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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

Page 17

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Her cheeks tinged pink at his last few words, “Okay.” She got to her feet, turning to go to the table. A spike of uncertainty surged through her as she looked back at him, “Do I really? Make your blood boil?”

  “After that kiss, you’re not sure?” Alburet asked, his lips curling up. “I almost broke my promise to not do you any harm by pinning you to the sofa.”

  Her cheeks flushed a bit more before she nodded and hurried to the table. Alburet watched her go, her tail more upright than normal, like a contented cat. Shaking his head, he fixed his pants before he joined the trio at the table, keenly aware of the eyes on him the entire time.

  “Breakfast is served,” Karen said as she stared at Alburet, her foot brushing against his leg.

  Breakfast was in silence, besides the compliments to Karen for her cooking. As they finished their meal, Alburet considered what else he needed to do for the day.

  “Gerald and Marysue should be stoppin’ by soon to hand off the gear from Sir Dracon,” Stacia reminded him.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It’s almost as if all the blood has been drained out of my brain multiple times this morning,” Alburet deadpanned while scratching absently at his chin.

  Karen chuckled, “Not as much as I’m going to drain you later.”

  “Someone be tryin’ to give me a run for title of sex crazed,” Stacia laughed, reaching out to stroke Karen’s neck.

  “Sorry, having trouble thinking again,” Alburet said as he watched Stacia and Karen flirt.

  A knock on the door brought the conversation up short. “I’ll get it,” Fluff said as she went to answer the knock.

  Stacia took the dishes while the other two followed after Fluff. The trio greeted Gerald and Marysue as they came in, offering them seats and some coffee, before the group checked over the stuff Gerald had been carrying. “This is going to be nice,” Karen added as she set aside the map and bag that were marked for her.

  “I’ve been summoned to the Castle for a dinner with the King tomorrow night,” Gerald told them. “The invitation told me to invite the officers of Alpha Company.” He turned to look at Alburet, “You feeling good enough to go?”

  “The last couple of days have been a bit of a rollercoaster emotionally,” Alburet replied. “I’ll be fine for the dinner.” His face, which had been happy, became cold and distant. “I had forgotten the deaths of my mother and closest friends. It’s been hard to deal with, but you guys should be told that at least.”

  Marysue reached out her hand, “No, I understand. I still don’t like to think about Mom dying. It was over ten years ago and the thought of it still makes me sad.”

  “He relived the memories just the other day,” Karen added. “Remember how we told you about what Succubi can do? Stacia helped him recall those memories.”

  “Dear gods, why?” Gerald asked, shocked that anyone would want to.

  “He needed to, so he could move forward,” Stacia said simply as she joined them.

  “I asked her to help,” Alburet added. His gaze turned distant as the pain of losing his loved ones crept over him again. “It’s painful, but knowing and truthfully accepting the fact of what happened is better than the alternative.”

  Marysue licked her lips, “I can understand that…” She paused before she blurted out the next part, “Can you help me, Stacia? I want to remember my Mom. She’s a blur in my memories now, and I want to see her face again.”

  “Mary?” Gerald interjected, half in fear and half in worry. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded jerkily, “Yes. You know Dad took down her pictures shortly after her death. The locket she left for me has my picture in it, not hers. So yes, I’m sure I want to see her again.”

  Stacia gave her a sad smile, “Iffin ya be askin’, then aye. I will help ya. I will come by the inn tonight to do so. Did ya wish Gerald to be there when ya see ya mother again?”

  Gerald sat up straight, “Please?” Marysue nodded her head in agreement to his request.

  “Aye, it can be done. Iffin tha’ be alright with ya, master?” Stacia asked Alburet.

  “Helping friends is a good thing. If that is her wish, then yes, Stacia, you should help her.”

  “Thank you,” Marysue said as she went to hug Stacia, then Alburet. “It means so much to me. I’ve been thinking about it ever since you told us during the march to the Keep.”

  “You won’t be looking at all of her memories, will you?” Gerald asked, as he stared at Stacia.

  “Nay, I will only look for a happy memory of her mother and nay more,” Stacia replied.

  “Very well,” Gerald said as he got to his feet, offering his arm to Marysue. “We’ll see you tonight, after dinner?”

  “Tha’ be fine,” Stacia said as she walked with them to the door, trailed by the others.

  Once Gerald and Marysue were gone Karen frowned. “Did it seem like he was afraid of what else Stacia might find in her memories?”

  “A little,” Alburet agreed. “Are any of us the one to call him out on it?” He gave her a level gaze as he asked the question.

  “No,” Karen admitted. “It just seemed odd.”

  After the duo left the house, Alburet looked at his wives. “Well, if we have dinner with the King scheduled for tomorrow, we should probably see about trying to update our wardrobes a bit.”

  “Good idea,” Karen agreed.

  “Where should we go for dresses of that caliber?” Fluffball asked as she groomed an ear.

