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The Right Side of Memphis

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by Jennifer Scott


  Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Scott

  All rights reserved. Except for the use in review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to the actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Books by Jennifer Scott:The Right Side of Memphis (Tennessee Series #1)

  Somewhere In My Heart (Tennessee Series #2)

  Three Ways to Fall (Tennessee Series #3)

  Tennessee Love: The Collection (All 3 Books)

  The Right Side



  Jennifer Scott

  Chapter 1

  It was June 2012. The Annual Country Music Fan Fair was going on in Nashville, Tennessee. It was quite different from the year before. Stars were everywhere, but something strange was happening. A few of the country music artists were having personal troubles. The tabloids had not yet learned of any of the topic headlines. Quite a few of the normal fan fair participants were nowhere to be found. It only appeared to go unnoticed by those who weren't huge fans of theirs. Since it was an entire week of entertainment, there was always hope that they may show up before the last day.

  A very crucial part of Music City's popularity is credited to photographers and journalists, but no one wants to praise the paparazzi. The most cherished are the interviewers. So, undoubtedly, Nashville's very own Lori Brook and Chuck Shane were all over the convention halls. They never missed a bit of the excitement. They even took time out to sign some autographs for their fans as well.

  Mysteries were waiting to be unraveled. They were right under everyone's noses. One photo-journalist in particular would be the first to play a major part in it all. She was a novice, but put all of her time and energy in her work. Like Brook and Shane, she wanted to be part of all the exhilaration that goes with show business. Country music was her lifeline and Ricky Todd was the reason. She loved the glamour and glitz of Nashville, but she adored Ricky even more. Little did she know that he would not be at fan fair and neither would quite a few others.

  It was day three and Billie Garris was losing all hope. Then, she saw one of her favorite country singers. He was preparing to sign autographs. She had seen him in concert a few times. This was her first chance to actually have a conversation with him. The line was starting to form, lucky for her; she didn't have to wait in it long. She was in his fan club and also doing her job. She wasn't thrilled with the idea of asking him the same standard questions that they usually hate answering. She could see Bobby Douglas’ face from where she was standing. She could tell that he was having a bad day. The line was still long and it was extremely hot. Finally, Bobby’s manager gave his approval for the media to get their cameras ready. Billie was a good friend to someone who worked for Country Star magazine. They had used some of her work in the past. So did Bobby Douglas’ club newsletter. As soon as she thought of a few of her own questions to ask him, that's when it was canceled. They told the crowd that he was not up to being interviewed at that time. He took a break, which is when some gossip started to spread. They were saying he wouldn't be signing any more autographs. Some also said he may not return the rest of the week. Several reporters liked turning opinions in to facts. Billie was not like that at all. She only reported the truth, or what she thought to be the truth. She was determined more than ever to find out, not just for the fans, but for herself as well.

  Billie wandered from booth to booth, snapping pictures here and there. She'd even stop to hear some interviews for some of the new artists. She wanted to have the latest information on all of the famous or rising stars to fill her journal. She was wondering where Chris Brady could be in the building. She had not seen Ricky Todd either. Time had slipped away before she noticed it. She realized she had to find out what went on at Bobby Douglas’ booth. She started to rush back through the crowds. Some reporters were still around. Most of the fans had moved on to other lines for autographs. She tried to push her way to the front of the barricades. One of the reporters told her that Bobby’s manager had said, “No More Comments.” Now, Billie was really curious.

  She found out when Bobby’s’ stage show was going to be and she made the arrangements. She put her press pass on, but then decided against it. She assumed in his current state, he might be a little less considerate to someone with the press. He could be more honest with a fan. She would be going backstage as a fan club member only. The show only lasted about forty-five minutes, compared to his normally two hour concerts. While she was waiting backstage, she started to worry. She just knew he would cancel his meet and greet with his fans. But, he didn't after all. He was gracious enough to talk to them. It was only a small room full of people. Billie noticed that Bobby's wife and children were not there. She could only assume they didn't want to sit through all of the boring details. Before she had a chance to ask that question, someone else beat her to it. He said his family went to visit her parents. That was odd to Billie because she remembered him saying in a previous interview, that they only visited during the holidays. “Perhaps a family emergency,” crossed her mind.

  All though Billie had been trained to conduct these kinds of interviews, she was still quite nervous. She didn't want to pry in to his personal life. That is one reason she was off duty.

  Billie still felt a bit speechless. She decided to take pictures along with everyone else. That was when Bobby noticed her. He acknowledged, “That is an awfully bright flash you have!”

  Billie joked, “The better to take pictures of you with.”

  He laughed and inquired, “Haven't I seen you somewhere before? You look very familiar.”

  She hoped that he didn't recognize her from that morning or any other press event. So, she grinned, “I don't think so. I am just a devoted fan of yours.”

  He agreed, “I can tell by how many pictures you have taken of me. You seem to know what you are doing with that camera.”

