Once Human: An Interactive Adventure

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Once Human: An Interactive Adventure Page 5

by Anthony Lampe

  You start to shiver, then say, “Yes.”

  Moments later, Agent Zero slams on the brakes. You unbuckle, hop out and run. When you reach the target spot, you stop and wave yours hands in the air to signal the aliens. A brilliant light shines down from the dark clouds above, and you become weightless. Your body is lifted off the ground, and you levitate up into the UFO.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 68

  Your feet suddenly land on solid ground and the light around you disappears. You stand in a small room with silver walls and a white ceiling. Above you is a large circular device which must have been the source of the light.

  You look around and spot what appears to be the button to beam you back down. As you reach for it, the door in front of you retracts into the wall, and an athletic female with long flowing silver hair and shiny silver skin steps into the room.

  “Hello Kryton,” she says. “Welcome home.”

  Your head hurts and you have a painful vision.

  You stand before the king and he declares you as the Chosen One. He knights you and there is a massive feast for you and the army of silver-skinned people. You were honored to be chosen.

  She stares at you as if sensing your fears, she says, “I am Nikki Hart. Tell me what is on your mind, and you and I shall rule this planet.”

  If you obey Nikki Hart, turn to page 7.

  If you beam back down, turn to page 77.

  Page 69

  Without saying another word, you slowly walk around the vehicle and then take off in a sprint. As you run across the parking lot, the SUV roars in reverse, stops, and then follows after you.

  You wish you had the opportunity to maybe slip into one of the stationary cars, but with the stranger in hot pursuit, there is no time. You begin to weave between cars and make a break for the woods at the far end of the lot.

  As you almost reach the trees, Dygor shouts, “Kryton, your whole race’s existence rests in your hands. You need to accept your fate. This is your chance to fulfill your destiny. If you do not stop and get into this vehicle right now, I will have no choice but to engage you with force.”

  The woods are near enough that you can smell their pleasant scent of freedom, yet Dygor sounds confident that you will not escape. You start to wonder if maybe you should listen to him.

  If you stop and enter the SUV, turn to page 21.

  If you continue sprinting, turn to page 53.

  Page 70

  “It’s convenient you showed up right after my house exploded,” you shout to the agent. “Like you knew it was going to happen.”

  You turn and run from the agent, and he pulls out a weapon. As you sprint away from the black hummer, you notice a small car driving up to you. Inside, you see a beautiful young lady with brown hair, and your head hurts as you have a vision.

  You recall meeting Julia for the first time in college. You vividly remember one evening on a beautiful beach as you proposed to her.

  “Jonathan?” she says while holding back tears. “Brian called me and said you were visiting your mother. Well, she’s driving around town searching for you right now.”

  “You mean she’s alive?” you ask.

  “Of course,” Julia says, “and so are you, so let’s keep you that way. Hop in.”

  You enter the vehicle and Julia speeds away, leaving the agent staring at the dark clouds above.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 71

  “You have been gone for days,” Julia begins, “and we have all been so worried. What is going on, Jonathan? Tell me so I can help you.”

  Your head aches badly, and you have a flash.

  You are in the surgery room, with two figures standing above you. As a sharp object pierces your forehead, one of the figures mutters something. It was in another language, and at the time, you could not understand it. Now you realize that it meant: “Once human, he will conquer them. Enslave them. Lead us to victory.”

  You turn to Julia and say, “They implanted something into my head. It’s not human.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asks.

  “The guy in the hummer is with the Men in Black,” you say. “He knows something is wrong with me. I just want to know what is in my head.”

  Julia says, “I don’t understand why this is happening, but I love you, Jonathan. I have an idea. I’m taking you to the university.”

  Turn to page 10.

  Page 72

  You join Dygor on the transport pad, and the brilliant light surrounds you once more. Soon, you are standing in front of a large building that appears to be a warehouse on an abandoned street of downtown. As the light fully disappears, you realize that Dygor is holding a silver gun.

  He aims it at the door to the building, and with a quick pull of the trigger, the entryway explodes with force. You follow Dygor in a sprint through the opening, and are greeted inside by several agents. Dygor knocks back a few with lightning fast physical attacks and disables them almost instantly. He leads you through several hallways, past many agents, in search of the main computer.

  Near the heart of the building, Dygor blasts another set of secured doors, and you enter to see several people inside near the computer. They notice Dygor’s silver gun and they slowly raise their hands in surrender. Dygor keeps the group at bay as you step up to the main computer.

  Turn to page 52.

  Page 73

  “Ruler of Earth?” you say as you imagine the power you would have. “I accept your offer.”

