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Sacked in Seattle: Game On in Seattle Rookies (Men of Tyee Book 1)

Page 9

by Jami Davenport

  “Riley.” His name came out in a hoarse plea for something I couldn’t articulate, not that I needed to. He knew.

  “Tiffani, I know.” He leaned closer. The scent of the wine on his breath mixed with a faint hint of aftershave and made for a potent aphrodisiac. He touched my cheek with reverence, and an involuntary shudder shook my body. His eyes burned into mine until his gaze dropped and lingered on my lips before sliding lower to my cleavage. My body strained toward him of its own accord. I was weary of fighting the magnetic pull of his pure maleness.

  Reaching up, I brushed back a lock of unruly hair falling across his forehead. “I want you, too, Ry.”

  He nodded, as if he’d expected my answer.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  “I want it to be the right time. The perfect time. I’ve waited three years for you to come back. I can wait a little longer.”

  I wanted to say I couldn’t wait. His intoxicating nearness and the wine had bolstered my courage. I’d rather give in now before I overthought the entire situation and ran like hell.

  “Riley, I—”

  He shook his head and held my chin between his thumb and index finger. “Later.”

  I squirmed under his intense gaze. Was he torturing me for all the times he’d wanted me, and I’d pretended he didn’t exist or only existed as a friend? If he only knew how much I’d lusted after him over the years. The few guys I’d been with since leaving Seattle couldn’t measure up, and it’d been his face I’d imagined, not theirs.

  The waiter delivered dinner, and Riley leaned back in his chair with a frustrated grunt.

  “Is there a problem, sir?” the waiter asked.

  “No, nothing you can solve.”

  The waiter hesitated, then decided against asking any more questions. “If there’s anything else?”

  “Nothing, thanks.” Riley winked at me as the waiter walked away. “Everything’s perfect.”

  I nodded, allowing myself to believe, if only for a moment, things would all work out, because without hope, I had nothing.

  I stared down at my plate and lifted the fork to my mouth, savoring the rich flavors. The fresh salmon prepared to perfection tasted heavenly. We’d ordered the same thing and grinned at each other.

  “Incredible,” I said, chewing slowly, my gaze locked onto his.

  “Yeah, fucking incredible.” His eyes lasered into mine, giving me the impression he wasn’t referring to the salmon.

  Guess what? Neither was I.

  * Riley *

  Dinner out with Tiff, our first date, had me on pins and needles. I strove to make sure we’d have more dates after this one. I pulled out all the stops, including a fancy restaurant with the best seafood around. Tiff and I shared a love of seafood, and I’d wanted this night to be so memorable, she wouldn’t be able to turn down a second date—and a third. But I was getting ahead of myself, and greed would get me in trouble.

  We made small talk as we ate. Nothing serious. We talked about our classes, the football team, my uncle’s hockey team. Stuff that never went too deep or was too troublesome. I didn’t want to scare her off.

  Tiff wanted me. She’d said so herself. God knew I wanted her in the worst way, but I wasn’t going to jump in bed with her on the first date, even if she wanted that. I couldn’t stand the thought of being her biggest regret. The time had to be right. We couldn’t do this to prove a point or because lust ruled reason. We had to do it because we cared about each other. I’d had enough shallow fucks in the past few years, and Tiff wasn’t going to be one of them.

  Once I had her, there’d be no going back, only forward.

  She’d see how good we could be together, and we’d seal our love with the physical piece. Until then, I’d control my lust no matter how fucking hard it was.

  I loved her. And she needed to admit she loved me, too, before we got naked. I wanted us to purge a tragic past and for our love to be a catalyst for a bright future. Until we cleared those hurdles together, I wasn’t taking our relationship to the next level, because I was scared shitless there would be no next level.

  The abstinence would kill me, but I could do it. I was certain I could.

  After dinner and dessert, we bundled up and walked the docks. I held her hand in mine, reveling in how natural her touch felt. She pointed out an extremely large yacht at the end of one pier. “Would you ever want something that big?”

  I laughed. “Nah, I don’t think my ego is so large I’d need something like that.”

