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The Blue Journal (Fantasmagoria Book 1)

Page 9

by I. B. George

  “I believe, my prince, that you are the best apprentice I have ever had. Only one other person managed to parry[12] like that, but on his fifth try, not the fourth. It looks like you’re a worthy descendant of the Eremon House, Your Highness”.

  “Who was the other apprentice, sir?”

  “You shall find out in due course, prince. Now it’s time we continued with our training”, said Azar firmly.

  Azar then showed him the lines[13] of attack:

  “High, low, forward, behind… Repeat after me, prince. That’s right… Very good”.

  Robert was a studious pupil. He strove all morning to learn as quickly as possible all the moves his master was showing him: lunging, avoiding, parrying or retreating. All this time Azar kept encouraging him whilst reminding him that there was still a lot to learn.

  When the sun reached noon, one of the servants invited them to lunch. They left their wooden weapons leaning against one of the walls and after using the water from a small barrel to wash, they started towards the lunch room.


  Lunch was being served in a hall lined with lots of high-backed chairs on both sides of a long wooden table.

  The furniture, carved most likely by the local craftsmen, gave an air of distinction to the hall, which was otherwise quite sparse.

  The dishes displayed on the table would have provided a tempting feast for any gourmet[14]. The beef steaks, the pork and duck roasted to perfection and sliced thinly were generously presented on big plates. Potatoes and other local vegetables, cooked in all manner of ways, filled the room with their mouth-watering aromas.

  The puddings were also colourful and cheerful, luring you with their tempting shapes. There were pies and loaves, tarts and doughnuts, chocolate gateaux or whipped cream cakes.

  Besides all that, the bowls of fresh fruit scented the room with their strong fragrance.

  Robert and Azar were the last to join this feast. The atmosphere was relaxed and it looked as though everyone there had overcome the shock that the news of their impending journey had initially had on them.

  Robert told them in a few words about his initiation into the mysteries of weaponry.

  “Prince Robert is an extraordinary pupil”, added Azar. “He’s learned the secrets of sword fighting quicker than anyone else I know. Even faster than… We know who”, he winked knowingly at the Professor.

  “Really?!” remarked Radius in surprise. “That’s some compliment, prince, coming from Azar. The person he’s talking about is now an accomplished fighter”.

  “There’s still a lot of work to be done. His Highness has merely deciphered the beginning of fencing. I am convinced however that the prince’s training will be completed in time”, concluded Azar looking at Radius.

  “That’s a good sign. It means we shall set off in time, according to our plan. I hope Robert learns equally quickly about the secrets of the Fire Chosen”.

  “I have no doubt about that, Professor. Those from the Eremon family are born with the gift of manipulating fire and they have developed this ability to control the most dominant of elements better than anyone else from the Chosen in Elementis”.

  “I’ll leave that to you, Master Azar. It’s nearly the second phase of the moon and everything has to happen according to what we agreed. I’m assuming that you will resume your training after lunch, am I correct?”

  “That’s right, Professor. We will practice target shooting with a bow and arrow and I will show our prince how to tame fire”.

  Robert was chewing his food quietly, thinking that this could be a decisive moment for him as well as the future of Fantasmagoria. Although he felt a certain anxiety, he was still glad that the moment of truth was approaching. Was he or was he not the descendant of the great king Ga’al, the founder of the Eremon House?


  The bow and arrow training lasted all afternoon. When he first tried to hit the target placed at the other side of the courtyard, the arrow landed a few steps in front of him, quietly stabbing the soft ground of a flower border. Azar taught him patiently how to hold the bow, how to place the arrow in such a way as to stay in place and how far he needed to stretch the bow in order to get the desired effect.

  At last, after numerous trials, the arrow hit the target, causing unimaginable joy to Robert. Azar taught him that the archer has to reach the perfect balance between mind, bow and body. He explained how he must change the trajectory of the arrow according to the speed and direction of the wind in order to make sure he hit the target.

  He then showed him how to compensate for distance by lifting the bow and sending the arrow in a semi-circular trajectory in order to hit far away targets. All this seemed very easy to Azar who always managed a perfect hit from any position and under any circumstance.

  Azar told him that after he had managed to get used to the bow and arrow, he would teach him to aim at moving objects by anticipating the future position of the target. Finally, they would move on to the most difficult part of the lesson: hitting the target from a galloping horse. This involved perfect co-ordination and a deep knowledge of all the techniques involved in the art of archery.

  Robert was earnestly taking in every piece of advice from Azar. Handling the bow and arrow, as well as the sword could come in handy one day. In his world, Robert had played with the ball or the pebbles by the lake. In here however thing were different. He was part of a family with a long tradition who always knew how to defend the honour of their coat of arms by diplomatic means or by way of arms.

  He was of gentle nature and he never imagined the target of his attack to be a living thing, man or any other creature. Fantasmagoria however was a different world in which the day to day struggle, especially during these dark times, allowed no room for childhood and play.

