Once Human: An Interactive Adventure

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Once Human: An Interactive Adventure Page 6

by Anthony Lampe

  The king speaks in an alien language, yet you understand every word. “Bravo,” the king exclaims, “you have eliminated the Men in Black headquarters, and with it, their only chance to destroy us. There is no threat of them tracking and targeting our ship now. You have proven yourself worthy of ruling this planet.”

  “And worthy of marrying our daughter,” the queen says proudly. “Nikki, darling, your future husband and king awaits you.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 86

  You see an athletic female with long flowing dark silver hair and shiny silver skin enter the room, a grin across her silver face, and mischief in her eyes. She approaches you and says, “You have done well, Kryton. I shall always be at your side, now and forever.”

  Something catches your attention out of the corner of your eye. You glance at Dygor and see that on his chest, beyond the torn shirt and damaged flesh, there is a tiny red flashing light.

  Fear sets in and you quickly try to dismiss it. You lean in towards the damage to get a better view of the blinking light. You say to Dygor, “You never told me who shot you. It is extremely important. I need to know right now.”

  Dygor says, “Agent Zero.”

  Your eyes go wide as you realize that the light in Dygor’s chest is a tracking device. Agent Zero did not try to destroy Dygor, but wanted to plant the device on him.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 87

  Now that Dygor returned to the UFO, the MIB can finally target it and eliminate it.

  A warning alarm goes off and you hear an automated alien voice speak. You realize that it is saying, “The ship’s position is compromised. Detecting incoming projectile. Advise immediate evasive actions.”

  You see Nikki’s eyes open wide, and then you glance at the king and queen who appear too shocked to comprehend the situation. Before anyone can react, the projectile impacts the hull of the UFO. A temporary micro black hole appears and instantly tears the ship apart down to the smallest atom. Within a split second, the black hole disappears in a flash of fiery red light, leaving nothing behind.


  Anthony Lampe’s website:


  Other Interactive Adventures by Anthony Lampe:





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