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Until death?

Page 28

by Andur

  But right now I am really pissed, while I sit in my throne and gnaw my teeth. Once a month I listen to the problems of nobles and representatives for the common people.

  Some of the nobles really piss me off with their problems. They have all that power and still are pestering me with their struggles.

  A secretary is introducing them while Drem Snowden is standing guard. He is also the chief of security for my personal facility. Though he is much more often inside the palace now. I gave him responsibilities for the palace too. It's easier to have him keeping me up to date about my projects.

  He is a strong looking guy with huge muscles and bear ears. His personality is also similar to a bear. Very silent, very grumpy.


  I call in the next case, after dealing with a really stupid quarrel between two smaller houses. Two nobles enter the throne room and bow to me. An older woman in a white dress and a young, gaudy looking guy in extravagant clothing.

  “These are Duke Sharen and Baroness Kuizen. They are having a quarrel about two serfs, who are taking care of their lands. Both of their estates border each other. So a serf of Baroness Kuizen and Duke Sharen had a child with each other. Now they are quarrelling about whom is responsible for the child. As the law says that the master of a serf is responsible for the serf's children.” A secretary introduces the new arrivals.

  I raise my eyebrow. Yes, in this world serfs do exist. And I always was of the opinion that it is just a nice word for slavery. A serf is someone who owns nothing and sells himself to a noble. He is paid almost nothing, but he gets food and a roof over the head.

  It's this world's solution to unemployment and poverty. But the nobility often misuses it's status and treats a serf like an owned good.

  I am not sure if the current system is good or bad. I have been to worlds with freedom for everyone, where people died of hunger on the street. So I didn't touch this world's solution to it. At least I don't know of any beggars and homeless people in this world.

  Everyone who falls so low simply joins a nobles workforce as a serf and is at least able to wait safely for an opportunity to find a better employment.

  So with other words, those two are fighting over the cheap workforce, the child will provide in the future. It's very likely that the child will become a serf like it's parents.

  I don't want to go as far to think that they have good motives.

  Although everyone has access to an education by law, it's still hard to rise from such a low position in society.

  Most likely both of them have a good reason for not letting go of the parents. Serfs though have it better than real slaves. They are protected by quite a few laws. Though they don't have the right to stop their employment and live on the streets.

  I think there is an easy solution to the problem.

  “Scribe. I decree a new law: Every serf is allowed to freely switch the employing noble, if the new employing noble is willing to employ him or her. Add that to the law regarding serfs and make sure that it is made known to them.”

  Duke Sharen face goes pale, while Baroness Kuizen's face distorts into a winning grin. It's obvious whom of them is able to provide the better conditions to the parents.

  “Does that enable your serfs to solve the problem for you?” I ask them with a serious expression on my face.

  “Most likely your highness.” Kuizen bows to me followed by the Duke. He doesn't look as happy as her but doesn't seem to find a valid point to object.

  I hope this little change to the law will better the serfs situation. If they are allowed to run off to the best paying available noble, it is less likely for them to get even more exploited.

  I prefer to solve the cases in that manner. If the law solves the problem in a clear manner, they can't annoy me to solve it.



  At the end of the day I lean backwards in my throne and use one of my newly created hand-held computers to check on the progress of my projects.

  It goes well. I hope it will be ready in time....

  “Angrod!” Celes calls out to me from behind.

  “Hrm?” I turn around and look at her. I am a little tired.

  “Eat that!” She holds a few pills in front of my face and gives me a glass of water.

  “Oh, please! Stop it. You are feeding me with strange pills for months now. I am surprised that I didn't get sick!” Celes sure became a real health freak when she found the reason for the royal bloodlines child problems.

  It was a simple lack of vitamines. Our bodies have to get the resources for their high performance from somewhere. And the lack of those resources leads to ….. well.

  “Do I have to lay you over the knee and force feed you before the secretary and your guard?” -Celes

  “Hrm. You wouldn't do that. Besides I doubt that you could catch me.” I look at her belly, which had gained considerable size. “You sure, you aren't hiding twins in there?”

  “Being caught by your pregnant wife wouldn't hurt your image at all I understand.” Celes looks down at me from above.

