Eligible Receivers (A Playing Dirty Sports Romance Book 4)
Page 3
“Sure,” I agree as we cross the threshold into the kitchen.
“Kelsey, wait,” Cameron says as he grabs my elbow. When I turn to face him, he grins and points up. “We’re standing under the mistletoe…”
My neck cranes to look up at the archway above us, and sure enough, there’s the mistletoe I hung earlier today. The room spins around me either from the alcohol or from the thought of Cameron Hines' lips on mine. I wobble to the left on the heels of my boots before Cameron grabs me by the elbow to help me catch my balance.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to kiss me,” I assure him since I refuse to be part of any pity make-out session ever again like I was with Lathan.
Leaning down, since he’s more than a foot taller, he softly asks, “What if I want to kiss you?”
That causes my jaw to hit the carpet as I blink up at the wide receiver in disbelief. He didn’t really say…
“What was that?” I ask again, rather than make a fool of myself by jumping to any wrong conclusions. The next thing I know, Cameron’s hand is in my hair and then his lips are on mine, tasting of cookie and lime. He doesn’t start slow either. The wide receiver sprints headfirst into tongue action, which I’m not complaining about at all.
Wow, he’s an amazing kisser, and my reaction to my first kiss with a strictly heterosexual man in over a year becomes embarrassing when I moan into his mouth.
Before I can even feel ashamed of my response, Cameron’s other hand grabs my hip and pulls me against the heat of his hard body, which is when it becomes obvious that he’s starting to become affected by our kiss too. Either that or he’s got a cucumber tucked down the front of his pants.
If anyone had told me earlier today that I would be standing here with Cameron Hines’ tongue down my throat, I wouldn’t have believed them.
Is this really happening? I know the alcohol was getting to me a little. But my arms are definitely around a man’s neck, and there’s a hand in my hair, a mouth on mine, and another hand on my hip. No, make that ass. There’s a giant hand now squeezing my ass.
Why in the world would Cameron want to kiss me?
That’s when the truth hits me.
I was one of the few, maybe the only single woman at the party tonight since all the football players brought their wives or significant others. When everyone left, that made me the default.
Does that bum me out? Yeah, of course. But does that mean I’m gonna stop kissing and pull away from the arms of one of the hottest football players I’ve ever laid eyes on?
When my eyes flutter open to confirm that this is really happening, that I’m kissing Cameron Hines, I’m hit head-on by the force of the piercing eyes on me from across the room.
No. Fucking. Way.
Tall, dark, and handsome Nixon Lopez is staring at me and Cameron kissing, looking so starved that I can feel the ache of his primal hunger deep down in my own belly.
Certain I’m seeing things, I close my eyes and fall back into the hottest make-out session ever until a few minutes, hours, maybe a century passes, and Cameron’s lips move down my neck, planting feathery soft kisses and causing chill bumps on my arms before moving up to my ear.
“Do you have a room here, Kelsey?” he asks, voice so deep and rumbly that, no shit, my entire body shivers.
Blinking my eyes open again, over Cameron’s shoulder I find Nixon still watching us in the background which throws me even more off balance than the kiss or Cameron’s question before I can answer.
“Um, yeah, I’ve been staying here,” I reply.
While I would like nothing more than to lead one hot as hell wide receiver to the bedroom I’ve been staying in, I know it would be nothing but a casual hookup. Besides, even if the chances are incredibly slim, I get the feeling that going off with Cameron would upset Nixon. There’s this look of disappointment on the man across the room’s face that reminds me of when he thought I was going to pick Cameron’s ugly sweater over his.
And since I did volunteer to clean up the party and it’s getting late, I tell Cameron, “I-I should probably start cleaning up,” as I ease my palms down his chest, caressing as I go since this may be the only chance I ever get to put my hands on him. And jeez, I can feel the warmth and definition of the sculpted muscles through the fabric of his sweater.
