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The Art of Love

Page 11

by Celya Bowers

  Hours later Peri lay with Brendan beside her, breathing in her ear. His arms wrapped tightly around her, so she couldn’t move; not that she wanted to. She had missed him. It must be something about sleeping with a man and feeling safe and secure, she thought. Suddenly the phone rang, startling her. She answered it before it rang a second time. It was Kyla.

  “What’s wrong, Kyla?” Peri asked after listening to silence at the other end of the phone.

  A long minute went by before Kyla finally spoke. “I was just lonely. I know I sound pathetic and it’s my own fault for being a hardass. Now Ryan is in London and begging me to come for a visit. I want to, but I don’t want to cave in like this.”

  Peri watched Brendan in all his naked glory as he rose from the bed and went to take a shower. She suddenly remembered Kyla was pouring her heart out over the phone. “How about we come over and take you to lunch. I know you don’t want to hear this, especially from me, but just because you want to give in once doesn’t mean you’re less of a woman. Come on, Kyla, you and Ryan have been married too long for this.”

  Kyla sniffed at Peri’s chastising. “I know. My mom just finished ripping me up one side and down the other. I was hoping for a nice ‘you’re doing the right thing’ from you.”

  “Brendan and I will there in an hour, so be ready.” Peri cut the connection.

  Brendan walked into the bedroom looking like a Celtic god in a towel, just as she was looking for her robe. He caught her around the waist and pulled her into the bathroom. “An hour. I know that’s not enough time.” He kissed her. “I’m good, but I’m not that good. I can’t make love to you in just an hour. Not properly, anyway.” He zoomed in for another kiss.

  Peri moved out of the way just before his lips connected with hers. “Brendan, we don’t have time for that.” She hoped he’d insist. He opened the shower door and pulled her inside with him.

  “Oh, baby, there’s always time for us. Where are we going, anyway?” He adjusted the water pressure and soon they were in a tropical paradise.

  “To Kyla’s. You’re going to help me make her see how wrong she is and that she needs to get on the first plane to the UK.”

  Brendan smiled at her, not minding the change in plans. He grabbed the soap and handed it to her. “Well, the least you could do is wash my back.”

  * * *

  It was more than an hour later when Brendan and Peri showed up at Kyla’s house. The couple before Kyla looked like two very satisfied lovers. Peri was dressed in shorts and a fitted blouse, showing off her new slim figure. Brendan looked equally as handsome in walking shorts and a short-sleeved button-down shirt. They sat on her couch holding hands. As Peri spoke, Brendan lightly kissed her temple and caressed Peri’s hair. Peri giggled each time he did it, reminding Kyla how good Brendan was for her friend.

  It did her heart good to see Peri so happy. Especially after what Peri had been through with Robert. Kyla hoped she never had the pleasure of meeting that idiot.

  “I like that dress, Kyla,” Peri offered as they rose to leave her house. “I bet that is Ryan’s favorite.”

  Kyla had on a curve-hugging dress. She hadn’t been as lucky in the weight department as Peri. Kyla’s hips were clinging on for dear life and refused to leave no matter how many miles she walked on the treadmill. “Then you’d be wrong. His favorite is my birthday suit.”

  Peri shook her head, blushing. Brendan laughed. The trio headed out of the front door. They were soon on their way to Omar’s.

  They were seated at the restaurant, Peri and Brendan on one side of the table and Kyla on the other. Kyla watched the couple with interest. Peri had decided on a skimpy lunch of a salad, but Brendan wouldn’t hear of it. When the waitress appeared, the couple frustrated the poor girl beyond words.

  “You’re not having a salad,” Brendan scolded. “You need to eat real food. She’ll have the lasagna special. Make it two.”

  The woman looked at Peri before committing the order to paper. “Is that okay, ma’am?”

  Peri nodded. “Yes, that’s fine, and a glass of iced tea.”

  The waitress breathed a sigh of relief. “And you, ma’am?”

  Kyla had toyed with the idea of something light, but feared Brendan’s wrath so she ordered the same as her friends. “So what are the plans for the day?”

  Brendan spoke first. “My daughter is having a birthday party later.”

  Kyla nodded. She shot Peri a questioning look because her friend hadn’t mentioned it.

  Peri shook her head, silently telling Kyla she wasn’t going to the party.

  “Kyla, I know I’m not the one to tell you what you should do, but I think you should get on the next plane to London and visit Ryan. He misses you and you miss him. I think you guys should talk. Face to face, none of this phone or email business.”

  The waitress halted her answer, bringing the food orders. After she placed the orders on the table and made her retreat, Kyla relented, much to Peri’s delight.

  “I know, I decided to go. I called my boss and told him that I had a family emergency and I needed two weeks off. But I just feel like I’m giving in.”

  “Do you love your husband?” Brendan asked between bites of lasagna.


  Brendan placed his fork on the table, giving Kyla his full attention. “If I was Ryan and my wife didn’t want to come visit me, I’d think she wasn’t as committed to the marriage as I was. When I love someone it’s all or nothing. There’s no winner, no loser, just two people committed to each other.” He kissed Peri on the cheek.