  I take a look at the female secretary, which is looking at us expectantly. She has furry ears, probably some kind of hamster. “If you tell anyone about this conversation, I will make you a nanny for the child and bet with Drem how long you survive!”

  The secretary goes pale and nods. “I wouldn't bet on such a serious matter sir.” Drem answers with a cold voice.

  I take the pills and eat them. “Hooh? So you think you could take care of a child with the strength of several adults?”

  “I am confident in my survival sir.” -Drem

  “You hear that honey? We have a volunteer.” I smile at Celes and get smacked over the head.

  “I wont leave my children to anyone else besides family. And if you don't do your share in watching after them there won't be any chocolate any more!” -Celes

  The secretary grins at me and I stare daggers into her. No choice. I swallow the pills and drink the water.

  “This feels like I am ill.” -Me

  “From my perspective you, Nicosar and Arthur are all ill. It's like you don't get the needed food.” -Celes

  “Well doctor. Maybe that's exactly the problem. Didn't you wonder about this world's sick biology. It's like someone threw the ecosystems of multiple worlds together to see who would survive.” -Me

  “You are right. We should ask Seria the next time we see her.” Celes answers with a sarcastic tone.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe She abducted people from many different worlds and set them free here to do some mad experiments on them Mwahaha.”

  “A.. Anyway. Are you done for today?” -Celes

  “Hmm. I think so, why?” -Me

  “Then come. I need something from you.” She pulls me out of my throne and leads me off to the private area of the palace.

  “You know how this looks?” -Me

  She sighs. “I don't care. You should be mature enough to stop your teasing.” She leads me to the living room and picks a few documents from the table.

  “Look! It's a boy! I made some pictures with your new CT scanner! What should we name him!?” She grins at me while she shoves the black and white pictures into my face.

  “Yeah, I see. Hmmm. We could call him Aphrodium to always remember how he came to be!” I smile and nod.


  Oi. She hit me with the pictures!

  “No. Way!”

  48 - New life at the end?

  Crap. How long has she been in that room? Did giving birth always take that long? They told me that she went into labour ehm.. one? two? hours ago?

  Shouldn't it be done already? What's taking so long to press a lump of meat out of your body? Maybe I should go and take a look? Nono. I have bad memories about this.

  Better to stay in my office and pretend to be hard at work. There are some of the best healers at her side, no need for me.

  The door gets slammed open. “Found you!” Ireth gives me
an unhappy glare and switches on the light. “How can you hide here while your wife is giving birth!”

  “I don't know what I could do to help. And I didn't really hide....” Damn who would have thought that she would search in my dark office at three in the night!

  “Come! A husband should be at the side of his wife at a time like this.” I get dragged in front of the bedroom where almost everyone is waiting.

  Inside a healer is taking care of Celes while Katrine is holding her hand. “You have to press!”

  Ireth shoves me me into a chair to the other side of Celes. “Good to see you husband. I thought you were hiding somewhere like you always did.” Celes gives me a forced smile.

  “Me? Hiding from the birth of my child? Pah! Never!” I would never do something like that. What are you thinking of me.

  “Then hold my hand.” I reluctantly give her my hand. “Press now my lady, I think it turned into the right position.” The healer calls out.

  “Hnngh.” *Crack**Crack**Crack*

  OWW! I knew it! It hurts! You are the one supposed to suffer!

  I don't know how long it took. But some time later everyone is in the room to take a look at the baby in Celes's arms, while the healer is trying to sort the bones in my right hand.

  “Hmmm. This is a really complicated puzzle!” He murmurs to himself.

  “Can you fix it or not!” I am getting nervous here.

  “Not so hasty. Ah I think I have it, that bone belongs into the other finger! HEAL!” By all the gods, who employed that guy?

  I take a look at the child while the healer is still trying to fix my hand. It smiles into my face. “Hehe. You look like an old man with all those wrinkles Aphrodium.”

  “He is NOT Aphrodium! His name is Aengus of Tirna to continue the tradition. A member of the royal line needs a strong name!” Ireth puffs her cheeks at me. She took the naming matter into her own hands when she heard of our little problem.

