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Until death?

Page 51

by Andur

  “You will reincarnate, but your memories will be sealed until you are eighteen. That will result in a new personality and a new life. And a new family. You will still be a god instead of a mortal. That's the best I am willing to offer you under the circumstances.” Angrod looks into the white sky.

  Um. It could be worse I think? I have heard a little about the Chimeran society. There could be a lot worse fates than that. Like the one El Shaddai got! I shudder. “I accept!”

  Angrod smiles at me with a devilish grin. “Good. Welcome to the family! My ~darling daughter~.”


  But suddenly everything goes dark and I fall into a dark abyss without being able to ask for an explanation!

  Why does it feel like I just made a very bad decision!? Why does it feel like I enlisted for a one way ticket to hell!!!!!

  85 - I want more children!

  I walk at a brisk pace towards Celes's laboratory. She had barricaded herself inside it since she discovered that we would have twins.

  While I walk, I hum a little song and balance Eris's soul marble on my fingertip. It will be hard to convince Celes.

  But I was moved and a little amused when Eris told me her life story. She isn't a bad person at heart. Just a little cowardly! Although she got very far by manipulating people. That's a very valuable skill for managing a kingdom.

  As I arrive, I open the door and take a look inside. The room is a little dark and Celes is kneeling on the floor inside a mountain of papers. She just has a little desk-light at her disposal.

  I sigh and switch the lights on. “Honey!”

  “What? I have to recalculate this!” Celes grumbles at me.

  “Look! I found a very valuable soul! Could we have triplets instead of twins?” -Me

  Celes scratches with her pen across the sheet of paper and tears it apart. Then she looks at me with an angry expression. “What's this nonsense?”

  “Um... like I said. I want this one as a child.” I smile at her and hold the soul marble before her.

  “Do I look like a breeding oven to you?” Celes looks at me like I would be scum. “Who is that by the way?”

  “A nice girl.” -Me

  “No. I won't recalculate this again!” -Celes

  “Then how about exchanging her for this Arianne?” -Me

  “NO!” Celes kicks my knee and I almost drop the marble.

  “Oi! Careful! I almost dropped her. Come on. I will do something for you. How about you get to be in charge of the bedroom activities for the next month? We will only do stuff you like.” I grin at her.

  Celes already turned back to her work but now she freezes for a moment. “No second tail? No cat costume?” Celes arches an eyebrow at me.

  Ugh! It will be hard but I guess... “No second tail.”

  “No tail ever again and I will consider it!” Celes crosses her arms before her chest.

  “What!? No. Not never again! I can't bear that! You are so cute in that costume!” Nooo! I can't make this deal! Sorry Eris. “Can we still use it at special occasions?”

  “OK! Very Rarely. On very special occasions!” Celes snaps the marble out my hand like sealing the deal.

  “Ugh! I didn't agree yet!” I need more time to think about this!

  “So who is it?” Celes ignores me.

  I pound my fists together. Well it could have become worse if she knew beforehand. “Okay. It's a deal. It's Eris.”

  “WHAT!” Celes holds the marble towards me like something dirty.

  But I step backwards. “Sealed Deal! No return rights included!”

  Celes forms a fist around the marble. And her expression twists into something evil. “Fine! You wanted it!” She turns around and walks towards a close table. After grabbing a big mean syringe with an absurdly big needle and a bottle, she turns around and comes back into my direction.

  “!!What's That!!” I take two steps backwards an Celes stops in front of me.

  “Come on! Even you aren't as clueless as that about biology. The other two are already a little too big for it to work the natural way. We have to help nature a bit. And for that I need the raw materials!” Celes starts to clean the syringe with the clear substance inside the bottle.

  “Noooo...nonono! You won't stab that into my b...” Suddenly Celes jumps at me and I jump backwards.


  I turn and run! This wasn't such a good idea after all! But something grabs my foot and I fall flat on my belly. By turning around, I realize that Celes got me with her tail! I try to claw my fingers into the ground while I get dragged back into her direction but it doesn't work! Damn crystal floor!

  “Men are such whimps! How did you think how this would work? If I have to get them out with this method, you will suffer the same! And what was that scream again!?” Celes has the needle ready now.

