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The Mystery of the Claddagh Rings

Page 4

by Kallie Lane

  “Morning, sunshine.” He stood on the path to the gatehouse, ambient light shining behind him through the open door. “Come in and get warm.”

  “You’re up early.” Jeez, she almost jumped out of her skin when he appeared. Between the Irish guy attacking her and Ramsey staying for the wedding, she was a bundle of nerves.

  “I wanted to tidy up the guesthouse and replace the broken mirror in the bathroom in case Poppy strolled down there.” Ryan stepped to the side as she mounted the steps ahead of him, curious to see the inner workings of the small office. She already knew the layout—a bedroom, kitchenette and full bathroom in the back—but the new tech toys in the work area amazed her. “A lot has changed since I’ve been gone. Look at all the monitors and computer equipment.”

  “Yeah, I was impressed too.” He ran a hand along his jaw. “Your mother hasn’t skimped on security, whatever else she might have missed.”

  Fin whirled on him, defensive as ever about Poppy. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I was talking about husband number three.” He sipped his coffee, studying her over the rim of his mug. “She didn’t know Ramsey Carlyle was hitting on you, did she?”

  “No, and I don’t want to talk about it.” Fin turned away to watch the digital feed on the flat screens. Maybe if she ignored O’Shea, he would run for the hills. His arms came around her instead, his chin touching the top of her head. She flinched at his touch. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I thought it was obvious. I’m holding you.” He turned her around, brushing his lips against her cheek. If she moved slightly, his mouth would touch hers. Tempting, but no. She wasn’t sure she could trust him. What if she instigated an innocent kiss but he misunderstood? What if he took things where she didn’t want them to go? Although, the softness in his eyes said she needn’t worry. “I’m here for you, Fin. I’m strong and solid. I won’t let you down.”

  Whoa boy. He was a man in every sense of the word, from his big body to his roguish features and spicy, masculine scent. He was way too much male for her. Although, a girl had to start somewhere, didn’t she? And somehow she thought Ryan wouldn’t hurt her. Still, why take the chance?

  She tried backing out of his embrace. “I’m not looking for sex, if that’s what you’re offering. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  “I’m not talking about sex.” He didn’t let her go. Instead, he drew her closer, threading his fingers through her hair and tucking her head under his chin. She felt his heart beating beneath her ear. Strong. Steady. “I’m saying I’m falling for you, Fin. It’s not something I saw coming, but it is what it is. And I’d never touch you in a sexual way…unless you asked me to.”

  She didn’t know where to look when his green eyes melded with hers. His gaze and gentle hands said he understood her fear. God, he was tempting. She felt drawn in by him. Almost. “It will never happen, so you can put that idea out of your head.”

  “Not a problem.” His hands dropped to circle her hips, bringing her flush against him. She froze when his hardness touched her tummy through their clothes. “Easy. It’s just my body reacting to yours. You’re beautiful, sunshine.”

  He held her in place, didn’t back away when she panicked. His lips found hers instead, soft and firm. O’Shea could kiss; she’d give him that, the heat of his mouth sending swirls of sensation low in her belly. Her body ignited with answering warmth. His tongue touched the corners of her mouth, urging her to open for him. She did.

  No pressure. No assault, just mind-bending pleasure as his tongue stroked hers. Curiosity soon replaced fear, her breath coming in short bursts. Running her hands through his hair, she kissed him back, exploring with her lips and tongue. He broke the kiss, smiling down at her.

  “Can you feel what you do to me?” He firmed his hands against her backside, pulling her closer, his body rigid against hers. “We’ll make love when you’re ready. No pain. And that’s a promise.”

  Fin almost fell over when he released her. She could still see his arousal straining the front of his jeans. Never mind her needs. She was moist in intimate places, closer to wanting a sexual experience than she’d ever been in her life. And he’d stopped. Just like that.

  Taking her hand, he ignored what happened between them, bringing her over to a computer terminal. Entered some keystrokes and pointed to a schematic he brought up on the screen. “Take a look. What do you see?”

