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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

Page 22

by Daniel Schinhofen

Alburet grabbed a coffee mug from the table. He held it to Karen’s lips, having heard her parched voice. “Sip the coffee, then we’ll give some to Fluff,” he said as he held the cup steady.

  Once she had swallowed some he handed the cup to Stacia, who repeated the process for Fluff. “Ya both be a bit taller than ya were before.”

  Karen frowned as she lifted her head to look down at her body. Blinking, she touched her chest, then her legs. “I hit puberty, I think,” she laughed once. “I’d say a full cup size, at the least.”

  “You’re also about two inches taller,” Alburet told her. “Your skirt is now just barely covering your dignity.”

  “You could have taken it off, then,” Karen replied.

  “He was busy feelin’ ya skin and Fluff’s fur,” Stacia giggled.

  Fluff blinked, “Where did he touch us?”

  “Ya arms, he be too gentlemanly to do anythin’ more,” Stacia grinned.

  “If you’re both feeling better we can get you up and onto a more comfortable piece of furniture,” Alburet offered.

  Karen grunted as she sat up, “The sofa would work for now.”

  Stacia and Alburet helped the other two up onto the sofa, where they sat for a few minutes recovering from the elixir. “I don’t feel anything different,” Fluff mumbled, her sadness palpable.

  “It took close to a week for me to really start to feel emotions clearly. In the next day or two you’ll feel a jumble of emotion when you focus on someone. After that it goes away, when it comes back a few days later it’s clearer.”

  “Oh, right, you said that before,” Karen muttered. “I forgot that.”

  “Ya mayhap be interested to know tha’ ya blood be of her line. We three all be carryin’ a bit of the same blood in our veins now.” Stacia sat down beside Karen, draped an arm over her shoulder and pulled the newly minted Half-blood Infernal into a passionate kiss.

  Both Alburet and Fluff blinked at the kiss, which was becoming more heated by the second. Alburet extended his hand to Fluff, “Looks like those two are going to be busy for a while. Did you want to get a quick shower, maybe get a good look at your new body?” Fluff accepted his hand, standing up. Karen and Stacia sprawled into the vacated space, completely focused on each other.

  Fluff hesitated for only a moment before she squeezed the hand she was holding. “Will you wash me like yesterday?”

  “As you wish,” Alburet said, leading her towards the bathroom.

  Fluff and Alburet were toweling off after a virtual repeat of the previous day’s shower when Stacia and Karen came in. “I told ya they would nay be doin’ what ya thought,” Stacia gently chided Karen.

  “We’re not the sex demons in this relationship,” Alburet snickered. He glanced at his buff bar, “We need to eat soon. So clean up and let’s have some of the food Stacia made over an hour ago.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Alburet and Fluff had just finished eating when Stacia and Karen finally joined them. “It’s a little thick when cold, but the frumenty was still good,” Alburet told Stacia.

  “I had nay been expectin’ Mother to show up, much less with the gifts she had,” Stacia replied as she pulled her own bowl towards her. “Still, it was worth the wait. Our lovers will be able to feel the love we have for them and each other.”

  “That ought to get interesting,” Karen said.

  Fluff rubbed her ear once, “It should be wonderful.” Her unease was obvious to the others.

  Alburet gently pulled her over onto his lap. He began to stroke her ears, “You’re afraid we might not love you as much as we say.”

  She nodded her head, even as her eyes closed and she began to purr. “I believe you. It’s just that for so long, I was told that no one would love me. Your actions, Karen’s actions, and Stacia’s actions all show me you do love me. Yet the years of abuse weigh on me and make me think it’s all an act.”

  “I can understand that, my dear, soft Fluff,” Alburet said softly as he continued to rub her ears with gentle strokes. “I look forward to you knowing, really knowing, how deeply I love you. How deeply we all love you.”

  Leaning into him, Fluff reached up to take his hands away from her ears. She met his gaze, searching his eyes as she did. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been getting better, but it’s still so hard to believe all of this is true. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up any moment and find it was all a dream.”

  Alburet gave her a sad smile, “I would cry for days if you left us like that.” He kissed her, the kiss one of pure love, their lips barely touching as the kiss lingered. After a moment he pulled back to meet her eyes again. “You are part of this family, Fluff. We won’t abide anyone taking you away from us. So even if this was a dream, and you did wake, we would chase after you and bring you back to us again.”

  Her lips twitched at his words. This time she kissed him, passion, possessiveness, and desire blooming in her. She turned to straddle him as the kiss deepened, her tongue dominating his as the kiss went on. His hands barely caressed her back, while hers dug into his shoulders. He wanted badly to return the same passion but he held back, afraid that she might pull away if he did.

  When she finally let the kiss die, her cheeks were flushed and her breathing fast. Her forehead rested against his, “Thank you.”

  “Mayhap she be movin’ faster than I thought,” Stacia murmured from where she sat, her breakfast done.

  “Right?” Karen chuckled. “Fluff, how did it feel to dominate him? Pretty good, right?”

