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Page 17

by Leanne Wood

  “Anyone hungry?” Daniel joked, before he sculled his glass of water. Bridget gave a half smile and chuckled. She didn’t want Daniel to sense her concern. She had to appear strong. She pushed her fears to the back of her mind and followed him to the back of the cabin. They would bury the bodies as the evidence burned.

  Daniel dropped a ladder into the hole. Bridget stabilised the top as he climbed down. She peered over the edge then knelt and watched. His head was well below ground level. He dragged the bodies, and lined them next to each other.

  “Are you okay? Do you think this will take long?” she asked nervously.

  “Yep, I’m fine. It shouldn’t take long now,” he said, dusting his hands on his pants. “They’ll never be found here, and they’ll never hurt you again.” He grinned up at her. “Don’t you think they looked like three oversized spring rolls?”

  “Oversized spring rolls…yeah,” she replied with a shaky chuckle. Her niggling feeling had returned. She glanced over her shoulder, but saw no one.

  Daniel climbed back up the ladder, grabbed a shovel and began covering the bodies with blue metal and sand from the mound that sat at the edge of the hole. The bodies slowly began to disappear beneath the mix. Daniel climbed back into the hole and spread out the fill as Bridget watched intently. She continued to glance over her shoulder.

  Cover them over, I can still see them… Come on, cover them over. Quick! Hurry Up!

  A cold breeze whisked across her body, like someone had just run past. “How about I give you a hand,” she yelled. “I’ll push the gravel and sand while you smooth it out.”


  Bridget raced to the pile, and pulled large scoops of the mix towards the edge of the hole.

  “Whoa, whoa…what are you doing?” Daniel yelled. “Don’t do that, you’ll end up falling in. There’s another shovel near the cabin. Go and grab that.”

  Bridget turned, spotted the shovel and ran to grab it. She knew she needed to rush. Not soon enough she was back and frantically shovelling. Within minutes her hands and back ached. But she would not stop. Daniel dodged the falling fill.

  Bridget froze as an overwhelming feeling of dread swept over her. She glanced over her shoulder again, almost positive this time they were being watched. She swallowed hard and peered into the bush. Her feelings could no longer be ignored. “Daniel,” she whispered. “Daniel… I think someone’s watching us.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. “No one’s here. You’re just being paranoid.”

  “I am not being paranoid. I’m sure I heard something. I’m sure something moved in the bush.”


  Suddenly, Daniel recalled his thoughts that someone had been in his house. He dropped his shovel. He flew up the ladder and peered out the hole.

  “Where?” he whispered. “Don’t point, just tell me quietly.”

  “Down towards the pathway,” Bridget replied.

  Daniel’s eyes scanned. His mind whirled. He swallowed hard. What would he do with a fourth body? Panicked, he looked back into the hole. Two black ends protruded through the gravel and sand mix. Daniel jumped down. He frantically shovelled. It was imperative he conceal the plastic.


  Bridget’s gnawing unease continued. She was sure someone was watching from within the bush.



  ridget screamed. A strange man stood behind her holding a gun.

  “Bridget,” Daniel yelled. “Bridget, are you okay?”

  Moments later the outsider was at her side. Daniel dropped his shovel and raced part way up the ladder. Bridget saw the colour drain from his face.

  “Well, well, well… who’s been a busy boy,” the man chuckled. “Looks like I’ve missed all the fun and games.”

  Bridget hands tightened on the shovel. Did she have enough power to knock him off his feet? If she hit him in the side of the head he could easily fall into the hole, and if he landed the way she wanted, he would snap his neck. Everything appeared as if it were happening in slow motion. Bridget steadied her stance; she’d propel her weight forward to maximise impact.

  “Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me,” Daniel said. “How are you, Duke?” he asked, as he dropped back in the hole kicking the gravel and sand.

  Bridget didn’t release her grip despite Daniel seeming at ease with the man, but she watched Duke closely as he moved towards the hole.