  She turned to face me. “You don’t have an ego, Riley Black.”

  “Oh, but I do. You just don’t see that side of me the way others do.”

  “I see you as a good person who’s struggling to make sense of the world, just like I am.” She regarded me through the veil of her lowered lashes. “How do you see me, Riley?”

  I moved closer to her, putting my hands on her thin shoulders, and pondered how best to answer her question without giving away too much too soon. “I see you as a beautiful person inside and out, as a sensitive soul who suffers the pain of others—human and furry.”

  She giggled. “Furry humans?”

  I laughed, too, and got lost in those doe eyes of hers while I basked in her warmth. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close, unable to resist. I slanted my mouth across hers, feeling the first wave of desire ripple through me as our lips touched. She slipped her tongue inside my mouth with an eagerness that gave me hope and took me prisoner. The kiss bound us together, made me her slave, while I, a mere mortal, worshipped at the altar of her body. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her sweet little body into mine. She rubbed against me, and I released a ragged groan of pure male longing. Her eyes darkened and sparkled with mischief. She ground her belly against my erection, enticing me, torturing me, almost bringing me to my knees. I fought to resist her, not sure I was strong enough.

  Pushing her away gently, I panted and struggled for control. I was raw and on the edge. I could have her tonight if I wanted her, but it’d just be sex. Our first time had to be more. It had to be epic, all-consuming, unequaled. I’d settle for nothing less.

  Tiff gazed up at me with glazed eyes and slightly open lips. She ran her hands downward and rested her palms on my chest. The heat burned her brand onto my skin and deeper onto my heart.

  “You want me.” Her heavy-lidded gaze and sultry voice went right to my dick, which had hardened painfully. And, oh, what a sweet pain it was.

  “I do.”

  She laughed softly and leaned into me, rubbing that sweet body against the bulge in my pants once more.

  “Tiff, please,” I ground out through gritted teeth.

  “Sorry, it’s the wine.” Her face colored, and she ducked her head. I put a finger under her chin and lifted her face so she had to look at me.

  “It’s not just the wine. It’s you and me. Together. I want to fuck you. All night long. But that’s the problem. Not just one night. Every night. If I can’t have all of you forever, I don’t want just a piece of you.”

  Her brow furrowed and she frowned. “What if a piece is all I can give you, Riley?”

  I shook my head. There had to be more. There had to be. I’d come too far to fail now. Her pitying expression crushed my heart until I swore I heard a distinctive crack. I fought defeat. I would not give up. Tiff was mine. She always had been. She always would be. Patience and time would prove it.

  “There’s more. I know there is.”

  “I don’t know, Riley. I really don’t.”

  “We’ll find out together.”

  She studied me skeptically but nodded, lifting some of the fear strangling me. “I’ll try. That’s all I can promise.”

  “One day at a time.”

  “Because you want all of me?” She managed a smile. “I had no idea you were such a romantic soul, Riley.”

  I smiled back. “Nor did I. I must get it from my Uncle Coop.”

  We shared a good laugh over that o
ne, and our mood lightened. Uncle Coop was anything but romantic.

  “We both have an early class tomorrow. Maybe you should take me home.”

  “You know my schedule?” I teased, surprised to see her blush. She did know my schedule. A smug smile crossed my face.

  “I need to go home,” she insisted.

  I nodded reluctantly and kissed her again, a long, passionate, lingering kiss that celebrated today and promised tomorrows.

  Tiff was my forever love, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter 11—Talented Mouth

  * Tiff *

  I don’t know how Riley did it, but I’d opened that armored door to my heart just a crack. He seized the opportunity and shoved his big foot into that crack and refused to let me slam it shut, not that I was trying very hard.

  After dinner he walked me to the porch and kissed me again. With his talented mouth doing all the talking, he coaxed me into another date. We sucked face until our breathing was labored and our bodies demanded satisfaction. With a smug wink, he left me as a shivering mess of estrogen and strode across the lawn. I watched him go until he shut the door.

  I raised a trembling hand to my lips and touched it with two fingers. I still felt him there, kissing me, nipping at my lower lip, groaning into my mouth. I was going to have pleasant dreams tonight.