  His words moved Peri. A lone tear streaked down her face. She discreetly tried to wipe away, but Brendan beat her to it. He wiped her eyes with the linen napkin, and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’d do anything for you, Peri.”

  She nodded quickly, then turned her attention back to Kyla. “Have you checked the airline schedule?”

  “Yes, briefly, when I was waiting for you guys to get to my house.” Kyla laughed, taking a sip of her tea. “I will check more thoroughly when I get back home. Thank you, Brendan. I know your words were directed at Peri, but they brought something else home for me. I do love my husband, and this power play stuff was putting a definite strain on the marriage.”

  “Good,” Peri said.

  Kyla smiled. “Can you take me to the airport on Monday morning?”

  “Of course. Nothing would please me more,” Peri said.

  Kyla grinned. She watched Brendan whisper something into Peri’s ear, making her giggle. It did her heart good to see Peri so happy. She wanted some of that happiness with her husband.

  * * *

  The following week was too hectic for words for Peri. She took the day off on Monday to take Kyla to the airport. That night she had dinner with Brendan. She also had to put the finishing touches on her research paper for her online marketing class. Her boss recommended her for a special project with one of the major clients. It seemed she didn’t have enough time for everything or everybody.

  By Friday, she was worn to a frazzle. After her morning presentation and getting her boss’s glowing recommendations for a raise, she took the rest of the day off. By the time she got home, her head was pounding and she could barely keep her eyes open. She fell asleep with thoughts of calling Brendan.

  A man was chasing her. She didn’t think she could take one more step. She was out of breath. The man put his hands on her shoulder wrestling her to the ground. He opened his mouth to speak, but each time he did a bell sounded and she couldn’t hear his angry words. The doorbell.

  Peri bolted upright. It sounded again. She pushed the covers back and padded to the front door and opened it. A freckle-faced deliveryman handed her a dozen red roses.

  Peri tipped the man, took the flowers, and read the card. Sorry that you aren’t feeling well. I’m a good nurse. Brendan. Her heart swelled with hope and love, or at least deep like. She was about to return to bed when the doorbell rang again. She opened the door expecting the
deliveryman, but found Brendan standing in her doorway instead. He looked very dashing in his black suit, making his blue eyes seemed brighter. I must be feeling better, she thought, I could jump his bones right now! She also noticed he had a sack from the deli and another bag in his hand.

  Immediately he stepped inside and felt her forehead. “How do you feel?”

  Peri stepped back to let him inside. “Pretty awful. I think I’m just run down.” Instantly, she felt like she was floating. It must be the drugs, she thought. She didn’t realize that Brendan had picked her up until he had placed her gently on the bed. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work in a very important meeting involving a French Impressionist exhibit?”

  “I was. Kyla called me from London. She couldn’t get you on the phone, so she was worried. I called your office and your assistant told me that you were sick. You could have called me, you know.” He pulled the comforter over her and sat beside her on the bed.

  “You scared me. You know with all the weird stuff that’s been happening to you and around your house.”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.” Peri snuggled under the comforter, seeking a comfortable spot.

  “I want to be here. You shouldn’t be alone now.” Brendan softly ran his hand over her face. “You do feel a little warm.”

  She felt more than a little warm. She felt like there was an inferno inside her body, and this time it had nothing to do with Brendan’s presence.

  * * *

  Brendan watched her sleep. How could one woman elicit so many different emotions at the same time? On one hand, he wanted to protect her from Robert. On the other hand, he wanted to protect her from the world when she was sick. In short he wanted to be her protector.

  His cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He stepped out of Peri’s bedroom to answer the call. He walked to the living room. “Hello.”

  “Mr. Donovan?” a male voice asked.


  “This is Bill Clifton, the investigator you hired. I have some information concerning one Robert Evans.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “He was released from the Texas Department of Corrections about five months ago. He’s part of that new release program the governor started.”

  Brendan didn’t like the sound of this. Although Peri hadn’t given many details, he had connected the dots and knew Peri had been abused. “This was a violent crime, and he’s out?”

  “Unfortunately so, sir. Evans has to report to his parole officer every week, and Ms. Reed does have a restraining order against him. There’s not much else to do until he does something criminal.”

  Brendan was not about to let that happen. “If he shows up here, you better pray the cops get to him first. Where is he living?”

  “Currently, he’s living with relatives according to his PO. He’s bouncing between a brother, Jared, and a cousin, Henry Jones, both of Arlington. I can give you the addresses if you want them.”

  Brendan thanked the investigator and ended the call. He needed to know the whole story, and knew Peri wasn’t ready to share. He mentally listed his options. Police records were public. He could always go to the courthouse and request the report. Something about doing that seemed like he’d be betraying Peri, and she’d already been hurt enough. He would just have to wait until she was ready to share.

  * * *

  A week later Peri waited for Kyla in the baggage area of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

  She took a seat, knowing Kyla had to go through customs first before even getting through to this area. Brendan informed her of the wait time, so she knew it would be an hour or so before Kyla would be there.

  Peri took out her latest mystery novel and began reading. As she read about the husband taking deadly revenge on his wife, recent events became all too clear: the jimmying of her door lock, the strange car in her neighborhood, and the awful feeling that someone was watching her.