  Billie noted, “From the way your music sounds and by your stage performance, I'm pretty sure you know what you are doing as well.”

  After he gave her his autograph, they kept a conversation going. Then, Billie noticed someone that she worked with coming towards them. She had to leave before her co-worker had the chance to expose her. She told Bobby she would be seeing him again. He added, “Nice talking to you. Be sure to catch my next show.”

  Fan Fair was almost over. It was now the night of the Music City Country Awards. Her ticket for the event was provided by the Music City Times subscription she had. She was praying that she would have the opportunity to see everyone there that she had not seen at fan fair. Ricky Todd was at the top of the list. Most people were used to him not showing up there. Some figured he was just filming a movie or back home in Maui. Her patience was wearing thin, but she knew in her heart that it was just a matter of time before she'd meet him…being in his fan club for over ten years had to pay off sometime.

  Billie was fortunate enough to see Chris Brady that night. No one could miss him because he was the host of the awards. She wanted to know why he missed fan fair so far. He mentioned it in his monologue, to let the audience know that he would be there the remainder of the week. This was one of the great benefits to Billie's job. Nine times out of ten, she would get the chance to interview her favorite country star
s. The top three were on their way down to two. She knew it would be hard to get backstage to talk to Chris. But, that was what she was being paid to do that night. She didn’t want to miss the show, but the interview was more important.

  She went in the back of the auditorium while Dusty Road, Vocal Group of the Year, was performing. Chris was off camera and apparently vanished to his dressing room. She found it and proceeded to knock. She heard nothing. He didn't answer, so she decided to go in anyway. She had no way of knowing that he was actually in there. Then, she heard him practicing his lines in the bathroom. She checked around and tried to get some sense of the real Chris Brady, a part the media doesn't get to see. The only thing that stood out was some liquor bottles on his dresser. “Chris Brady drinks Jack Daniels? Not exactly a big headline,” Billie thought. She left the room, but waited outside a few minutes.

  Then, someone came and knocked on his door. They announced, “Showtime, Mr. Brady, in two minutes.” Billie decided to go back to her seat and try again later.

  Halfway through the show, Ricky Todd was nominated for an award. Billie tried to think positive for him to win. She was hoping that he would get the award for Best Male Artist or the Entertainer of the Year. She was so wrapped up in the thought of Ricky winning, that he did. He won for Best Single. He wasn't there to accept. Everyone found out the reason, via satellite. He thanked all of the fans for voting and asked them to forgive his absence. He said that his wife, Lydia, was ill and he had to be with her. Billie was never a huge fan of Lydia's, but would not wish her any harm.

  Bobby Douglas was not nominated for a lot of awards, and he managed to win a great one. He won the award for Best Male. When he gave his acceptance speech, it sounded almost like an apology. Billie wondered if he was trying to ask for forgiveness from his fans for the incident at fan fair. He dedicated his award to his wife and kids. He followed that by saying he didn't feel like the best male.

  Billie was beginning to worry. What was going on with her favorite male singers? She didn’t know whether or not to worry about Chris. A lot of people drink. The bottles she saw might not have belonged to him. Then, Chris told the audience he would not be singing because he had to rest his voice for fan fair. Billie wondered if the alcohol was some kind of treatment for his throat, or if it was the reason he was absent from fan fair earlier.

  Just when Billie thought three hours would turn in to four, they announced the winner of the last award. Chris Brady was one of the nominees. Surprisingly enough, he won. He was the Entertainer of the Year. It was his first time winning it. It was thanks to his last album and the Christmas album he made. Billie was expecting to see Lana with him. He did not say whether or not she was filming a movie or still out in California. Chris acknowledged only one in his speech, Colby, his Labrador retriever. They let him come on stage. Billie already had a title in mind for her story, “Music City Goes Barnum and Bailey.” After that, she was not so sure his drinking was insignificant. Some noticed his unusual behavior. She wanted to be proven wrong about him. He was well respected and she had always loved his music. His smile and his charm were hard for the media to criticize. Not to mention, his beautiful green eyes that sparkled when he laughed, his dimples, and how attractive he looked wearing his trademark color black.

  The post award show was much more hectic. Reporters were waiting to hound the stars who won. Billie wasn't out for blood, like they were, just acceptance. As she was running over ideas in her mind, Bobby Douglas passed by her. He almost caught a glimpse of her. She wasn't sure if he did or not. She tried to follow him and be discreet. She had no idea what she was doing. He walked out the back exit and boarded his tour bus. She obviously couldn't follow him then.

  The next day was her last day working at fan fair. She was still tired from the night before, thinking about all of the bizarre things that had happened. She had heard news once she arrived at the fairgrounds that Bobby would be at Opryville instead that day. She wanted to see him, but first she had to talk to Chris. His booth was all of the way in the back of the hall he was in. He needed the largest area for all of his fans. He was the most wanted there, since he was the newest Entertainer of the Year. Billie was lucky enough to be transferred to the front, with her press pass in hand. She almost wore her Chris Brady shirt, but she wanted to try and look professional.