  Blinking, Fluff seemed to become aware of her position. She looked at Alburet, who only smiled at her, “Umm?”

  Alburet leaned forward and claimed a more subdued kiss. When he leaned back he chuckled, “It was amazing, and I would welcome you to do so again whenever you want, Fluff.”

  She licked her lips, nodding and blushing. She got off of his lap, his evident desire making her nervous. “Okay. It just doesn’t seem fair for me to get you all aroused and not finish it.” She looked down, one hand moving to groom an ear.

  Stacia giggled as she slid out of her seat and under the table. “Tha’ be fine, I do nay mind easin’ these issues at all.” She glanced up at Alburet, “Mayhap ya can dominate me a bit with her here. Let her see tha’ even when ya be in control ya still care for the one ya be with.”

  Karen patted her lap, “Come on over here Fluff, so you can get a good view.”

  Fluff barely paused as she took the offered seat in Karen’s lap. “You don’t mind us watching? Do you, Al?”

  Alburet looked up from watching Stacia unfasten his belt to Fluff and Karen cuddling in the chair. “I don’t see why I should. Not what I was expecting out of today, but I’m not going to argue.”

  Some time later, after he was dressed again, Karen was going over some of the finer points of Stacia’s technique to Fluff. He could only shake his head ruefully as Karen clinically described what had felt like bliss to him just a few minutes ago. Stacia brought over more coffee for everyone, a broad smile on her lips as she winked at him.

  All four of them were startled by the appearance of a pop-up announcement. They took a moment to read the message, then looked at each other.

  Attention, citizens of Stormguard!

  A new House has been established by King Justiceson.

  Sir Gerald Two-souled has been named Duke over the town of Progress.

  The Town of Progress lies in the Dead Lands, overseen by the newly reclaimed Gwain’s Keep.

  Rejoice! Today heralds the restoration of our Heritage!

  “Well, he’s a noble now,” Alburet chuckled. “Glad it’s him and not me.”

  “You really didn’t want it?” Karen asked.

  “I’d rather have shoved a rusty nail into my foot and walked around on it all day,” he replied with all the sincerity he could muster. “You saw how it went with Skippy at the castle. Do you think I’m really the kind of guy who can play the game the nobles do?”

  Snorting, Karen shook her head, �
��Okay, you have a point there.”

  “Tonight is the goodbye feast for those who only opted for the single month here,” Fluffball reminded them. “Are we holding the raffle for the armor and stuff that we didn’t sell tonight as well, since most of the guild will be there?”

  “Tha’ be the plan,” Stacia added. “Marysue mentioned it in the Guild Chat. Ya buy tickets and drop them in the drums for the items ya want.”

  “Fair enough,” Karen agreed to the idea. “Is Kim in charge of it?”

  “Nay, Vanessa be the one runnin’ it this time. She also has a new helper, Kauree Sullivan, who be our new receptionist,” Stacia informed them. “We can step over to say hi iffin ya want.”

  “Probably should, if only for a minute or two,” Alburet exhaled as he stretched. “Shall we get our stuff together? I’m thinking we should go check the Keep while we’re out. That’s where the feast is being held tonight, I believe.”

  The ladies agreed readily to the idea. A few minutes later, all geared up and ready, they headed over to the guild side of the building. Vanessa looked up with a smile as they walked in, blinking a couple of times at the changed appearances of Karen and Fluffball. She nudged the female Dwarf seated beside her at the desk, “Kauree, these are the other officers of Alpha Company.” She introduced each of them briefly.

  Alburet shook the hand Kauree offered as he was introduced. The Dwarf woman was stocky and short, like all Dwarves. One side of her head was shaved, the hair on the other side dyed orange. It was mostly cropped short, except for the long braid hanging beside her ear. Alburet noticed fine scars across her knuckles as they shook hands. “A pleasure to meet you, Kauree.”

  “So, ye be the one who built hisself a harem?” Kauree asked bluntly.

  Alburet blinked, while Karen snorted behind him. “That’s the story, huh?” Alburet asked.

  “Aye, it be the subject of quite a bit ‘o speculation,” Kauree replied as she eyed him critically. “Fair enough, ye nay be some scrawny weakling, but ye be much too tall for me tastes.”

  Facepalming, Alburet sighed, “I’m not even asking.”

  The others all laughed while Kauree frowned at him. “Nay askin’? Why, do ye nay think ye can handle a Dwarven woman?”

  Alburet sighed as he regarded the stocky woman confronting him. “Frankly I don’t know. Moreover, I don’t want to find out. The three with me are probably already more than I could ever hope to handle. Any more would just be asking for trouble.”

  Kauree nodded, “Aye. Ye speak wisely, I can see where ye might have been at least worth the time to listen too.” She frowned at Karen and Stacia, who were still chuckling, “Are they always laughin’ like tha’?”

  A smile quirked one corner of his mouth up, “Not always. They just seem to have found my faux pas amusing.”

  Nodding sagely, Kauree smiled, “Findin’ humor with the man ye be with be an important tool for a relationship.”

