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Anthem Of The Dwarf King

Page 17

by Charley Case

  He opened two beers, waded to the other side of the tub, and pressed a finger on the dark touchscreen, which lit up to show the controls. He turned on the lights around the rim and liked how they gave a soft glow bright enough to see the people around you. yet not so bright you couldn't see the stars. Another button and the whole tub started bubbling as if full of seltzer water. Satisfied, he turned to find a seat and froze.

  Mila stood at the edge of the pool with a pile of towels at her feet. She shivered, but remained standing.

  “I didn't think you would ever turn around.” She clutched her hands between her breasts to keep warm.

  “Why didn't you get in?”

  “Because I wanted you to see the suit Danica gave me, dummy. What do you think?”

  Mila wore a burnt orange bikini that left little to the imagination. She curtsied.

  “It’s…amazing. You’re amazing,” he said.

  She hurried into the steaming water and lowered until she was up to her chin. She smiled, just a floating head in the warm, frothy water. “I’m glad you like it, but next time I’m standing practically naked outside in a snowfall, hurry with the compliments. I don't think I have enough meat on me to take the cold as long as it takes you to get a clue.”

  He laughed and handed her his beer, then went to the table and got one for himself. He sat on the shelf seat that ran around the pool, his chest and shoulders out of the water, and took a long drink as he watched Mila float up onto her back and stare at the stars.

  “What was it like up there?” she asked.

  He squinted at the stars, appreciating how clear the night sky was up in the mountains and far from the city lights. He sucked in a long breath. “Mostly lonely.”

  She dropped her feet to the bottom and gave him a long look. “Really?”

  “Well, space is big. Like, really fucking big. Something that big can't have a lot of stuff in it. And it always wants to kill you. One slip up and you don't have oxygen or you’re irradiated or frozen solid in the dead of space. You spend all your time in a ship, seeing the same walls, smelling the same smells. You go to planets where it’s all the same with beings trying to get the better of you or toxic environments, literal, political, or both. Some places are just a dump and all you want to do is get back on your ship and go somewhere else. So…you do. And it takes a long time, because it’s all so fucking big, so you’re alone some more.”

  She took a sip of beer, her head the only thing above water. “Are you going to miss it?”


  She slowly walked toward him, her head never rising above the surface. She reminded him of a gator stalking its prey near the shore. Mila stopped in front of him, bobbing up and down and looking him in the eye.

  They stayed like that for a full minute, staring at one another, lost in the moment.

  She broke the silence. “I’m something weird, aren’t I?”

  Finn's brows rose before he snorted a chuckle. He took a long drink of his beer then set it on the tub’s edge before glancing back at her.

  “I overheard part of what you were saying to Hellena. Is it bad?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Good. Then you can tell me tomorrow.” She stood, water dripping down her body, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him in a way that stole his breath. They kissed a long time after that, enjoying the feel of one another.

  She pulled her knees up and sat on his lap, facing him. Her eyes widened. “Finn. Uh…are you naked?”

  The dwarf cocked his head at her. “Why would I wear clothes in a tub?”

  The End

  Coming soon to Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, Triumph Of The Dwarf King, Book four in the Finnegan Dragonbender series!

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  Author Notes - Charley Case

  December 18, 2019

  Up until about four months ago I did 80% of my writing at a place called Western Collective here in my city of Boise. It is a fantastic Brewery/Coffee House, and the best part is that it opens at 7:00am every day. I would go in and get a coffee, then graduate to a beer after lunch. The staff are fantastic, and everyone there knows my name.

  When me and my wife moved to Boise the first people we met were our neighbors. We were downtown, sitting outside in one of the plazas, when this guy with a scruffy beard and cowboy hat and a striking blonde came up to us with their two dogs. We had been in town for less than a day at that point.

  “Hey, this might sound weird, but I think we’re your neighbors.” He said, with a handshake. “I saw you through the window.” He gave a laugh.

  We chatted for a second then he mentioned that he owned Western Collective, and for us to come down and say hi.

  So, we did. And now, most of the people me and my wife consider friends here in Boise either work there or we met them through some function of that place. It was like a nice little second home where two people, new to a city, could go and feel welcome with strangers.

  Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Western was less than a mile from our house, so we could walk or bike there in less than five minutes. It was staggeringly convenient.

  But, four months ago me and my wife bought a house. It’s pretty close to a dream house, and we find ourselves looking around and saying stupid things like, “I can't believe this is our house”, or “we actually own this!”. Suffice it to say, we love our new house.

