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Until death?

Page 60

by Andur

  The family resemblance is outstanding. Horns, tails and faces. Just that the little sisters have black hair instead of Seria's blood red colour.

  “Um thanks. I was just about to get myself registered when you fell on me. Why did you even fall from the tower! Did someone throw you?” Is this some kind of punishment here?

  “It's a game!” “You have to jump and hit people!” “Wanna try?”

  The little sisters answer my question in an unexpected way. “Um. Sorry. I will pass on that!”

  “You could be the target!” “The others here got too good at evading!” “Wanna try?”

  “I have to register myself first! Maybe we can play when I have an idea of my situation.” Or NEVER! I won't jump, nor will I be a target!

  “Then we will continue.” “You know where we are!” “Just wait down here if you want to train evasion!”

  The three kids disappear and Seria gives me an apologetic look. “They are a little to enthuiastic about this game. Please don't be mad at them. Want me to give you a little guided tour? There is much to see in Asheim!”

  I bow to Seria. “That would be very helpful, but I can't reward you!”

  “Hahaha! There is no need for a reward! Come to the registration first! That will take some time. I am also curious about your divinities!” Seria grabs my hand and pulls me along.

  Soon after I am before a female examiner who is taking my information like name, gender, age, political alignment.....

  “So, that's done then. Welcome as a new god, Sharid. Here is your identification crystal with all your data and 1000 GP as a starting capital.” -Examiner

  “1000GP!” I shout out in surprise.

  “It's nothing. You will need it. Even very powerful and lucky newbies need two to three years in order to find employment in a guild.” -Examiner

  Oh! Should I have taken Miruliru's offer to join her society? This sounds very harsh!

  “So what about that test for my divinity?” I ask with a curious voice. This didn't take long at all.

  “That's five hundred GP to take it at the next big examination please. Nine hundred If you want to take it immediately!” -Examiner

  “That's stealing! You Chimerans are money grubbers!” I have to call out at that price! They give you money, just to take it back immediately!

  “Hahaha! I will pay for you Sharid. Buy yourself something nice with the rest of the money. It should be enough for some decent equipment if you search for the cheap stores.” Seria waves a crystal at the examiner.

  “Y... You can't do that! How will I pay you back!?” I can't take money!

  “No problem! No problem! Actually I am filthy rich! Those are peanuts to me! I am aiming for a position in the government.” Seria waves at me while the examiner pushes a big stash of papers into my hands.

  “Answer those questions completely truthful! If you lie and the examination fails.... NO MONEY RETURNED!” -Examiner




  Half an hour later I am done and wait with Seria before the examiners test. “Kuh! That felt more like a psychological test than anything else.”

  “It is a psychological test!” Examiner answers while ticking off some things on my papers. “And finally! We are done! Welcome in the ranks of gods! Sharid, goddess of lust, ~masochism~ and ~sadism~!”

  “OOOooohh! Three divinities! Like my brother! You are very gifted Sharid. Three divinities are rare!” Seria pats my back.

  “Waaait! Whyyyy! I am neither of those! Something is definitely wrong here!” I make a denying gesture at the examiner.

  “I am good at my job! I don't make mistakes!” -Examiner

  “Then how? I am not like that!” There has to be a mistake.

  “Your divinities are strongly influenced by your mental state at the moment right before your ascension. If I could take a look at your memories, I could explain it to you.” -Examiner

  “Uum! That's a little...” Can I do that?

  “I won't look at anything else. Just the moment you show me.” -Examiner

  I nod and the examiner grabs my hands. A few moments later she lets go.

  “Hmm. Very interesting. You remember when you crushed that ork's brain? You felt lust and satisfaction by hurting those orks. It turned you on in a sexual way!” -Examiner

  “Urgh! I don't want to believe it! Then why masochism!” -Me

  “Because you decided to stop the rest of the orks at the cost of your own life-power. You continued to hurt yourself while doing the thing you love the most and that's singing. You felt the pleasure of singing and the pain of losing your life at the same time.” The examiner gives me a dirty smirk.

  I drop to my knees while Seria pats my back. “It will work out! You actually have the best matching set of divinities I have ever seen. HahaHAHAHAAHAHA!”

  96 - Signing your fate!

