Demons in Disguise: The Divinicus Nex Chronicles: Book Three
Page 27
Rain poured down. The choppers’ side doors slid open. Men in ski masks crouched inside holding big automatic rifles and began laying down a loud line of firepower. They shot behind the men and the girl, covering the trio’s escape.
One of the helicopters landed on the grass. Men inside shouted. The girl looked up. Her eyes went wide with terror. Tears streaking down her cheeks, her mouth opened, but the deafening noise from the assault drowned out her screams. She fought hard in the rain, sleet, and wind. The men inside the helicopter shouted and made frantic gestures, encouraging their comrades to hurry.
The Novo caps on the two men’s heads flew off as they grabbed the frightened girl and tossed her toward the helicopter. I didn’t think she’d make it, but the men inside reached out and plucked her from the air. She disappeared, sucked inside like she’d been devoured by a hungry beast.
The helicopter engine quickly whined to a high pitch, and the two men sprinted and dove inside as the machine lifted off the grass, the men’s legs dangling until their buddies pulled them the rest of the way in. Rotors thwap-thwap-thappping a ferocious rhythm, the chopper turned a graceful arc and headed out, followed by the two others, one of which, as a parting gift, shot off—
“Oh, God, no,” I muttered.
—a rocket that blasted what was left of the side of the building into a giant plume of fire and black smoke.
The video seemed to break up, like it had been blown up too, then it abruptly ended.
I realized my jaw was hanging open. I closed it. “No,” I whispered. “It can’t be.”
“It had nothing to do with us,” Cristiano said, his hand grasping my shoulder. “Novo is still recovering. I doubt they even know Heather is missing. Two men infiltrated in order to kidnap another patient.”
“Not just any patient.” Although the cell phone screen was blank, I pointed at it, horrified. “The girl they took, her name is Jane. And it’s all my fault.”
“Excuse me,” Cristiano said. “I still do not understand.”
We were in the Flint section where I’d run to so I could pace, pull out my hair, and berate myself in peace. I slapped a couple of shelves in frustration. Once, twice—
“Enough.” Cristiano caught my wrist. “Take a deep breath and tell me how you know this Jane.”
For a long moment I stared into his eyes, the tranquil pale green helping to calm me. My hand dropped, but he kept hold of my wrist. It was a comforting connection. I inhaled deep then let it out.
“I don’t know Jane. I just met her at Novo because she had the room next to Heather’s.” I decided it prudent not to mention the umbra stone and Jane’s obsession. Not sure why.
“Then how is this your fault?”
I rubbed a knuckle between my eyes.
“Well, because the guys that took her, I know them. Bill and Ted. And they don’t have excellent adventures, they’ve been stealing Mandatum stuff so I know they’re bad guys, and I saw them there at Novo, at Heather’s nurse’s station for crying out loud, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to blow my cover, so I didn’t blow theirs, but by keeping my mouth shut, I got some innocent girl kidnapped, taken off to, oh my God, human trafficking or something equally awful, drugged, tortured, murdered, and that’s why this is all my fault and I am a selfish, stupid, horrible person.”
He smiled kindly and took my hand in both of his. “You would not have stopped them. According to Horus, their credentials were impeccable. Unless I am mistaken, your credentials were not.”
I gave him a blank look. “My credentials? I didn’t have any credentials.”
“Eros,” Cristiano said with a hostile edge to his voice. “That is what I thought. So if you had tried to ‘blow their cover’ it is more likely that you, rather than these men, would have been detained and taken into custody, and they would have kidnapped the girl anyway.”
“You don’t know that for sure. I didn’t even try to stop them.”
He squeezed my hand. “What I know is the Mandatum is doing everything they can to get this Jane back, and they have the most excellent resources.”
“Who were those guys? Why do they want Jane? There were demons, but the people used guns, not supernatural powers, so are they not Mandatum?”