  The only problem is that it’s five miles further away from Western. Five miles doesn't sound like a lot, and it really isn’t, but those five miles are through the city, so it’s now a good twenty to thirty minute drive depending on traffic.

  That’s just long enough to be inconvenient. So, I have given up my daily ritual, and now I work from home, in my office, surrounded by my cats, and the warm fuzzy feeling a new house gives you. And it’s good.


  I find that life is like that sometimes; trade one thing for another. I’m more productive at home, I spend way less money at home, and my cats aren’t lonely. (not that they care all that much. They sleep most of the time anyway, the lazy bastards.) However, I have lost the daily social interactions that keep me from becoming a straggly haired monster who talks to himself too much; also known as a professional author.

  It’s all give and take.

  So, today I’m sitting in my beautiful office, the cool winter sun shinning through the window, and a fire roaring in the fireplace. Tomorrow? I think I’ll head down to Western and say hi to a few old friends.

  Because while it is all give and take, it’s also what you make of it. And, I didn't buy a car so I would never leave my house.

  I hope these notes find you well, and remind you that you are not a captive of your circumstances. Go out and say hello to some old friends. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.

  All my best,

  Charley Case

  Boise, ID

  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  January 15, 2019

  Jennifer Hendricks is the good buddy who’ll come play with you and leave just in time so someone’s still around to bail out the group later. She’s in on every joke and despite her answer to question #2 is willing to be good friends and even hang out with the likes of me, Ramy Vance, and a few Scots I know (we’re very respectful, it’s those two other things… YTT LIVES!). Long after I’ve gone home for the night I still see pictures on Facebook of the gang still hanging, and there’s Jennifer right in the mix. The bail money would come later…

  She is not only a rising star as an author (check her out if you like clean romance or sci-fi), but one of the go-to’s behind the scenes at LMBPN if you want the cogs to actually turn in a timely fashion. That’s a giant job that takes the skills of a

  These days there are a lot of authors publishing under the LMBPN flag (Have we hit a hundred yet?) and everyone has requests, big and small and Jennifer handles all of it with grace and speed, and manages to steer the occasional lost lamb of an author back on course. Occasionally that’s even me.

  All of that while writing her own series and being good natured about it. Makes it a great place to collaborate and get things done and just adds to the phrase, dream job.

  1.What turns you on?

  Good manners. Gentlemen who open doors and respect women.

  2. What turns you off?

  Cussing, crudeness, lack of respect.

  3.Who do you most admire? Why?

  Indie authors in general. They took such a huge leap of faith and self-published their own books. They are doing it all and for the most part don’t rely on anyone else to do their work for them. It is a TON of work to write, publish, and market your own book. Kudos to all of them!

  4.What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

  I’ve always wanted to be a working actor. I’ve been in 1 movie as an extra and one episode of a reality tv show that was only on 1 season. I don’t need to be a star, just work enough to support myself.

  5.What profession would you not like to do?

  Politics. LOL When I was young I wanted to be the first female President of the USA. I’m so glad I changed my mind a long time ago. LOL

  6.If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  Welcome, my good and faithful servant.

  7.What is your favorite movie?

  OH, this is tough. Almost all of the Hallmark movies would qualify. LOL But If I could only choose 1, it would probably be the 5 hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.

  8.Who is your favorite character and from what book by which author?

  Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), but I also have a thing for Four from Divergent (Veronica Roth)

  9.What is something most people do not know about you?

  I speak Russian and have traveled to Russia multiple times, including to Siberia and Sochi.

  10.What do you look forward to most in the new year?

  Finding a new place to live. I just sold my condo and am staying with family. I really need my own place again. LOL.

  11.What's your favorite non-LMBPN series you’ve done? What’s your favorite series inside LMBPN?

  Favorite non-LMBPN Series I’ve written is Miss Claus.

  Favorite series within LMBPN is yet to be released.

  Do you have a web site you’d like to promote? If so, leave the link for me.

  The Magic Compass

  If smart phones and GPS rule the world - why am I hunting a magic compass to save the planet?

  Austin Detective Maggie Parker has seen some weird things in her day, but finding a surly gnome rooting through her garage beats all.

  Her world is about to be turned upside down in a frantic search for 4 Elementals.

  Each one has an artifact that can keep the Earth humming along, but they need her to unite them first.

  Unless the forces against her get there first.


  Other Books in The Terranavis Universe

  The Adventures of Maggie Parker Series

  The Witches of Pressler Street

  Other books by Martha Carr

  Other books by Charley Case



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