  She closed the book and immediately took out her cell phone, calling a friend at the Arlington Police Department. “Can you check and see if Robert has been released?”

  She heard the clicking of keys on a computer then her friend came back on the line. “Yes, I am afraid he was part of the governor’s second chance program. He was released after serving only two years of his six-year sentence. Your order of restraint is still good. He still can’t come with within two hundred yards of you.”

  “Well, I think he’s been closer than that. Someone tampered with my locks a few weeks ago. I can’t prove it was him, but if my gut is any indication, I know it’s him.”

  “Is there anyone who could stay with you?”

  “For the rest of my life?” Peri asked incredulously. “No, this time Robert Evans had messed with the wrong woman. I’m not the same insecure woman he beat up and left for dead over two years ago.”

  Peri ended the call, already thinking of what steps to take. She could get the license plate number the next time he was watching her. She had a gun permit. She just didn’t have a gun. That was next on her agenda. Robert just became the hunted.

  “Hey, I hope you haven’t been waiting long?” Kyla asked, sitting next to Peri. “How have you been?”

  Peri grinned at her. Kyla was actually glowing. And she had a fading mark on her neck. “I’ve been great. I can tell you and Ryan have been doing well, too.”

  Kyla tossed her head back and laughed. “Honey, if I tell you that man tired me out almost every night, you wouldn’t believe me. Hell, I was there and still don’t believe it.”

  “Well, you look great. I’m glad you had a good time. Where are your bags?”

  Kyla smiled like the satisfied woman that she was. “Ryan is shipping them. He didn’t want me to have to wait at the carousel.” She took a deep breath. “Oh, Peri. I’m just as bad as you. I’m ready to get back on that plane right now.”

  “Well, when is Mr. Stone due back?”

  “Ten long nights.” Kyla laughed.

  Peri glanced at her friend. “Well, that will give you time to rest up and maybe help me with a little problem I have.”

  Kyla stared at Peri for a long time. “Is it Brendan? You’re supposed to still be in that honeymoon stage where he can do no wrong.”

  “It’s not Brendan. It’s Robert.” She quickly filled her friend in.

  “Well, he might think you’re the same person he left for dead. But I know you’re not going to let him get away. I think you should tell Brendan about it.”

  “Is this Ms. Independent Woman speaking, or very satisfied wife speaking?”

  “This is the woman who now knows it’s a two-way street. Who knows, maybe he could help.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  * * *

  The next day Peri told Brendan about Robert. To her surprise, he confessed he had already called a private detective.

  “Were you going to tell me?” Peri asked. They were sitting on her couch, holding hands.

  “Peri, the detective couldn’t give anything more than that he was actually out of prison. But he’s working on it. With him being part of that early release, he has to report to his parole officer once a week. I have a call into the parole board to find out who his PO is.”

  Her heart swelled at all the hard work he’d done on her behalf, but the more she thought about it, the more she hated the idea. “You know, Brendan, I’m a thirty-five-year-old woman. I can take care of my own business. I have a gun permit.”

  “You are not getting a gun,” he said with finality.

  “But how am I supposed to protect myself? You can’t stay here every night, and I wouldn’t ask you to.”

  He stared at her, bringing her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I have something in the works, and you’re not getting a gun.”


  While Peri was downstairs finishing up her work project, Brendan was upstairs on the pretext of tidying up the bedroom. Instead he was sitting on his bed trying in vain to come up with a plan to get rid of
Robert. The phone rang distracting, him.


  Brendan recognized his older brother’s voice. His heartbeat speeded up. “Sean?”

  “Hey, how’s it going? Glad to hear we are a family again. I’m happy to hear the parents forgave you for divorcing Claire, four years ago. Have you talked to Dad lately?”

  With that simple question a gentle pain settled in the pit of Brendan’s stomach, a pain he hadn’t felt since his divorce proceedings. Brendan cautiously answered his brother. “Yes, I talked to them yesterday morning. Why?”

  Sean began to speak slowly. “I talked to Mum earlier. She thinks he is getting worse.”

  Brendan knew that. “Dad insists that he is fine. He is old stubborn Irish.”

  Sean laughed. “I know. We will just have to wait until he says he is sick.”

  “Yes, we do. Hopefully, it won’t be too late.” Brendan silently vowed he would never be that stubborn, and not admit he was sick.

  On that somber note, the brothers ended their call. Brendan finished making the bed and took a shower. As he dressed he tried not to think of the conversation he had with his brother, or what to do about Robert. He focused on happier thoughts, like the woman in his kitchen. He looked at his watch, noting the time. Her time was up. He went downstairs to claim his prize.

  Peri was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. Brendan met her with a hug and a kiss. He then picked her up in a bear hug and kissed her again.

  “Brendan, I believe you said something about lunch.”

  “I did, didn’t I? Is the Italian place okay with you?”

  * * *

  Peri looked at Brendan’s face as he gave his order to the waiter. His cheeks were ruddy and looked like he just ran a marathon or something. She thought he had a fever. Automatically, Peri put the back of her hand to his cheek. He was quite hot.


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