  “Let me hold him.” I take the child out of Celes's arms and smile at the wrinkled smiling face. Then I press a thumb at his forehead and search his mind and soul.

  But all I find is the dim and weak flame of a newborn. “What are you doing?” Celes gives me a concerned look.

  “Hahaha. Nothing I just took a look at his soul. The last thing I would have needed is that Seria played another joke on us and gave us someone who remembered his past life. I would find it creepy to educate someone who is already an adult person.” Everyone gives me a concerned look.

  “No problem really, he is just a normal dumb child, here look.” I make a stupid face at him and he laughs. “Papa will have to teach you everything the good old way.”

  All family members let out a sigh of relieve. “I had feared my grandson wouldn't be a normal child either.” Arthur hugs his wife.

  “Was it really that bad with Celes?” I ask him. “You have no idea how creepy it is when your baby daughter suddenly explains to you that you made a mistake with the taxes.” Arthur answers.

  I look at Celes. “I think I was two. And he forgot a whole city in the annual tally!” Hrm, I tried at least to pretend to be a normal child.


  The room shakes.


  The palace shakes again a little. Crap, what's going on? Explosions? I take a look out of the window and can see a ball of light arching through the sky, coming down at the palace.

  But a second before it impacts, it hits an invisible wall and disperses.


  The palace shakes another time. Seems like the automatic defence against long range weaponry works.

  The door opens and Drem enters the room. “Your majesties! You have to evacuate! An army suddenly appeared in the city and started to employ long range weaponry. The palace's shield isn't able to stop that for very long.”

  “How many?” -Me

  “At least ten thousand my king! They are marching in this direction. Our army is completely out of place. We can't stop them before they take the palace down.” Drem says with an urgent voice.

  “Leave the palace with everyone you can find and retreat to safety. I will teleport my family out of here and join you later.” -Me

  Drem nods and runs out of the room. “I will go too. I need my generals.” Arthur turns to leave.

  “Stop! Are they inside the palace?” I stop him.

  “No? It's late they are at their homes for sure. We didn't expect this at all.” -Arthur

  I give the baby to Celes and heave her out of the bed.

  “Then it's better if you leave with us. It would be stupid to collect at a point where the enemy already has a strong foothold. We give them the palace, it's just a stupid building.”

  Another explosion shakes the palace and a little dust is coming from the ceiling. It's time to get out of here!

  I teleport Celes and the healer, just to immediately return. Next are Ireth and Katrine. On my third trip I take Rose and Arthur.

  When I reappear for the third time to get Nicosar, I am in the air..... falling! “Stone Skin!” I experience a second of weightlessness and impact on the ground. “Ouf!”

  I get to my knees and see that everything is in ruins. Apparently the shield was broken and the private part of the palace was targeted first! “Nicosar!”

  No answer! I turn around and can see a hand under the rubble. A swipe of my hand frees the geezer, who is already half healed up again, while the mist is reforming his body.

  I grab him at the neck and teleport just a moment before another white ball curves down on our position.

  When I reappear, I drop Nicosar to the ground. “Where are we?” I hear Arthur's voice. “It's dark, I can't see!” -Ireth

  “Light!” I speak the command and the room is bathed in light. “You are in my research lab. It's the safest place I could think of.”

  “Safe? Wouldn't they attack the vital installations first?” Arthur is shocked. I run up to a console and hit a button.

  The face of a technician appears on the screen. “Your majesty! We already wanted to contact you, but the communication line into the city was cut. A few people tried to gain access to the facility. The guards dealt with them. We didn't leave our posts because we feared to leave the installation understaffed.”

  “Good work. Man the control room. Power up all systems. The City is under attack.” I cut the line before he can answer.

  “I need to get to our military.” Arthur stops me. “If you can tell me where they are likely to gather, I'll teleport you there. Otherwise you stay put.” My answer baffles him and I walk past him and out of the room.

  The whole facility starts to wake up and people run past me along the hallway. I walk about twenty meters and enter another room with a big door. Inside are already a few workers at their consoles.

  A big screen is on the opposite side of the room.

  Some are clearly controlling drones, while others are supervising my energy plant. On the screen is already a pretty good tactical map of the city.


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