  Stacia smiled at seeing Fluff’s old nervous tic, “We know a fine tailor. We should go see Margret over at Silken Needles.”

  “That would be the place to start,” Alburet grinned. “We should head out. Transfer your gear over to your new bags and then we’ll go.”

  After ten minutes everyone was ready to go. Alburet held the door for them, getting a quick kiss from each. He followed them out, locking the door behind him, before they set off down the street arm in arm as two couples. Karen grinned as she watched Stacia and Fluff a few feet ahead of her and Alburet.

  “You are feeling better today, right?” Karen asked.

  “I still feel the pain of their loss,” Alburet told her. “It’s nowhere near as bad as the other day, though. I’m just trying to embrace the idea that even if I can’t do what I had originally hoped to do, then I should live for what I have now.”

  “Good,” Karen replied simply before leaning over to peck his cheek. “I would have hated to pound you into submission every night to make you realize that.”

  “You would have been perfectly fine doing so,” he corrected her with a grin. “I’m still going to make you earn your wins when we spar, though probably not at the cost of any more broken bones.”

  A dark chuckle came from her, as her hand tightened on his arm. “Nice to know you can learn your lessons the first time.”

  Shaking his head, Alburet looked down at the smaller woman walking beside him. His lips creased into a smile as he did so. “Karen, thank you. Thank you for always being honest, and not backing away.”

  Karen looked up at him, “A team of angry badgers couldn’t make me back away from what we have. I know you think you’re the lucky one in this relationship, however, I think I am. Not only have I found a man who respects me even after I clean the floor with him, I’ve found two amazing women who are happy to share their love with me. How often do you think a relationship like this has the chance of happening back on Earth?”

  Alburet conceded her point, “Well, I would be arrested. Polygamy is illegal in America, after all.”

  Chuckling, Karen grinned at him, “True enough. Fluff is wanting to sign right back up for another six month stint. We don’t know if it will be allowed yet or not, or if...” Karen paused, her hand tightening on his arm. “Can I ask you a serious question?”

  Her tone caught his attention, his worry spiking to match hers. “What’s the problem?”

  Karen licked her lips as she tried to think of how to phrase what she wanted to
say. As she hesitated Stacia and Fluff dropped back to walk beside them. Stacia spoke up instead, “It be somethin’ we had been waitin’ to talk to ya about. When ya had ya moment, we were told a few thin’s. I was thinkin’ we could discuss it after dinner tonight.”

  Alburet could feel the uncertainty in the three women and his heart rate sped up some. “Is it a problem?”

  “Nay as such, Asthore,” Stacia replied quickly. “It be more tha’ we be nay the ones who should be tellin’ ya.”

  Before he could reply his Message icon lit up. He tapped the icon to get the message, then read through it. He looked to Stacia, who nodded at him, having gotten the same message. He sent back his reply quickly before he looked at the other two, who were still reading.

  “We seem to have dinner plans tonight,” Alburet said. “I’ll have to have your attempt at the stew in a night or two, Fluff.”

  “That’s okay,” Fluff demurred. “Why did they invite all of us?”

  “Because ya be family now,” Stacia told her. “We all pledged before the altar, after all. This be Marian’s celebration, she had her hunt with Violet today and found her class.”

  “That’s a big deal, right?” Karen asked, still a little uncertain.

  “Aye, we been years without our classes, until me beloved husband showed us the way,” Stacia smiled broadly. “Now we just need to see iffin Emily can find hers. She be goin’ to the temple next month to test. We be hopin’ she can discover her class normally, now.”

  The conversation hit a lull, just as they reached Silken Needles. Alburet ushered the trio inside, following them in. Margret was behind the counter, looking up with a smile as they entered the shop.

  “Welcome back, ladies,” Margret beamed at them. “What are you looking for today?”

  “We be havin’ dinner with the King tomorrow,” Stacia relayed with a straight face. “We be hopin’ ya could do some more of ya magic like ya did once before for me, but this time for all three of us. Possibly even me husband as well.”

  Margret’s face went from happy to shocked, then sorrow. “I might be able to do a single dress in that time, but not three.”

  “Well, fuck,” Karen sighed.

  “I can, however, inquire if other tailors would be willing to take on the commissions for the rest of you,” Margret quickly amended. She pulled out her Mindstone, “Would that be acceptable?”

  Alburet nodded, “That would be most kind.”

  “Karen and I can visit the other tailors,” Fluff suggested.

  “That’ll work,” Karen agreed, “if they agree, that is.”

  Margret typed into open air for a moment, sending messages. “While we wait for the replies, may I update your measurements, Stacia?”

  “Aye,” Stacia followed Margret into the back.

  When they returned, Margret was smiling. “Ladies, if you show me your maps I’ll mark the shops you should head to.”

  Karen and Fluff left after collecting kisses from Alburet and Stacia. Margret was a little shocked but tried not to show it. Alburet took his normal seat in the corner with a grin. “I’ll just wait over here.”

