Once Human: An Interactive Adventure

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Once Human: An Interactive Adventure Page 4

by Anthony Lampe

  Taking a deep breath, you slowly approach the vehicle. As you near the driver’s side door, the window rolls down enough for you to see the cold emotionless face of a man. In a deep voice he says, “I have been waiting for you.”

  You feel tingles up your spine, and you then ask, “Who are you?”

  “I am Dygor,” he states, “your bodyguard.”

  “My bodyguard?” you ponder this for a moment and ask, “Who am I, a celebrity or millionaire?”

  “I can enlighten you to the truth,” he begins, “but you must trust me. Time is of the essence. Get in the vehicle, and all will be revealed.”

  If you enter the SUV, turn to page 14.

  If you make a run for it, turn to page 69.

  Page 51

  You run over to the black hummer and climb into the passenger seat. Agent Zero steps on the accelerator and the vehicle takes off rapidly.

  “I need to know everything,” you demand.

  “You are Jonathan Zane,” the agent begins, “and you have an alien brain-core in your head.”

  “What?” you shout. “An alien what?”

  “Brain-core,” he repeats. “It is the core of the alien brain. You were abducted, and the aliens placed the brain-core inside your head. They left you in a motel room since they were unsure which memories would surface first. I placed the driver’s license of your best friend there so you may remember him and your human thoughts.”

  “Where are we headed now?” you ask.

  “There may be two ways to deal with the brain-core. We can try to remove it, or you can strike at the mother ship, thus hopefully having the human thoughts prevail, and defeat the brain-core.”

  If you want to remove the core, turn to page 15.

  If you wish to defeat the aliens, turn to page 67.

  Page 52

  You reach into your pocket and pull out two data chips, each containing a code. Nikki had given you the code to activate the self-destruct of the building. Vikki gave you the code to have the MIB system lock onto the alien mother ship.

  As you ponder which code to enter, a man in the crowd wearing an all black suit says, “I am Agent Zero of the MIB. I know that you will do the right thing, Jonathan. Your mother loves you, as does your best friend and your fiancée.”

  You look up and suddenly you recognize several people in the group. Your head hurts badly.

  Julia is the love of your life and your fiancée. Brain, your best friend, was the guy on the driver’s license. Your mother always took the best care of you… Yet, you had volunteered to complete this mission, to render Earth defenseless and to conquer the planet.

  Do you side with the aliens or the humans?

  If you decide to destroy the MIB, turn to page 27.

  If you choose to expose the UFO, turn to page 57.

  Page 53

  You sprint away from the SUV as fast as you can, and you hear a door open and the echo of footsteps behind you.

  “I am sorry to have to do this,” Dygor states, “but you leave me little choice. This is better than the alternative I could do, but let’s hope it doesn’t ever come to that.”

  You glance back and see Dygor changing the setting on his silver gun, then taking aim at you. As you hear him pull the trigger, a quick burst of concentrated energy erupts, hitting your back.

  At first you try to ignore the pain, but as moments pass, your body grows weaker by the second. You lean over, stumble, and fall to the ground. You feel extremely lightheaded, and begin to question what is real. You start to doubt everything that has happened, and can not trust anything you have seen or heard. As real as this all seems, it soon fades from your memory.

  You close your eyes and lose consciousness.

  Turn to page 3.

  Page 54

  Nikki leans back a little and admires your handsome face. After a few moments of looking into your eyes, she says, “Is there something you are not telling me, my love?”

  You wrinkle your eyebrow and ponder that question. You have defeated the mind of Jonathan Zane, claiming the body as your own, you have the woman of your dreams and future wife and queen in your arms, and you will soon strike at the heart of the Men in Black, as to fulfill your destiny and wipe out Earth’s only true defense.

  You sense something wrong as well, but can not place it. If only you could access Jonathan’s thoughts, or your shared memories, then maybe you could recall what he knew that you do not.

  A warning alarm goes off and you hear an automated alien voice speak. You realize that it is saying, “The ship’s position is compromised. Detecting incoming projectile. Advise immediate evasive actions.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 55

  You suddenly remember that the MIB agent below was going to tag the vessel with a tracking devise so it could be targeted and destroyed.

  You see Nikki’s eyes open wide. Before either of you can react, a projectile impacts the hull of the UFO. A temporary micro black hole appears and instantly tears the ship apart down to the smallest atom. Within a split second, the black hole disappears in a flash of fiery red light, leaving nothing behind.


  Page 56

  You quickly disable the missile and prevent it from firing off. Agent Zero slowly approaches you with his weapon at the ready.

  “I am not sure if there is any way to save you Jonathan,” he says, “but if there is, be sure we will try our best. In the meantime, I am sorry if you are able to feel this.”

