Dance For Me
Page 25
15… Crap
16… Vegas grit
17… Why not?
18… Not telling
19… It begins
20… This is your night
21…The big nothing
22… He was with who?
23… Dirty Showers
24… Here comes trouble
25... Busted like Pamela
26… The party
27…She’s preg
28…We need a plan
29…This is making me sick
30… Shamayla’s in west L.V
31… “Plan” in Motion
32… Can’t help myself
33…She’ll pay for this
34…No power over him
35…Cotton candy
36…Can’t hate her
37… Fight Night
38…Tristan tells Dominic
39... Slamming brakes
40... Back to normal?
41... Birthday suprises
42... Making love with our clothes on
43… Morning after thrill
44…Jealousy lingers
45… Shane’s got balls
46…The guys upstairs
47… Date Night
48... Morning Glory
49... Looks like finally
50... Confusion
51... Interruptions
52... Serious?
53... Hospital
54... The Return of Zefar
55... Choked up
56... Loose lips bomb ships
57... Contemplates
58... Righting things wrong
59... No hope
60... Love is a cocktail