  “I have no idea.” Nothing made sense to her. Not the man, not her body’s reaction to him, and not the diagram on the monitor. “I don’t have a clue what I’m looking at.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk you through it.” Ryan tugged her into his lap and nipped her ear. When she encircled his neck with her hands, he pointed to something on the screen “This is the security grid for the cameras in the main house. If you look here, you’ll see where it’s been breached. Someone’s piggybacking the signal.”

  “You mean they can see what’s going on?” Oh boy, this wasn’t good. Fin licked her bottom lip, worried where the cameras were located inside the house.

  “They can, but only in the corridors.” Ryan set her on her feet again. “I think that’s how your late night visitor knew you had the rings. He saw Poppy give them to you.”

  “It’s possible,” she admitted. “My mother and I were arguing about them when I left her room yesterday morning. I remember I still had the little velvet pouch in my hand.”

  “There you go.” Ryan bent over the laptop again. A few more taps on the keys and he grinned like the devil. “I’ve looped the readout but kept whoever broke in connected. From now on, he’ll be watching the same frames over and over again. Only the time stamp will change.”

  “Nice.” Body tingling, Fin edged to the door. There was too much temptation in this room and it wasn’t computer hardware. “I’ll see you later. I want to change before breakfast.”

  Ryan’s gaze poured over her like molten lava, causing her warmest places to tingle. “Lock the bedroom door if you shower.”

  She nodded and ran. Better to escape with her clothes on before she changed her mind. Minutes later, she stripped and was in the tub. Steam rose and bubbles frothed, the room filling with the soothing scent of gardenias. Her mind and body relaxed as she drifted toward sleep.

  “You haven’t changed, Fin.” Her eyes shot open at the sound of that voice. Ramsey leaned against the bathroom doorframe, as big and menacing as she remembered. “You’ve still got that tight cheerleader’s body.”

  “Get out!” She scrambled for a towel. He snatched it away. Fin fought the pull of hysteria, telling herself she wasn’t that powerless girl anymore. “I mean it, Ram!”

  “You little cock tease.” He held up the old-fashioned key to her room, dropping to his haunches beside the tub, clicking the metal on the ceramic lip. “I kept the key, baby. And if you make any noise, I’ll tell your mama you gave it to me.”

  No, oh no. I won’t play that game. Never again. “You slimy rat bastard. Get your ass out of here. Now!”

  “Here’s the thing, baby.” He touched her shoulder. She shook him off. “You might be older, but you still turn me on. It’s that coltish shape of yours. So play nice with your step-poppa for old time’s sake, and I won’t upset your mother. Otherwise, you’ll regret it.”

  “No.” Fin pumped her hand into a fist, hauled off and slugged him with all her might. “Pack your bags and get out of this house!”

  Ramsey shook his head. He stood, wiping the blood from his split lip, checking out his face in the mirror. Fin breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she’d held her own against an evil man. She leapt out of the tub, grabbed a towel off the rack, and wrapped herself in it. She was halfway out the door when Ramsey wrenched an arm behind her back. She cried out, fear and pain making her drop to her knees.

  The bedroom door crashed open. Ryan stormed across the room, her mother close on his heels. Fin ducked when Ryan grabbed Ramsey by his shirt collar and belt. He heaved him through the air, smashin
g him into the far bedroom wall. Dragged him to his feet and punched him in the gut. “You sick freak.”

  “Get this idiot off me, Poppy,” Ramsey whined, fear rising in his voice. “This was Fin’s idea. She invited me to her room. Hell, she even gave me the key.”

  “You lying sack of shit!” Fin couldn’t believe it when her mother marched up to Ramsey, executed a perfect knee thrust, as if to shove his balls into his throat. Then she came toward her, pulled a robe off a hook on the bathroom door, and wrapped her in it, cuddling her on the floor. “I’ll take care of Fiona while you take out the garbage, Ryan. Nantucket cops are on the way.”

  O’Shea nodded, slapping flex cuffs on Ramsey’s wrists where he clutched his aching junk.

  “Fin, honey? Do you need a doctor?”

