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Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den

Page 8

by Sydney Addae

  "Allow your beasts to breathe, both of you have been human deep too long."

  Jackie stood pointing at Quinn. "But he's human."

  Stunned by the accusation and surprised by his uncle's demand. "She's not human?"


  Jackie stared at Quinn. "You're a breed?"

  He stiffened and moved from the wall. "Half-breed, yeah. You?"

  Confused, she shook her head. "Same. But I thought you were human."

  "You were supposed to," Quinn said. "Just like you wanted me and any other dual-natured to think you were human. Not many of us can go that deep into our human side to fool full-bloods."

  She refused to answer the question in his tone. Instead she looked at Ramos. "Are you his sire?"

  "I'm standing right here," Quinn snapped.

  Jackie met his aggravated gaze. "Just asking."

  "Ask me," he said.

  "Is he your sire?" she asked crossing her arms across her chest.

  "No. What were the two of you doing at the clinic without your security guys?"

  "Security?" Ramos said looking at Nionis.

  Jackie glanced at the clock. They'd need to sneak back home before Chip realized the house was empty. Plus, she would need to talk to her boss again. Helping these pups was more important than returning to work. She hadn't worked long enough for vacation but that didn't matter, he could terminate her but she would make sure the pregnant pup got the help she needed.

  Nionis waved. "My sire's overprotective."

  "But you live on pack lands," Antwan said watching Nionis. "You should be safe there."

  Nionis shrugged. "I agree but it's not my decision." She glanced at her watch. "I used a blocker that prevents anyone from listening to my conversations and makes it seem like we're inside, but that won't hold once the sun rises. We need to get back." She looked at Quinn. "Can you come to the house later this afternoon to discuss arrangements for your patient. It'll be hard to return here and we'd like to help."

  Jackie wondered if Quinn would refuse their assistance.

  "Yeah, sure. If we can save them I'd be grateful," he said in a humble tone. "Excuse me, I need to check on her and prepare the other for burial." He glanced at Jackie and then met Nionis gaze. "Leave your information with Antwan. I'll contact you when I'm on my way." He walked out.

  "He's not my biological son," Ramos said. "But he's my son all the same. My sister died when he was a pup and I raised him as my own. Smart, compassionate and loyal to a fault. A man, or woman, won't ever find a better friend or companion than Quinn. If you wrong or hurt him, his memory is long and he's makes a formidable enemy. Because of our lineage, there are depths to him he hasn't explored," Ramos said watching Jackie.

  "Lineage?" Nionis said scooting to the edge of her chair. "Who's your mam? Sire? We could be related."

  Ramos nodded. "It's possible. Arianna bred hundreds of pups over her lifetime. She may hold the record. My sire was an alpha long dead. He fought a challenge for Arianna and lost. The new Alpha bred several litters from her until he was challenged and lost. It was a vicious cycle back then mated pairs were rare." He glanced at Antwan and smiled.

  "Did full-blood pups hate breeds back then?" Nionis asked.

  "No. We were raised as pack with no differentiation." Ramos paused and looked at his mate. "Someone has to point out differences for pups to notice them in a den. This hatred, and divisiveness is taught."

  Jackie agreed. At school and in college she made friends with both full bloods and breeds without those being issues. When she didn't get along with someone, typically their personalities clashed or they were assholes.

  "True, I saw that in college," Nionis said standing. "A few full-blood jerks called me names, tried to put me down. But there were a lot of half-breeds at the school which nullified the haters." She yawned and stretched. "Need to get to bed." She looked at Jackie and then Antwan. "Can you take us back to town?"

  Antwan stood. "Yeah, be right back with the keys."

  Ramos joined Nionis and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Your purpose is clear to you?" he asked.

  "Not crystal, but better than before. I'm glad the pup was returned to his den, that's great news."

  He nodded. "Now to keep Penny safe from Taurus. He's a tricky one."

  "The rebel leader?" Jackie asked walking closer to them.

  "Yes." He explained the rebels plan for the child.

