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Forbidden Days (The Firsts)

Page 13

by C. L. Quinn

  “I am. Eugene!”

  The big bear came storming in with a tray so laden even he could barely carry it. “I was just waiting to make my grande entrance.”

  “Oh, my gosh, Eugene, what did you do? I can’t eat all of that!”

  Iain and Mick came in just as he sat the tray down. A few moments later Vaz joined them, followed by Jake. Bas scooted Park over. “We can share, can’t we, sweetheart?”

  Park didn’t hear anything else that transpired in the room after that. Bas called her sweetheart. It was the loveliest thing anyone had ever called her. She reached for a plate piled with biscuits and gravy. Being abducted by a vampire was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Cherise showed up outside the breakfast nook with a fresh dress for Mr. Bas’s new human. She hesitated before entering since they were already eating and looked around for the woman. She was behind Jacob, and as he leaned forward, Cherise got her first look at her. Mon Dieu! It was not! The child of that one was here? He had searched for her for years and never found her. Her family would want to know. But Cherise’s allegiance was with Mr. Bas now. She could not betray him. But she could let him know. Must let him know. She watched Park laughing at something one of her boys said, and wondered if she was as bad as her family thought she was.

  Jacobs man placed the dying human on the cold concrete flooring and Dez waved him off. Concrete stone benches lined the far wall and she went over and sat down, watching the man, who had regained consciousness, gasping for air. Good. He could answer the question she needed to ask before they did this. She drew a deep breath and pulled her long hair back and secured it with a large jaw clip. No point in getting any more blood in it than she had to. She stared at him. Handsome,for a human. Build like a vampire, so he obviously took very good care of his body. He’d be pleased it wouldn’t take any work anymore. Blue eyes, pale, like hers. He’d lose those. That hair was compelling. Really, she wanted to bury her fingers in it, it looked so soft and full. She sighed. It had been so long since she’d sired a new vampire. She’d done it only once in her life, and that one was now long dead. Nothing in her life had ever hurt as much as when he died. She’d thought she never would again.

  “What the fuck was I thinking?” she asked herself and then got down on the floor next to him. She wasn’t a warm fuzzy type so she just left him sprawled awkwardly the way he’d dropped.

  “Okay, boy, listen up. We got time for me to ask this once. You are dying. That’s unmistakable. I can save you, but only by destroying the life you have now. Who you are, what you do, family, friends, everything you love, you will have to leave behind. I’ll change you from what you are to what I am. I’m virtually immortal, I never age, I’m ridiculously strong, and I need blood from humans like you to live. I am what you humans would call a vampire. We’re not evil, we’re not dead, but we’re not human anymore. So you need to let me know if you want this. I don’t give a fuck either way, but someone does. So. You can die and have all this drama over with if you prefer. All you have to do is say it. Let me die, or make me vampire. Three words, your choice. But, soon, little guy, because the reaper has your number. Once you’re dead, the choice is made. It can’t be unmade.”

  His eyes were fixed on her. He watched her lower her head, long eyelashes covering eyes as clear as an Icelandic lake. When she looked back up at him a moment later, he saw the power in her, the gentleness she kept inside. He felt her. He heard her.

  Choose life, you little motherfucker!

  He tried to sit up. Couldn’t. No dignity in death. He nodded his head and choked out, “I choose life. Make me…like you.”

  Tilting her head, she had to admit he’d make a stunning vampire. Her eyes dropped to the family jewels, which were impressive, and she smiled. He was going to like those even more as a vampire. .

  She got up and went to him, chained his hands to poles just like the ones in the next chamber that held Bernie. He sat up, propped against the wall. She slipped a dagger from her boot and slit her wrist, which shocked him.

  Coming to him, she said, “This is gonna hurt.”

  The first thing Park did when she finished her meal was grab her cell. Bennie picked up immediately, and screamed into the phone.

  “Park?! Park?!”

  “Bennie, yes, it’s me, I’m okay. I’m so sorry I didn’t call sooner. I got distracted and kept forgetting. Please tell me you didn’t call the police and report me missing?”

