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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

Page 19

by Daniel Schinhofen

  She pulled back to meet his gaze. His emotions were laid bare to her, the lust, need, desire, and passion, but also the love and his worry that he might harm her, all there for her to see. His ragged breathing was the only sound. After studying his face for a moment, she leaned in again, this time claiming his lips.

  Groaning, Alburet wrapped her firmly in his arms and returned the kiss. It deepened, became passionate, then needy as he growled into her mouth, his ability to stop slipping away. Fluff ground her body against his, a part of her reveling in the fact she could excite him to such an extent. A small part was still afraid he would hurt her, but even with that thought she didn’t want to stop.

  “We are here with you, Fluff,” Karen whispered in her ear. “Shift up his body, pin him to the sofa and we’ll help him and you.”

  Fluff did as she was told and Alburet let her, not fighting her direction at all. She gasped, holding the lingering passionate kiss as the other two gently shifted her up so they could strip Alburet from the waist down. Alburet’s hands roamed freely over Fluff’s body, tracing every curve through her clothing, making her whimper and purr at the same time. Her fear and desire warred with each other as she kissed him. Fluff broke the kiss off long enough to look down at the pair behind her. Her breath caught as she watched Stacia lean down and capture Alburet’s erection with her mouth. Alburet began to gently knead her shapely breasts while she watched as Stacia traded off with Karen. Karen kept her eyes locked on Fluff’s as she took Alburet’s stiff member into her mouth.

  “Oh fuck,” Alburet gasped as he felt Karen trade off with Stacia, knowing who it was by the technique they were using. “Fluff, please, don’t stop now.” Fluff looked back to see him panting as he gazed at her. “Kiss me, please.”

  His need, along with her own desire and rising heat made the decision easy for her. She leaned into him, giving Karen better access while joining with Alburet in a new kiss. She was purring loudly as the kiss continued, all while strong but gentle hands caressed her.

  Later, once Alburet had spasmed a final time, Fluff lay on Alburet’s chest, purring. “I didn’t mean for it to happen like that,” she said softly.

  “Aye, none of us did,” Stacia added. “It be fine though, we all enjoyed ourselves.” She carefully worked to suppress Fluff’s worry and fear. “Husband, did ya object to any of tha’?”

  “Gods, no,” Alburet said as he gently stroked Fluff’s ears. “The first part was kind of agony, I was so afraid to touch you for fear of hurting you, Fluff.” His eyes locked on Fluff’s as he continued, “Once you kissed me, though, I gave in to your desires.” He joined Stacia in helping reinforce the love Fluff felt. “We can do less or more, as you decide you are ready for it, Fluff. Your pace, your time. I will always be your willing partner.”

  Stacia got to her feet, “Now then, we should go clean up before dinner.”

  “We can’t go see a King without looking our best,” Karen agreed.

  Fluff got off of Alburet, glancing at him then away. “Al, I…” she paused, suddenly unsure.

  He got to his feet and embraced her, “Thank you. I’ve wanted to be accepted by you. Thank you for kissing me and letting me know you were okay with me touching you.”

  “Thank you, too. Can I wash your back?” Fluffball asked tentatively.

  “If I can wash yours,” he replied.

  Fluff nodded, “I think I’ll be okay with that.” As they walked toward the bathing room, Fluff took a breath to calm her nerves before she said the next bit she wanted to. “You can wash my front, as well.”

  Alburet stumbled, catching himself. “It’s a day of rewards, it seems,” he chuckled as he caught up to Fluff. He scooped her up into a princess carry. “For giving me that gift, I’m going to carry you to the bath.”

  Blushing lightly, Fluff buried her face in his neck, “Okay.”

  Fluff scrubbed him down, clearly still nervous. Alburet kept his eyes closed as he could feel her anxiety increase when he watched her. He kept his demeanor calm and a smile on his lips as she cleaned him and explored his body further. He caught snippets of Stacia and Karen on his left whispering to Fluff, encouraging her while she worked. He stood when asked to and sat mostly still otherwise, afraid he might spook her. He swallowed and tried to keep his breathing even when she finally got around to his groin. He took slow breaths and tried not to think of how good it felt as she handled him.

  Her grasp and his own rising desires proved greater than his willpower to keep himself down. He could sense her fascination and wonder, as well as her trepidation, as she stroked him gently. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” Fluff asked, her tone even softer than normal.

  “No,” Alburet managed after a second. “It’s very pleasant. It’s just hard to remain calm with you doing that.”

  “Oh, it’s hard alright,” Karen snickered. “You definitely got a rise out of him, Fluff. Told you it wouldn’t hurt.”

  He didn’t hear a reply and with his eyes closed couldn’t see Fluff’s nod. He did feel her hand tighten on him, not painful, but a firm hold as she continued to lather him. A shuddering breath escaped him. “Oh gods, Fluff…” his voice was shaky, the words trailing off as his toes began to curl.