  I get to my knees and hug her around her waist with tears in my eyes. “You won honey! No tail! Not even on special occasions! Just get what you need the natural way!”

  Celes sighs and pats my head. “I know how much you like those plays. I really would like to change our agreement. But a deal is a deal. Trust me. In the long run, this will hurt me more than you.”









  “Did you hear that Seria?” -Aengus

  “Yeah, sounded like it came out of mom's laboratory.” -Seria

  “Something could have happened to her! We should take a look.” -Aengus

  But Seria grabs him and holds him back. “NO! Are you insane! She is still edgy because she has to recalculate everything! She is a control maniac. What if she wants to relieve her stress by testing drugs on us!?”

  “..... You are right. She is pregnant and her emotions are going wild. She is probably just frustrated. No good reason to take a risk by looking after her.” Aengus nods with a relived expression and returns to his duties.

  “And we need to get those calculations for the next year done! Otherwise she will lynch us! So type faster!” Seria urges her brother to continue and he nods with pearls of sweat forming on his forehead.


  I have been defiled! It wasn't supposed to turn out like this! What did I think I was doing!? I will never get it up again. I never would have imagined that I would make another traumatic experience at my age.

  The Razor Claws were bad enough! Now it's needles!

  “Come on Angrod! You have been brooding in that corner for two hours now! It wasn't that bad! And you already used healing magic several times. It won't get healer than healed!” Celes is done with her work.

  “You have no idea! This isn't a physical issue, but a mental one! You can't just stab that into....” Oh god! Just by thinking about it, everything starts to turn.

  “~Little One!~ Turn around and look. Just once!” -Celes

  “No! I can't look at that horrible tool!” It's too cruel! I don't even have something like that in my arsenal of torture instruments!

  I hear a sigh from Celes and suddenly I feel her hugging me from behind with something soft on my head.

  “~I thought I would heal your Little One in another way.~”

  I look around and realize that Celes is in a tight fitting nurse outfit. Wow!

  “~Doesn't this fit the occasion?~”

  “My Goddess!” I hug her and draw her into a kiss while we tumble to the ground. She locks her legs around me and starts to giggle.

  “~Look I have a new variant of the aphrodisiac.~” Suddenly she has another syringe in her hand. I grab it and throw it as far away as possible.

  “I don't need that!” Then I teleport us to our wood house. Just away from this cursed laboratory!

  On another world a few years later

  “Sharid! I can't believe you are doing this to me! What will become of our family business!” Mother bugs me since I started packing.
/>   “It's enough mom! I am going! You have my two little sisters as heirs anyway. I have to travel and find myself! I need to find out why this god cursed me!” I won't become weak now! I have trained my body and my mind until I bled! Nobody can stop me from this journey!

  “But it isn't a curse! It's a blessing! Your sisters are nowhere as talented as you! The income goes up just because you look out of the window!” Mother doesn't want to realize my issues.

  It's good that my power surpasses hers by now. She would stop me with force otherwise. “I am gone now! Bye, Mom. Thank you for everything. I will stop by once in a while!”

  “Shariiid!” Mom hugs me but I don't let my heart waver. “Be careful on the road. And remember... a good kick between the legs sends every pervert to heaven!”

  Then I bend down to my two little sisters and hug them too.

  “Bring me something from far away!” “I want a present too! Come back fast!” I love both of them, but that doesn't change my feelings of unrest.

  With that I nod to them and draw a hood over my head and put on the big trenchcoat. It's the only way possible for me to move around in public.

  Otherwise I am permanently ogled by perverts and followed by stalkers! These abilities of mine are a curse!

  I sneak with tears in my eyes outside the city and set off on the road to the north. From a few travellers I heard about a famous magical academy!

  Maybe they know something about gods and their curses! I will research this matter with all my might!

  I am just sixteen and had already more marriage proposals than I can count! If I ever meet that pervert god face to face I will kill him! I will rip out the thing between his legs and feed it to him!

  With a grim determination I walk along the road at a steady pace.

  “~~Nyahahaha! Just wait pervert god! I will climb the ranks to the top and then you will take this curse off of me!~~”

  A few merchants on the road turn mesmerized into my direction. SHIT! I start to run while a hoard of merchants and other travelers chase me.