“What if we go to your room now…” he asks while grinding his hard cock or pocketed cucumber into my stomach and making me gasp. “And then I’ll help you clean up after…”
My empty womb clenches with need so strong it trumps all of my other doubts and concerns, especially since off the top of my head I can’t remember the last time a man actually wanted me…
“Okay,” I agree, swallowing down the nervousness at the thought of my first one-night stand. I’m twenty-two. Other guys and girls my age have meaningless hookups all the time, right? There are apps dedicated to finding casual flings, so I shouldn’t be ashamed or feel guilty about one night with a sexy football player that dreams are made of.
Who am I kidding? I would give a kidney for just one hour of my pathetic, boring life with Cameron. It may be quick and dirty and only one single time before he moves on to the next girl, but I bet it will be so damn good I’ll never forget it.
Cameron winds his arm around my waist and turns me down the hall, reminding me that I’m supposed to be showing him the way. Which I do without him letting me go.
“You’re not drunk, are you?” he asks with another kiss to my neck as we walk. When I glance over my shoulder, I find Nixon still watching us from across the room through heavy-lidded, angry eyes that cause me to stagger a little before we get to the bedroom door.
“Drunk enough to say yes to this but not drunk enough to regret it tomorrow or think it’s more than just one night,” I look up and assure Cameron when I turn the doorknob to open it and step inside the dark bedroom.
“Good,” Cameron says with a grin I see from the hallway light before the door shuts behind him, sealing us alone inside. So why am I still thinking about Nixon when I should be concentrating on Cameron?
“What about Nixon?” I blurt out.
After several seconds of silence, Cameron asks, “What about him? He’s a big boy who can occupy himself or leave.”
“Sure, right,” I reply, shaking my head to clear it. Pushing those thoughts away, I walk over and turn on the small lamp on the table next to the bed instead of the bright overhead light that will show all the flaws of my body that Cameron’s probably not used to seeing on all the girls he normally hooks up with.
By the time I turn around, Cameron is already pulling his sweater up and over his head, revealing his smooth, broad chest that leads to a narrow waist and six-pack abs, if I counted correctly, before coming to a stop at his mouthwatering V thanks to the jeans riding low on his hipbones. I watch those abs and pelvic indentations come closer until they’re within touching distance, so I run my fingertips over that washboard just like any other reasonable woman would do in this situation.
I’m so entranced by the male form in all its perfection before me that I don’t even hesitate when Cameron grabs the hem of my sweater dress and pulls it up and over my head before tossing it aside, leaving me standing there in nothing but my tall brown boots and sheer hose, green panties and matching lace bra.
“Damn, Kelsey,” I tell her as I slip both of my palms up her sides while admiring her hourglass figure covered with only a few scraps of sexy, green lace. “If I knew you had this gorgeous body underneath your clothes, I would’ve stripped you naked a long time ago.”
“Whatever,” she says, lowering her gaze shyly.
“I’m serious,” I tell her as I dip a finger into the waistband of her panties and rub it across the soft skin of her lower belly.
I start to lean forward and kiss her again so we can move on to the good stuff when the door suddenly opens behind us.
Kelsey releases a soft squeak of surprise and presses the front of
her mostly naked body against mine to hide herself.
While I can guess who of the three adults in the house is barging in on us, I still look over my shoulder to make sure...
“What the fuck, Nix?” I ask while glaring at him, pissed as fuck at him for interrupting and walking in on Kelsey when I’ve already started undressing her.
“Oh, sorry. My bad. Sorry, Kelsey,” Nixon says, not sounding the least bit apologetic when he walks right on in and shuts the door behind him.
“Get the fuck out,” I tell him with a huff of frustration. If Kelsey clams up and turns me down because of his intrusion, I’ll beat the shit out of him.
“Won’t take but a second,” he tells us as he comes closer. “Here you go, Cam.” He slaps his hand on my bare chest, leaving behind a single bill that I catch before it falls when Nix pulls his hand away. Looking down, I see it’s a hundred-dollar bill and realize exactly what he’s doing.
He’s trying to fuck me over.
“Thought I would go ahead and pay up,” Nix says. “You won. Congrats on kissing Kelsey first. But it would be messed up if I let you fuck her as part of a bet.”