  Nikki grins and you can see the desire in her eyes. “You made the right choice, cutie.”

  “Dygor,” you begin, “restore the systems.”

  “Yes master,” he replies.

  Nikki takes you by the hand and leads you through a doorway, into a long white hallway. You glance at several doors, each one with foreign symbols above them.

  At first you are unsure what they say, but as you continue to look upon them, their meanings become clear to you. One door leads to the engine room, a few lead to bedrooms, and the main one straight ahead leads to the throne room.

  Nikki guides you down the hall and into the throne room. The golden walls shimmer as you walk down the red carpet to meet the king and queen. Nikki says, “Mother, father, meet Jonathan, my soon to be husband and king.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 74

  Their eyes reveal their shock. As you approach, they look you over, and you do the same at them. They appear like humans, although their smooth skin is tinted a light shade of silver. The man is dignified, mature, and aging well. The crown upon his head is most impressive. The gracefully mature woman at his side greets you with a nod.

  Finally, the king says, “Jonathan Zane? And what of General Kryton? Does he still live?”

  “No,” you state. “He was weak. My strength lies in my human thoughts. I know how the world works, and they won’t be able to stop us now.”

  “Come, my love,” Nikki says. “It is time we plot the end of the world. Soon, all shall bow to you, Jonathan Zane, King of Earth.”


  Page 75

  You stare up at the dark clouds above and watch as a missile streaks through the sky and impacts the hidden vessel within. In a fiery red flash, the clouds disappear as does everything inside, leaving nothing behind.

  You glance at Agent Zero as he stares at the clear sky and grins. You say, “You did it.”

  “No,” he replies, “we did.”

  Julia looks you in the eyes and says, “You have a lot of explaining to do, Jonathan Zane.”

  “Of course,” you begin, “I look forward to it.”

  Agent Zero receives a call on his cell phone, and then he turns to you and says, “Your mother was not in the house when it exploded, she was driving around town looking for you.”

  You look at Julia and she nods. “It’s true. We were all worried sick about you.”

  You smile, knowing that everyone is alright. You en
ded the alien invasion, or at least for now.


  Page 76

  “The brain-core,” you begin, “it’s taking over all my thoughts. I was on the mother ship. I saw the king of the aliens. He had them put the brain-core into my head. Kryton, their general, is inside of me. He wants to conquer the planet.”

  “It is as I feared,” Agent Zero replies.

  As your human thoughts begin to fade away, you quickly say, “Tell me you can cure me.”

  Agent Zero motions to the surgeons, and you feel a sharp pain once more. “The brain-core is infused. Our attempt to deaden it has only made it worse. Soon you will be Kryton, permanently. I’m sorry, but we have to end this right now.”

  You feel exhausted, worn out, and that the end is near. As the pain slowly goes away, so does your awareness, your consciousness, you. After all this, one side of you feels like a failure for letting the humans defeat you, while the other side takes some comfort in knowing that the alien invasion was prevented. It is over. At least, you hope so.


  Page 77

  “Sorry,” you begin, “whatever your people did to me was a lost cause. You don’t know how strong the human mind is, or how strong I am.”

  You press the button next to you, and as the brilliant beam of light radiates from above, Nikki Hart steps away. You are soon levitating downward, out of the alien vessel, and within moments your feet touch solid ground once more.

  When the light fades, a beautiful girl with brown hair runs up to you. As she embraces you, and you recognize her warmth, a memory surfaces.

  You recall meeting Julia for the first time in college. You vividly remember one evening on a beautiful beach as you proposed to her.

  You smile as you realize that for once your head did not hurt when you recalled the past.

  “I was driving up as you ran from the hummer and was abducted,” she says. “Well, I thought you were. Agent Zero explained everything to me.”

  You suddenly hear a whining noise above.

  Turn to page 75.

  Page 78

  When your feet return to solid ground, the light around you disappears. You stare up and see the shiny silver saucer-shaped UFO hovering high in the sky. Moments later, you hear the whining sound of an incoming missile. It suddenly impacts the ship, which instantly disappears in a fiery red flash, reducing the ship to nothingness.

  “Jonathan,” you hear a girl shout.

  As you turn to the side, Julia wraps her arms around you and holds you tight. She is smiling and looks like she is about to shed tears of joy.

  “I saw the UFO appear in the sky,” she begins, “and the bright light, and then it was just gone. I thought you might not have made it.”

  “Dygor knew the ship’s weakness, and was amazing,” you state.

  “Thank you master,” he says. “I live to serve.”

  “Do you think we will see those aliens again?” Julia asks. “It is over, right?”

  “I wish I knew,” you say as you hold Julia close.