“Strategically, the demons were a distraction so they could extricate the girl. As for the who and why, I have no answers yet, but it worked to our advantage. We must take the win and focus on our other concerns for now.”
My chest went cold. “Are the Hex Boys okay? The building got blown to bits!”
“The Hex Boys are well. Their residential areas remained untouched.”
I blew out a long breath and sagged against the bookshelves. I was suddenly exhausted. My knees felt weak. I let myself slide down so I was sitting on my butt, knees bent.
“What a day, huh?” I said. “All I want to do is—”
“Rest. You deserve it. Even sleep. Forget for a while.”
I smiled. “Maybe if you’d quit finishing my sentences and shut up, I could.”
“Maybe it would be better to deliver you home first.”
He hauled me to my feet and took care of gathering up our stuff, then we headed out to the Mercedes cargo van that only days ago had sent me reeling. I still had a bruise.
Cristiano put our things in one of the rear seats, behind which was a large empty space, pristine and smelling like industrial strength cleaner. I dropped my head back, too tired to worry about what smells they might’ve been covering up.
The hazy day was slipping fast into dark twilight. Armani being unusually quiet plus me being exceptionally exhausted equaled me falling asleep before we made it out of the high school’s massive iron gates.
I woke up slowly, then jerked in panic. It was dark. The van wasn’t moving. We could be anywhere! Except…I finally focused…we were parked in front of my house.
At least I was. The driver’s seat was empty.
As I reached to release my seat belt, my door opened.
“Yeeow!” I squealed and attempted an ungraceful—and unsuccessful—leap into the driver’s seat.
“Just checking the perimeter,” Cristiano said. “Who put up these protection wards around your residence?”
I took a second to steady my breathing, then fumbled with the seatbelt. “The Hex Boys.”
“No,” he said. “Who put up the ones that are more complex and ancient.”
I always figured Gloria, but mentioning my guardian angel didn’t seem prudent, so I shrugged ignorance and yawned.
“Sneezing works just as well, if not better.”
“What?” The stupid belt would not unbuckle.
“Yawning is adequate,” he said. “But when you get caught with a question you prefer not to answer, it is better to sneeze. Anyone who asked the question will usually say bless you in some form. The question is forgotten, and you move on unscathed.”
“Okay. Ah-choo.”
“Bless you. So where did the complex and ancient protection wards come from?”
“You said that would work on anyone.”
“I am not just anyone.”
“Well, neither am I, hot shot. So suck it,” I said, taking a phrase from Blake. “I refuse to answer. Yeah!” I would have done some stupid looking street-punk arm/hand/finger movement, but this stupid belt wouldn’t release.
He laughed. “Spunk. Perhaps I am warming up to it.”
“I don’t see you have much choice.” I frowned and tugged at the uncooperative safety device. “What’s with this thing?”
“Would you like some help?” He started to lean in.
He backed off.
A few seconds later, it clicked open.
“Finally,” I said.
When he offered his hand to help me out, I grabbed my backpack from the rear seat and tossed it hard. He didn’t grunt or show surprise, just caught it with annoying ease. What would it take to throw this guy off his ga
I tried to look satisfied anyway, and said smugly, “Thank you.”
He gave me a look but didn’t comment as he followed me up the driveway.
I glanced back. “I’m not inviting you in.”
That was easy. Too easy. I stopped and faced him. “You’re not going to push the issue?”
“I am not. I actually have plans I must attend to.”
“Pfft. Since when do you have plans that don’t include me?”
He gave me a surprised and mildly amused look. “My, my. Are you expecting us to be on an exclusive basis already?”
“Uh.” Heat rushed to my cheeks. After I pried my foot out of my mouth, I said, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Would it bother you for me to have plans where I became involved with someone else?”
“No, I just…nothing.” My verbal repartee was re-par-terrible. I’d better shut up.
“Then I shall deliver you to your door.” He gestured toward the house.