  "That's disgusting," Jackie said. "How could her parents give her away like that?"

  "You're thinking with your human side," Ramos chastised gently. "Half-breed rebels shun their human side, their wolves dominate. In their minds, it's an honor for their Alpha to mate with their pup."

  "That's not mating," Jackie said.

  "Not in the mate for life sense, like Antwan and myself. But to build and fortify the pack, the sexual act for that purpose is never rape, but mating," he explained.

  "She's too young," Nionis said. "She should be in school." Nionis followed Antwan toward the exit.

  "Many don't have that choice," Ramos said. "Families outside the pack don't receive the bounty pack offers."

  Confused, Jackie touched Ramos shoulder, drawing his attention. "Why are they outside the pack? I don't understand."

  "In every society, there are those who seek their own path. In this great nation, many humans live outside the boundaries of their government every day. They hide, live off the grid, survive off the land. They aren't in the databases that allow services their government provides. Can they walk into a soup kitchen for a free meal? Yes. But their government doesn't provide those. Wolves need pack, they don't need a large or a nationally structured pack. For some, living with three other wolves is sufficient without following national rules. Understand?"

  "Because they don't want to serve La Patron their pups lack basic education?" Jackie had a hard time believing that.

  Ramos shrugged as they continued to the truck. "For some, that's the way it works, who can say what makes a man do the things he does."

  Jackie agreed and sat in the back seat while Nionis and Antwan sat up front.

  "Until we see each other again," Ramos said waving good-bye.

  "Bye, nice meeting you," Jackie said watching him return inside. The drive into town was quiet. Tonight had been an eye-opener. Did her parents know about rebel villages? She doubted it. Children in this area needed health care and schools. How do you help people who chose to become invisible? Uneducated, isolated and with no hope they were perfect breeding grounds for rebel propaganda. Perhaps it was time to re-evaluate how to win against rebels. Obviously, her father, the Alphas and KnightForce missed something.

  Pieces of this much larger puzzle tumbled around her mind. There were too many unknowns to find a solution. She needed more information. The truck stopped next to Nionis' car.

  "Thanks, Antwan," Jackie said stepping out.

  "You're welcome, we'll see you soon. Craig and Sean will demand it." He waved and drove off.

  Nionis opened the car and they slid inside. "Chip's going to be pissed."

  "Yeah. Think he'll report it to Theron and Gilbert?" Jackie asked before yawning.

  "Oh yeah. Prepare to be grilled by our parents later today." Nionis started the car and pulled onto the road. "But I wouldn't change a thing," she said a few minutes into the silence. "For the first-time things clicked in my mind and life. It's mind-boggling-awesome."

  Jackie smiled and hugged the giddy feeling of doing something that made a difference in the life of someone else. Working on the rebel problem from this level energized her in a way working at the Pentagon or corporate America never had. "I hear you. The pups are so cute, we have to help them without getting Ramos or Antwan in trouble. I don't want the ranch closed down."

  "Agreed. So, what do we say?" Nionis glanced at her.

  Jackie thought about it for a few minutes. "I can't lie to Mama, she'll read through it and then be hurt. Daddy could search my mind for the truth anyway."

nbsp; "You can't block them from what you don't want them to know?" Nionis sounded surprised.

  "Never have. I could try." She thought for a few seconds. "How do I do it?"

  "Think of a wall and build it brick by brick around Ramos, Antwan, Quinn, the ranch and the kids. Everything from last night place it in a box or brick jail that only you can open. Go inward and focus on locking away that information."

  Eyes closed, Jackie saw all the people from the ranch. In her mind, she waved them into a room and locked the door behind them. A click sounded in her mind. She waited a few seconds. "How do I know it worked?"

  "I'll search through our link," Nionis said. A few seconds later she smiled. "Good job. Not a sign of anything from the ranch." She held her hand out toward Jackie who slapped it and watched the sun rise.

  "So where have we been all night?" Jackie asked.

  "With some guys we met," Nionis said.

  "Really, that's the best you've got? Mama won't believe it. Daddy neither. Renee most definitely won't."

