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Urban Legend

Page 2

by Unknown

  “I need to get back to my lab.” And take her meds.

  “And get your ass killed?”

  “The Council will protect me.” Val had to get away from him. It would only be moments before her pheromones got to him again -- he had already kissed her. A human for God’s sake. He looked the type who’d want a delicate small feminine thing -- not one like her with too much bust and personality.

  “Look, let’s just put it this way.” His voice sounded tired, as if resigned. “I saved your ass because of the vaccine. Once you give our scientists the raw components you’ll be taken to a safe house. After that you can decide what you want next.”

  No way in hell was she giving the raw data to humans. “I won’t divulge that information.”

  “You don’t exactly have a choice.”

  “Or you’ll what?”

  The human smiled thinly, and she could see the sarcasm in the darkness. “I’ve got handcuffs.”

  Heat flared, both in her cheeks and pussy. She needed to regroup, to think, to get rid of this damned arousal that wouldn’t let go. “Why do you need it so damn much?” Her father had been killed for it. The raw components could be easily combined into a weapon against her own kind. She was willing to follow her father rather than see the humans get their hands on it.

  “Your vaccine doesn’t work on hybrids. And someone’s getting very rich on that fact.”

  Someone is turning humans for a profit? “That’s just a legend. No one of my kind --”

  “Your legend -- a human -- a carrier of your DNA, doesn’t give a fuck about your Council or your laws.”

  “Fine.” Stay calm and reasonable. It wasn’t possible of course, but she could play along. “I’ll need to get back to the lab.” Once there she could lock herself inside the hazmat cube and he could go to hell.

  “Your comps were torched five minutes after shutdown.” He ignored what Val was sure was her dropped jaw. “You’re stuck with me until Mathias picks you up.” Mind whirling, she turned to look out the window and bumped her knee against a chair. Pain flared, so bright and sharp she sucked her breath with it. “What?”

  “Nothing.” Most likely he would think she was trying to distract him. Although the pain was good -- the coiling of need seemed to have lessened with this fresh onslaught of sensation. Gingerly Val lowered herself on the same chair, lifted her leg, and reached through the hole in her jeans to feel the swelling at her knee. Just bruised. His scent curled into her again as he lowered himself in front of her, his head level with her crotch. Oh, gods. “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t kiss it better.”

  Calloused yet gentle fingers traveled under her jeans and smoothed up over her ankles. She winced a bit when he found the bump, but held the gasp of pain as need laved at her skin. He was so close she could make out his face, his square jaw, the nose that looked like it’d been broken more than twice.

  Human, she told herself. Just human. Except his fingers lingered on her skin.

  Chapter Three

  Black candles brought an eerie glow to luxurious silks and silver.

  Nonnenberg couldn’t tear his gaze away from the two Vampyre females persuading the Ukranian to “join” them -- their gleaming naked bodies, the flash of fangs, the flow of blood as they licked drippings over each other’s lips. The man splayed under them was pale and thin and shuddering in ecstasy, his mouth gaping open like that of a drying fish.

  “They’re yours, Yuri.” The sire -- Armand Church -- was invisible in shadow somewhere deep inside the room. “They need your blood. They will do anything to get it.”

  As if in answer, one of the females raked her nails over the skinny chest, and dragged a long tongue over the welling blood. Church did enjoy using the female persuasion -- and these two would do anything for a supply. The strength in them was of ten men, their beauty that of the eternal. Nonnenberg wanted it. Church had promised it to him.

  A beeping on his cell took his attention. “She’s gone,” he murmured, not taking his gaze off the naked female flesh. He felt rather than saw Church moving toward him.

  The old man’s eyes were a strange, pale blue, the candlelight carving deep shadows in his cheeks and mouth. “Humans? The Alliance?”

  Nonnenberg shrugged. “Most likely.”


  The idiots didn’t even stick a tracker on the car. “I’d say LA.”

  “You’ll find her.”

  Just then the blonde straddled that pink, stubby penis, while the redhead alternated between sucking down human blood and chasing it with her blonde partner.