  With a sigh, I turned the doorknob, and my two roommates almost fell out the doorway.

  “Did you miss anything? I’d be glad to give you a play-by-play,” I said with a wicked smirk.

  Alisa assessed my appearance and made a conclusion. “You didn’t sleep with him.”

  “No, I did not.”

  “Are you fucking crazy? How could you turn down a hunkety hunk-hunk like that?” Wayne shook his head in amazement.

  “Hunkety hunk-hunk?” I laughed.

  “Ry-man is a three-H guy.”

  I laughed. “For your information, we’re taking it slow.”

  Now I had their full attention.


  “Is he gay?” Wayne asked hopefully.

  “No. I just need to be sure.” I didn’t add that Riley was wrapping me in a spell I’d never be free of.

  “Girl, didn’t you listen to a fucking thing I said?” Alisa scowled as if she considered me the craziest bitch on the planet.

  “I listened, then did what I wanted to do. I don’t want to hurt him, and I’m not sure I’m capable of caring for him the way he cares for me.”

  They continued to gape at me as if I were one fucked-up chick, which was a moot point.

  “That’s a tough one,” Alisa admitted. “If you don’t feel the same way, end it now. He’s a nice guy, and he doesn’t deserve to be led along.”

  “I want to make it work, but am I capable?” I thought I loved him. In fact, I’d loved him for a long time, or maybe I’d only loved the idea of him as my knight in shining armor. Riley had always come to my rescue, but I couldn’t recall ever being there for him. Not that he’d needed it. He’d been the strong one, the guy who weathered the nastiest storm and emerged unscathed, while I was so not that person.

  “You make zero sense.” Wayne scratched his head and squinted at me.

  “I don’t make sense to myself. Either he’s the one, or he isn’t. I’ve been fooled before. I didn’t see it coming with Jacob.”

  “Your high school boyfriend?” Wayne asked.

  I nodded solemnly. I rarely talked about that day. I’d just taken a small step forward. My therapist would’ve been proud.

  “Yes, Jake. I had no idea he’d shoot up the school and kill people. What if I’m wrong about Riley? What if we’re not good together? What if he has a hidden dark side, too?”

  “Not everyone is Jacob. In fact, very few people are Jacob. Riley doesn’t have a dark side. Stop looking for trouble.” Alisa didn’t bother to keep the exasperation and annoyance from her tone.

  “I rue the day you majored in psychology,” I groaned, eliciting a laugh from Wayne, who’d been subjected to Alisa’s psychoanalysis on more than one occasion.

  Alisa wasn’t to be denied. “Quit overthinking and go with your gut. Besides, you were just a teenager. We all think we’re in love when we’re kids.”

  I’d had enough for one night. “I’m exhausted.” I sighed and waved them off as I headed down the hallway to my bedroom, suddenly weary. “Good night,” I called over my shoulder.

  A few minutes later, I was tucked in bed. I closed my eyes and relived those kisses over and over. I imagined Riley’s blue eyes shining with the intensity of a supernova as he thrust into me over and over until I came in a thundering rush, just as he had graduation night.

  I wanted the real thing. I wanted his muscular body covering mine. To feel his sweat-slickened skin gliding across mine. I wanted to hear his grunts and feel his cock buried deep. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to jump into a bigger mess than I could handle.

  One day at a time.

  And this thing between us would either wither and die or blossom and be strong enough to slay our demons.

  * Riley *

  I had early classes and team meetings for the next several mornings so I couldn’t walk with Tiff to class. She’d been busy studying for a big exam, and I had a paper to write. I hadn’t seen much of her since our Sunday dinner out. We’d met a few times for lunch, but she’d spent her evenings studying, and I’d been researching this damn paper. I hated this crap, because I sucked at writing. Once I finished a draft, Aunt Izzy would proofread it as she always does. I should have that done tonight, and I’d have one less thing hanging over my head going into the weekend.

  On Thursday morning, I waited outside Tiff’s door, ignoring the building clouds in the sky. Pacific Northwesterners never let a little rain bother them, and most of us don’t own an umbrella.