  You notice the agent changing the setting on the weapon. Before you can react, he fires, and the shot impacts you and renders you unconscious.

  When you awake, you find yourself in a white-walled room, with vague memories surfacing.

  You were selected as General because of your fearless nature and dedication. You always gave each mission everything you had, at all costs. You even gave your old body up when your brain-core was removed and put in Jonathan Zane.

  You wonder if you failed your people. Will they attempt to free you from this imprisonment, or move on to another planet? You may never know.


  Page 57

  You insert the data chip into the main computer’s USB port, and within mere moments, an automated voice comes over the loudspeaker.

  “Attention, attention. Unidentified object detected nearby. Remote satellite is preparing a firing solution for a missile strike.”

  “That was a grave mistake Jonathan,” Dygor says while aiming the silver gun at you.

  Before he can pull the trigger, a gun goes off and Dygor stumbles backwards. As he turns, you notice that his chest has been shot. Through the holes in his black shirt, you see dull metallic plating beneath his torn skin-colored flesh.

  You stare in disbelief. Dygor is an android.

  Agent Zero is across the room with a shiny futuristic weapon in hand. As he reloads, Dygor starts to raise the silver gun towards the agent.

  You are within reach of Dygor, and might be able to prevent his attack if you act now.

  If you grab for Dygor’s weapon, turn to page 23.

  If you decide to remain still, turn to page 83.

  Page 58

  Upon lying on the table, the surgeons begin to operate. They inject a sedative into you, which slows down your thoughts until you nearly lose consciousness. As they aim what appears like a super long thin needle at your forehead, you realize that you are partially conscious. When the needle pierces into your skin, you agonize in pain and your head is flooded with vivid memories.

  You stand before the king of the alien race and he declares you as the Chosen One. He knights you and there is a massive feast for you and the army of silver-skinned people. After the feast, you enter the surgery room, where you lay down on a table, then feel a sharp pain in your forehead.

  You are General Kryton. These humans dare to terminate you, the one chosen to rule Earth?

  You suddenly awake and see Agent Zero. A part of you longs to destroy the Men
in Black, while the other part wishes to terminate the brain-core.

  If you strike at the Men in Black, turn to page 24.

  If you confess the alien thoughts, turn to page 76.

  Page 59

  “Dygor,” you say casually, “pull it.”

  “Yes, master,” he replies. “My pleasure.”

  Dygor yanks the computer panel away from the system, causing all the attached wires to snap.

  Nikki shouts, “What have you done?”

  “The ship is now visible to the Men in Black, and will be destroyed in a few minutes.”

  Her eyes go wide in shock and she becomes speechless. She mutters, “Then we shall just take off to the stars and leave this planet behind.”

  “Not possible now,” Dygor states as he holds another severed circuit board in his other hand.

  Nikki storms out of the room and Dygor says, “And now we must go as well.”

  As he leads you back to the teleporter, you walk past a room and see Nikki, a girl that looks just like her, an older man with a crown and a graceful woman all talking frantically. When you reach the teleporting pad, Dygor activates it and soon you are surrounded by the brilliant light once more.

  Turn to page 78.

  Page 60

  Something about this seems to bother you. You are curious who Dygor shot and eliminated. Was it Brian, Julia, Agent Zero or Jonathan’s mother?

  You try to dismiss the thought, and you hope the bad feeling you have is not from guilt or sympathy towards the humans.

  Dygor stops you just meters away from the building. “The mother ship will collect us here.”

  You state, “I need to know who shot you.”

  “I will not answer that question,” Dygor replies.

  “You were created to protect me,” you begin. “You are programmed to do whatever Kryton says. I am Kryton! Answer me! Who shot you?”

  “Thirty seconds from now the building will implode,” Dygor states, “and if we are still here, it may pull us in as well. I will not tell you what you wish. If you deem me as defective, leave me here. But you must return to the ship right now.”

  If you leave Dygor on the planet, turn to page 16.

  If you allow Dygor to return to the ship with you, turn to page 84.

  Page 61

  Fearing getting arrested, you continue at full speed down the country road. As the path begins to curve to the right, you barely stay on the road. On the left side of the lane is a huge downward slope, with many trees spread across it.

  The police siren begins to decrease in volume. You look in your rear view mirror, and notice that the squad car is slowing down, and that you may actually outrun the cop.

  As you look again at the road ahead, you see that it suddenly turns right, and has many yellow warning signs on the guardrail straight ahead. You realize that you are going too fast, and that you can not make the turn.

  As you release your foot off the accelerator and begin to press down on the brake pedal, the car breaks right through the guardrail. You try to remain calm and swerve the car around the scattered trees, but before long, you hit a tree head on, and that is the last thing you ever see.