  “You should have sent me in the first place.” Nonnenberg didn’t take his gaze off the writhing female bodies.

  “I needed Yuri. You will find her now.”

  “I have a man who’ll do just that.”

  “If he does not, she must be dead before her meeting with the human scientists.” A small semblance of disgust showed through Church’s stony features as he watched the artistically moaning Vampyres and the small human male eager to offer them his lifeblood.

  Nonnenberg gave a curt nod. “Agreed. And my reward?”

  “Once we have her, you will be the first.”

  He wasn’t an idiot. “The second.”

  Church simply smiled, took a small sip of dark red liquid in a wine glass. “As you prefer.”

  * * *

  His Vampyre made a tiny move to get away from him just as Cain realized he was caressing the satin skin over her knee. He snatched his hand away while his cock thickened in greeting.

  “I need a shower.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

  With jerky movements, she got up, as if she felt the same damned lust that gripped him. Right. The thought of her naked had his cock twitching again. “You’ve got fifteen.”

  She nodded, her arms across her chest as she marched into the bathroom, nearly searing his pupils when she flipped the lights. At least it took attention off his cock.

  He needed weights, the punching bag, the secured track so he could run it off. Just push his body to the limit until all thought was gone and he was left with nothing but bone draining emptiness. Something to take his mind off her, something to keep him strong. He heard the shower start; the line of light under the bathroom door like a magnet for his eyes. Cain wished Mathias would get here soon so he could get the hell away from her, away from this insane urge to just take her.

  She was so close, naked and wet, and he could picture those lush full breasts beading with water, that full mouth parted as she slicked her soapy hands over her nipples before moving lower over her softly sloping belly. Christ, was her pussy smooth or did a nest of black curls cover her mons?

  His cock nearly burst through his pants. Eyes on that line of light, Cain adjusted himself, pushing his cock sideways so that at least the zipper wouldn’t leave permanent teeth marks. That’s when he heard it, a moan so soft, so sexily, excruciatingly soft. He strained to hear more, and made his way closer to the bathroom. The fall of water was the only thing he heard. He pictured her under the spray, skin flushed from heat, her black hair streaming down her back --

  There. He heard it again, soft, low moaning or crying. Then something crashed and tumbled and he’d ripped off the doorknob before he’d even registered his action. He walked through the light and steam to see her shape through the glass doors; her head thrown back, her hair piled high, damp curls framing her face, her foot resting on the ledge… the detached showerhead aimed at the apex of her thighs. A shampoo bottle was on its side by her left foot.

  She jerked her head to face him. Even through steam and glass he saw her flush, and couldn’t look away though his mind screamed it. She was a Vampyre. She was… the most beautifully shaped female he’d ever seen, those water-drenched slick curves a man’s wet dream. He cleared his throat. Through the glass, her wild, dark eyes looked at his. “I figured you’d be crying.” Christ, did he just say that?

  She didn’t scream at him to g
et out, didn’t make a move to cover gorgeous full breasts topped with dark pink jutting nipples. “I don’t cry,” she said, and simply stared at him, not moving, her pussy hidden from his view by a long shapely thigh.

  He couldn’t tear his gaze away.

  “Either get in or get out,” she snapped, equal amounts of arousal and loathing in that siren voice. Hell, if she’d said it as a challenge, Vampyre or not, he would get in.

  His hands were clumsy as he fought his jeans, exhaling in relief as his cock sprang free, his balls aching and heavy. He watched her hands jerk the showerhead, and arrow it at her pussy before snatching it back as if embarrassed. In a swift move he tore off his T-shirt, boots and socks.

  The Vampyre didn’t scream for him to stop as he approached the transparent sliding doors, or as he slid one open with enough force to have it banging against the steamed-up wall. “You don’t want to be here,” she whispered, even as her eyes darkened and her flushed lips called to him.