  “No, I think I’m okay.” Her voice wobbled a little and her body trembled, but she wasn’t hurt. Stunned might be a better word, because for the first time in her life her mother was there to protect her. And Ryan? Well, he was one heck of a man. Not at all like Ramsey.

  “Just give me a few minutes to get dressed. Then I’ll talk to the police.”


  Ryan stumbled into the guesthouse, his senses on overload. Fin was here somewhere. He’d watched her run down the path after Ramsey was dragged away by the cops. On high alert, he scanned the layout for intruders. Nada. Only the bedroom door was shut. He’d bet she was behind it crying her eyes out. Licking her wounds. It was wrong on so many levels. He wanted to hold her in his arms. He’d have to deal with Ramsey’s fallout instead. He dug deep for the right words, the right tone to say them. His anger on her behalf so intense he nearly buckled from the pain.

  Better to wait a few minutes and get himself under control. Make that a decade, because whenever he thought about her sweet curves, doing the right thing got lost in his river of self-pity. Man, she’d been incredible earlier. So soft in his arms and willing to follow his lead, her blue eyes shining with wonder when the realization hit her that loving a man could be pleasurable.

  He should have taken her to heaven then, but hindsight was twenty/twenty and it was a lonely bitch. If he’d acted on what his body had wanted, they wouldn’t have this godforsaken wall between them now. But he’d done what he thought was right. Gotten her used to his touch, not pushing her somewhere she wasn’t ready to travel.

  The truth was she needed to be loved by the right man, in the right way. He knew it. And he was that man. Hell, he’d kill anyone else who tried. Wrong on so many levels, but there it was. To hell with the consequences. He’d work through those one at a time. If she needed therapy, he’d be there to hold her hand. If she never achieved sexual gratification, he’d try harder or back right off, whatever her doctors advised. But he wanted her in his life; that much was clear. Did she need him in hers? There was the crapshoot, the million dollar question tearing him to pieces.

  Damn, he should go through that door and act like a man. Hold her and tell her how sorry he was she’d been abused by a vicious prick. He glanced at the liquor cabinet, wishing he could down a shot or six to lessen the ache in his heart. Not advisable. Never smart to get drunk when entering a minefield. But laying himself raw, holding himself in check to shelter her from the most beautiful act in the world could very well kill him. He realized he loved her and he wanted it all, selfish bastard that he was.

  The door clicked open behind him. He turned and there she was. So beautiful she took his breath away. So vulnerable he didn’t know what to do. Retreat for the hills? Pretend he was gay? Cry like a baby for what could have been between them?

  Ryan told himself he’d have to wing it, maybe use all of the above to get her where she needed to be on the emotional see-saw to recovery. Yeah, he was a prince. He’d do whatever it took and curse every goddamn step along the way.

  She smiled and came into his arms, coming up onto her tiptoes to kiss his lips. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Ryan harnessed the need surging through him, met her mouth with a brotherly peck, not the full tongue exploration he longed to conduct. The unbelievable feel of her small body against him, the innocent look in her eyes destroyed chinks in his protective armor like a sweater unraveling. He tried for casual, swallowed the lump in his throat, and cursed his libido for reacting to the first inhale of her feminine scent. “I’m here, sunshine. Why don’t we sit on the couch?”

  “No. I’d rather lie in bed with you.”

  Jesus help me.

  Fin turned toward the bedroom, and he noticed what she wore. Hell, he’d have to be blind to miss it. Not the jeans and hoodie she’d had on when talking to the police. This was satin and lace, something a woman wore to slice at a man’s heart. Or feel good about herself, which must be the reason in Fin’s case. Creamy silk molded to her body like a second skin. Seductive and mind blowing, the scrap of lingerie would lead to catastrophic fallout if he didn’t hold himself in check.

  She crooked a finger at him from the doorway. This was it, his chance to prove he could deny himself for her greater good. Ryan forced his feet to move in her direction, hands tightened into fists at his sides. Worst case scenario? He could shoot himself in the foot to keep himself under control. Best case? They’d cuddle like BFFs, shed a few tears, and catch a few chick flicks on the tube.