  86 - Searching and a damsel in distress!

  “So it's decided. We will start to investigate all those locations and determine if we can find a trace of the Council.” Miruliru nods with a satisfied expression.

  “And you are sure that Eris told you the truth?” Carne grumbles while he is flipping through a stash of papers.

  “Sure as much as it's possible. I kept Eris close just in case.” I smile at the group at the table. We are in Asheim to talk about our future actions.

  “You kept her close? Don't tell me you did something unreasonable like with El Shaddai!” -Chiffre

  “Nonono. It's nothing like that. You don't have to worry.” I keep smiling. Hmmm. But the talks about El Shaddai remind me of something.

  It feels like I forgot something. Hmmm.

  “I see, you don't want to tell. Well it's the same in any case.” Gwalonna shrugs her shoulders.

  “We will check all locations within our territories and report back as soon as we find something.” Zanders nods at the group and vanishes.

  One after the other, the rest leaves too until I am alone in the room. Hah. It still feels like I forgot something.

  Whatever. I will remember it sometime. While I hum a tune, I step onto a pathway to take a look at our newest project.

  I reappear on a panorama platform above Chimera. To be more exact it's on the moon. To deal with the rapid appearance of new Spheres, we decided to massively invest in our fleet of flying fortresses.

  By stepping closer to the big window, I get a good view on a long row of crystalline ships. Well I will call those things ships. They are smaller than the fortresses with long and sleek forms.

  We decided to do it that way because they are easier to build. Or grow in this case. And using a whole fortress is serious overkill to deal with small incidents.

  The other powers don't have something like that yet. But they are playing with the thought. The Arcane Community already launched a few of their prototypes.

  The fortresses and ships offer protection if nothing else. It's not that easy to crack open a crystal armoured shell. And in case of fights, they are perfect rally points of strategic value.

  “I see you came to take a look at my work.” Margerie's voice reaches me from behind.

  I turn around and smile while hugging her. “I got curious how far your project has evolved.”

  “The first few ships will fly within the next month. We concentrated all our efforts in developing the moon as a shipyard so far. If we face no unforeseen problems, we will start to finish a ship every three days.” Margerie smiles proudly while she crosses both her fingers in front of her.

  I arch my eyebrows. That's more than I bargained for. “Do we even have enough people to man them?”

  “They have smaller crews than the fortresses and there are many security features to the systems. We could even lend them to the other powers if we run out of personnel. Of course only in exchange for a little fee.” -Margerie

  I smile wryly at her. “I wouldn't be too confident that guys like the Arcane Community wouldn't be able to work around those security features. They have some very crafty people.”

  Margerie snorts at that comment. “I doubt that they would have the guts to dabble with my security features. I linked any security breach directly to a complete energy conversion.”

  “Energy Conversion?”-Me

  “The mana which makes up the mana crystal will completely convert directly into energy, if a foreign power would take control of the vessel.” -Margerie

  “ARE YOU INSANE!? IT WILL BLOW THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM APART!” I scream up. That's dangerous! Never release the energy of a mana crystal uncontrolled!

  “MUAHAHA! It will be fine! It's all within my calculations. Half of the mana will be spent to create barriers. The destruction will be restricted to a small space around the vessel.” Margerie pats my shoulder with a confident smile.

  “I still haven't a good feeling about something like this above Chimera.” -Me

  I keep talking to Margerie about her security measures for half an hour until I feel relatively assured about the safety of this project.

  Afterwards I set out to get back to my family for dinner. It became a custom for the whole family to eat together at least once a week long ago.

  I reappear inside the dining room where Celes is already waiting with the kids. Arthur, Katrine and Ireth are there too. Just Nicosar is missing?

  I sit down at the table. “Where is the geezer?”

  “Nicosar took one of the fortresses to investigate possible hideouts of the Council.” Ireth gives me the short version.

  He could have let others do such a boring job. Checking out all the places someone could hide within the multiverse is a hideously boring task. Even if you can move at instant speed from one location to another.

  “Well. He could have taken the time and came here for dinner at least.” -Me

  “You know him. If he is on a task, he doesn't stop until it's accomplished.” -Arthur


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