  “You think?” He stepped behind her, wincing a bit as water sliced over the deep scratch on his shoulder. The small, sharp pain kept him focused instead of instantly shoving mindlessly inside her. He placed his hand over hers on the showerhead, forcing it lower until the water arrowed down just above her pussy. Control almost escaped him when a tiny moan went past her lips.

  She fought against his strength, but not for too long. Cain knew the exact moment she accepted the pleasure of the water once more on her flesh. He came closer, still not making a move to touch her with his other hand.

  He flicked the showerhead in tiny pulsing circles. Her head rolled back, dropping on his shoulder. She was nearly as tall as he; if he turned her around he wouldn’t even have to dip to taste that perfect mouth. But she moaned again, softly, and Cain snaked his arm around her middle slowly, slyly gliding his palm over her belly, allowing her the time to stop him, to tell him to go to hell.

  Her soft groan was his answer when he brushed the smooth lips of her pussy.

  Val couldn’t find the strength to tell him no.

  Her mind screamed it while her body latched on to the feel of him around her. She didn’t know what had possessed her to invite him in. The words had flown out of her mouth before she could slam it shut. Gods, he was beautiful: that thickly muscled chest sprinkled with golden hair, his arms bulging with muscles, his stomach iron hard and flat. He had the body of a warrior, complete with scars that triggered something in her mind. His steel-gray gaze was steady on her face as he approached her and she felt weak and foolish… and just lost.

  His chest pressed against her back, his thick arm around her. The huge male hand fitted over hers, forcing the showerhead to aim onto her clit, moved the pulsating water in maddening circles.

  Her breathing quickened as the human caressed her lower belly and dipped lower to touch between her thighs. She felt thick, hard fingers spread her nether lips and jerked as the water became sharp over her clit, the stinging of it overshadowing the pleasure.

  “Sorry,” he murmured, and cupped her pussy in his hand for a small moment, before allowing water to pulse over her again. His hand moved higher, lifted her breast, and rubbed at her hardened nipple. His heat surrounded her, and his cock pressed hard against the crease between her buttocks.

  His breath was loud in her ear, harsh gasps of air that he drew between his teeth as he caressed her pussy with the water. She trembled now, shivering as the flutters in her core spun tighter, as his hand caressed her breasts more boldly, as he pushed his hips against her, rocking her forward, his cock rubbing against her, harsher, faster. She shivered more, took in a gulp of air and let her body clench into a climax.

  His arms left her and she leaned against the wall to keep her knees from jellying. Wordlessly he took the showerhead, reaching around her to turn off the water. Steam kept the air warm. She didn’t turn to face him. “I thought you didn’t fuck Vampyres.”

  His voice was a harsh grunt. “That wasn’t fucking.” Cool air licked her skin as he shoved the glass door aside. “This is.”

  Before she had a chance to protest she was lifted from the tub, deposited in front of him, and leaning over the sink. The fogged up mirror showed them both, his body taut and strong looming over her. His cock jutted at her back, his large, rough hand smoothing over her buttocks. She shivered, watching the water bead over his skin, feeling it caress her as the droplets slid onto the floor.

  “Yes or no, Doc,” he rasped, the muscles of his chest so tight they stood in relief as he breathed out.

  She couldn’t say yes. Wouldn’t. Despite herself, she nodded, and pressed her buttocks into him.

  Staring at her, with one smooth movement he filled her with his cock, both their harsh gasps augmented by the tiles. His shaft was thick and hard inside her, pulsing as she clenched around him.

  A small and teasing movement of his hips had her biting her lip to keep from moaning. “I wanna hear you.” A slow sensual movement as he pulled out, breathed through his teeth, pushed his cock back inside her, deep and full and thick. Again. “Moan for me.”

  Val wouldn’t.

  His arms banded around her, his hands cupping her breasts, caressing her nipples with rough erotic brushes of his fingers. His big body tightened around her, inside her, his hips moving faster, his cock rasping her walls with a delicious burn. She arched back into him, her breasts held in his palms, and slammed her ass back against him, needing more. “Scream for me.”

  “Gods.” She barely could breathe.


