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Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent


  “What about that woman? She doesn’t strike me as a sister or a work colleague.”

  “Miss Harris, what are you doing?”

  “I’m asking reasonable questions. The way I see it, if you can ask them personally of me, then I can do the same of you. You once said you believed in equality, providing your employees knew that the final decision was your own.”

  “You remembered that.” His lips gave a twinge as if he was fighting a smile.

  “I’m sorry that my brother called the office. I won’t let it happen again.” She started walking toward the door, and was about to exit when his voice stopped her.

  “She’s a woman I fuck when the mood strikes me.”

  Glancing at her boss over her shoulder, Temperance couldn’t believe the flood of arousal that swept over her from his blatant words.

  He fucked in the office. She’d known all along, and even though they were breaking the employer and employee code, she didn’t care.


  It was getting late, and Jay knew it was going to be another day where Temperance wouldn’t be returning home to their apartment. She hadn’t even called this time. Her boss, Richard, he was starting to be a problem. He saw the difference in her. She liked her boss. No, not just liked, it was too subtle a word. Temperance wanted her boss. The desire was clear in her eyes, and Jay didn’t know what to do. He was losing the only woman he ever loved, and it was all his fault. She had never shown the slightest interest in him after their time years ago. He didn’t want to lose her, but other than sharing her with this boss, he didn’t know if he was ever going to win her over.

  Just the thought of his little Tempe losing herself between him and another man had his cock so damn hard. She’d always had this effect on him, consuming him with need.

  If only he’d fought for her back then. They had a lot of history.

  I’m not going to let another guy take her from me.

  Jay would do whatever he had to in order to keep her. He needed to find out who this boss was.

  Chapter Two

  He hated O’Brian. The bastard was so smug, and thought he knew what the hell he was doing. Richard stared across the table at the most irritating man he’d ever done business with.

  Sure, O’Brian’s cosmetics were the best quality, but now he wanted to expand, and he also wanted to make a ludicrous advertisement that starred not only actors and actresses, but also both porn stars and real life people, since his cosmetics reached far and wide. They were so expensive, though, and only the rich would spend a ridiculous amount on them. Once Richard had the account, and O’Brian as part of his bigger brand, he’d make sure everyone would be able to have them.

  Richard didn’t believe in cutting the market in half so only the wealthy could have what they wanted. He knew what life was like out on the streets, being dirt poor, and having others look down on you because of it. That wasn’t going to be the way he worked.

  He glanced over at Temperance, who was sitting at his right side, making notes. She was always so efficient. He’d made a fool of himself earlier today with his reaction to her brother. At first he had thought that she had a boyfriend, and he’d become aroused. The way Temperance responded to him, he knew she was attracted to him. They had also crossed a line. He didn’t know why he’d told her about Tina, but they had been dancing around this for a long time. The tension was building between them.

  “What do you think?” O’Brian asked.

  “It sounds like a lot of work for makeup,” Richard said.

  “Please, this is my product. I’m telling you, it’ll reach far and wide. Miss Harris, what about you?” O’Brian offered his supposedly warm, winning smile toward her.

  “I’m sorry?” Temperance looked at him and then back at O’Brian. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “Is that an O’Brian I detect on your beautiful face?”

  Temperance shook her head. “No.” She said it so the O at the end sounded long and drawn out. Richard couldn’t help but smile.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t wear O’Brian products.”

  Richard saw the change in his potential client. “Why not?”

  She looked toward him, and Richard raised a brow. He didn’t give a shit if she insulted the egotistical bastard.

  “Erm, they’re too expensive.”

  “So you don’t get paid enough?”

  Richard smirked.

  “Actually, I get paid a great deal for the job I do. What I don’t like is wasting the money on a bunch of foundation when it’s all the same.” She pressed her lips together, looking sick.

  He found it to be one of the funniest things he’d seen all day. “What my very efficient PA is trying to say is that you’re currently a limited market. The wealthy are more than happy to buy expensive products whereas women on a smaller income couldn’t afford it.” Richard started to get into his line of marketing the man’s product to the masses, and within time, going for the entertainment industry using it as well. He saw he had already captured O’Brian’s attention, and he just needed to draw him that final bit with the figures.

  Once he had O’Brian, they signed on the dotted line, and Richard had now acquired another element to his empire.

  “Well done,” Temperance said, later that night.

  It was a little after ten, as the meeting had run on for a lot longer than Richard anticipated.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Yeah, right. You’re an expert in getting what you want. You had that completely covered.” She packed away the files, and together they made their way toward leaving the conference room. They made their way back toward his office, and Richard went straight to his safe.

  Taking the folders from her, he placed them inside, and locked them away ready for tomorrow morning where he’d hand them to his lawyer.

  “It took you commenting about your foundation to finally draw him in,” he said, wanting to give credit where credit was due.

  “But I didn’t lie to you about that or about anything. I don’t wear O’Brian products.”

  “Is it because they’re overpriced?”

  She pursed her lips. “Mostly. In the beginning it was because they were too expensive. All foundation works. Then I met the guy behind the makeup, and I didn’t like him, so I won’t buy any of his stuff. He’s already got enough ego as it is.”