  Tiff opened the door and walked out. If she was surprised to find me there, she didn’t show it. A welcoming smile lit up her face. I grinned back.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  I took a moment to just stare at her. Even in the gloom, she glowed like a lighthouse in a storm guiding me home.

  I shook my head and laughed to myself. I was turning into a sappy romantic. Pretty soon, I’d be writing fucking love poems, and it’d be all Tiff’s fault. Then the guys really would revoke my man card.

  “What’s so funny? Care to share?” she asked.

  “Nah, you’ll just think I’m nuts.” I grabbed her backpack and heaved it over one shoulder as I fell into step beside her.

  “I already do,” she tossed at me with a sassy grin and a sideways glance.

  We walked along the sidewalk in a comfortable silence for a few blocks. I waited for the argument about how I needed to slow it down, give her space, all the usual shit females come up with when they’ve had too much time to think and are getting cold feet.

  When she didn’t say anything, I decided I might as well go for broke. “I missed you.”

  She laughed, and it was music to my ears. “You’ve seen me almost every day at lunch, and we’ve talked every night and texted all the times in between.”

  I braced myself. Here it comes.

  “Riley, we really should slow down.” I didn’t hear much conviction her voice.

  “By we, you mean me?”

  She nodded but was still smiling, a good sign in my book.

  “Do you want to slow down?”

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and stared at the ground, while I bit back a groan. I longed to hold her, kiss the hell out of her, and take her to bed. When her gaze returned to my face, her eyes danced with wicked delight. “I don’t want to slow down.”

  “Good,” I said smugly, feeling damned pleased with myself, then I sobered. “Is there a but coming?”

  “I suppose there should be, but I’m not feeling it. In fact, I think I’ll go to your game on Saturday. I haven’t watched a live football game in several years.”

  “And you want to go to my game?”

>   “Yeah. I do.”

  I stopped, shucked off both backpacks, letting them drop to the ground, and pulled her into my arms. She squealed in surprise, then giggled. Lifting her face to mine, she stood on tiptoes and pressed her lips to mine. I held her tight against me, torturing myself with her sweet little body, and kissed her. Tiff didn’t back down and gave as good as she got. In seconds, we were panting. Sweat beaded on my forehead despite a chilly breeze. I slid my hands under her coat and blouse to her silky skin.

  I could’ve stayed there forever, kissing her, but something pinged me in the back of the head and was followed by a chorus of laughter. I jerked my head around to find my roommates, grinning like the assholes they were.

  Tiff saw them too and stepped away from me, picking up her backpack. I wanted to strangle every one of them for destroying the moment.

  Gage grabbed Tiff’s backpack. “Come on, beautiful, let me take care of this for you.” He winked at me over his shoulder as he walked off, with Tiff in tow. I had no choice but to follow.

  I didn’t mind too much. The view of Tiff’s backside was fucking incredible.

  Chapter 12—Game Day

  * Riley *

  Seeing Tiff in my football jersey on game day was almost as big of a rush as catching a winning touchdown. We’d agreed to meet for breakfast at a little coffee shop near the stadium before the big game against UCLA. Once we finished, I’d head to the locker room to chill for a few hours, while Tiff and her friends would be standing in a mile-long line waiting to get into the stadium, since the general admission student section filled up quickly. I offered her tickets, but she turned me down, preferring to sit among the students. Personally, I suspected she wasn’t comfortable sitting with my aunt and uncle and their friends.

  The coffee shop was packed. I stood in line for an espresso and a cinnamon roll. Carrying my tray, I spotted Tiff in the back of the room waving to me. I weaved in and out of the tables until I reached her, a huge goofy smile plastered across my face.

  “Hey,” I said, putting my arm around her and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. My navy-and-gold jersey completely dwarfed her slight frame, but she insisted on wearing one of mine rather than the form-fitting ones they sold at the Tyee store. I grinned happily, noticing the appreciative looks of the guys walking by. She was mine, and they could look all they wanted, but I’d throttle the first guy who tried to go any further than that.


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