  She shoved against him, shuddering, the slapping of his flesh against her a rough erotic sound as he hammered into her now, his rhythmic brutal shoves driving her higher, faster. His hands had left her breasts, one curled around her waist while the other brushed her pussy, teasing her lips before delving inside, circling her clit with maddening delicious strokes.

  “Oh, gods.” Her breathing was a harsh rasp in her throat.


  Still harsh, still fast. He rubbed her clit while he fucked her, both movements sharply, wickedly erotic. Val felt something in her belly coiling, grinding, building, and she moaned now, only to have him increase the force of his blows into her even as he slowed his thrusts, sure, deep and powerful. His name seared her lips as she shattered into another climax, feeling him surge within her moments later, watching him arch his neck and groan as he pumped his seed inside her.

  Chapter Four

  Good Christ, he’d fucked her. A Vampyre. After everything he’d been through he’d let his cock dictate his action. All for a piece of ass.

  He pulled out of her in a sharp rough movement, ignoring the delicious flush that painted her face pink. In silence he reached for the toilet paper, cleaned himself, didn’t say a word. Beside him, silent, she cleaned herself. He hoped she was on birth control or something, he didn’t know how these things worked between a Vampyre and a human.

  “You’ve got five minutes.” He threw a towel at her, used another to dry the water from his skin. She didn’t even look at him while they both shrugged back into their clothes. Christ, he’d fucked up. Guilt started to seep in. “Look, I’m sorry if --”

  “It’s fine.” Her brisk cool tone surprised him. “It was my fault. I apologize.” So prim and proper, as if she hadn’t just pushed her ass up against his cock.

  Fine then. Her fault -- her deal. “Mathias will be here shortly.”

  She clocked him on the head with something white and plastic. Cain felt his vision darken as he went down to his knees; heard a tinkling of keys as she grabbed them before running out. The headache pounding into his temples was raw and ugly -- and his own fault for losing focus.

  Shirtless, he ran into the hallway to find her still and shocked, a Glock entirely too close to her defenseless body.


  “Put that shit away and simply cuff her.” Cain made a move to get behind her when the redheaded man nodded and grinned -- then took out a second gun. Cain had the uncanny feelin
g Mathias had just switched sides. Shoving his Vampyre behind him, acutely aware of the vulnerability of naked skin, Cain faced the Glocks and thought it was ironic to risk his life for one who wanted blood, probably his.

  “Don’t wanna kill you, bud.” That singsong voice was happily high. Mathias grinned at him while the Glocks swayed. “Gimme the vamp and we’ll be gold.”

  “Can’t have her dead.” There was no way out. His weapons were… shoved under his armpit. He heard a pop loud enough to wake the best and Mathias fell to the floor, his grin now permanent.

  Under his arm, the gun shook like an autumn leaf. He pried it out of her icy fingers before she screamed or aimed for him instead. “Nice job.” He felt her start to tremble, and needed to keep her occupied. “Surprised you know how to shoot this thing.”

  Her face was white and still she answered; her eyes wide and terrified as she kept glancing at the body on the floor. “It was already loaded,” she said and covered her face before bursting into tears.

  This human had saved her life, more than just once. On top of that, she’d let him touch her, she’d enjoyed it, and she’d cried all over him. She was no lady as her father had wanted, and yet she had no strength. She’d killed a man. That was survival. Nothing else she could have done. But the image of that still and silent body had her shaking.

  Once more inside the silent van, Val was too close to him, his scent both a comfort and insanity. She listened in while Cain made his phone calls, alternating commands and curses, explaining what had happened -- Gods, was that today? -- and telling someone he wasn’t letting her out of his sight until he dumped her in LA. His words were as insulting as they were comforting. At least he didn’t go into the gory details as to how you managed to get ahold of his damned gun.

  He cussed somebody out, told them he’d beat him up if someone named Taina wasn’t all right when he got back. Was that his girlfriend? Val snorted to herself. It wasn’t her business. She smelled his essence on her skin, and she couldn’t shake away the image of his naked body over hers, but this wasn’t her business either.


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