  “Good…” said Duke. “I’ve been busy but not as busy as you, it seems,” he said with chuckle.

  When Duke took another step closer to the edge, Bridget glanced into the hole. Daniel shuffled his feet; there was a small section of exposed black plastic, but she couldn’t yell for him to cover it. She held her breath and hoped this stranger would not see it.

  “I came over earlier,” Duke said. “Couldn’t find you. Seems you’ve been a bit preoccupied. But don’t worry about old Duke. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil is what I say,” he said, cackling like an old witch.


  Daniel swallowed hard. His mind whirled. Had Duke seen more than he was saying? He peered up and tried to study his face but couldn’t tell. The sunlight behind his body made studying his face impossible.

  “I see you’ve been doing a bit of digging,” Duke said, as he placed his feet on the edge of the hole. He turned and smiled towards Bridget. A shiver ran down her spine. “If I had a gorgeous gal like you, I’d be keeping you a secret too.”

  Bridget stepped back; his breath reeked of alcohol.

  “What’s the matter girlie? Cat got your tongue? Don’t worry, old Duke doesn’t bite. Not unless you want him too.” Duke chuckled again. “Let me show you how a real man works.”

  Before Bridget had a chance to respond Duke jumped down into the hole. He fell to his knees laughing. “Oh wow, that was deeper than I realised.”

  Daniel helped him to his feet then Duke began stomping around like a drunken fool. Daniel kicked the gravel then stood on a piece of the exposed black plastic.

  “So it is either a huge grave or you’re getting yourself a new water tank, let me guess,” Duke said, as he tapped his fingers against his bottom lip. He raised his eyebrows then began to chuckle. “I know what you have been up to Danny Boy. Nothing gets passed the Duke man.”

  Daniel tightened his grip around his shovel; and Bridget knew Duke was in striking distance.

  “Luckily I didn’t come into your bedroom before. Old Dukey may have seen more than he bargained for.” Duke stared up at Bridget then began laughing hysterically, slapping his leg with his hand like an old hillbilly. “I’d better stop my shit stirring before you smash me over the head and bury me here.”

  Daniel loosened his grip, sighed and shook his head. “You can’t help yourself can you?”

  “Sorry my friend, you know me. I don’t get much company. I need to have a laugh. Laughing is good for the soul. No harm intended. But I did come over for a reason.” Duke paused, his voice becoming serious. “Yesterday afternoon Dekota took off. Acted like a lunatic. We ended up over near the old quarry. This morning I went there and found blood. Have you seen or heard anything?”

  “No mate, nothing. I only arrived this morning. Bridget didn’t get here till later. She’s been in Melbourne. Tank is being delivered tomorrow, so I had to get the site prepared.”

  “No worries. Probably a kangaroo or maybe a fox got a hold of a rabbit. Seen a few around lately.”

  Daniel nodded and smiled. “Yeah probably a rabbit and I tell you what, this bunny is bloody thirsty so how about we jump out and I fetch us a beer.”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice,” Duke replied, as he reached for the ladder.

  Daniel sighed with relief. He followed Duke out of the hole. He turned and looked at the gravel and sand. A small portion of plastic poked through. He would get rid of Duke and return to finish the base work for his new tank. Ten more minutes would be all it required.
Tomorrow a ten thousand-litre concrete water tank would be lowered into position. Samuel Easton, Arthur Fuller and Pierre Rainer would be buried forever.

  Sitting on the front step Duke inhaled his beer. He rose to his feet and strolled towards the old rusty drum. Inside the flames had died down. Long timber palings still stuck out from the top. Daniel tensed. Bridget gulped. What if he noticed the blood? Duke threw his can into the fire, grabbed a paling and poked at the flames. Bridget held her breath.

  “What are you burning here? Are you getting ready to toast some marshmallows?” Duke said with a drunken grin.

  “No, just getting rid of some rubbish,” Daniel said. “Had some old palings supporting the hole for the tank. I wish we could hang around and toast marshmallows, unfortunately, I have to get back to work tomorrow.”