  "They'll believe it if you say you went with me to make sure I was okay and nothing happened, that kind of thing. It skirts the truth. We were with some guys we met, Craig and Sean if they need names."

  Jackie laughed which turned into a yawn. "That's more than skirting the truth."

  "We have to think of a way to help that poor girl," Nionis said in a soft voice. "Matt could help for sure."

  Jackie bit her lip. "We could say we found her, or that your vision led us to her."

  "That might work since I've found people before. Quinn would need to move her to another place, a hotel maybe and we could pick her up from there. Chip could put her on a plane and take her to Matt."

  "What about Alpha Gilbert? Won't he be offended we didn't take her to a pack hospital here in Tennessee?"

  "Probably. Daddy would," Nionis said. "I'll check out the local pack hospitals."

  "I could call Gem, get a referral," Jackie said thinking of Asia's daughter-in-law who was a doctor in a Florida pack hospital.

  "That might expedite things, just don't tell her what Quinn said, then she'd know the child had seen a doctor and my visions aren't normally that precise."

  "Got it. When I wake from my nap, I'll make some calls. Are you going to contact Ramos about our plan?"

  "Yeah, we've linked so I'll bring him current," Nionis said.

  "What? You linked with him already? What about your den's information?" Jackie had a hard time relating to Nionis' carefree attitude about life. Mental links were personal and intimate.

  "I've been blocking people from my thoughts since middle school. Ramos knows nothing about me I don't want him to know. His guesses are fairly accurate, though. I think he and I have similar gifts. I'm going to look up his family line, see if there's a connection."

  "I don't want anyone to know about my family, Nionis." Jackie made sure her friend understood how serious she was about her privacy.

  "I know. If they find out La Patron's your sire, it won't be from me. You can check me through our links. I have a lot of mental storage boxes on lock-down. So far no one's broken through and many have tried."

  "I appreciate it," Jackie said looking out the window. "We share a lot, Renee and the boys, and I don't want anyone to access that."

  "It's locked away, Jackie. You and I are linked and I've never seen anything about your family. I think it's instinctual to shield private matters in our minds. What I suggested by locking things down is an extra measure of protection," Nionis explained.

  Jackie nodded as they pulled onto Nionis' street. Chip and another male Jackie hadn't met stood in her driveway with their arms crossed watching them pull in.

  "Shit," Jackie whispered when Tango walked out the garage.


  Quinn hadn't been on pack lands in several years and took a moment to really look around. Well maintained homes lined the streets. Healthy, happy kids ran around playing tag, climbing trees, laughing. The stark contrast of the healthy pups in this community and the ones seeking refuge at the ranch pained him. He pulled into Nionis' driveway and turned off the engine. Grabbing the small bag Antwan sent for her, he stepped out his vehicle, looked around the neighborhood again and walked toward the front door.

  Nionis opened it before he reached the covered porch. "Come in, come in." She waved and stepped aside. Inside the cool interior, he handed her the bag and looked around.

  She laughed while looking inside the bag. "Tell Antwan thanks for returning my tracker." She tossed the bag onto a small, wooden end table. "Come on, Jackie's back here."

  He followed her through a hall into a larger room with a flat screen television, chairs and a low coffee table in the middle. Jackie sat on a long sofa reading through a stack of papers. She looked up at him and smiled. "How's it going?"

  "Good, thanks." He sat on the chair opposite her and looked at three white erase boards on the table.

  "Feel like watching a movie?" Nionis asked. She wrote yes on one of the erase boards.

  "Yes, sounds great as long as it's not mushy or horror. Something action packed, James Bond like if you have it," he said smiling at her frown.

  "Grease is my favorite movie," Nionis said surprising him when the title flashed on the screen.

  A musical? Seriously?

  She held up her board so he could read her new comments. "Get over it. We need to get to the hotel."

  Quinn nodded. By now his uncle should have the pregnant teen in the motel near Knoxville along with two of his trusted helpers watching over her until Quinn and Nionis arrived. The plan seemed solid. He picked up a board and wrote. "Okay. Whenever you're ready."