  “Of course I did! Oh, god, Park, you’re really okay?”

  Sweet Jesus. “Of course. I feel so bad for having worried you and the others. Please let the authorities know I’m sorry.”

  “Well, where are you? What happened? Park, you’re not the type to do this!”

  “I know, I know. I just…well, I met someone, someone I used to know and we got talking, and he invited me to visit him and I thought, why not, and I just took an impromptu vacation.”

  There was silence on the other end of the call. Then Bennie said, quietly, “Is someone making you say that?”

  “No, no, really, Bennie, I’m alright. I promise.”

  “Park, you are not the type to take impromptu vacations. I know you after working with you for four years. You would come back and wrap up your projects, assign anything you can’t, pack properly, and let HR know your expected return. What’s happening?”

  Park didn’t know what to say. Bennie was right. “Um…okay. Something is happening in my life that’s a little wild. I can’t go into it, but Bennie, I promise you, I’m okay. I’ll call and let the police know. But don’t worry about me. And on that point, will you make sure everything is assigned to the right department to be sure it all gets done properly?”

  Bennie sighed audibly. “Well, that sounds more like my boss and friend. You really are okay?”

  “I really am. And when I get back, I will have some exciting tales. Okay?”

  “Okay. You won’t believe what I accused your blind date of that night. The detectives actually thought Zachary abducted you.”

  Park’s heart skipped a beat or two. God, if Bennie had any idea what had happened to him.

  “Really? Well, I’ll let him off the hook when I call.”

  “Okay. One last question. Where are you?”

  “I…I can’t say. We’re actually traveling right now. We’re…not in the states.”

  ”Wow. Well, okay, but keep in touch, then. Promise?”

  She did and rung off. And felt like she was going to throw up Eugene’s excellent breakfast. That was her next task, to see how her accused date was doing. She wanted to visit Bernie and Zachary. She hoped Bas would have no problem with that. Because she was going.

  Bas complained. He told her it wasn’t a good time for friendly visits when new vampires were in the process of converting, but she made it clear she needed to see them. She didn’t tell him she was also wanted to check out the process.

  She knew they had a medical unit in the house and asked if she might visit to get something. Bas glared at her.

  “What?” He knew.

  “Well, you’re going to refuse this, but Bas, I really want to take some blood samples. And some tissue swabs for DNA comparisons. Bernie is further along, but with Zach, I can monitor his change from the beginning. Please. It could be important for your race to have this change documented. We’re always better off if we understand how things work. I’m a genetic researcher presented with one of the most spectacular genetic mysteries in the world. I have to do this. I promise, it will never go any further than your compound. Your race will not have exposure. Bas, I will never ask anything from you that would hurt you or the vampire race. Do you trust me?”

  He nodded. “And yet I’m pretty sure the others will object.”

  “Then let’s ask them. If none of them have a problem with it, will you allow me?”

  Seemed fair. He nodded and took her to the infirmary, where she easily found what she needed. In spite of the tragedy of their injuries and their inter
rupted lives, Park was fascinated to watch the clinical effects of their change.

  When they went to the living area of the house, the McCairn brothers were in discussion with Timothy, who was setting up the computer surveillance and monitoring systems. The old ones were just antiquated enough to have Timothy chuckling. When Park asked if she could study the change, they both thought it was a “braw” idea. Bas had to tell her that it was a yes.

  They passed Jacob on the way, busy with the security teams, but when Park told him her plan, he listened carefully and looked at Bas. Bas smiled at him. He nodded to Park.

  “I always vote with the boss. He’s the boss for a reason.”

  Park couldn’t help herself, she hugged him. He pulled back quickly, unaccustomed to the contact, but said a stoic thank you and hurried down the corridor. Bas took her arm to lead her to the cells. He wasn’t worried about the research project. He figured no way Dez would agree. That would put an end to it and there would be no concern about information getting out that shouldn’t. Not that he didn’t trust Park, he did, but that kind of intel would be dangerous. No telling whose hands it could fall into.