  Daniel stood and stretched. “How about another coldie for the road,” he asked.

  Duke took the bait, and hobbled back towards the verandah. Daniel passed him another beer. Bridget chewed her bottom lip and picked at her nails then glanced over her shoulder. Something isn’t right. Daniel continued to chat with Duke while she silently prayed he would just leave. Something rustled in the bushes, and she flinched. What now?

  The bushes moved. Leaves crunched and branches cracked. This time everyone noticed. Something dark rustled in the undergrowth. Bridget’s eyes widened. Her heart began to pound.

  Duke rose to his feet. “Come out you bastard,” he yelled.

  Bridget swallowed hard—

  A large black Rottweiler burst through the undergrowth and bounded into the clearing. Bridget screamed and dashed up the steps.

  “Don’t be alarmed, he won’t hurt you,” Duke said, as he turned towards Bridget. “Dekota, come here you,” he snapped. The Rottweiler bolted forward with its nose to the ground.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into him. He’s been acting all bloody crazy. Better take him home before he sniffs up all your gravel and sand.”

  Daniel nodded and looked at his watch. Bridget saw the look of concern on his face. It was getting late. She wanted to finish the hole and get out of there.

  Duke saw him look at the time. He knew he had interrupted his work. There was nothing worse than being interrupted when you were busy working.

  “I’ll tell you what. Tomorrow I’ll come over and make sure they put your tank in without any issues. Just a way of saying thanks for the beers. Seems you have the prep done. I’ll make sure they don’t damage anything.”

  “Thanks, Duke, I’d appreciate that. I can’t be here tomorrow. That would be great.”

  “No worries, mate. Nothing worse than someone ruining your plans. I had a tank put in a while ago. The installer arrived. Climbed into the hole. Stuffed around. Ended up stuffing up the sidewall. I had to repair his damage before the tank could be lowered into place. I’ll make sure they don’t stuff you around. Do you have about a foot of clearance for the tank?”

  “Yep, all measured and ready to go.”

  “Excellent, just tell me the time and I’ll be here.”

  “They said they’d be here at noon.”

  “Noon it is,” Duke said as he rose to his feet and shook Daniel’s hand.

  “Come on Dekota, you crazy bastard, let’s go home.”

  Daniel and Bridget watched as man and dog disappeared down the pathway into the bush. Both released a deep sigh.

  Daniel hurried back down into the hole. Bridget shovelled from above. The mound of gravel and sand disappeared. The black plastic vanished deep beneath the fill. Daniel made sure the surface was packed solid. He looked up towards Bridget.

  “They’re gone,” he said quietly.

  She nodded and smiled. Her shoulders dropped, as if all the weight she had been carrying around with her lifted. She’d be able to place the painful memories of the past behind her and move forward without the constant worry of looking over her shoulder.

  Daniel’s mobile vibrated in his pocket. He fumbled to retrieve it, and Bridget chuckled at him as she listened to his conversation.

  “Daniel speaking… hello mate… that would be wonderful… fantastic… yep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow... thanks a million.” He ended the call and placed his mobile in his pocket.

  “You little ripper,” he said, grinning up at her. “I’ve got you a new therapist.”

  Bridget smiled.

  Things were falling into place.



  oud banging rang out like repetitive gunfire. Bridget sprang up in her bed. The light on her front stoop shone brightly. The banging continued. Who the hell is that? She strained to focus on her bedside clock. It was just after midnight. Daniel leapt from the bed as she struggled to throw on her nightie. Raised voices replaced the banging.

  “You… What are you doing here?” Zack demanded.

  “Me? What the hell are you doing here? You and Bridget broke up,” Daniel snapped.

  Bridget finally pulled her nightie over her head and staggered out into the hallway. Daniel was blocking the front door, preventing Zack from entering.

  “And you’re her psychiatrist. I could have your job over this.”