  “Did you guys need something, or did you just stop by to meet Kauree?” Vanessa asked, trying to shift the conversation to a relevant point.

  “Mostly to meet the new employee, but we also wanted to step back to the Keep,” Alburet told her.

  “The portal is active, it’s set up in the spare room,” Vanessa informed them.

  They thanked her and said their goodbyes as they went into the back to portal to the Keep. As they appeared at the graveyard of the Keep, they were greeted by Gold Runners walking through the ruins on patrol. The group waved to the few who hailed them, then began the fifteen minute walk up the ramp to the Keep. Alburet smiled to see the repairs already done on the walls and the beginnings of the barracks. Guards stood watch on the walls and at the gate. Inside the Keep proper members of Alpha Company wandered, chatting amiably about the plans for the night. The four of them stayed together, heading upstairs to the room Karen and Fluff had shared. A guard was posted outside the door. He nodded to Karen as they approached.

  “Welcome back, Karen Two-souled. Your room has been maintained for you,” the guard told her.

  “The three with me are allowed in any time they want, without question. Okay?”

  The guard nodded, “As you wish, ma’am. I’ll let my relief know when they get here.” He turned to the others, “Alburet, sir, I’m afraid that your previous apartment has been reassigned to Gerald since he has been granted the title of Duke and now heads Alpha Company. His former rooms are available for your use.”

  “That’s fine,” Alburet shrugged. “But we’ll be sharing a room with Karen and Fluff, so that other room can be handed off to Kim and Rolland Magiblood.”

  “As you say, sir. I’ll pass that along to the lieutenant.”

  “What’s your name?” Fluff asked him.

  “Corporal Jenkins, ma’am. Roylee Jenkins,” Jenkins replied crisply.

  “Jenkins?” Alburet chuckled, “Any relation to the Jenkins out at the Goblin Fort?”

  “Yes, sir. He is my youngest brother, sir. I thank you for knocking some sense into him, sir. We feared he would do something foolish. It happens in our family at times,” Jenkins answered.

  Alburet chuckled, “He seemed to have learned his lesson the last time I went through there.”

  “I’ve heard, sir. He told us the story when he had his days off last month, sir.”

  Karen snickered, “Did you make an impression on him?”

  “He walked in on me taking a bath, and got upset that I was there. He apologized after we spoke to the sergeant,” Alburet shrugged.

  Jenkins chuckled once before stifling it. “Sir, in his version you pitched him into the tub while standing off several of his squad mates, threatening them with your Destroyer.”

  Stacia laughed, “Aye, tha’ does sound like me husband.”

  Shaking her head, Fluff scratched at one ear. “Was this when we first met?”

  “Yes, the night after the dungeon,” Alburet told her. “Can we all maybe go into the room instead of standing around out in the hall?”

  Karen opened the door and stood aside, “Of course, but you’re going to tell us the full story.”

  The guard fought to keep his face expressionless as the three women followed Alburet into the room. “Fine, yes, just not out here please,” Alburet was grumbling as he went through the doorway.

  It took much longer than it should have for Alburet to tell his wives the story of his encounter with Private Jenkins over a month ago. He kept being interrupted with requests for clarifications of sometimes silly details. The ladies found the story tremendously amusing, especially some of their own improvised embellishments.

  “Can we go look over the rest of the Keep now?” Alburet asked when he finally finished.

  “Especially the bathing rooms. You never know who might get feisty and try to pick a fight in there,” Karen laughed.

  Fluff giggled, “This time it might be you who ends up in the tub, Al.”

  “Okay, we’ve had our fun,” Stacia grinned when Karen and Fluffball’s giggles tapered off. “We should go see the rest of the Keep.”

  “Fine, fine,” Karen said as she got to her feet. She spun suddenly, tackling Alburet to the bed. She kissed him, and was back on her feet and walking to the door before he could wrap his arms around her. “Sorry for laughing so much, but it was a funny story,” she said over her shoulder.

  Coughing as he shook his head, Alburet got to his feet. “Hey, a kiss from a beauty is great for soothing my damaged pride.”

  Fluffball kissed his cheek as she went to join Karen by the door, “Good to know.”

  Stacia was smiling broadly as she took his arm and planted a kiss on his other cheek. “There. Ya pride should be all healed up.”

  Laughing, Alburet walked them towards the door, “I’m outnumbered. I don’t think I’ll ever be the one who wins an argument. And yet, somehow it all feels like the world can’t be any more perfect.”

  All three women smiled back at him as Karen opened the door and led them out. “So, what do you think
, bathroom or library first?”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  It took them nearly two hours to really explore the keep. The kitchen, when they reached it, was full of people bustling around making preparations for the feast that night. They ended in the throne room, where they found Gerald and Kim in conversation.

  “If we get the town set up and tax it, it’ll pay for everything we need. At that point we’ll probably also need to work with the Portal Guild to set up a regular portal in town. Otherwise we’re likely to have problems getting enough traffic through the town to keep the merchants afloat.” Kim finished her speech, turning to give the approaching group a friendly smile. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of them all.


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