“What?” Kelsey asks, pulling away from me and taking a step back just like Nix wanted.
“You’re an asshole,” I glare and tell my now former best friend and former roommate. “And a sore loser.”
“Hard to be a sore loser when you made a move on Kelsey when you thought I wasn’t looking and then brought her in here before I even had a chance.”
“You’re both assholes,” Kelsey says while bending down to scoop up her dress and unfortunately slip it back over her head and down over her body. “I can’t believe I fell for that.” Her voice under her clothes is muted as she starts for the door.
“Wait, Kelsey, let me explain,” I say to her when I jump in front of the bedroom door and look down at her beautiful but now red and furious face. “And your dress is inside out,” I inform her.
With a huff, she pulls the material off again, flashing me and Nixon the goods before she rights it. Except now…
“Move,” she seethes.
“Your dress is um, it’s backward now,” I point out.
“Ugh,” with a growl of frustration Kelsey pulls her arms out of the sleeves and spins it around before slipping her arms through it again. “There. Now can I go?” she asks.
“No,” I reply.
“No?” she repeats with her jaw gaping. “Then you both need to leave! This is my room!’
“Let me explain first.”
“Make it quick,” she says as she lowers her eyes, but not before I see the shimmer reflecting off of them.
Fuck! We’ve made her cry, and now I feel awful. This is entirely Nixon’s fault, and not only am I pissed that he cockblocked me, but I’m furious that he hurt Kelsey in his attempt to screw me over.
“We both wanted you,” I start explaining to Kelsey. “I called dibs, but jackass over there convinced me to give him a chance too –”
“But this jackass made a move first, because all he cares about is beating me and he had to cheat to do it!” Nixon interrupts.
“Bullshit,” I grumble. “I called dibs and you wouldn’t let it go.”
“Fuck your dibs,” he throws back.
“Fuck you for ruining a perfectly good night,” I counter. “You’re just pissed that you lost out to me.”
“So did you bet on kissing me first or not?” Kelsey asks, putting an end to our bickering, at least for the moment.
“No, we didn’t bet on you. He was just being an ass and trying to piss you off,” I tell her. Holding up the hundred-dollar bill, I tear it down the middle and then keep ripping it up until it’s nothing but tiny pieces that I let flutter to the carpet.
Kelsey’s eyes follow the tiny shreds of paper down before she asks, “You know I’m the one who has to clean that up, right?”
“Whoops. Sorry,” I say as I kneel down to start gathering all the pieces in my palm.
“Forget it. Just leave and I’ll get it,” she says with a sigh, her hands braced on her hips, being all nice and shit to me even though she’s upset.
“No, I made the mess, so I’ll clean it up,” I assure her as I keep collecting shreds of paper. “In fact, to apologize to you, Nix and I will clean up after the party too.”
“No, that’s –” she starts, but I shake my head.
“We’ll clean up, if you forgive us for fighting over you like toddlers,” I finish.
“Yeah, sorry we were so childish,” Nixon comes up behind Kelsey and agrees. “And please also forgive me for looking at you when you were dressing. All three times. But your body is fucking spectacular.”
That at least gets a small, hint of a smile from Kelsey, more progress than I made with my apology. Even though he can’t see her face, the asshole must know his words are working because he doesn’t shut up.
“In fact, I think your dress is on upside down now. Maybe you should fix that. I can help, if you forgive us.” The smooth motherfucker even reaches for the hem, brushing his fingertips over the backs of her thighs in the process. How do I know? Because I’m eye level with her thighs.
I’m eye-level with her thighs…
Dropping the pieces of currency I had picked up so far, I wrap each of my hands around both of her tall boots. And then, when Nixon lifts the hem of her dress a little higher, I place a kiss on the stocking covering her left thigh, right above the top of the boot. “Forgive us?” I ask before kissing the same spot on her right thigh.
Odds are Kelsey is probably about to kick me between my legs, but I’ll take my chances.