  By the time we left the registration office I was completely destroyed. How could something like that happen to me. It's cruel!

  I never realized that I had those kinds of feelings. “No matter how you look at it. This is my social end! How can I face other people with a straight face while having those kinds of divinities!”

  “Don't be so hard on yourself. Look at me! I am a goddess of life and death! Guess how I felt when I found out that I get stronger by committing mass murder or granting life by hooking people up as couples!” Seria makes a dismissive gesture and smiles at me.

  “And your boyfriend will be on cloud nine when he finds out!” Seria gives me a stupid smirk.

  “Yeah... I guess. If I ever find a decent one after this revelation.” It's not fair! I wished for a real romantic romance, marrying and living happily ever after.

  "Heeh. So you don't have one.... unexpected." -Seria

  We leave the building and I become aware of a commotion on the plaza.

  “Seria! Where are you!”

  A really pretty high grade demoness is standing in the centre of the area. She looks very similiar to Seria, just a little older. Two limp bodies are hanging in each of her arms! A third one is held at the ankle by her tail and hangs there without moving.


  She is shrieking like crazy with a really angry expression on her face. The people on the plaza don't react to her. It's as if they are deliberately trying to pretend that they have neither seen nor heard anything.

  “I will disown you!”

  A really dangerous aura starts pressing down on me and I have problems staying upright under the pressure. That's when I realize that Seria is hiding behind me. “Who is that?”

  “That's my mom! She caught my little sisters. May the gods have mercy on their souls! She hates it when we play tower jumping.” Seria pulls me into a side alley and peeks around the corner.

  “Your mom! But she can't be much older than you! She is twenty five at most!” I arch my eyebrow.

  “Sharid. We are gods. Do you think that our outer appearance has to reflect our age?” Seria snickers at me.

  Then I realize how stupid I am. Miruliru looks like a child while she is actually an old granny. “So? I guess you will have to hide.”

  “What are you saying! We still have to take a look around the town!” Seria grabs my hand and pulls me away from the plaza.





  Afterwards she gave me a guided tour through the whole city. Haaa. I feel like I know every shop and clothing store now. Right now we are having a small rest in a coffee shop.

  And why does it seem like Seria is a very well known person? She said that she is filthy rich, so her family is probably well known.

  But this goes beyond being popular! Almost everyone on the street made room for us. Some people even bowed to her. “Seria? Are you some kind of superstar?”

  “Bwhahaha! Nah! Nothing like that. I am just the first Princess of Chimera!” Seria proclaims something insane which makes my mind blank out.

bsp; She is the princess? And Angrod is the king? “That means the frightening woman from the plaza was the Queen!?”

  “Yup! That was mom.” The strange princess confirms my thoughts with a happy look on her face.

  But what should I do from here? Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to get revenge on Angrod by using her? But she is such a nice person! And she helped me! I can't use her like that for such a petty reason.

  Even though my grudge runs very deep. Involving others in my problems is still bad. Haaaa.... and if my new knowledge about history is true... I … somehow... deserved... NOOO! I didn't deserve it! My current personality doesn't even have any memories of the past me!

  And we became friends! Somehow? I think we are friends now! I can't do something like that to a friend.

  This is a great problem! What if Angrod suddenly shows up and recognizes me!? Bad! Bad! Bad! ~Super Final DEAD End Situation!~

  “You don't have to be so shocked about it! I am not like those princesses out of a bad movie. Just relax! And mom isn't as dangerous as she appeared either.” -Seria

  “Then why does your face look like you just told me the biggest lie ever!” That wasn't serious at all!

  “Okay! Mom can be a little frightening. But she has a righteous heart. Jumping onto people is an absolute ~no go~ for her. Even though it's fun!” Seria slams her hand onto the table.

  “I don't get how it should be fun. But as long as nobody gets injured I guess......” It's hard for me to justify something like that as funny. If you would jump onto a villain..... but those were random people. On the other hand I am a villain in disguise so.....

  “Why do you have a lecherous grin like that on your face? Did you see a good guy? Tell me!” -Seria

  I immediately get my expression back under control. “Sorry. I just thought about something really stupid. Nothing to share with others.”

  “Mu... you are no fun! So tell me at least what you plan to do next?” Seria tilts her head and looks at me.