  “I don’t have to market him, just his product.”

  “I couldn’t believe how he wanted to market it with porn stars, and regular people. Seriously, I feel like I was dealing with an amateur. There are ways to handle different products.”

  “Are you a prude?” he asked, leaning against the edge of his desk. Temperance stood in front of him, so close that their legs were almost touching.

  “I’m not a prude.”

  “The porn stars didn’t bother you?”

  “Not at all. We’ve all got to earn a living, and we all have ways of earning it. What I don’t agree with is putting everything in one big box, and calling it neatly wrapped. I was thinking for the sultry line get adult entertainers to work with it. As you go down his different lines, you’ll see what appeals to some, and not others.”

  “No prude?” he asked, not caring about O’Brian’s cosmetics anymore.

  “I’m not a prude.”

  Richard stared into her green eyes and smiled. “If we had a client who happened to be a porn star, and she wanted our help to expand her production career, it wouldn’t bother you?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Watching sex all day?”

  Temperance chuckled. “Would it bother you, boss?”


  “Are you sure? You seem to be hung up on me liking it.”

  “I just want to know your limits.”

  She leaned forward a little more, resting her hands on his thighs. “I don’t have any limits.”

  They stayed like that for several seconds. She
smelled like cinnamon and spice, which he found to be a heady combination.

  “No limits?”

  “No. What about you?”

  Richard slid his fingers into her hair, and gripped the length tightly, drawing her closer toward him. “I’m a man without limits.” Pulling her to him, he closed that small space between them so that she stood pressed between his thighs.


  His name came from her lips in a moan. “What?”

  “We’re crossing that line.”

  He chuckled. “We crossed that line earlier today.” Running a finger across her lips, he couldn’t help but wonder what they would look like wrapped around his dick. They were so plump and soft. Pulling her in that last little inch, he slammed his lips down on hers. Even perched on the edge of his desk, he was taller than she was. She gave way to his mouth, opening her lips, and he plunged right in, deepening the kiss. She tasted of mints and coffee, a heady combination.

  She gave a moan, and her hands moved up to cup his waist.

  They had indeed crossed whatever line held them, and he didn’t care. All he wanted in that moment was her, bent over any surface so that he could get her. She was so fucking sexy, and he wanted that surrounding him. From the moment Temperance had come to work for him, she’d been driving him crazy. There was a time when he never called the club whores to work to service his need, but now he did it on a regular basis. The only reason was because he couldn’t have this woman. If he could have Temperance, he wouldn’t go to anyone else. She fired his need unlike anyone else.

  “No, we can’t do this,” Temperance said, breaking from the kiss.

  Her lips were already red and raw.


  “You’re my boss. I don’t want this to get weird.”

  Grabbing her hand, he pressed it against his cock. “This is already more than I can bear to take right now.” He stood up, wrapping his arms around her, capturing her ass, and pulling her close. Richard rubbed his cock against her stomach, letting her know exactly how hard he was.

  He wasn’t small, not at all.

  Growing up, he’d always been bigger, taller, wider. By the time he was ten years old, he had no choice but to wear adult sizes, as his own age wouldn’t fit him.

  At thirteen, he was already having sex with girls older than he was, and he even fucked a couple of women. Richard liked his size, but he also knew that with it came the pain that women experienced. Sex always had to be careful for him, even when he wanted to get down dirty and rough.

  It had been a long time since he’d felt this yearning, this ache to be with someone.

  Tilting her head back, he claimed her lips, and spun them around, lifting her up so that Temperance was on the desk in front of him. He lifted up her skirt, scoring his nails up her thighs, finding that she wasn’t wearing pantyhose. Fuck, his cock thickened even more if that was possible.

  All this time he’d thought her smooth thighs were because of some tights or stockings, when in fact, it was just her skin.

  When the skirt wouldn’t go up anymore, he broke from the kiss, trailing his lips down her collarbone, and then over her shirt. He sucked her nipple through her shirt, happy that she wasn’t wearing a padded bra.

  Her tits were so large, and he wanted to see them. His hands were busy though. He grabbed her panties, and tore them right off her body, leaving her juicy pussy exposed. The scent of her musky cunt was making his mouth water.

  Moving onto the next breast, he sucked her nipple into his mouth so that she had twin wet patches on her shirt. It was one of the hottest things he’d ever witnessed, and one he wanted to see again.

  He knelt down in front of her, dragging her to the edge of his desk, and tilting her back, so that she had no choice but to rest on her hands.

  “Oh God, Richard, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to taste this pretty pussy. You’re already wet for me, baby. You want my tongue on this pretty clit?” He didn’t give her a chance to respond before he was swiping his tongue through her cream, moaning as her taste exploded on his tongue.

  She was so sweet and musky. He wanted more. Sliding his tongue inside her, he fingered her clit. She was so slick that her cream was spilling out of her cunt and leaking down to her ass.

  “Yes, yes, yes, just like that. Oh, wow,” she said, rubbing her pussy all over his face.

  Removing his fingers, he gripped the edge of her shirt and tugged, so that buttons sprayed all over his office. His cock was to the point of pain where it was stuck inside his pants, and he quickly released it, rubbing the pre-cum all over the tip and sides of his dick.