  Her hand loosened up and continued down his legs. “Sorry, it was just…” She paused, “I’ve seen you naked, but was still worried about doing that. I’ve never touched a guy like that, but Karen told me it would be okay. Stacia said you would like it. I thought, since we’re moving forward some, that it would be okay.” Her voice and the emotions he could feel all told him the same thing, she was afraid still. Afraid of rejection, fearful of being hurt for what she did.

  He cracked an eye just enough that he could make sure he touched her shoulder gently. She flinched just a fraction as his hand touched her. He let his eye close before she looked up. “Fluff, it’s fine. I wasn’t upset or complaining. Your touch feels delightful to me. I just wanted you to know that you were having an effect on me, again.”

  Her emotions shifted back to happiness and acceptance at his words. “Oh. Maybe sometime over the next week, I can wash you again?”

  “I’m more than willing to let you always wash me. I’m sure our other wives will want some time to wash me too, though.”

  “Of course,” Fluff replied quickly. “I mean, we’re all a family after all. I wouldn’t try to monopolize you.”

  Stacia giggled, “We know tha’, Fluff. Calm ya nerves. Ya can have him all to yaself for the next week to wash and neither of us will object. Will we, Karen?”

  “She can wash him, but I want to wash her this week,” Karen replied.

  “Yes please,” Fluffball added without pause, garnering a bit of laughter from the others. “I’m done, Al.” She moved away from him just before warm water came washing down from above.

  Once the water stopped Alburet stood up, aware he was still up in other ways as he stepped aside. “The stool is yours Fluff,” he motioned her to the spot he’d just vacated.

  Fluff took the seat, her eyes focused on his anatomy until he moved behind her. Water washed over her for a moment as Alburet got her ready for washing. He went to his knees behind her as he got his hands soapy. He could see and feel her tension before he even touched her. “Fluff, relax, everything will be okay. If you need me to stop, just say so,” he tried to project to her all the love he felt, trying to ease her fears. He watched as she sat up a little straighter, “Okay? Here I go.”

  He started at her head, using gentle but firm pressure. He rubbed at the backs of her ears, feeling her start to relax under his hands. As his hands went to her shoulders she tensed again, slowly relaxing as he massaged her neck and shoulders. He stayed there for a few minutes, making her more relaxed, then moved to her mid back and sides. His hands stayed proper as he bathed her, but he did take the time to enjoy the feeling of her under his fingers. She tensed again when he reached her lower back and hips. Alburet continued massaging her, not doing anything other than washing her.
  She stood when he asked, so he could begin on her legs. She bent her legs inward some as he washed her buttocks and thighs. He felt the sharp pulse of fear that slowly faded as he continued to be proper. Once he finished with her back he asked her to sit again. He moved around to her front, his eyes on her face, watching her watch him. “Everything will be fine. I can be clinical if you want. Or, I can be a bit more personal and try to show you how happy being with you makes me,” he told her as he put more soap onto his hands, waiting for her reply.

  She looked up at him as he waited patiently. “Maybe not completely clinical?” she half asked, worried she would be rebuked.

  “As you wish,” was his reply as he shifted his gaze to her neck. She pulled back half an inch when his hands touched her neck. He paused there until she relaxed into his touch. His smile was bright to her eyes as he began to carefully scrub her cheeks, jaw and neck. As his hands shifted to her arms he focused on one, then the other, before he finally came back to her torso. He met her eyes again, pushing calm love into her before his hands began to caress her collarbone. “Just relax, my lovely little Fluff. I will never harm you. I will stop the moment you tell me to.”

  Her eyes stayed locked on his, her breath coming a touch faster. She nodded, “I trust you, Al.”

  His hands slipped down and to the sides of her small but pert chest. Her breath caught for a moment then came out in a rush as he missed her breasts. His lips were quirked into a secretive smirk as his eyes darted back to hers. “Anxious or fearful?” he asked gently as his hands brushed across her ribs, each finger ticking down her ribcage.

  “Yes,” she shivered. “I didn’t mean to tease you earlier. I want to do more with you so badly, and I can’t.” Her eyes closed as a tear slipped down her cheek.

  His hand left her sides, one moving up to rub one of her ears, the other gently caressing her jaw. “Shh, I know. Just relax right now and enjoy my touch. I want to show you how much I love you, and how happy I am that you’re making progress, and so fast.”

  She nodded, “I’m broken.”

  “Together we will help ya become whole again,” Stacia added from behind her.

  “I’ll help you mend as much as you let me,” Karen added.

  “None of us here is exactly whole, Fluff,” Alburet told her. “Yet each of us loves the others.”

  His hands went back to her ribs, the touch soft as the palms of his hands glided over her body, his fingers gently kneading her flesh. He watched her carefully as his hands crept towards her chest with deliberate slowness. She swallowed as his fingers rubbed all around her perky breasts. He let his palms graze over her mounds, not grabbing but merely stroking. Her breath caught in her throat, before letting out a deep sigh as his hands slid off the upper slope of her chest.

  “That felt nice. You didn’t grab or demand anything,” Fluff whispered, her eyes still closed tightly.