  Page 79

  You step away from the main computer terminal and smile. “I must commend you for attempting to call my bluff, but what is done, is done.”

  “Julia, get out of here,” Agent Zero mutters.

  “Let the girl stay,” you shout. “Although there is no reason to linger. Jonathan is long gone.”

  She lets out tears and runs out of the room. Agent Zero watches her leave, and in that time you make a break across the room towards him. Before he can react, you tackle him and struggle to knock the weapon out of his grasp.

  “I never give up without a fight,” you say, “even if it would be my last.”

  “You are right about that part,” Agent Zero says.

  During the struggle, you hear the whining sound of the incoming missile. Your final thought is whether or not your race will appreciate your contribution to the cause. Either way, you will not be around to find out. Your fate is sealed, as is that of Agent Zero.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 80

  The projectile impacts the Men in Black headquarters. A temporary micro black hole appears and instantly tears the building apart down to the smallest atom. Within a split second, the black hole disappears in a flash of fiery red light, leaving nothing behind.


  Page 81

  “I choose Vikki Hart,” you say.

  “As you wish,” Dygor replies. He then leads you down the hallway to her room.

  When you enter, you see the young, athletic, silver skinned female pacing her room. Upon seeing you, she smiles and says, “Jonathan Zane, I knew you would come.”

  “Of course,” you begin, “why would I want to destroy Earth?”

  “My thoughts exactly,” she replies. “In order to save Earth, we need to destroy this ship.”

  “Let’s rig it to explode,” you quickly suggest.

  “Sorry,” she begins. “The Men in Black have been trying to lock onto this ship since we arrived on Earth, to blow us out of the sky. If we explode the ship, even if we both escape the blast, the Men in Black would continue looking for us for the rest of our lives. I feel our best bet is for you to break into the MIB headquarters, then take this data chip and insert it into the main computers.”

  Turn to page 22.

  Page 82

  “I’m sorry, Julia,” you begin, “Dygor is right.”

  “What?!” she shouts. “Don’t you love me?”

  “Yes,” you begin, “but you can’t save me.”

  You step away from Julia, and see tears in her eyes. She says, “I love you, Jonathan.”

  And with that said, Dygor pulls the trigger. A single blast of concentrated energy fires from the gun and strikes her. For a moment, her body shakes violently. It falls to the ground, lifeless.

  Dygor says, “This test has been a complete success. You have done well, Kryton. The human mind inside of you is no more. Sacrificing the one that Jonathan truly loved has terminated his thoughts, permanently. You have prevailed.”

  “Yes,” you state, cold and heartless. “I have.”

  Dygor asks, “What now, my lord?”

  You smile and say, “We take over the world.”


  Page 83

  You remain motionless as Dygor raises the silver gun and pulls the trigger. A single blast of concentrated energy fires from the gun and strikes Agent Zero. For a moment, his body shakes violently. It falls to the ground, lifeless.

  “Very disappointing,” Dygor states. “Earth’s last defense, gone in a second. You could have ruled the world, Kryton. Look how weak these humans are. They wouldn’t have stood a chance.”

  “Target lock confirmed,” an automated voice begins, “missile launch activated. Impact and implosion in thirty seconds.”

  Dygor aims the silver gun at you and says, “You could have conquered the planet, given the humans as hosts to the brain-cores of your dying race, and saved your people. Farewell Kryton.”

  As Dygor pulls the trigger, you hear a distant implosion. Despite the pain inside, you manage to smile. Even as you feel your life draining away, you know you saved the human race and Earth.


  Page 84

  “Dygor,” you say, “you are my protector, so I will trust you on this one. Come along.”

  A bright light shines down upon you. You begin to float off the ground and rise towards the mother ship above. Despite the brilliant light surrounding you, you see the distant building below implode in a fiery red flash.

  Your feet suddenly land on solid ground and the light around you disappears. You stand in a small room with silver walls and a white ceiling. Above you is a large circular device which must have been the source of the light. Dygor motions for you to exit through a doorway and you walk into a long white hallway. You glance at several doors, each one with foreign symbols above them.

  At first you are unsure what they say
, but as you continue to look upon them, their meanings become clear to you. One door leads to the engine room, a few lead to bedrooms, and the main one straight ahead leads to the throne room.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 85

  Dygor leads you down the hallway and through the main doors into the throne room. The walls glimmer in a golden hue, the floor lined with a red carpet leads to a set of thrones, and you see two figures applauding as you approach them.

  They appear like humans, although their smooth skin is tinted a light shade of silver. The man is dignified, mature, and aging well. The crown upon his head is most impressive. The gracefully mature woman at his side greets you with a nod.


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