I climbed the front steps, then at the door, stopped and turned. “But are you meeting up with Horus? You know, never mind. None of my business. Except… Your plans don’t involve harming anyone do they?”
“Is there someone you wish me to harm?”
“No!” Dear God. “Look, it’s just that we don’t need any more dead bodies in this town.”
“How many dead bodies do you have now?”
“None! Well, I’m sure we have some, but no one’s been murdered that I know of, although the demons certainly tried, and the point is…” What was the point? I had one. Right? “Look, do you have any local names that you’re urgently planning to check off your assassin’s To-Do Hit List?”
He studied me for a moment, then said, “No. Nothing urgent.”
Not the most comforting answer. “So you really have a hit list? How many people are you planning to kill?”
“Oh, let me see.” As he appeared to think very hard, he began muttering, “Ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five…”
Holy hitman.
Oh, yeah, right. I’d forgotten. Assassin. Psycho. Yet he’d lulled me into thinking of him as normal. Even after today’s events. He’d certainly managed to get me off my game.
“Hmmm,” he murmured thoughtfully.
He was suddenly very close and looming over me, because while I’d been distracted by the nonchalant catalog of coldblooded killings, I hadn’t noticed him taking one step closer with the announcement of each number. Now he was mere inches from me.
“Whoa.” I jumped back and bumped into the door, gaining no distance whatsoever. “What are you doing?”
He looked down, face so close I could feel the warmth of his breath. “Attempting to answer your question, but the truth is I cannot be absolutely certain, although I do like to keep it under one hundred at any given time. Anything higher makes, me…” He rolled a shoulder. “Twitchy.”
Awesome. Twitchy and trigger fingers were never a good combo. Speaking of twitchy, his mouth was. Twitching that is, like he was…
I thumped my fist into his ridiculously hard chest, which was still way to close. “Ha ha. Very funny.”
Unable to contain himself any longer, his mouth smiled wide, and he broke into laughter.
I scowled. “So much for truth between us.”
“There is always time for humor.”
“So there’s no hit list?”
“Ah, ah…” He leaned in closer, his mouth next to my ear. “Ah-choo.” Then his hand brushed my hip, and before I could jump in surprise or slap him away, he turned the knob and the door opened behind me.
I fell through.
Cristiano caught my elbow before I went down. He took a moment to steady me, then backed away and tossed me my knapsack. Surprised, I nearly fumbled the catch.
He said, “Thank you,” then turned, jogged lightly down the stairs, and strode toward the van.
“That wasn’t funny!” I called after him. “I hope you catch a real cold.”
“Yes,” he said, chuckling. “I had a most delightful time too.”
Huh. If today’s nightmare events had been “delightful,” what did he consider bad? Well, tomorrow was another day, and unfortunately, with my luck, I’d probably find out.
It was still dark the next morning when Dad nudged me awake. I yawned. “Were we scheduled to run this morning?”
“No. I’ve got an early shift, but you’re needed downstairs.”
“What for? Is something wrong?”
“Not at all,” he said, chipper and happy. Ugh. He was such a morning person. “It’s a surprise.”
“No surprise is worth this wake up call,” I groaned into my pillow and snuggled back down.
“Wasn’t a request, madam.” He lit every light in my room. “Get moving or I’ll call in Sadie for help.”
I gave him a bleary-eyed glare. “You’re a cruel man.”
“Yeah, yeah. Come on. And keep it quiet. Everyone else is still sleeping.”
I shuffled downstairs. Noises and aromas of yumminess wafted from the kitchen. Dad was coming across the foyer carrying a brown paper lunch sack as well as his medical bag. “I thought you said Mom was sleeping?”
“I did. And don’t disturb her.” Dad kissed me goodbye and said, “Love you,” then left out the front door with a smile but no further explanation.
Yawning again, I entered the kitchen. Where suddenly, I was wide awake. “Ohhhhh, no. What are you doing here?”
Over his stylish street clothes, Cristiano wore my mom’s Cooks Do It With Spice apron. Her lobster claw oven mitts over his hands, he pulled something from the oven.