  The prophecy of the Oracle of Konaar forced him to assume his responsibility as the ruler of the Eremon house to honour the memory of his mother and his forefathers. And, if that meant he had to fight by sword, shoot arrows or control fire, then he had to become a man sooner than his time.


  The next day Robert and Azar continued their training. They started as the previous day with sword training, which lasted until noon. Robert tried to perfect the moves he’d learned the day before. Just as yesterday, sometime around noon a servant came to announce lunch.

  After eating, the two went back to the courtyard to continue training. Archery became Robert’s favourite activity. He felt elated when Azar praised him for managing to hit the target. He was trying to follow his master’s instructions and striving to achieve the balance that Azar had told him about.

  They had been working for a few hours already when, in one corner of the courtyard they noticed the Professor who had been watching for some time.

  “Radius”, called Robert, happy to see him. “Have you been here long?”

  “Yes, my prince. I have been watching for a while. Azar was right, you’re a natural, just like your ancestors”.

  “Thank you, Radius”, blushed Robert when hearing the Professor’s praise.

  “As a matter of fact”, added Radius, “I am here for another reason. I wasn’t going to interfere but I have been waiting for a friend who should be here any minute”.

  “A friend?! Do I know him?”

  “No, prince, you don’t know him, but I really want you to meet him, he’s… an interesting character”.

  “And are you sure he’s coming now?”

  “Yes, my prince, just as we agreed before he went on the mission I gave him”.

  “What kind of mission?”

  “That is a secret”, chuckled Radius, winking playfully, “I can only tell you that I’ve sent him to tell news of your arrival to the person we shall meet in the Khalari land”.

  Intrigued, Robert wanted to add something but couldn’t. A sharp scream broke through the silence surrounding the castle. Robert felt as if that scream came from somewhere in the depths of the sky above.

  He looked up,
shielding his eyes from the sunlight. What he saw was a bird hitting the air rhythmically with his wings, then gliding around majestically above the castle.

  The bird performed this ritual a few times, screeching from time to time as sharply as the first time, as if to make his presence in the blue skies known. He then gathered his wings about him and plunged across the courtyard where Robert stood with Radius and Azar.

  Robert was frightened that the bird wanted to attack him. Instinctively, he placed an arrow into his bow and aimed at the sky, targeting the creature that was descending rapidly towards them. He was waiting to see whether the bird would continue his threatening flight before releasing the arrow he held between his shaking fingers.

  However, before releasing the arrow, he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder and heard the Professor’s voice.

  “Stop, Robert! That’s the guest I have been waiting for”.

  Robert turned around in confusion, puzzled by this unexpected twist.

  Just then, before Robert could ask any more questions, the bird landed on the Professor’s stretched arm. It was a falcon, as far as Robert could tell, as he had seen this kind of bird before at Mr. O’Rilley’s, the hunter from his native village.

  “Robert”, said Radius, “this is Khar, my faithful friend”.

  “I’m delighted, Your Highness, to meet the last offspring of the Eremon House”, the falcon greeted him in a sombre voice and with a slight bow.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Khar”, replied Robert, who was no longer fazed by much since being in Fantasmagoria. “Radius’s friends are also my friends”.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Prince Robert. I’m sorry if I gave you a fright just now when I was descending but I was in a hurry to get here because I’m hungry and tired. I wanted to give the Professor the news he has been waiting for as soon as possible”.

  “And what news is that, Khar?” asked Radius expectantly.

  “The person you have sent me to, Professor, agrees with the meeting and will wait for you at the entrance to Khalari territory, between the second and the third moon phase”.

  “Excellent”, said Radius excitedly. “You can tell me more later. Now you should go and have something to eat and get some rest. Forgive me for keeping you, my friend”, he apologised.

  “Don’t worry, Professor”, replied the falcon. “I’m glad to have been of service. Your Highness… Azar… please allow me to retire”, he said bowing his head to each of them. He then flew over to one of the towers of the castle where he had his lair.


  Robert woke up before sunrise. The wind was blowing through the half opened window, ruffling the curtains. The merchants hadn’t arrived yet and the morning silence was disrupted from time to time only by the sound of the waves crashing onto the banks.

  Robert climbed out of bed. He had a wash, as he did every morning, with water poured over the bowl on the little table in the corner of the room. When he finished, he put on some clean clothes and went out into the courtyard where the dummies, targets, wooden swords and the bow and arrow were waiting for another day of training.

  He sat on a haystack, watching the myriad of stars in the sky. He tried to calm his beating heart, thinking about the day that was just about to start. The day before, Master Azar had told him that they were going to begin his initiation into the secrets of manipulating fire.

  He wasn’t scared anymore, at least not as he was at the beginning. His recent accomplishments in getting used to sword fighting and archery made him feel confident about his strengths.

  He was aware that being one of the Fire Chosen was much more complicated than handling weapons. However, after the last few days, when everybody saw in him the qualities and spirit of an Eremon fighter, he was convinced he would manage to tame fire too.

  He recalled the day when he’d seen Azar handling fire with such dexterity. He thought it made a great show, but the idea of him having to do the same scared him out of his wits.