  Park had to ignore her olfactory senses as the smells from the lower level cells was horrific. Two of the five had closed doors, the others clean and empty. But when Bas opened the first door the smell assaulted her.

  “I warned you it wasn’t a parlor call. This is Bernie. She’s over halfway through. She’s lucid right now, so you will be able to speak to her.”

  The room was shocking. Bernie had been in there for three days. She was filthy and half naked. But she was sitting up and resting against the concrete wall. Her head lifted and her eyes, a muddy brown, went right to Bas.

  “Time to eat?” she asked.

  “Not yet. Park wanted to see you. Are you up for a visit?”

  She glanced over to Park and looked at her like she had no idea who she was. For a moment he thought she looked angry, then her expression changed and softened.

  “Yes, Park. My savior. How are you? Have they kept you chained up too? Oh, I see they haven’t. Well, then, I guess you don’t get to be a vampire, do you?”

  Yeah, she was pissed. He kept a hand on Park’s arm. “It’s the change. She’s angry now. Once it’s over, she’ll be fine. Better than. But…don’t go too close.”

  “Bernie, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. The conversion is nearly over. I look forward to having you back with us.”

  “Yes, we’ll have tea and crumpets. Ah, here’s my jailer now.”

  Vaz had entered the rooms quietly behind them. Park turned to him.

  “Thank you so much for what you are doing for her. Bas told me you’ve been with her almost every moment.”

  “Yeah, well he won’t fuck me!” Bernie called from the floor, her legs spread, her fingers moving down there.

  Vaz stepped in front of her, obscuring the view.

  “Ms. Park, why don’t you wait until she’s through? She’ll be her old self again, and she’ll just be humiliated that you saw her like this.”

  “I can see you may be right. Vaz, before I go, one last thing. Would you mind if I took some blood samples and DNA samples to see what happens during the change?”

  Vaz looked at Bas, who shrugged his shoulders.

  “Um, I don’t see how that will do any good. We’ve been changing people for centuries and we know how it works. So it’s kind of a waste of time.”

  “Still, it would be my time to waste. It’s my field of expertise and it would mean a lot to me.”

  “Um, sure, okay. I don’t see any harm it could do. You won’t be able to take any results with you.”

  “I know. That’s okay. Thank you.”

  The next room smelled much better, was cleaner, but it’s resident had only been there a few hours. Park was surprised to find Dez still there, sitting on one of the benches, her boots off, one leg up on the seat, her eyes closed. Zachary was on the other side, chained like Bernie, but dressed in a white tee shirt and loose fitting athletic shorts. He was conscious, and staring at Dez. Blood smears around his mouth , chin, and the collar of the tee shirt told her Dez had started the process.

  Bas reminded her to stay back with a hand on her arm and then went to the bench and sat beside his old friend. Park tried to catch his eyes.

  “Zach, I want you to know I’m sorry this happened to you. I had no idea you would come looking for me.

  That got his attention. He wasn’t angry like Bernie. He looked her up and down. “Park. I looked for you. You had blood on your evening gown and I looked for you. He took you, didn’t he?”

  She nodded when he pointed to Bas.

  “But I’m okay…he didn’t hurt me.”

  “I got the shit beat out of me. They sliced me open,” he said, conversationally, like that was normal. Like a child might.

  “It’s okay. It’ll all go away, I promise. I hope you can forgive me someday. I never intended this to happen. I thought I let you go that night.”

  “You did. But I felt responsible for your abduction. I thought you might be dead. I’m glad you’re not. I wanted to touch you again.” He tried to reach for her.

  Whoa. Bas had had enough. He surged forward and grabbed Park to make sure she stayed back.

  “We need to let them work on the conversion. We need to go.”

  “Wait. Dez, I want to study the change in the human body as it becomes vampire. Do you mind if I take some samples and do some tests?”

  Bas waited for Dez to refuse her.

  Dez opened her eyes, letting them roll from Park to Zach.

  “Sure. It’s a good idea. I for one would sure the fuck like to know what happens.”