  He stopped on the threshold. “What the…?”

  Blinds were drawn, candles flickering on the night stands. She took his hand and led him to the bed. “I want you to take your clothes off.”

  “No. Honey—” No way could he lay with her and expect his johnson to stay quiet. “It’s a really bad idea.”

  “Please.” Her hands found the zipper on his jeans. A few quick tugs and she had him in her palm. “Do it for me.”

  Lord, going commando had its drawbacks. Removing her hand from his penis, Ryan kissed the tip of her nose, hoping to explain the facts of life to her without scaring her. His brain was already in meltdown, his body rock hard and wanting more action. He sucked in a breath and gritted his teeth. “Fin, you can’t touch me like that and not expect me to react. I’m only human, sweetheart, flesh and bone.”

  Slipping the straps off her shoulders, she dropped the nightgown at his feet. Lifted his hand to her breast and held it there. “You said we’d make love when I was ready. I’m ready now.”

  “And I want you so bad right now I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  Her lips touched his, her tongue exploring his mouth, entangled with his own. She thrust deep, mimicking the plunge and retreat of lovers with their bodies entwined. His brain dissolved to mush, nerves exploded, and free will reigned. He was naked and suited up in a flash.

  Scooping her up in his arms, he laid her on the bed, landing beside her. She was perfection. Soft and pliant, strong and resilient, a complicated mix of womanly curves and warrior bravado wrapped up in trust. He couldn’t let her down.

  “I love you,” he said. “Remember that. Anything you don’t like—just say the word and we’ll try something else.”

  Fin nodded, wrapping her arms around him, pressing her mouth to his shoulder. He cupped her waist, lowering his head to her breast, the nipple already budded. Closing on it, he licked gently at first, the whimper in her throat urging him to suckle deeper. Her knees moved, rising from the bed as she moaned.

  “Open your eyes, sunshine. I want to see you when I please you.”

  Blue eyes focused on him as his hand lowered between her thighs, stroking the velvet skin near her most sensitive area. “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

  He waited as he watched her, knowing this was the game changer.

  “Please, don’t stop. I’ve never felt anything so beautiful before.”

  Her mouth found his, her tongue delving deep inside, the answer to his prayers. He held the kiss, opening her with the same rhythm. Gradual caresses, his finger gliding across her precious nub and inside her again. Thrust and parry. A couple strokes and she was wet for him. A few more and her hips rose to greet him.
r />   She writhed when his mouth skimmed down her body, exploring her navel and stomach with his tongue. “Wh-what are you doing?”

  “I’m loving you.” He kept stroking her, increasing the tempo. Waited until her hands twisted the sheets and she trembled beneath him. “Feel the rhythm, honey.”

  Parting her folds, he found her sweet spot, tasted her dew on the tip of his tongue. A finger inside her, he feasted at her apex, her responding moans upping his pleasure. Ecstasy seized him by the balls. He wanted more, the urge to plunge into her barely contained. No. This was about her needs, not his, although giving her bliss wound him tighter than he’d ever been with another woman. He added a second finger, lubricating and stretching, her pearl quivering beneath his tongue. Fin cried out, nails digging into his shoulders.

  “Stop, stop, stop!” She was on her knees in a flash.

  “What?” God, had he scared her? Had he gone too far?

  “Lie on your back,” she begged. “I want to be on top the first time.”

  “You’re still tight, Fin. You’re not ready.”

  “Shut up.” She leaned forward to kiss him. “You’re wonderful, absolutely fantastic. I’m so freaking hot, I think I’m gonna explode. Now help me!”

  Ryan pushed to a seated position, bracing himself against the headboard. He didn’t move, barely breathed as she slowly accepted him to the hilt. He gripped her hips and started to move, helping her find the tempo. Fin was a quick study, increasing the pace when he held back.

  She gasped as pleasure built, licked her lips, and flat-out moaned. Kneading her breast with one hand, he messaged her nub with the other to increase her bliss. God, he couldn’t hold out much longer. Fin was magic, her tight fit nearly driving him over the edge.


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