  Page 62

  You quickly unbuckle and push open the door, but as you try to leave, Dygor grabs hold of your arm. His grip is so strong, you can not escape it.

  “You want the driver’s license?” you shout.

  “Yes,” Dygor states. “Now hand it over.”

  With your right arm you reach into your pocket, slide the license out of the wallet and toss it at him. As Dygor releases his grip on your arm to catch the license as it nears him, you hop out of the vehicle and start to sprint into the woods.

  “I tire of these petty attempts at escaping,” Dygor begins. “By your direct orders, Kryton, in the event that you are resistant to learning the truth and accepting your fate, and chose to flee from your destiny, I must terminate you.”

  As you continue to run away from Dygor, you hear the whining of an electronic weapon charging, then the sound of an incoming shot. The projectile strikes near you, and reduces the whole area to nothing more that ashes.


  Page 63

  “Jonathan?” you ask. “I am Kryton.”

  “No,” she insists, “you are Jonathan Zane. Kryton is the brain-core they inserted into your mind. Kryton is an alien entity, you are human.”

  A sharp pain pierces your thoughts once more.

  You remember driving your car and being abducted. You remember waking in a UFO and the immense pain in your forehead. They put an alien named Kryton in your head. Or did you get placed in a human named Jonathan?

  “Who are you?” you demand. “If I really am Jonathan, why are you trying to help me?”

  “I am Vikki Hart,” she begins, “and there is a war between my people and Earth, one which you are intended to end. I am like a slave, forced to be a part of the conquering of Earth, as are you if you let Kryton take over your human mind and body. I must go now, but you have a decision to make. You are the Chosen One, Jonathan Zane. When you are ready, find me and let’s end this.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 64

  Vikki exits the room and you are left with your thoughts once more. The fate of Earth and the alien race lies in your hands.

  Dygor storms into the room moments later and says, “I heard that you may be experiencing more flashbacks or regaining bits of your memory.”

  “How would you know that?” you demand.

  “So it is true,” Dygor says, “just as I figured. The human brain can not handle your complex thoughts and is fighting your domination of the mind and body. You must overcome the human thoughts in order to survive. If you continue this inner struggle, it will be fatal. In any event, the king’s daughters await your decision. Who do you choose to see? Nikki or Vikki Hart?”

  Now is your chance to choose your allegiance. Do you try and save the world or seal its ill fate?

  If you wish to see Nikki so you can destroy the MIB headquarters, turn to page 8.

  If you demand to see Vikki and try to save Earth,

  turn to page 81.

  Page 65

  Since you must be really close with your fiancée, you feel it would be best to visit her. Brian gives you the address, and you take off.

  You pull up to the address, hop out, and make your way up the front steps. You ring the doorbell, and when the door opens, you see the most beautiful girl in the world. Julia stands there with her brunette hair flowing over her shoulders. Her gorgeous chocolaty brown eyes entice you.

  “Jonathan?” she says while holding back tears.

  You go inside and embrace her in a strong, passionate hug. She holds you close for awhile, then suddenly your head begins to hurt, and you have a sharp vision.

  You recall meeting Julia for the first time in college. You vividly remember one evening on a beautiful beach as you proposed to her.

  Julia slips out of your arms and asks, “You’ve been gone for days. Jonathan? Are you okay?”

  Just then, you see the black SUV pull up outside.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 66

  “They found me,” you begin, “we need to go.”

  Julia glances at the SUV and says, “Who found you? Where have you been?”

  Your head aches badly, and you have a flash.

  You are in the surgery room, with two figures standing above you. As a sharp object pierces your forehead, one of the figures mutters something. It was in another language, and at the time, you could not understand it. Now you realize that it meant: “Once human, he will conquer them. Enslave them. Lead us to victory.”

  You turn to Julia and say, “They implanted something into my head. It’s not human.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asks.

  “The guy in that vehicle must be working with them,” you say. “He has been stalking me.”

  Julia says,
“I don’t understand, but I have an idea. I’m taking you to the university.”

  You follow her out back. Once inside her car, she speeds away, before the SUV notices you.

  Turn to page 10.

  Page 67

  Agent Zero does a quick U-turn and drives down the street, recklessly swerving back and forth.

  “What are you doing?” you shout.

  “If the aliens are watching,” he begins, “then it will look like you are rebelling against me. When I slam on the brakes, I need you to get out and run for the spot you stood when you decided to enter this hummer. The aliens may beam you up. Let them do so. I will shoot a tracking beacon onto the exterior of their ship, and launch a missile to implode the vessel. The instant you step foot on their ship, beam back down and run. Got it?”


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