Chapter Five
That son of a bitch’s mouth is on a one-way track toward Kelsey’s pussy, which is definitely cheating.
I’m too late.
In the time it took for me to piss out a river thanks to the gallons of beer I had drunk and then wash up, Cameron had shoved his tongue down Kelsey’s throat and she was done for. I could see it in her lust-filled eyes when she looked up at me in the middle of their kiss.
And while I knew it was an asshole move to bust in here and interrupt, I didn’t want to go home alone or wait around in the living room while the two of them fucked. I’ve never been in this position before. There are always enough beautiful, sexy women to go around. But not tonight.
I had my sights set on Kelsey, and damn if Cam didn’t try and swoop in and steal her, knowing he’ll never fuck her more than once.
Now I’m seconds away from getting thrown out of the room so these two can get it on while having to settle with tugging on my own cock, which is just wrong.
Could I make myself a participant here, or did I miss my chance?
Do I want to be the fucking third wheel?
The third wheel is better than not even getting on the road. So will Kelsey go along with it?
Only one way to find out.
While Cam and I both have been with two girls at the same time on our own, we’ve never done something like this together, sharing one woman. My dick is as hard and thick as a brick behind my zipper, so I’m pretty sure it’s interested in anything it can get, even if it’s just as an observer. That’s better than being alone, right?
Stepping up against Kelsey’s curvy backside, I hike up the bottom of her dress a little further until it’s just below her ass before I say, “Don’t forgive us yet, sweetheart. Make us work a little harder for it.”
Kelsey doesn’t give me a response, and I can’t see her face to figure out her reaction. But as long as she’s not verbally opposing, I don’t plan on stopping.
I tilt my head to the side and watch as I lift the back of her dress high enough to reveal her voluptuous ass that’s covered by skin-colored hose and a green thong underneath. Just as the thought occurs to me that I would rather feel Kelsey’s skin instead of the hose, they magically disappear. Well, not magically, but Cam starts tugging them down to the tops of her boots, which gives him
plenty of room to get to her...
“Oh God,” Kelsey moans when he presses his face to the front of her panties.
While she’s distracted, I yank her dress up her body and tell her, “Arms up,” so I can remove it. As I expected, she obeys as if on command. And a moment later we’ve managed to not only keep her from leaving the room angry, but Cam and I have gotten her undressed again.
Her thong begins to lower; and when her head falls back on my shoulder with another moan, I’m certain he’s reached the Promised Land with his tongue.
Am I jealous he’s getting a taste of her pussy? Yeah, a little, but now I’ve got her bare ass pressed against my crotch. And with just a flick of my fingers, I undo the back of her bra to pull it off so that I can reach around to fill both of my hands with her full, perky tits.
“Oh my God!” she cries out. While I would like to think squeezing her breasts while my bulge finds its way into the crease of her ass is what invoked that sound, I’m pretty sure all the props go to Cameron for that.
Fuck, I’m so hard it hurts, and all it would take is a tug of my zipper and then bam! I’d be inside.
Lips pressed to Kelsey’s neck, I splay my hand over her stomach to hold her in place when I press my hips into her backside and ask her between kisses, “Do you think you could…accept my apology at the same time as Cameron’s?”
One minute I’m furious with these two childish men, and then the next…I’m tugging on two handfuls of Cameron’s long hair while his tongue swirls in circles around my clit and Nixon plucks at my nipples, asking me if I want more. If I want him too. At the same time as…as…
“Yes!” I cry out as someone’s fingers penetrate me. Cameron’s? Nixon’s? I don’t even know and don’t care at this point with my orgasm on the horizon, so close I can practically touch it.
Vaguely I notice the crinkling sound of a condom wrapper and then the fingers are withdrawn and replaced with a long, thick cock with a single shove forward. One of my palms lets go of Cameron’s hair to slap against the door above where he’s still kneeling with his tongue doing all sorts of tricks I didn’t know were possible. Two thrusts from Nixon later, and my entire body trembles from the force of pleasure. I come with a shout of Cameron’s name in gratitude.