“I am making you a traditional Italian breakfast.” He lifted a cookie sheet full of crescent shaped pastries.
“Cornettos,” I said, breathing in the heavenly scent of the Italian version of croissants.
“You know them.” He seemed pleased. “Good. Do you prefer jam, cream, or chocolate filling?”
My mouth watered. “All of the above?”
His smile broadened. “Excellent. I love a woman with an appetite.” He gathered plates from a high cupboard. “I made the dough last night in Blake’s excellent kitchen at the dude ranch where I am staying.”
He certainly had no trouble making himself at home. Everywhere. He’d even charmed my cat. Helsing was following him around, rubbing against his legs, and every time Armani tossed him a tidbit, Helsing caught it in his mouth and purred louder. Selling me out for sweets. So much for loyalty.
“Hmmm,” I grumbled, shooing the traitorous Helsing out the back door. “Then you just happened to pop over and hang out with my dad at the wee un-freaking-Godly hours of the morning?”
“I perhaps may have spent the remainder of the night at Tristan’s house, where it seems his room has an unusually convenient access to your own, not that I cared to notice, and when I ascertained movement in your household, I positioned myself on your doorstep, whereupon your father found me waiting, newspaper in hand, and was kind enough to invite me in since I explained my hopes for an early morning tutoring session, which inclined him to be exceedingly impressed with my diligence toward your higher learning, and thus allow me access to your home, although the promise of fresh pastries also seemed a near equal enticement for him.” He finished and took a deep breath.
“Higher learning and pastries?” I said dryly. “Who could resist?”
“My thoughts exactly.” He took another deep breath and looked thoughtful. “You know, that is harder than it seems.”
“Your, as Matthias put it, ‘exhausting, million-words-in-one-breath, babbling explanation.’ I had thought I would emulate the experience. Did you find it exhausting? I certainly did.” He inhaled again then let it out slowly. “I may perhaps even be lightheaded. Do you practice a particular breathing exercise?”
nbsp; “No. And quit changing the subject.”
“What subject is that?”
“Your spying on me and—”
“It is called a protection detail.”
I scowled. “And the home invasion? I know the Grants’ place was locked up tight after the Mandatum left.”
He picked out a large platter from a bottom cabinet. “I did not break in.”
“Well, good, because those psychotic seniors get cranky about that sort of thing.” Did I believe him? Seemed like it. That was scary. “So how did you get in? Was it your guardian? The Boys have used them to unlock doors before.”
“No. My guardian has been gone for many years.”
Maybe the big, bad Sicarius had scared off his cute little pixie. “Okay, but you didn’t answer my question.”
He sighed. “Sometimes I may prefer not to provide details, but I promise that whatever I do share will be the truth. I would ask the same of you. Do we have an agreement?”
“Do I have a choice?”
His jaw set. “One always has a choice. I choose you and will protect you regardless of your behavior. It would simply be better for both of us,” he paused for meaning, “and the Hex Boys, if I was working from truth instead of lies.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek. Bringing the Hex Boys into it was clever, and admittedly he was right. “Fine.” I folded my arms across my chest and stifled another yawn. “But the truth is I’d rather be in bed.”
He cocked his head, a half-smile playing on his lips. “As it happens, the truth is I am agreeable to going to bed.”
I gave him a look.
He laughed. “I meant you may go back to your bed, and I will wake you when all is ready. I did not mean that we should share a bed together.” He fought an impish grin and made an apologetic gesture with his hand. “It is my English. So poor.”
“Yeah. Right. I think we’ve established your English is better than mine.” I sighed. “I’m up now. Can I help?”
“For you,” Cristiano said softly, a knowing smile spreading over his lips, “I have other plans.”
Oh, my goodness. Cue burning cheeks. “Armani, knock it off.”
He laughed and gestured toward a file folder on the table. “I offer a simple gift.”