall, slender and his body was covered by white garments shredded by the shipwreck. Tyreas guessed right away that he was from the Frozen Land, the place he’d heard about in so many tales.

  Upon waking, the sorcerer gazed curiously at him with his blue eyes which sparkled like crystal, and Tyreas felt as though his entire soul had been simply ransacked.

  Just thinking of that moment was still enough to send shivers down Tyreas’s spine. Right then he felt enthralled by the presence of that man, a feeling he still experienced now, whenever he came near him.

  When he felt stronger, the sorcerer requested a private audience. The king agreed to it, although deep down he feared him. He took care to place his personal guards around the rooms surrounding the Counsel Chamber and they stood at the ready to intervene at the slightest signal. All throughout their meeting though, he had this feeling that the man in front of him knew all about the soldiers.

  He found out with astonishment that the sorcerer’s name was Elian and that he was the same man who had ventured to travel by water in search of new realms all those hundreds of years ago.

  Exhausted and ill after a long journey, he had reached the Frozen Land. He was captured almost instantly by the people who lived there, pale skinned and blue eyed creatures who showed no feelings or emotions.

  He slaved for them for decades, thus gaining their trust and succeeding in the end to reassure them of his keenness and loyalty. After an initiation ritual, he joined the Sorcerers’ Caste as an apprentice and learned many of thei
r secrets. With time his skin had turned white and his eyes began to sparkle with a blue tint, even though he still retained his ability to feel.

  One day he was invited to take part in a ritual. One of the sorcerers sat in front of him and Elian noticed in horror two arms resembling steam protruding from his shoulders. Those skeletal arms proceeded to penetrate his body as if searching for something. He felt an excruciating pain as though someone was ripping him apart.

  At last, the arms left his body, holding between its fingers a drop of light about the size of a pea, which he later found out was the essence of his soul. The sorcerers turned that drop of light into a crystal, which they locked inside a small glass receptacle. From then on, Elian could no longer feel but he had gained the gift of immortality as a member of the Sorcerers’ Caste.

  Deep down, however, he had buried a secret: his desire to rule over Fantasmagoria and all the lands beyond the sea. That had been his aim when he left the Kingdom of Water, decades before, in his quest to find the weakest links amongst the surrounding peoples in order to subjugate them.

  For years he planned his escape from the Frozen Land. He could have left long before but he wanted to take with him the small bottle which held the essence of his soul. His life depended on this crystal which, if destroyed, would have brought on his death and that’s why he couldn’t leave it with the Sorcerers’ Caste.

  He managed eventually to get hold of the crystal and, sheltered by fog, he left the Frozen Land. He travelled for many years and met many tribes along the way. Finally, he decided to put his plan in place and venture onto the White Sea. Caught in a storm which damaged his vessel, for a few weeks he drifted until he was shipwrecked on the shore of the Kingdom of Water. During the next fifteen years he succeeded in achieving some of his ambitions and conquered Elementis.

  King Tyreas was jolted from his reverie by a knock on the door. He answered to whoever it was that dared disturb him. The door opened wide and the Guards’ Captain stepped inside.


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