  “Oh no, you need to head to another shop, too, Alburet. One of the best clothiers in town is happy to take you in on short notice,” Margret told him. “Eric is excited to make a suit for such an occasion.”

  Alburet let her mark his map before kissing Stacia goodbye. “See you when we’re all done.”

  Stacia watched him go, then turned back to Margret. “What are ya thinkin’ of doin’ for me dress?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The four of them sat in relaxed silence as they left the Victory Lap later that evening. The meal had been splendid as usual, and the drink plentiful as the family celebrated Marian’s first hunt. Marian was ecstatic to inform them that she had found her class, Paladin, like Almira, whom she had always idolized. The only small moment of tension had been when they’d first arrived, and Karen had seen Violet kissing Marian. That momentary spike of hurt and loss was pushed aside by Karen as she greeted the couple.

  Alburet had kept an eye on her for the rest of the dinner to make sure she was okay. Other than that one moment, Karen hadn’t wavered in her feelings of happiness and joy for the couple during the dinner. She even got a decent kiss from both Marian and Violet, to the amusement of the other three who were in the carriage with her now.

  “Fluff?” Karen broke the silence as they rode back towards the house. “Did that bother you? The kisses, that is?”

  Fluffball shook her head, “Not really. I know that you had feelings for Marian and that it might have been difficult for you to see her like that. I was okay with the kiss, as I knew that was a farewell kiss for that part of your life.”

  Karen leaned her head against Fluff’s shoulder. “I did feel a moment of angst when I saw them. But it faded quickly. I just reminded myself that I’m here with you, Al, and Stacia. I have no need to be jealous of others when I have you three all loving me.”

  “We be just as happy ya be with us,” Stacia added as she brushed her foot against Karen’s leg. “Ya two take care of our husband for me while I be busy helpin’ Marysue.”

  “Of course we will,” Karen chuckled as the carriage slowed. “And here we are.”

  Alburet got out to hand each of the women down from the carriage. He took the opportunity to give them each a kiss on the cheek as they accepted his assistance. Once they were down he looked to the driver, “We’ll be an hour or two.”

  “That be fine, sir. I’ll be back in an hour to wait for you,” the driver said, then clucked to his horses and the vehicle moved off.

  The taproom was as lively as it normally was in the evenings. Stacia gave them each a quick kiss before she headed for the stairs. Alburet led the other two over to Stewart’s table. Tabitha in her natural Infernal form sat beside him.

  “Evening, Stewart. Might we join you and your lovely companion?” Alburet asked.

  “What are you doing here, and where is Stacia?” Stewart asked in return as he motioned to the chairs.

  “She’s helping a friend, who is staying here,” Alburet said as he flagged down a barmaid he didn’t remember seeing before. “We need a round of drinks for the table and a pitcher so we can refill, please.”

  The red-skinned woman with small horns gave him a wink as she took his order. “Is that all you’re wanting tonight?”

  “He has us if he needs anything besides drink,” Karen told her with a raised brow.

  Lips pursed, the Half-Infernal gave Karen a good once-over, before she gave a small curtsy. “I see that he is in good company. I’ll be back with your order.”

  Alburet watched the barmaid go, “Who is that?”

  “The daughter of one of the Necromancer trainers,” Stewart chuckled. “She flirts with anyone who seems like they might have coin. Considering you’re all wearing clothing better than many of the regulars, it was bound to happen. Her name is Ivonna. Don’t worry about her, she’ll fixate on a new target soon.”

  A minute later Ivonna returned, setting drinks in front of each of them and a pitcher in the center of the table. She leaned over next to Stewart, not unintentionally giving Alburet a fine view down the front of her bodice, “They with you, Stewart?”

  Stewart nodded, “They are.”

  Alburet tossed a gold onto the table. “We are, but we’re buying as we invited ourselves. Keep the drinks coming until that runs out. If it doesn’t run out, keep the change.”

  Ivonna snagged the coin quickly, her lips tugging upward into a real smile. “That I can do. Enjoy your time here.” She moved quickly off into the room, toward another customer who was flagging her down.

  “She didn’t stay to flirt this time,” Fluff commented.

  “She’s been warned off, for now at least,” Stewart chuckled. “She isn’t dumb, merely eager to find someone with coin.”

  “What bloodline is she?” Alburet asked.

  “Destroyer,” Stewart smiled, “she’s a
lso a Paladin of the Dark Lord, so it works out well.”

  “Are you still thinking of moving out to the town around Gwain’s Keep?” Alburet inquired after a gulp of the mead they’d been served.

  “If you are able to secure the rights to the town,” Stewart nodded. “I would open an inn and train any Summoners in the area. Have you had an update on that?”

  “Maybe after tomorrow night,” Karen grinned. “We’re having an important dinner. No idea what the topic of conversation will be yet.”


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