  “You will do nothing except tell me why the hell you’re here. Who do you think you are, coming here in the middle of the night?” Daniel said, anger rife in his voice. “She has nothing to say to you and I don’t have to explain anything.”

  “I want to talk to Bridget.”

  “I don’t care what you want,” Daniel said. “You need to leave.”

  Bridget wiped her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair, glaring at Zack as she moved to the door.

  “You need to talk to me, Bridget,” Zack said when he spotted her. “I know what you’ve done!”

  Bridget nudged Daniel aside and stood next to him. “You need to keep your voice down,” she said, as she raised her finger to her mouth in a shush gesture. “Why don’t you go back to your girlfriend. I’m sure Sandra wouldn’t be happy to know you’ve come to see me in the middle of the night.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, until you talk to me.”

  Bridget glared then turned towards Daniel, rolling her eyes before nodding. “Let him in, otherwise he’s going wake up the whole neighbourhood.”

  Daniel released his grip on the door, and Zack stormed past, their shoulders colliding as Zack thundered down hallway to the lounge room. Bridget peered out into the darkness.

  At least no one has heard.

  Bridget waited for Daniel and walked with him to the lounge room. Zack stood firm with his hands on his hips. She couldn’t bear to look at him, so she flopped onto the lounge and wiped her eyes. “Say what you have to say then leave.”

  Daniel sat next to her and took her hand as Zack glared at them both.

  “I know it was you?”

  “You know it was me, what?” Bridget sighed. “I’m sick of you coming over here with your accusations… What are saying I’ve done now?”

  “The headlines of the newspaper, it’s all over the news. Samuel Easton, Arthur Fuller and Pierre Rainer are missing. I know it was you.”

  “You’re an idiot,” she snapped. “Go back to Sandra and leave me alone. Come back on the weekend, get your boat and stay out of my life.”

  “Say what you want, but I know it was you.”

  “I want you to leave,” Bridget said. “I haven’t seen the newspaper. I haven’t even been here,” she said angered, rising to her feet. “Not that I have to explain anything to you, but I’ve been in Melbourne for the past two weeks.”

  Turning towards Daniel, she noticed his clenched jaw and hands balling into tight fists, she imagined he wanted to jump from the lounge and thump him. But she knew he respected her too much to cause a fight. Shaking her head she returned Zack’s icy stare and stormed out of the room returning moments later empty handed.

  “Fuck you, I don’t have to show you any proof, I don’t answer to you!” she sna
pped, as her fingernails bit into the palms of her hands.

  “You know nothing. Why don’t you telephone Tanya Stanley. You know Tanya; she and I have been friends for years. You met her several times and said how nice she was. She’ll tell you I was there. She lives in Melbourne now. I went out for dinner with her while I was there. We talked about my moving there. I told her you had left me. I spoke about how I felt like a fresh start away from all the memories.” Bridget paused, as she ran a hand through her hair and closed her eyes. Releasing a loud sigh, she opened her eyes and looked up at Zack, this time, with widened eyes. I wonder if he would struggle much? Bridget smiled as she imagined her hands wrapped around his throat. She wondered what it would take for Zack to disappear?

  “I don’t need to dredge up the past. I’m sick of this Zack. My life is moving forward. You need to move on with yours, and stop interfering in mine. I have Daniel now. You need to keep your accusations and threats to yourself. Daniel has done nothing wrong. He is more of a man than you will ever be. He is no longer my psychiatrist. No rules were broken. So go… just go. Your boat will be out the front on the weekend, no need to come in, just collect it and leave. I’m done,” she yelled.

  Zack said nothing, he glared at them both with disdain, rose from the chair and stormed up the hallway. The front door slammed. Bridget released a loud sigh and shook her head. “Why can’t he just drop it? Why won’t he leave me alone?” Daniel grabbed her hand and pulled her from the lounge.

  “Come on, let’s go back to bed. Forget about him, he can’t prove a thing.”


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