  Nionis nodded and pointed to Jackie.

  Jackie wrote. "I'm good, let's go. Chip should be done verifying everything by now."

  Quinn frowned as he read her comments.

  Nionis shook her head. "Explain later, let’s go."

  They stood and strode outside. He took one last look around the neighborhood as Jackie and Nionis entered his SUV. No one was surprised to see a car pull out after them. Quinn pretended to get directions to the motel from Nionis, making a few wrong turns and arguing with her to make it appear more authentic. When they arrived at the motel, Nionis jumped out the car first and headed to the stairs. Jackie and Quinn exited a few seconds behind her and watched Nionis' performance. Holding her head, she walked slowly past each door, doubled back once and then knocked on the door Ramos had given her.

  No one answered.

  Quinn, Jackie, and two security guys stood outside the door as Nionis turned the doorknob. It didn't open. Nionis spoke to the tall, slender man behind her. "Chip, open this door. I know you sense it too. Someone's sick in there."

  Chip glanced at Quinn who stood a good distance from them, human deep. Assuming, Quinn was human, Chip turned the knob until it broke and pushed open the door. Nionis strode in.

  "She's pack," Nionis said. "Get the van here for her now!"

  Jackie ran inside, leaving Quinn behind since pack security wouldn't allow him to follow. An unmarked medical van arrived within10minutes. Impressed, Quinn watched from the corner of the doorway as the paramedics examined the girl and announce her pregnant condition. Jackie and Nionis were upset that the child was pregnant and sick. They demanded she receive immediate care.

  The paramedics ran tests in the motel room and within minutes announced the same conclusion it had taken Quinn 30 minutes to make. Having the right equipment made all the difference.

  "Can you fix it?" Nionis asked the paramedics.

  "I've sent the information to the hospital, once the doctors examine her I'm sure they'll be able to give her the help she needs." The paramedic lifted the girl in his arms and walked down the steps with her, similar to how Quinn had done last night. Stepping aside, he watched them put her inside the van and drive away. Nionis and Jackie walked out behind the paramedic and waved Quinn over.

  "Let's go." Nionis threaded her arm through his and they walked a
head of Chip and the security team. "There was no identification on her so we need to follow them to the hospital."

  "Why?" Quinn asked knowing Chip was listening. "You said you had a feeling something was wrong, and you were right. Why do you need to do more?" Hospitals made him uncomfortable and if he could avoid going he would.

  Nionis glanced behind him and then looked at him. "You're right. I just need to be sure I got this one right. It's important to me." She looked behind her at Jackie. "Tell you what, you and Jackie go on to the house, I'll have Chip bring me there after we check on her. Won't take long."

  Stunned, Quinn stared at her to see if she was serious. Splitting up like this wasn't a part of their original plans. He waited for Jackie to step in and get them back on track. Instead, Nionis spun and ran toward the car that followed them from her home. Jackie walked over to him appearing just as clueless over what they were supposed to do now. She glanced over her shoulder. "I guess we should get moving. Maybe grab a bite to eat on the way," she said.

  "Okay," Quinn said slowly wondering what was going on. He and Nionis weren't mind linked so he couldn't ask questions. Instead he asked his uncle if he knew what Nionis was doing. Ramos claimed she hadn't told him about this part and suggested Quinn play it by ear.

  He unlocked the SUV for Jackie and slid into the driver’s seat. She pulled on her seat-belt and pulled out a small black device. After pressing a button, she looked at him. "I'm really hungry but if you're not, it's okay. We can just go back to the house and wait for Nionis."


  "No, food's a good idea." Quinn pulled out the parking lot and headed to a small family owned restaurant he enjoyed. Jackie continued tapping keys on her phone during the drive. He turned on the radio and smiled when one of his favorite songs, I can't stop loving you by Ray Charles played. Humming with the music, he turned onto the road leading to the restaurant.

  "You like that?" Jackie asked when the song ended.


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