  It didn’t seem now like something beyond his reach. During the past few days, Azar and Radius had made sure they planted the seed of success into his soul. He felt inspired by that aura charged with legend of the Eremon House of which he felt so proud now.

  He tried to picture the faces of his forefathers: the almighty King Ga’al, the founder of the family, King Neron, his grandfather and Queen Neri, his mother.

  He imagined them with determined features and energetic gazes, just like the fire they could control with their mind. He tried to picture his father, a young man caught against his will in a fight which wasn’t his and who succeeded in protecting him with his own life, leaving him to inherit the honour of an ancient family and the thirst for revenge.

  And then, there were his people, the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Fire, forced to leave their native land and made to live in a wild, hostile place. He could see their sad faces and tired bodies, old before their time, trudging through the everlasting snows in the land where they have been exiled. He also tried to picture the land where the Kingdom of Water met the frozen banks of the White Sea, where those who managed to escape the wrath of war were forced to live their days.

  “You’re early, my prince”, Azar’s voice rang out.

  Robert jumped with a start, woken from his wonderings.

  “Good morning, Master Azar! Today is the big day, isn’t it?” he said cheerfully.

  “Indeed, my prince. Today we shall bring forth the qualities that distinguish an Eremon from the other people in the Kingdom of Fire. As you learn to control your powers, you will come to understand why people loved your ancestors as much as they did and why they have always felt safe with them”.

  “So it shall be, master. Let’s get started”, said Robert eagerly.

  “Very well, Your Highness”, replied Azar nodding his head in approval.

  Azar headed towards one of the torches that lit up the courtyard and snatched it from its stand. He then stuck it into the ground, a few steps ahead of Robert.

  “To begin with, prince, you must clear your mind of all other thoughts. Then, as you feel your mind and spirit focused on today’s exercise, you can have a go at pulling the flame from the torch into your hand. Do you understand?”

  Robert nodded, confirming that he understood his master’s words.

  “With time”, continued Azar, “as you learn to master the power of fire easily, this will become natural. There will be no need for detailed preparation because you will be able to act instinctively when the situation arises. Later on, depending on how quickly you acquire this ability, we will move on to discovering the energy inside, the one that releases the Inner Fire… The Eremons’ most precious quality”.

  Robert listened to the master’s words. He closed his eyes, trying to free his mind of all thoughts and memories. He focused on the silence of the morning, trying to catch the noises around.

  He had been standing in the same position for some time. He could distinguish the trees’ rustle, the birds’ chirp, the waves and the squeaking of the ships anchored in the harbour. He could feel on his cheek the cool touch of the morning breeze, which smelled faintly of shells. He could feel his whole body getting lighter, separating somehow from his physical being.

  He lifted his right arm with the palm facing upwards. The flame in the torch started flickering erratically, getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, it came off the torch and started heading obediently towards Robert’s palm.

  Azar was standing in a corner of the courtyard holding his breath.

  “By all gods!”, he whispered, “He’s done it the first try. In the whole history of the Eremons only King Ga’al managed to achieve something like this”.

  Robert felt the heat of the flame approaching his hand. He stayed focused. He realised, deep inside, that he had succeeded, he was a descendant of the Eremon House. He knew now that by managing to control the flame in the torch, nothing could happen to him. He opened his eyes and stared, fascinated by the bluish-orangey flame in
his palm. He proceeded to make the same moves that he’d seen Master Azar doing, trying to mould the flame, giving it the shape of a small ball of fire. The flame obeyed him, transforming submissively in his hand into the desired shape.

  Robert hurled it towards one of the straw dummies at the other end of the courtyard, which promptly collapsed in flames. He then looked at Azar with tired eyes, sweat pouring off him. A few damp strand of hair fell randomly across his furrowed forehead, evidence of the effort he had to make.

  Azar watched him quietly, unable to say a word. Finally, he spoke in a hoarse voice:

  “If anyone if Fantasmagoria had any doubt left about you being the son of Queen Neri and the heir to the Kingdom of Fire, they should see what I have seen today. My prince”, he said, placing one knee on the ground and bowing his head in sign of respect, “you are, beyond any shadow of a doubt, Robert Eremon, the descendant of great Ga’al”.


  Robert continued his training for the next few days. He would always wake up at dawn and start his fencing sessions with Master Azar, which lasted until noon. Then there followed the usual routine: lunch, archery practise and, finally, the lessons in handling fire.

  He was getting better and better. Radius watched him sometimes, following his progress. The Professor had seen him learning with speed how to parry and attack.

  “My prince”, Radius heard Azar saying one morning, “you can defeat your opponent or at least corner him by trying to compensate for the fact that you are short and the length of your arm does not help you to reach your opponent. You parry the attack, you lunge, then you take a step and lunge again. If you follow these moves quickly you will hit your opponent. However, you must estimate the distance correctly, so as to be sure that the hit will have a target. Do you understand?”

  Robert nodded and executed almost to perfection all the moves explained by Master Azar. The Professor was amazed each time at the speed with which Robert was learning the fighting techniques or the lessons which finalised his training as a Fire Chosen.


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