  Bas stared at his ill- tempered friend and wondered what else he thought he knew, but didn’t.

  Twenty minutes later, Park carried her precious vials and samples of DNA.

  Tim was good. He’d found her. The mother. The bitch.

  “Ah, with the information systems out there, no one can hide these days. She’s in Ohio. Cleveland to be exact. Staying with some friends who’ve got lots of room.” He laughed. “Get it? Like that song, Please come to Boston?” He started singing, “Staying with some friends, and they’ve…” He watched the blank faces around the room.

  “O.K. Vampires…no sense of humor…got it. Well, anyway, I can print off map detail, and voila, she’s yours. What did you want her for?”

  No one answered again as the pages left the printer. Park looked at him.

  “It’s my mother.”

  “Ah, that’s nice.”

  “Not really,” Park answered and watched Bas hand the sheets to Jacob.

  “She’ll be here by tomorrow night,” he said, and Park winced. What? Her mother? Here?

  Bas came to her. “Not here. Well, not here in the house. Just down in the cells to detain her and interrogate her. I might beat the shit out of her while she’s here.”

  “Ah, how sweet. But please don’t. Whatever she is, she is my mother. I can’t ask you to hurt her.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure. You don’t have to ask.”

  “Then I’ll ask that you don’t . She’s a pitiful person and I’m moving past her, thanks to you. It won’t help me if you hurt her. Just…send her away when you’re done. I don’t want to see her. Please.”

  He watched her heart in her eyes as she pleaded for the vicious beast that hurt her all of her life. He could refuse her nothing. He nodded and acknowledged… for the second time in the day… he was falling in love for the first time since he was made vampire over three hundred years ago. He was going to take her to his chambers tonight before that hag got here and teach her how incredible she was.

  “Timothy, you have been everything I expected. Thank you. You will be well rewarded. Tomorrow, we need to make sure your people know you are going to be away for a while. I’ll need you here until this is over. Jake, appreciate your dedication. This is important. Everyone, I’m turning in now. Come on Park, I’ll wa
lk you to your room.”

  Park said a quick goodnight to everyone and followed Bas up the stairs, around the convoluted corridors, each step a little heavier. He was taking her to her room. She’d hoped she could stay with him tonight, but she understood. He was probably tired and had a lot on his mind. Some other time, maybe. Perhaps, she needed to work on her sexuality more. Maybe she wasn’t enticing enough. Her mind wouldn’t relax. She watched Bas glance back at her and he looked frustrated. Well, so was she buddy!

  As he approached his door, she prepared to say goodnight. He grabbed her and yanked her in, slamming the heavy door and locking it securely.

  “Quit thinking that I don’t want you! You’re driving me fucking crazy! You are not leaving this room until I fuck the hell out of you. Does that shock you?”

  She was shocked into silence. But not because he said he was going to fuck her. But because he was.

  Park jumped into his arms and started kissing him. He yanked the clip out of her hair and the long auburn waterfall of silk fell to cover both of them. Their tongues danced the ancient dance, licking, thrusting, everything they could do to get closer. Bas had all he could take, his pants cutting off his circulation with his erection already straining to be released. He carried her into his bathroom. She barely noticed that it was larger than the one in her suite, the shower an enormous natural tile cave with multiple shower heads pointing from three walls.

  They didn’t use words, none were necessary now. They both knew what they wanted and knew it was going to happen. Bas yanked his pants off as she tore his shirt away. He groaned and pulled her little sundress over her head. The little pink thong tore off easily.

  He just stood there staring, his hands and lips stopped in their exploration as he took her in, brilliant red hair cascading over her arms, full breasts that begged for his mouth, flat belly that needed the same. The v between her legs that waited for what was straining against his. His eyes showed her what his words couldn’t, and they moved toward the six pulsating shower heads he’d turned on. Warm water covered them like a lovers fingers, caressing and pushing them together. Park let her eyes wander down to what her mother had always called an abomination. It was beautiful. She slid her hand over it and learned every inch of it, her fingers making him groan again.


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