  Flicking his tongue over her clit, he couldn’t resist dipping inside her.

  Creating a little pattern, he caressed her clit with his tongue, and then slid down, fucking inside her so that her cum dripped onto his tongue for him to swallow. One hand was on his cock, and the other he glided up her body, cupping the lace bra she wore, and pulling it aside. Her tit spilled out, and he started to play with her nipple, pinching it. Temperance arched up into his touch, her body clearly on fire for what he needed.

  She looked so fucking inviting. Her legs splayed open, getting eaten by her boss. It was how porn movies started, and he had to say, she was the best star he could ever want.

  “Do you like that, Temperance?” he asked. “You like being spread over my desk, giving me what I want?”

  She moaned in answer.

  Plunging two fingers inside her pussy, he tongued her clit, wanting her to ride his hand and face to completion.

  He wanted Temperance to think of nothing but him, to wipe every single memory of everyone she’d ever been with before.

  Sucking on her clit, he used his teeth to create a little more pain, and then soothed out the pain with the flat of his tongue. Her hands gripped the edge of the desk, holding on tightly as he sucked her pussy, loving the taste of her cum. She was fucking juicy, and he wouldn’t need to use lubricant to get inside her.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, gasping as her pussy started to spasm around his fingers, tightening.

  Richard was relentless on her pussy, wanting her sounds of pleasure. She’d be screaming his name by the end of the night, and he wasn’t going to stop now.

  Pulling a condom out of his pocket, as he always kept them on him, he teased her clit as the last waves of her orgasm started to fade away. Tearing into the foil, he worked quickly, sliding the condom down his length. He used both hands, and within seconds, he was standing between her thighs, running the tip against her slit, coating his dick.

  At her entrance, he stared into her green eyes as he slowly started to press inside her. She was so tight, but he was also so big. Her pussy was still contracting, and with each tug of her fading orgasm, she took him a little deeper.

  “Fuck, you’re big,” she said.

  “That’s it, baby, talk dirty to me.”

  He’d only ever seen her as prim and proper. This was a new side of her, and he liked it.

  “Fuck me, Richard.”

  “I am.”

  “No, fuck me.” She levered herself off the desk trying to take more of his dick. He removed his hand from the base of his cock, and held her hips.

  “Shit, stop, Tempe.”

  “No, you’re being gentle. Don’t be gentle with me. We’ve crossed that line now, Richard, fuck me.”

  Damn! He wanted her so much. Holding onto her hips, he slammed in deep, and she took all of him. Every single inch of his cock, and he groaned, loving the warmth of her pussy surrounding him.

  She was so hot, wet, and tight.

  Temperance wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs were wrapped around his waist, squeezing him tightly.

  “You’ve been under my fucking nose all this time.” He had to wonder if she was limited to only one man. Watching Temperance come apart had to be one of the hottest things he’d ever witnessed.

  “What?” she asked, frowning.

hing.” He pulled out of her, and slammed within her, watching her cry out. Kissing her neck, he drove in her again, loving the tightness of her. “Come on, Tempe, ride my dick. Take what you want.”

  He lifted her up from the desk and walked the few steps back toward his office chair. Lowering himself into the chair, he pushed her shirt off her body, reaching behind her to flick the catch of the bra. Her tits spilled free, and he threw the shirt and bra to the floor. At the same time, she tore his shirt out of his pants, and started working open the buttons.

  Her nails scored over his chest, and he gripped her ass beneath her skirt, knowing he’d leave marks with how hard he held her.

  With his hold on her ass, he made her start to ride his cock. He looked up from between where they were joined, to her beautiful eyes. She had these starling eyes, which were like gemstones. He found himself captured by them.

  “Fuck me, Tempe.”

  “This is so far across the line,” she said, moaning.

  “Over the line. We’re fucking miles across over it.” He’d never fucked an employee, and even though he’d dreamed of taking Temperance, he never truly believed he’d do it.

  With the taste of her still in his mouth, and the feel of her cunt wrapped around his dick, he didn’t care.

  Right there in his office, he watched her tits swing in front of his face, as he continued to fuck up into her pussy.

  Releasing her ass, he sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her down, to claim her lips. His orgasm was so close, and the way she rippled around his cock, Richard couldn’t hold back.

  Holding her hip, and the back of the head, he took the both to the floor with her beneath him. He didn’t once release her lips as he rode her hard, fucking inside her with abandon, giving her everything.

  Only when he screamed her name, as she did the same with his own name, did reality start to set in. He spilled his cum into the waiting condom, and the moment the pleasure began to ebb away, he pulled back, staring into her eyes.

  The line had been crossed, and Richard didn’t know what the hell to do.


  “Come on, Jay, you’ve been blowing me off for weeks,” Friday said.

  Jay stared at the girl he’d been trying to stop coming to his apartment. He’d met her in a club one Friday night, they’d had sex, and for a short time, she became the woman he saw on a Friday. Usually, he only saw women when Temperance was no longer home. He missed her, and with her working for the big hotshot, it had been impossible to actually get her alone.


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