  “I won’t, either,” Alburet told her as he focused on letting his palms do all the work as he massaged the soap into her skin. He smiled as her nipples hardened under his hands, letting his thumbs lightly flick both hard tips as he finished. “I see you get excited with my hands on you, as much as I do with yours on me.”

  Her eyes opened suddenly to meet his, “Thank you.”

  His smile became broader as he shifted his attention to her feet, pulling them onto his leg. “You’re very welcome, Fluff. We aren’t done yet though.”

  Licking her lips, she nodded, “Okay. You’ll be gentle and slow all the way to the end, right?”

  “As you wish,” he said again as he gently dug his thumbs into her foot.

  A soft moan followed by purring came from her. “Oh, that feels purrrfect.”

  “Aye, he does massage very well,” Stacia agreed, her voice a touch breathless.

  Alburet tilted his head to the side to see around Fluff. He chuckled to see Karen administering her own form of massage to Stacia. Grinning, he went back to focusing on the woman he had his hands on. He switched feet after a few minutes, using his thumbs to dig into the sole of her other foot. When he finally finished with her feet he began to work on her calves, using his palms to rub her muscles and giving his fingers a break.

  When he went past her knee to her thighs, Fluff began to tense up again. He didn’t show his concern as he used his entire hand to massage soap into her outer thighs. She began to relax after a few minutes, which is when he slipped his hands over to her inner thighs. He stayed at mid-thigh and down towards the knees, his hands softer as he massaged her. Her breathing had quickened, but she hadn’t shut down her legs like she had before.

  He looked up to meet her gaze, as his hands traced up just a touch higher. “I can ask Karen to finish cleaning you, if that will make you more comfortable.”

  Trembling, she hesitated, torn between wanting him to continue and fearful of letting him. “I’m sorry,” the words came out as a sob. Tears formed and began to fall from her eyes. “I’m so sorry… I just can’t…”

  He pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he held her. A moment later the other two joined him in holding her. After a few minutes, Fluff was able to control herself again. Before she could speak Alburet kissed her lightly on the lips. “Shh. No more apologies, at least not tonight, Fluff. I want to thank you for sharing what you did with me. I’m happy that you allowed me all you did. Karen will finish your shower tonight.”

  She kissed him back, just a shade deeper before pulling back. “Thank you for being so understanding. I’ve been afraid of moments like this for so long.”

  “Aye, and we all be here to help ya past ya fears,” Stacia added, kissing Fluff on the ear before she stepped away.

  “I have her,” Karen said taking Fluff into her arms. “We were just about to see him get to the best part, but I’ll handle that.”

  Fluff closed her eyes, “Thank you, Karen.”

  “No need to thank me,” Karen replied as she got Fluff back on the stool. “Now I believe he left off at your thighs and sex, right?”

  Alburet stepped over to Stacia, who held a towel for him. He let her dry him as she wanted to. Alburet watched with a touch of melancholy as Karen finished the job he had started. He knew it had been best to stop, even if parts of him had tried to encourage him otherwise. As Fluff’s head tilted back a moment later, her eyes closed and her lips parted, he felt a deeper moment of wistfulness.

  Stacia held him from behind, nuzzling his neck. “She is conquerin’ a lot of her fears fast, master. She will nay be much longer on lettin’ ya touch her as Karen does. Mayhap another month or two at the most.”

  Alburet nodded as he kept his eyes on the duo, “I’ll wait as long as she needs.”

  “We all be knowin’ tha’ and it be one of the reasons we all love ya,” Stacia told him.

  Alburet spun. Kissing Stacia hard, he scooped her up and carried her from the room. “We’ll be getting things ready,” he called out over his shoulder.

  “We’ll be along,” Fluff moaned as she let Karen wash her.

  Chapter Twenty

  The tailors had clearly conferred on the outfits. Each outfit was tailored to the wearer, yet all four complemented each other both in style and fabrics. Once they were dressed, looking resplendent in new outfits of black and red, the quartet exited their home to find a royal carriage waiting for them. The footmen helped the ladies in, Alburet following with a wry smile. “Not used to having others there to help you all in.”

  “Aye, but it be fine. Ya got to touch enough earlier,” Stacia said with an amused twist to her lips.

  “Tell me about it. He all but monopolized Fluff during the shower,” Karen snickered.

  Fluff’s lips twitched into a small smile of her own, “He was very good about it.”

  Rubbing his face with his left hand, Alburet sighed, “Yeah, that is so not what I meant.”

  “You should have expected it,” Karen added.

  “Fair enough,” Alburet a
greed. “Do we have any idea who else besides the King, Jones and our group is going to be there?”

  “Gerald didn’t say,” Fluff commented. “It will depend on exactly what the King has planned. We don’t have any of those details.”

  “So we could be walking into a massive state dinner, or a small quiet affair of only a half dozen or so?” Alburet pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “It be fine, Gerald be the one to shoulder the responsibility. We just be there as his officers,” Stacia said as she rubbed his neck with her left hand.

  “Good to know. Al doesn’t do well with surprises. Or is it the grand meal that’s the issue?” Karen asked.

  “I hate to think that we’re about to attend a state dinner,” Alburet sighed.


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