  Once she asked him all of the questions her boss had given her, she inquired some of her own. “Where were you last night? I went to your dressing room, but I didn't see you.”

  Chris claimed, “I'm sorry. I may have been freshening up, but I probably would have known that you were in the room with me." He had answered her questions, but she could tell by his tone, he was not telling the whole truth. So, her other question would have to wait.

  She decided to go to Opryville and find Bobby. It was after dark before she finally found him. He was talking on his cell phone. From what she could hear, she assumed it was his wife, Kelly. Suddenly, he shoved the phone in his pocket and left pretty quickly. Billie thought of a plan. She contacted some of her friends in high places. Her buddy from Music City Times was the most helpful. Her friend was having a photo session with Bobby about his award. Time for Billie to play Nancy Drew!

  Billie was looking forward to finding out what was going on with Bobby. Her imagination was running wild. She met up with her friend to compare notes. Billie did not let her boss, Mr. Reid know she was going to the session. He might make it more difficult for her to investigate. Her real reason for being there was so she could have some kind of closure to her worries. She was going to try and sugar coat as many things as possible. Her friend, Jenna, thought of a solution to her problem. She decided to ask the questions for her. Jenna pleaded, “Well, what do you want to know about him?”

  So, Billie instructed, “Find out, if you can, if he broke up with his wife.”

  Jenna challenged, “You get right to the point of things, don't you? I don't think he would tell me the truth about that. He may not want the whole world to know. Then, it would be like a match maker marathon.”

  Billie contended, “Then, use your professional charm and rephrase the question. Any little clue will help.”

  Bobby was prompt for his interview. First, Jenna took a few pictures and asked him about his award. He boasted, “I was not expecting to win. I know a lot of people say that about awards, but it is true. Especially since...”

  “Since what?” Jenna appealed.

  “I'd rather not discuss it. It's personal,” Bobby grunted.

  She assured, “I'm sorry if I upset you. I'm only trying to find out for your fans. They care about your welfare.”

  He advised, “Right now, it would be best for them and for my family if they didn't know.”

  She suggested, “They are bound to find out sooner or later. Wouldn't you rather they hear it from us? We're not like those trashy tabloids. We have high reviews.”

  Bobby asserted, “When I am ready, I'll be sure to let you know.”

  As the interview drew to a close, Billie was almost sure of what he was trying to hide. Jenna mumbled, “I hope you got what you wanted. I tried.”

  Billie vowed, “I don't have a yes or no answer, but I'm more determined to find out. My instincts could be right. Thanks for your help.”

  Jenna inquired, “What are you going to do now?”

  Billie answered, “I'll just have to find another way. Talking to him myself may not work, but it is my only choice now.”

  After that day, it was hard to find Bobby anywhere. It was like he had fallen off the face of the Earth. Billie was watching country music television, hoping to hear something. She did. She heard that Lana Howard divorced Chris Brady. That explained everything about Chris’ attitude. She couldn't believe Lana would do that to Chris. They were so much in love; at least it appeared that way. They had been married for 15 years. Thoughts went through Billie's mind like, “Did someone have an affair? Were they having financial problems? Or did Chris want to have children with Lana an
d she couldn't?” All of this time she had been concentrating on Bobby, and had forgotten Chris had problems as well. She was not finished helping Bobby, but wondered how she could now assist Chris.

  Billie decided to drive out to Chris’ place in Nashville. Incidentally, so did half of the town. She just knew they wouldn't let her in, unless she was a family member. Friends of Chris’ were arriving every few minutes. Billie recognized a few as they passed through the front gate. She saw Henry Nichols. Henry was Chris’ song writing partner and lead guitarist. As Billie was waiting to see who else might show up, Jenna appeared and grabbed her by the arm. Jenna announced, “We’ve got clearance, come on before they change their minds!” Jenna was there for an interview. But, Billie was there to see how Chris was coping.

  Billie could tell Chris wanted to be left alone. He looked so depressed. She wondered if anyone knew about his drinking, and if that's why he did it, to forget about Lana. From what she could hear, Chris was going to give Lana the ranch in Hollywood. There were too many memories for him to deal with, if he was to move on with his life. Billie still couldn't help thinking how this could happen to such a great person. Jenna observed, “Lana must be pretty stupid to leave a nice guy like him. Kelly’s real dumb, too.”

  Billie challenged, “What brought on that comment?”

  “Well, remember your suspicions? I checked out a few things and you may be right. I heard through the grape vine that Kelly is still with her family and has both of their kids. Also, Bobby is back in his hometown, in Florida. Don't ask me why he returned there, unless it was to get the love and support of his family, “Jenna estimated.

  Billie emphasized, “I wonder if he'll be returning here anytime soon.”

  Jenna remarked, “If I hear anything else, I'll tell you.”

  Billie observed, “Well, we are not finding out much about Chris, are we?”

  Jenna wondered, “Do you want to go up there with me?”


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