  “Next?” I blink my eyes.

  “From now on. You are registered as a neutral god now. Will you join one of the big societies? Or will you work for a guild? Or try to play god for the mortals. You could create a really hilarious religion.” Seria's expression becomes really creepy.

  “~NOOO!~ I won't, I will never, ever create a religion! I would die of shame!” Haaaah. That's the least of my intentions! “I thought about wandering the multiverse, to see a few different places. Maybe find somewhere to settle down. Looking in on my mortal family from time to time.”

  “Oh. So you still have those kinds of bonds. I am sorry. It will be hard to watch them grow old while you continue to live on.” Seria has a sad expression on her face.

  I know that it will be hard, mentally. But on the emotional side, I guess that I don't fully realize the consequences of my situation.

  “Don't think too much over it. If you want to enjoy yourself, I have a really cool recommendation for you!” Seria grabs my shoulders and starts to jump with a bright face.

  “And that would be?” Don't taunt me like that and give me the full story!

  “Okay! There is a world named Amor. It has a fantasy setting with a demon lord and a hero! The god who is in charge of the world made a guild request to assist the hero from the shadows to create peace!” Seria nods after thinking for a second.

  “It's the perfect playground for a new god! You could go there and have some fun! From what I heard that place has some really awesome landscapes! I will go and snatch the required documents! Wait here!” Suddenly Seria winks out of existence.

  Huh? I didn't even give my confirmation! How irrational can someone be?

  Then Seria reappears before me and presses a stash of papers into my hands. “That's the complete contract! You just have to sign. There is no hidden trick to it.”

  “F... Fast!” I take the papers to have a look at them. This is suspicious.

  “Hahaha. I have some connections! Originally I intended to sign the contract myself to have some fun. So I had them ready for signing.” -Seria

  “If it's like that..... isn't it bad then? It feels like I am stealing your vacation!” If the situation is like that I can't sign this.

  “No problem! And if you work there for a while, I know where to find you. I will come from time to time and play! There is no need to have a contract with the god of that world. If he has something against me, I will send my dad to have a word with him!” -Seria

  She might be more dangerous than I thought! How much influence does she have on her father!? “I guess?”

  I take the offered pen to sign the papers. But a second before I write my name a really bad feeling crawls down my spine! Something is fishy!

  Suddenly Seria's hand encases my hand with the pen! It's like a steel vice! I can't even budge!

  “~It's really no trick behind it! Just sign!~”

  Seria's hand guides me slowly and deliberately while creating a !perfect! copy of my signature! From where does she even know it!?

  AH! The registration process from earlier!

  “~No matter how you look at it! This is just wrong!~”

  “~It's going to be all right.~”

  97 - The mistakes of youth?

  GYAAA! How can this be!? This stupid job! I was charged with creating peace! Why is my party preparing for the final battle of this war!? NYAAA!

  Ok! Think about it! When I visited this world for the first time I started to gather information. There is a big continent which is formed like an hourglass lying on its side.

  The west is controlled by the darkness faction. The east is under the supervision of the light faction. Both of them are stuck in an endless war because of their ideologies. But nobody could get the upper hand till now because the narrow land bridge is a perfect geological barrier between them.

  Even if one side is momentarily weakened, it's very easy to defend because the land bridge is rife with fortresses.

  The light faction is made up of humans, elves, fairies and dwarves. The darkness faction consists mostly of beastmen, demons, orks and goblins. Though the last two aren't as bad as I know them from my world. They have a highly evolved society and cities of their own.

  First I tried to interfere just with small actions. But somehow everything I did went wrong. I found a super strong trainer for the hero and ~convinced~ him to train the hero.

  Then I organized a really strong weapon for him and had him learn about ethics from a peaceful monk.

  Afterwards I had him gather a group of really strong allies.

  But the moment my hero started to fight in the war, an equally strong character named -the demon king- appeared on the darkness faction's side.

  From there, everything went out of control. Originally I wanted the light faction to win and create peace. But now it got bloodier than ever because they didn't manage to defeat the darkness faction.

  Then I decided to take action personally! I disguised myself as a wandering spellweaver and joined the hero-party.

  From then on I tried to influence them into starting peace negotiations. But nothing worked! Nyaaa! How can anyone be so stupid!


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